Special Relationship

Chapter 9: Xu Yue


Yan Zhuo gently closed the door, and turned around to see nurse Zhang.

Yan Zhuo said: "Mr. Song is asleep, so don't clean his room at night."

Nurse Zhang laughed and said, "You can go to Nurse Wang. I have transferred shifts with him. I have something to go out for a while."

Yan Zhuo nodded, seeing that she was really happy, he asked curiously: "What's the matter? So happy."

Nurse Zhang said: "Go pick up my granddaughter, she's on vacation, she'll be here soon."

When Yan Zhuo was chatting with her before, he heard nurse Zhang talk about her granddaughter, who seemed to be two years younger than him and went to university in another place. It's not close, and it's been a long time since I came back. Now that he is back, this is indeed a very happy thing for nurse Zhang.

Yan Zhuo said: "Then you should hurry up, be careful on the road after dark."

"Hey - good."

After nurse Zhang left, Yan Zhuo looked for nurse Wang everywhere again. Finally found him on the second floor, Yan Zhuo specially reminded him before returning to the dormitory.

the next morning.

Yan Zhuo led several uncles to do acupuncture. I don't know which famous expert came to the conclusion that the Yang Qi is most abundant in the morning, and acupuncture at this time will have the best effect. So as soon as he finished his breakfast, he was entangled by a group of uncles and insisted on queuing up to get an injection.

The key is that there is only one physiotherapy room, and there are only four beds in it. This time, eight uncles came down, and the rest had to wait, so they gathered together to play cards, and as they played, a conflict occurred, and almost changed from playing cards to beating people.

They were still chattering and arguing, Yan Zhuo felt tired for a while. He slumped on the sofa and supported his head with his right hand, wanting to growl: Shut up!

Suddenly someone patted him from behind.

Yan Zhuo turned around—

A beautiful girl.

The girl said, "Yan Zhuo?"

Yan Zhuo was sure that this was the first time he saw her, and he had never seen her before. He was a little surprised when his name was suddenly read: "...you know me?"

"I know you. I often hear grandma mentioning you." She said in a friendly tone.

Yan Zhuo guessed who she was, and smiled at her: "Really, I've heard of you too."

Xu Yue is very good-looking, especially a pair of eyes, which are lively and energetic, and when they are raised and lowered, they are as bright as stars.

She shook the notebook in her hand and said, "We will be colleagues in the next month, please take care of me."


Yan Zhuo took Xu Yue to the cafeteria for dinner.

Xu Yue looked around and said, "There are so few people."

Yan Zhuo said, "They all eat in the room, and most of the people who come to the cafeteria are nurses."

Xu Yue nodded and asked him: How long have you been here? "

"It's been a long time," Yan Zhuo thought for a while and said, "I also forgot the exact time."

Because there are fewer people eating, there are fewer windows open. The two of them ordered some food casually.

Xu Yue poked the rice and said, "It doesn't taste very good."

She said this not to complain, but to express emotion. After all, when she pulled it just now, she even pulled out an egg shell the size of a fingernail.

Yan Zhuo has gotten used to it, the morning is fine, every window is open, there are many choices available. But at noon, the aunts in the cafeteria are somewhat passive and sabotage, and don't take cooking seriously.

Halfway through the meal, nurse Zhang came. She was slightly surprised to see the two eating together.

She walked over and said, "You two already know each other. I said I would introduce you in the afternoon."

Xu Yue pulled her to sit down and asked, "Grandma, have you eaten yet?"

"Eat it," said nurse Zhang, "the buns are so hot."

Xu Yue pouted: "Don't eat leftovers. Isn't the cafeteria free?"

Zhang nurse said: "I didn't finish eating in the morning, so I can't waste it."

The elderly are all suffering from the past. Wasting food is more uncomfortable than starving. Xu Yue stopped arguing and ate her meal quietly.

Before nurse Zhang came, Xu Yue and Yan Zhuo still had something to talk about, but after nurse Zhang came, they had nothing to say. Xu Yue buried her head in her meal in silence, and nurse Zhang patted her hand and said, "You are about the same age, you can communicate more." Then, she turned her head to Yan Zhuo again: "Little Yan, you need to take care of me more. Focus on my Xiaoyue, let her learn more from you... "

Yan Zhuo didn't think there was anything worth learning from himself, but he still agreed with a smile. He said, "Okay."

