Special Forces King

Chapter 84: bet


Looking at the "reinforcements" that suddenly appeared from the woods on both sides, Ah Fu was inevitably a little confused. []

The clothes of these people are all in tatters. Most of them are still wearing single cloth shirts in the middle of winter, and they even wear straw sandals on their feet. Many people don’t even have straw sandals, they are just barefoot, and most of them still have weapons in their hands. The rifles were made in Hanyang, or they were old sleeve rifles from the former Qing Dynasty, or even firecrackers.

Ah Fu saw a child who was as thin as a bean sprout. After firing a shot, he quickly loaded paper-wrapped gunpowder from the muzzle of the gun into the barrel, and then compacted it with barrel strips. Even though he was young, But the boy's movements were extremely agile. Obviously, this was not his first time participating in the war.

Of course, there was also a machine gun. A strong man with a stature comparable to that of Li Hai was holding an imitation Czech light machine gun and shooting wildly there.

Who are these people

A huge question mark floated in Ah Fu's mind.

These people were obviously either the Communists or the Sichuan Army, and they were not as poor as they were.

When Ah Fu was confused, a girl with a delicate figure but a dashing heroic spirit had already approached him and asked: "Are you the people who are temporarily assigned to the 79th Division?"

Ah Fu nodded blankly.

"Thank God, it's not too late after all." The girl breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ah Fu, "Well, let's leave this place to us. You can quickly retreat with your brothers."

"Withdraw" Ah Fu looked around with a miserable look on his face.

Just now, the last two remnant soldiers had been killed. Now, after excluding the few people who escorted the arms to the fork of the river, the remaining people, including the platoon leader Hei Qi, were all dead. Only the remaining He was the next one. At this time, how could he have the nerve to retreat and fight against the Japanese devils

Ah Fu didn't think much at that moment, he just jumped up with the Sanba Gaigai with the bayonet on it.

However, before Ah Fu could launch a charge, the girl caught up with him, turned the mirror box around, and hit Ah Fu on the back of the neck with the handle of his gun. Ah Fu immediately whimpered and collapsed softly, but his meaning remained the same. Remaining awake, he saw the girl put him on the ground, and then ordered the strong man like a mountain: "Soldier, lead the Japanese away."

"Yes." The strong man responded, holding the machine gun and yelling, "Team One, Team Two, follow me."

Then, Ah Fu felt himself being carried on someone's back and began to stagger forward, but the sound of gunshots gradually faded away.

Ah Fu wanted to ask the man carrying him to put him down. He wanted to fight the Japanese. He wanted to fight the Japanese to the death. Even if he died, he would die with Brother Seven and his brothers.

Dividing line

Throughout the afternoon, the Japanese in Nantong did not launch another attack.

Xu Rui was not idle, and took the veterans around to patrol.

"Look at the camp, the tunnel has been dug." Li Hai led Xu Rui to a well, then pointed at the wellhead and said with some pride, "The exit of the tunnel is in the well. It's hidden enough. The devils are gods. It's impossible to find it." As he did so, Li Hai had already stepped over the edge of the well and slid down the wheel of the water cart.

Starting last night, the *** camp began to find land next to the dock to dig a tunnel.

As luck would have it, we found several blacksmith shops in the ruins, and there was no shortage of guys.

This morning, even when the fighting was at its fiercest, Li Hai and his temporary company never participated in the fighting, but kept digging tunnels.

After a while, Li Hai's voice came from the bottom of the well: "Yingzuo, you guys can come down too."

Xu Rui and Lao Laing also slid along the wheels to the bottom of the well, only to find that the bottom of the well was dry.

On the edge of the well wall, a half-person-high opening was opened. Bend down and get into this opening. Inside, there is a narrow corridor that is only accessible to one person. Walk forward about ten meters along the corridor, and the space in front of you suddenly becomes clear. It's cheerful, but it's a pretty big space, and it can accommodate at least a hundred or so people without any problem.

Xu Rui said happily: "Dahai, you can do it. You actually dug this tunnel in one night."

"Actually, we didn't dig it all." Li Hai scratched his head and said, "No, you have to tunnel the camp as close to the Nantong Pier as possible and be hidden enough, so I found this well. I thought to myself, digging a tunnel under this well would not meet your requirements at the camp. As a result, I went down to the bottom of the well. Guess what?"

The veteran touched the four walls that had obviously been compacted and said suddenly: "It turns out that a ready-made tunnel was discovered."

"How do you know, battalion deputy?" Li Hai widened his eyes and said, "What a coincidence. I went down to the bottom of the well, only to find that a tunnel had been dug out of the well wall, and it led straight to here. This I don’t know who dug the tunnel, so it saves us the trouble. Take a look at the camp, it will be no problem to hide hundreds or ten people."

Xu Rui snorted lightly and then said: "However, we still need to dig more tunnels and hide more ambushes. This principle is the same as setting fire. The more ignition points we have, the faster the fire will burn. We can only start from multiple sources." Only by launching attacks from different directions at the same time can we create greater chaos for the Japanese more quickly."

