Special Relationship

Chapter 26: Then you stay away from me!


Maybe the hot spring was too comfortable, maybe it was because he woke up too early in the morning, Yan Zhuo felt drowsy after a while.

He nodded sleepily, then patted his face lightly with the palm of his hand. His face was very cold, and the water-soaked hair was exposed, forming icicles, which felt hard to the touch.

At this time, Song Yan said: "Soaking for too long is not good for your health, get up."

Yan Zhuo stood up, took the bath towel that was placed on the shore, put it on his body, and hugged himself. He tugged at the corner of his mouth and asked, "Where are you going now?"


Great! Yan Zhuo said: "It's just a matter of time to lie down and take a nap, but I'm so sleepy."

Although Song Yan couldn't see it, he seemed to be very familiar with this place. He even knew which room had the best temperature for sweating.

The two came to the steam room, Yan Zhuo casually found a corner and lay down on the floor, his back was instantly warm. He pulled Song Yan's hand, made him lie down, turned sideways and asked curiously, "When was the last time you came?"


Liar, I still remember it, and I still remember it very clearly.

Seeing that he didn't speak or ask any more questions, Yan Zhuo turned over and stared at the ceiling.

The decoration of this steam room is warmer, with only one warm yellow light turned on, which is very suitable for sleeping. While thinking about chatting with Song Yan, he felt drowsy. Gradually, drowsiness won and he fell asleep.

Woke up again, it was almost noon. Yan Zhuo and Song Yan took a shower, changed their clothes, and ran to the auditorium after a simple meal.

The backstage was not that big, and there were a lot of people waiting. Yan Zhuo walked through the crowd like meatloaf, and when he finally saw Xu Yue, he was bumped by someone before waving.

It was a short man who bumped into him, with his back slightly bent. Seeing him looking over, he hurriedly bent over to apologize: "I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry to leave."

Yan Zhun waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

He walked towards Xu Yue indifferently, and asked, "When will we be here?"

"There are still four groups." Xu Yue said, "You are finally here, Grandma Yang and the others are talking about you all the time."

Yan Zhuo wiped the tip of his nose, feeling a little embarrassed. He originally planned to be a cheerleader, but ended up caring about himself.

"I'm going to cheer up Grandma Yang and the others!" he said.

A group of old men and women who have never participated in this kind of large-scale competition, their heads are nervous before the game. Qin Xiao was doing psychological training for them, when he saw Yan Zhuo was taken aback, he asked, "Why are you here?"

Yan Zhuo said, "Why can't I come?"

"Where is Mr. Song? Shouldn't you follow him?"

"He's outside, I'll leave after I refuel."

Yan Zhuo walked up to Grandma Yang, shook her hand, and said, "Don't be nervous, Grandma Yang, think about how excited you are when you play mahjong, why don't you feel embarrassed when you howl in public."

Grandma Yang patted him and said, "You are the one who talks like that."

"That's what it is," Yan Zhuo bent his eyes, "You see, you are waiting for the death team, you are not afraid of death, and you are afraid of a group of small shrimps in the audience?"

Grandma Yang scolded him: "You are the only one who is poor!"

Everyone was amused by him, and they immediately relaxed a lot.

Yan Zhuo saw that the atmosphere was relaxed and everyone was not so nervous, thinking that Song Yan was still waiting for him, he withdrew without saying anything more.

Yan Zhuo trotted all the way to the exit, Song Yan sat on the small chair outside the auditorium and waited for him, his long legs felt a little aggrieved at the moment.

He burst into laughter with a "poof", pinched the palm of his hand before becoming serious, approached Song Yan, and asked, "Where are we going to play next?"

Song Yan got up when he heard his voice and said, "Go back."

Yan Zhuo let out a regretful "ah": "Are you going back now? Stop playing?"

He hasn't had enough fun yet, he has traveled only a handful of times, and he is very new to everything, and this is with Song Yan, so he still has something to say.

Song Yan may be out of humanity, and asked for the first time: "Then what do you want to play?"

Yan Zhuo thought about it, hot spring hotels, as the name suggests, are either hot springs or hotels, apart from these, there is nothing else to play.

He was just about to say that let’s go back, but Song Yan said: "There is a small movie theater above the steam room, if you are interested, you can take a look."

"Then are you going?" Yan Zhuo asked.

Song Yan laughed at himself: "What am I going to do?"

Go to the movies.

Yan Zhuo almost uttered this sentence, but luckily he turned a corner and said, "I don't like watching movies at all, and I don't want to go either."

Song Yan lowered his eyes and suddenly smiled.

It's a good feeling to be comforted.

Although Yan Zhuo didn't know why Song Yan smiled, but to him, this kind of smile was like the bright sun shining on a cold day, and his limbs and heart were warm.

His heart moved, and he said: "Then let's go to the hotel, and I will sing for you when we go back."

Song Yan was interrupted by his words, and calmly refused: "No need."

He didn't want to cheat himself. It's not like he hasn't heard of Yan Zhuo's singing. Let's not talk about anything else, the tune has gone out of the world. He doesn't want to have eye problems and be deaf at the same time.

But the bright sun didn't shine for long before it was blocked by dark clouds. As soon as they reached the door of the hotel, they bumped into a person.

"Song Yan—?" The man called out in surprise.


With this familiar voice, Yan Zhuo suddenly tensed his body and glanced at that person.

It's really a narrow road.

Jiao Jingwei didn't expect to meet Song Yan here, she looked at Song Yan in surprise and asked, "Why are you here?"

