Special Forces King

Chapter 91: Fell into a trap


At this time, the Japs from the two Taiwanese infantry regiments of the Chongteng detachment had all crossed the river. The remaining more than a thousand Japs were artillerymen, engineers, communications corps, medical corps, and staff officers, and they all crowded onto the dock. The little Japs were also It was really arrogant to the extreme. Except for a military police team to maintain order, there were no other security forces.

But then again, Xu Rui's plan to hide the truth is indeed too realistic. Not only Shigeto Chiaki, but also all the Japanese are convinced of it. They all believe that the remnants of the temporary 79th Division have crossed the Yangtze River at night, and After going to Wuxi, the Japanese who stayed in Jiangbei never thought that the remnants of the temporary 79th Division were actually still in Nantong. Some of them, and the most well-equipped main force, were hiding less than five meters away from the dock. Under the dry well ten meters away.

Therefore, no one discovered Le Hai at all, nor did anyone discover the stone that Le Hai threw into the dry well.

Soon, "japs" appeared one after another under the edge of the dry well, and they were heavily armed "japs". They climbed on the windlass, stepped on the tread holes in the well wall, and emerged from the well one after another. He climbed up and quickly unfolded behind Li Hai. In less than a moment, no less than a hundred people had gathered.

At this time, the Japanese on the dock were still ignorant.

After a while, Li Yi and Heipi also arrived with the other two platoons.

Li Hai waved his hand, and more than three hundred remaining soldiers stood up one after another, carrying various guns and rushing towards the dock without saying a word.

After turning around the ruins, there was no longer any obstruction between the remnants of the Independence Battalion and the Nantong Pier. The Japanese military police guarding outside the pier immediately discovered this sudden appearance of "friendly troops". Until this moment, the Japanese military police had not realized it. , the god of death is approaching them, or they have encountered friendly forces from a certain division.

"Hey, which division are you from?" the leading Japanese soldier pointed his gun at the ground and asked loudly.

At this time, the more than 300 remaining soldiers of the Independent Battalion were less than 20 meters away from the dock, and they had all deployed.

Li Hai smiled at the Japanese sergeant, and then suddenly stepped aside. The two remnants of the independent battalion hiding behind Li Hai had already raised their German-made MP36 Schmeisser submachine guns. Li Hai yelled and hit, The two remnant soldiers pulled the trigger of the submachine gun without hesitation, and the hot bullets rained down in an instant.

The Japanese soldier who asked the question was caught off guard and was beaten into a sieve.

The remaining Japanese soldiers realized something was wrong and quickly raised their guns, preparing to fight back.

At this time, more than 20 remaining soldiers behind Li Hai had raised their submachine guns at the same time and opened fire violently.

After several battles, although the German-made MP36 Schmeisser submachine gun captured by the Independence Battalion was not damaged, there was not much ammunition left. Li Hai collected all the remaining ammunition and distributed it to more than 20 remaining soldiers to form a commando team. , once the battle starts, these twenty commandos will be the sharp knives stabbing the Japanese!

Twenty German-made MP36 Schmeisser submachine guns opened fire violently, instantly interweaving into a dense rain of bullets. Faced with such ferocious firepower, the dozen or so Japanese military police on guard had no chance of resisting. In less than a moment, In a short time, all the dozen or so Japanese soldiers were beaten into sieves and fell into a pool of blood.

The sudden appearance of the Chinese army caused great panic to the Japanese who were still on the dock.

At this time, Mikuchi Mi, the chief of staff of the Shigefuji detachment, and the staff of the headquarters were still on the pier and had not crossed the river. There was a commotion outside the pier. Before she realized the danger, Mikuchi stood up from the ammunition box with her saber on her back. , asked with a stern face: "What's going on? What happened outside?"

None of the staff members could answer Kikuchi Mei, because they didn't know what was going on outside.

But soon, Kikuchi Mi and the staff of the headquarters knew what was happening outside, because the next moment, intensive gunfire rang out outside the pier. Hearing such intensive gunfire, Kikuchi Mi's face suddenly changed. , many years of military career have given Kikuchi Mi a wealth of experience. Just by hearing the sound of gunshots, he knew something was wrong!

"China soldiers! China soldiers, there are China soldiers!" Kikuchi Mei reacted immediately and yelled hastily, "Order, all units organize defenses on the spot, block them, block them, block them..."

However, it was too late to think of organizing defense at this time.

What's more, the people remaining on the north coast at this moment are basically technical arms. Whether it is artillery, engineers, communications, medical or headquarters staff, they only have a small number of rifles and southern-style pistols, and almost no light and heavy machine guns. Such a firepower configuration, faced with The independent battalion commandos, whose firepower was extremely ferocious, could be said to be powerless to fight back.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill all the little devils, kill them all, kill them all, kill them all..." Li Hai raised his submachine gun and fired fiercely while walking forward carelessly. In less than twenty meters, he shot them all. He grabbed all five magazines, threw the submachine gun away, grabbed the machine gun from a remnant soldier, and fired violently.

The Japanese military police guarding the entrance to the pier were like weeds that had been cut down, falling piece by piece.