Li Hai bowed his head again and again.

After leaving the dock, Xu Rui took the veterans to the mud mountain.

On the reverse slope of the mud mountain facing the Yangtze River, there is a flat land less than fifty meters away from the mountain, about fifty meters in radius, with open terrain and good shooting range. This is the heavy machine gun position selected by Xu Rui.

If heavy machine guns are added to this platform, the Japanese naval guns on the Yangtze River will not be a threat at all, and the Japanese who land on the beach will only be brutally massacred.

The old soldier stood on the top of the mud mountain, looked at the platform on the reverse slope, and then looked at the vast Yangtze River in front of him: "Old Xu, I must admit that your entire plan is full of extraordinary imagination, but the prerequisites are But there are too many, and as long as one of the prerequisites is not met, all efforts will be immediately wasted.”

Xu Rui stood on the top of the mountain with his hands on his waist and said calmly: "Then do you think any condition is difficult to achieve?"

The veteran shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I think you shouldn't ask me which condition is difficult to achieve. You should ask me which condition can be achieved. To be honest, I'm really not optimistic about this plan. If you change your mind now, what's the point? It’s too late, but once the whole plan is launched, it will be difficult to change it.”

Xu Rui said in amusement: "So, you are completely unfavorable about my battle plan."

"Of course." The veteran continued, "First of all, Shigeto Chiaki may not be fooled, and may not be deceived by your stratagem; secondly, even if Shigeto Chiaki falls into your stratagem, he may not be fooled by your plan. Arrange the order for crossing the river. As long as he leaves two infantry brigades in the north of the river, your plan will fail."

Xu Rui smiled slightly and said calmly: "There's more, let's continue."

The veteran nodded lightly and continued: "Third, if the information intercepted by the Fuxing Society is fraudulent, or simply the Japanese meteorological observation troops are wrong, tomorrow will be a sunny day, and the Japanese air force will be able to rush to the battlefield. By then, the Japanese will Just one heavy aerial bomb can blast the heavy machine gun position you rely on into the sky."

Xu Rui's expression remained unchanged, looking at the vast Yangtze River in front of him, and asked calmly: "Is there any more?"

"Also." The veteran added, "Even if you were lucky enough to bet correctly on the first three, if I were Chiaki Shigeto, after the first wave of beach landings was repelled, I would never be stupid and invest more troops. Continue to seize the beach. I will seize the beach and land on the upper and lower reaches far away from the mud mountains. By then, what use will your heavy machine gun positions have?"

Xu Rui took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, took one out, put it in his mouth, and struck a match to light it.

First he took a deep breath, and then Xu Rui squinted his eyes and said coldly: "The first three are all nonsense, and the last one is serious. I admit that your worries are reasonable, and I am also a little worried, but I The important thing is, veteran, you overlooked one very important one."

The veteran said blankly: "Which one did I ignore?"

"Time," Xu Rui threw the cigarette he had just taken a drag on the ground and stamped it out, "You ignored time. When Chiaki Shigeto, an old devil, was trapped at Jiangbei Pier, when the old devil was in danger, how could you think of the devil on the south bank?" I would also consider taking a detour upstream and downstream to cross the river calmly, and then come back for rescue.”

"This" the veteran was suddenly speechless.

The general is the soul of the soldier, the soldier is the courage of the general, and the general is the soul of an army.

The general is in danger, but as subordinates, how many of them can still be calm and calm

When Chiaki Shigeto is trapped in the north of the Yangtze River, there is a danger of being shot and killed at any time. It is completely conceivable how many of the Japs on the South Bank can handle it calmly. By then, the Japs on the South Bank will be desperate and swarm to come back frantically, because if Chiaki Shigeto is Being shot dead by their *** camp will be a shame that Taiwan's mixed brigade will never be able to wash away.

However, the veteran was not easily subdued. He immediately said: "But how can you be sure that Shigeto Chiaki will definitely stay in Jiangbei? What if he follows the infantry to cross the river first? At that time, Shigeto Chiaki may still use his plan. Use the headquarters and the directly affiliated departments as bait to trap and kill the *** battalion."

"No." Xu Rui said firmly, "Even if the old Japs Chongteng Chiaki crosses the river first, the Chongteng detachment will still be defeated this time."

The veteran said solemnly: "You are really so confident."

"I'm so confident." Xu Rui said happily.

The veteran looked at Xu Rui deeply and said in a deep voice: "What you call is blind confidence, which sounds like arrogance."

"Arrogant, veteran, I have to tell you, you are not the first person to treat me like this, and I'm afraid you won't be the last person to treat me like this, but I am who I am, and I am Xu Rui." Xu Rui paused. After a pause, he added, "Why don't we make another bet? If I win, you will tell me where you came from. You are not allowed to cheat again this time."

"Okay." The veteran said solemnly, "If you still win this time, I will tell you."

"I'm leaving, I'm back." Xu Rui smiled slightly and added, "Counting the time, Qi and the others should be back by now. That batch of weapons and ammunition is the real key to determining the victory of this battle."