Song Yan said, "Come and play."

Jiao Jing glanced at Yan Zhuo next to him, who covered his face with his palms, as if he couldn't see anyone.

"You..." She paused and said, "You look familiar."

My face is wrinkled into a bun, can you still see it?

Yan Zhuo said sullenly, "I'm sorry, I'm a public face."

It's fine if he doesn't open his mouth. As soon as he finished speaking...Jiao Jing narrowed his eyes slightly and shouted, "You, you, aren't you that psychopath? Why are you here too!"

Her voice was so loud that other people around her also looked over. As if there really was a psychopath here.

Song Yan couldn't figure out what was going on now, he glanced at Yan Zhuo and said, "Explain."

Explain shit!

Yan Zhuo opened his mouth, but he really didn't know how to speak.

Only then did Jiao Jingwei see that there was nothing wrong with Yan Zhuo, he looked like a normal person. She glared at Yan Zhuo and asked, "That day in the nursing home, why did you pour milk tea at us?"

"Don't frame me." Yan Zhuo said. Adhering to the principle of respecting women, he obviously only splashed on one person, okay!

Seeing his denial, Jiao Jing was furious and insisted on reasoning with him. "You still said no! That day you clearly—"


Song Yan interrupted her and said to Yan Zhuo: "Let's go back and do the math."

After all, he will lead Yan Zhuo away.

Seeing that Song Yan didn't care about her at all, Jiao Jingwei felt very sad. She grabbed Song Yan's wrist and said, "Don't go, today is my birthday, did you forget? Why did you come here? It's to miss the past ?"


Yan Zhuo didn't get into the meaning of her words, he stared at her holding Song Yan's hand. This is to rob someone in front of him. Yan Zhuo grabbed her hand vigorously and said, "What are you doing in broad daylight!"

"It's none of your business, can you control it?"

Jiao Jing held on tightly, biting her lower lip and begged Song Yan: "Song Yan... don't ignore me."

As the meeting got closer, Yan Zhuo could smell a faint smell of alcohol on her body.

I thought to myself, will this woman be going crazy with alcohol for a while, no! If he wants to go crazy, he goes crazy first.

He said to Jiao Jingwei: "I have an indirect mental disorder, if you don't let go, be careful I will bite you."

After all, he bared his teeth.


Jiao Jingwei had never met Yan Zhuo before, and she didn't know why Song Yan was with him. Didn't Song Yan hate this kind of person before? She glanced at Song Yan's expression, and there was no sign of getting angry. She couldn't help but wonder about their relationship, but she had no clue.

She and Song Yan had been separated for a long time and broke away from the mutual circle of friends. Only then did she realize that she knew nothing about Song Yan's current situation.

Letting go of her hand quickly, Jiao Jingwei put on a calm face, she should always be proud, not like this now. She stood up straight and said, "Forget it, I forgot, you are no longer the same Song Yan, so what am I expecting?"

Is this woman a comedian? Change whatever you say.

Just as Yan Zhuo was about to yell at her, Song Yan took his hand and left.

When they got to the elevator, Song Yan let go of him and said, "I'll give you a minute to confess."

Yan Zhuo knew that he couldn't escape, so he said "oh", obediently narrating the cause and effect.

After hearing this, Song Yan said with no expression: "Is it cool after splashing?" He couldn't understand: "You just like to meddle in other people's business so much."

Yan Zhuo said: "This is not an idle matter."

"But it's my business."

Although Song Yan couldn't see, his gaze was like a knife, which made Yan Zhuo's heart ache. With just a few words, he opened the distance between each other and asked Yan Zhuo to adjust his position.

Yan Zhuo forced a smile and said, "I am..."

I like to meddle in your business, but how can it be called nosy.

He couldn't say the last few words, so he simply gave up the chance to explain.

Song Yan said coldly, "I feel guilty."

Yes, I have a guilty conscience.

Yan Zhuo lowered his eyes and remained silent.

Song Yan sighed. He couldn't figure out why Yan Zhuo always liked to meddle in his affairs, even if it was out of good intentions, he couldn't bear it.

"Don't meddle in my business anymore," he said.

Our relationship should be between the Chu River and the Han Dynasty, with a clear distinction between Wei and Wei.

Yan Zhuo looked at him suddenly, gritted his teeth and said, "Is it because of her?"

Song Yan didn't react, and asked with a frown, "What?"

"Because she is your ex-girlfriend?" Yan Zhuo said, "So you blame me, don't you?"

Song Yan's expression was weird, and when he was about to speak, Yan Zhuo said first: "But your girlfriend brought outsiders to bully you, and you still protect her like this, isn't it just a shame?"

Hearing the word "offensive", Song Yan's face darkened instantly, and he said coldly, "Say it again."

Just say, I'm afraid of you.

Yan Zhuo smashed the pot and said loudly: "You are a bitch, you are, you are."

He said that he said "yes" several times in a row, just to piss off Song Yan. I don't know why, but now he is very, very angry! He also wants Song Yeon to be like him.

The time suddenly became very quiet, and after a while Song Yan said: "You really disgust me."

Yan Zhuo was taken aback when he heard this sentence, feeling that the blood in his body was freezing at this moment, he shouted at Song Yan in a trembling voice: "Then you stay away from me—stay away from me!"

After shouting this sentence, Yan Zhuo didn't dare to look at Song Yan's expression anymore, he turned around and ran out at the fastest speed.