Special Relationship

Chapter 43: Hospital


Yan Zhuo's eyesight has been very good since he was a child, and his vision test has always been 5.1.

So when he sneaked behind the window and saw the two embracing figures downstairs, he wanted to doubt his eyes for the first time.

But the fact is true, how long can they maintain their relationship if they always deceive themselves.

Yan Zhuo lowered his eyes, blocking the sight that he wanted to continue to glance downstairs.

He should pretend to be stupid.

"Song Qiao is calling, Song Qiao is calling."

The cell phone rang suddenly in the living room, Yan Zhuo went to the sofa, and hooked Song Yan's cell phone from the crack of the sofa with his fingers.

He stabilized his current chaotic mood and pressed the answer button.

As soon as Song Qiao got connected, he yelled from the opposite side: "Why are you only answering the phone now!!"

Yan Zhuo moved the receiver a little farther away, and whispered, "I'm sorry, Dean, it's me... I'm Yan Zhuo."

"Where is Song Yan?"

"He—" Yan Zhuo paused in embarrassment, saying that he was with his ex-girlfriend? After thinking for a while, Yan Zhuo said: "He went shopping and will be back in a while. He forgot to bring his mobile phone when he went out."

The man at the other end didn't know what he was thinking, he was breathing heavily, and after a few seconds of silence he said again: "Then tell him when he comes back, let him... come to the Third Hospital, Song Yaya is sick, and his condition is not very good."

Just hung up the phone one second ago, and Song Yan came back the next second. Yan Zhuo hurriedly greeted him and told him about the situation.

"Song Yaya is hospitalized, the Third Hospital, we have to go there quickly."

Song Yan originally wanted to tell him a lot, but when he heard this, his face changed: "When did it happen?"

"Not sure, I just found out at noon."

Because he failed to tell Song Yan immediately, Yan Zhuo felt very guilty: "It's all my fault, I told you when I wanted to find you, but when I came to your house and saw you like you... I forgot about it."

When he arrived at the Third Hospital, Yan Zhuo wanted to call Song Qiao and ask which ward he was hospitalized in, but Song Yan stopped him: "The tenth floor of the internal medicine building."

His tone was firm, as if he had been here many times.

Yan Zhuo didn't dare to ask more questions, but the doubts in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

At that time, Song Qiao was talking with Song Yaya's doctor at the door of the ward. He was dark and tired, as if he would fall down with a slight push. After seeing the two of them, he turned on the electricity again, barely maintaining his tense body and standing upright.

Yan Zhuo knew that the situation was very bad, but he couldn't comfort this kind man with words.

"Yaya's heart attack has relapsed," Song Qiao said while sitting on a bench in the aisle, "the doctor said the situation is not very good."

Song Yan frowned and asked, "When did it happen?"

"Two weeks ago."

Frowning became tighter, Song Yan was silent for a moment, and then asked in a deep voice: "So something happened two weeks ago, and you just told me now?"

Song Qiao lowered his head until his chest was straight, and said sullenly, "I... I don't know how to speak, you are already very tired."

At first he thought it was nothing serious, and he didn't want Song Yan to worry about Song Yaya any more, adding to his worries, but now it seemed that he couldn't hide the situation anymore.

No amount of harsh questioning could do anything, Song Yan leaned wearily against the wall, closed his eyes and fell into a deep sense of powerlessness.

He dug his fingers into the crack of the wall unconsciously, and the white ash got into the gap between his nails, but he didn't realize it.

"We are family," he said.

Song Qiao looked at him, and suddenly seemed to have returned to a certain day many years ago. On that day, I was also in the hospital, and it was also like this... the chaos.

Couldn't bear it any longer, Song Qiao buried his face in his hands, and sadly slumped his shoulders.

Yan Zhuo stood aside, looking at them helplessly, feeling panic and fear from their few words of conversation.

After a while, Song Xiaoying came out of the ward with swollen red eyes, and cried the moment she saw Song Yan with a "wow".

"Brother woo woo woo woo—"

He ran into Song Yan's arms and said in a crying voice, "I'm scared, very, very scared." He didn't have the usual cool look.

Song Yan touched his braised egg head and comforted him softly: "It will be fine, what does it look like crying like a slug."

Song Xiaoying hiccupped, not embarrassed to say that he had been crying for several days, at first he didn't dare to cry in front of Song Qiao, but then he held back.

Crying seems to be the most effective way to vent. Unfortunately, grown-ups never seem to learn.

Because Song Yaya fell asleep, it was difficult for Song Yan to visit her again. Knowing that he was in a bad mood, Yan Zhuo took advantage of Song Qiao to comfort Song Xiaoying and quietly hooked his thumb and took him to the stairwell.

The two leaned against the window.

"Are you hungry?" Yan Zhuo asked him, "You haven't eaten all day."

"Fortunately, I don't feel anything," Song Yan leaned against the window, lightly clasped the cold window frame with his fingers, and made a "tuk-duk" sound. He said, "I just want to smoke."

Yan Zhuo straightened up, he remembered seeing a 24-hour convenience store when he came here just now.

"I'll get it for you," he said, "I'll be right back."

Yan Zhuo ran to the store and came back. After he handed the cigarette to Song Yan, he began to support the wall with his arms and gasped for breath.

"Hey, let me tell you, I just saw a big wolfhound when I got out of the hospital gate. It was unattended and not tied to a leash. It scared me enough, and as soon as my legs trembled, it ran very fast."

He spoke vividly, and Song Yan chuckled lightly.