How could a mere gendarmerie squad stop the independent battalion commandos? In less than a moment, the two circular barricades at the entrance of the pier fell into the hands of the independent battalion. Then the commandos set up more than a dozen machine guns on the two circular barricades and opened fire violently at the little Japs crowded on the pier.

Massacre, this is simply a bloody massacre!

There were nearly two thousand Japanese soldiers at the Chongteng detachment headquarters and the various directly affiliated units, like sheep being driven into a sheepfold and being slaughtered wantonly, without the slightest ability to resist.

(Dividing line)

Set the time back to half an hour ago.

At this time, Shigeto Chiaki was anxiously waiting for news on the outskirts of Fukuyama Town.

Immediately after crossing the river, Shigeto Chiaki sent out the cavalry.

The remnants of the temporary 79th Division crossed the river at about ten o'clock last night. However, by the time Chiaki Shigeto led the cavalry to cross the river, it was already past two o'clock in the morning. Almost four hours had passed. Even according to the At normal march speed, the remnants of the temporary 79th Division should have reached thirty miles away at this moment.

If they marched by force, they might even reach fifty miles away.

Therefore, only by using the cavalry can it be possible to capture the remnants of the temporary 79th Division and prevent them from escaping.

However, until dawn the next day, no news came back from the cavalry team sent out.

For no reason, Shigeto Chiaki suddenly felt uneasy in his heart. He vaguely felt that something was wrong. Logically speaking, the mobility of cavalry was far better than that of infantry, so the cavalry sent out should have arrived long ago. And they are targeting the remnants of the temporary 79th Division, but why has no news come back yet

However, at this time, Shigeto Chiaki was only worried that something might happen to the cavalry, but he did not realize that even the entire Shigeto detachment had become prey.

This is not because Shigeto Chiaki is arrogant and underestimates the enemy. In fact, this matter is beyond his cognitive scope.

Time passed slowly as Shigeto Chiaki waited impatiently, and soon another half hour passed.

Chiaki Shigeto raised his wrist again, and now the hand was almost pointing to half past seven in the morning. However, the cavalry teams sent in three different directions still did not come back. At this time, Chiaki Shigeto finally couldn't sit still anymore. Accompanied by Nobuyoshi and Funakoshi, they climbed to the hill near the temporary headquarters and looked into the distance.

However, at this moment, gunfire suddenly came from Jiangbei.

"Huh? What's going on? What happened in Jiangbei?" Shigeto Chiaki didn't realize the seriousness of the problem yet. He didn't even turn the telescope to take a look at Jiangbei. Instead, he still used the telescope to scan the direction of Wuxi, Suzhou and Changshu. He expected cavalry to appear from these directions and bring him the whereabouts of the remaining troops of the 79th Division.

Oda Nobuyoshi, who was standing next to Shigeto Chiaki, turned around and pointed his telescope at Nantong Pier.

The next moment, Oda Nobuyoshi's short and stocky body shook violently, and his entire upper body thrust forward, as if he wanted to get closer to the Nantong Pier in order to see more clearly.

Then, Oda Nobuyoshi roared in a sleepy voice: "No, no, no, no, no, no..."

Listening to Oda Nobuyoshi's nonsense, Shigeto Chiaki frowned, then turned around and pointed the telescope at the Nantong Pier in Jiangbei. In the next moment, Shigeto Chiaki's mouth also opened wide.

"Nani?" Shigeto Chiaki clenched the telescope tightly. Veins like earthworms suddenly appeared on her forehead, cheeks and neck. Then, Shigeto Chiaki screamed in disbelief, " Impossible, how could there be Chinese soldiers in Jiangbei? Where did the Chinese soldiers come from in Jiangbei? This is impossible!"

After screaming twice, Shigeto Chiaki suddenly came to his senses.

It’s over, I’ve fallen into a trap, I’ve been fooled! Fooled by the Chinese!

"Baga, hide it from the sky, Baga Yalu, we have fallen into the Chinese people's trick of hiding it from the sky!" Shigeto Chiaki roared in despair, "The remnants of the temporary 79th Division actually did not cross the river, they are actually still there Jiangbei, they are still in Jiangbei, Baga, they are still in Nantong, they haven’t left, they haven’t left!”

"Commander, your Excellency, your Excellency." Because of the extreme shock, Oda Nobuyoshi began to stutter even when he spoke. He stammered, "Now, I'm in trouble, I'm in trouble now. Those who stay in Jiangbei are all skilled and technical troops, and they also have a large amount of technical equipment... "

"Baga, you don't need to remind me, shut up, shut up!" Chiaki Shigeto suddenly put down the telescope and roared angrily at Oda Nobuyoshi, but his heart had already sunk to the bottom of the Nine Nether Valley.

Oda Nobuyoshi was right. Although the cavalry and the two main infantry regiments had crossed the river, the headquarters, artillery team, engineering team, communications team, and a large amount of technical equipment still remained in the north of the river. These technical arms faced The ferocious and cunning remnants of the temporary 79th Division can be said to be defenseless. (To be continued.)