Yan Zhuo also bought a stuffed sandwich, which smelled like salad and chicken as soon as he tore it open.

He took a bite and it was delicious.

Song Yan just listened to him eating with the cigarette holder in his mouth, the sound of chewing was very clear in the cramped corridor.

"Is it delicious?" Song Yan asked suddenly.

Yan Zhuo choked on eating too quickly, hiccupped and said, "It's delicious."

Song Yan didn't speak, and when he thought of Yan Zhuo's mouth chewing non-stop at this moment, a hunger surged from his lower abdomen.

He swallowed silently, he didn't know if it was because of Yan Zhuo or because of the food in his hand. Yan Zhuo glanced at Song Yan, and carefully handed the sandwich to his mouth: "Do you... want a bite?"

In fact, he didn't report any hope. After all, Song Yan was indifferent, so how could he eat other people's food.

But to his surprise, Song Yan hooked the corner of his lower lip, and then took a big bite.

Seeing Song Yan's masseter muscles agitated, Yan Zhuo didn't know how to react for a while.


There were only two bites of the sandwich left, Yan Zhuo stuck out his tongue and licked the part where someone had bitten, his face gradually turned red.

When night fell, everything was silent, and a few stars hung in the sky, which was extremely peaceful.

However, the hospital has never been a peaceful place.

Song Yan didn't smoke that cigarette, he was just biting the cigarette butt, lazily leaning against the wall.

"Do you still remember the photo enshrined on the long table in Xinqiao?" He asked suddenly.

Yan Zhuo let out a "hmm" and said, "I remember."

"Her name is Tao Xin, and she is Song Qiao's wife, so she can be considered..." Song Yan paused and then said, "She is my adoptive mother."

Yan Zhuo looked at him, and saw a gentle expression on his face for the first time, similar to... gentleness.

"I was brought up by her since I was a child, so I am closer to her than Song Qiao."

"That's it," Yan Zhuo said understandingly, "No wonder you kept that recording for so many years."

Song Yan took the cigarette out of his mouth and wrapped it around his fingertips: "But in my first year of high school, she passed away."

"Ah?" Yan Zhuo couldn't figure out the timeline for a moment, "Didn't Ya Ya just be born that year?"


Song Yan said: "My adoptive mother... She suffers from congenital heart disease and is unable to have children, but she has always wanted..." He considered his words, "Do you understand that you want a child with your own blood? It's me and the other children who can't bring her, even though she loves us very much."

"So from the day she left, every time I faced Song Yaya, I was very awkward. On the one hand, she continued the blood of my adoptive mother, and I wanted to love her. On the other hand... I can't deny it, I hate it Her birth took the life of my adoptive mother."

"I'll never see her again."

Yan Zhuo's heart was suffocated, and he held his hand, understanding his mood very well.

Song Yan is an awkward person, but also a person who values emotions. Especially people you care about.

That's why he kept the recordings from several years ago until now, just to remember a person who has passed away for many years.

Yan Zhuo's palm was very hot, which slightly warmed Song Yan. He continued: "Song Qiao was afraid that Song Yaya would inherit Tao Xin's disease, so she would come to the hospital for regular checkups since she was very young. There was nothing abnormal at first, she was just thinner than her peers. Until she was six years old , The doctor only detected that she also had congenital heart disease in the year of primary school entrance examination.”

As soon as the words fell, Yan Zhuo couldn't wait to ask: "Then you didn't have the operation?"


"Then now...?"


Yan Zhuo only went back to school the next morning, the benches in the hospital were very hard, he didn't sleep all night, and now he feels very tired.

Yawning and walking into the dormitory, Yan Zhuo ran into Zheng Yi head-on.

Zheng Yi looked at the blue color of his eyes and the eyelids that were about to droop to the bottom of his eyes, and hummed softly: "I'm going to wander again."

Yan Zhuo was too lazy to listen to his nonsense, he waved his hands to say hello, and wanted to bypass him.

Zheng Yi stopped him, handed him the bread he just bought, and said without hesitation: "Go back and look in the mirror to see how tired you are. Now it's senior year, and we are about to enter society. Can you think more about yourself and think about your future."

Yan Zhuo knew that he had a sharp mouth and tofu heart, which could be seen from the breakfast, so he didn't talk back, and nodded obediently to show that he listened.

When he got back to the dormitory, Yan Zhuo didn't care about other people's questioning, he fell asleep with the quilt wrapped around his head without changing his clothes, and fell asleep for a long time.

Ever since he found out that Song Yaya was hospitalized, Yan Zhuo began to live a three-point and one-line life.

Hospital, school, Song Yan's home.

No matter how strong and tolerant Song Qiao was, he was not made of iron, and someone had to change shifts with him to take care of Song Yaya.

At first they discussed hiring a nurse, but Song Yaya refused. She was already weak at the time, but she still hated anyone approaching her that she didn't know well.

Stubborn is exactly the same as Song Yan.

Song Yan's eyes can't see, and it's very troublesome to take things and deliver things to take care of others. Song Xiaoying is a child and has to go to school, so some things are done by Yan Zhuo.

Including caretaker.

Nursing is the most tiring thing in the world. During that time, he had to be busy with school and graduation, and he had to go to the hospital to accompany Song Yan to take care of Song Yaya.

It was exhausting and exhausting.

Things took a turn for the better in mid-May, when Song Yaya's condition improved visible to the naked eye, and her complexion also improved.

After spending another day in bed, when Yan Zhuo returned to school again, he met a friend he hadn't seen for a long time.