Most of the old people like to chatter, and nurse Zhang crackled and said a lot, but there was no sign of stopping.

In the end, Yan Zhuo almost coaxed her to swear: "Don't worry, I will definitely help her more."

Now that he got Yan Zhuo's reply, the old man was afraid that it would be annoying if he continued, so he changed the subject and said: "When I was cleaning Mr. Song's room this morning, I cleaned up the trash for him and found a lot of coffee bags. This is the third time .I don’t know if Mr. Song...has any eccentricity?"

"Coffee bag?" Xu Yue scooped up a piece of potato and asked, "What's wrong with the coffee bag?"

She also likes to drink coffee at ordinary times, and sometimes she will drink two more cups greedily, so she doesn't notice the difference for a while.

Yan Zhuo said: "It shouldn't be a quirk, maybe it's just a habit."

Shit. What a bad habit. Yan Zhuo didn't want to make things serious, so he came up with such an explanation.

Zhang nurse asked: "Will drinking like this affect the body?"

Yan Zhuo didn't speak, he bit his lower lip and frowned tightly.

This eerie atmosphere.

Xu Yue asked curiously, "Who is Mr. Song?"

Nurse Zhang said: "An occasional strange blind man."

Yan Zhuo silently added another prefix in his heart—beautiful.

Always pretty, occasionally weirdly blind.

"Really." Xu Yue said, "Then you don't care about it." She analyzed with reason: "Since he is a strange person, no matter how many strange things he does, it is not strange."


Yan Zhuo raised her eyebrows, what she said made sense.

After dinner, Yan Zhuo bid farewell to Xu Yue and nurse Zhang, and went to 108 alone. He found that the number of times he went to 108 recently almost caught up with his own dormitory.

When Yan Zhuo entered, the air was filled with a mellow fragrance. He looked into Song Yan's hand, it was coffee again.

Yan Zhuo knocked on the table and said, "Mr. Song."

Song Yan nodded, standing in front of the window and lightly sipping his coffee.

Yan Zhuo asked, "Have you had lunch yet?"

Song Yan said: "Eat."

Yan Zhuo let out an "oh", and asked again, "What did you eat?"

Song Yan said, "Lunch."

Yan Zhuo: "..."

After all, he didn't say what he did wrong in his previous life, so that every time he chatted with Song Yan in this life, he would be so angry that he doubted his life.

There were a lot of people coming and going in the corridor, Yan Zhuo forgot to close the door when entering the house, and every passerby would glance in curiously. Yan Zhuo frowned, he felt uncomfortable, 108 is not a zoo, what are these people looking at!

He quickly walked to the door, and when he was about to close the door, Xu Yue suddenly appeared. She peeked inside and only saw Song Yan's back. She asked Yan Zhuo: "What are you doing?"

Her voice was so low it was barely audible.

Yan Zhuo joked: "I'm chatting with a big client."

Xu Yue paused for a second: "Song Yan?"

Yan Zhuo nodded in surprise. He didn't expect Xu Yue to understand so clearly on the first day of his arrival.

Xu Yue smiled: "Do you need to frown your eyebrows to chat with Mr. Song?"

Yan Zhuo had a headache and supported his forehead, he said depressedly: "Coffee."


Xu Yue didn't understand, her eyes widened in doubt.

Yan Zhuo had no choice but to repeat: "Song Yan...is drinking coffee again."

Xu Yue nodded. Suddenly understood what he meant, and said, "He's drinking coffee again, so you're worried?"

Yan Zhuo grinned and said nothing to express his acquiescence.

Xu Yue said: "You can talk to him and tell him to drink less coffee."

Yan Zhuo: "...I didn't—"

Xu Yue interrupted him: "Didn't think of a good word?"

I didn't think about it. Yan Zhuo was helpless, just as he was about to speak, Xu Yue interrupted him again and said, "Oh, I see." Xu Yue thought he didn't dare, so she rolled her eyes and widened her eyes: "I'll help you."

Yan Zhuo didn't want her to help, just as he was about to refuse, Xu Yue bypassed him and walked straight to Song Yan.

She said to Song Yan: "Mr. Song, drinking too much coffee will be bad for your health. You should be more restrained."

Yan Zhuo was surprised, what he had been holding back in his heart and didn't know how to say it was so lightly spoken by Xu Yue! So simple, so casual.

A woman's voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, Song Yan was slightly taken aback, he frowned and asked, "Who are you?"

Xu Yue introduced herself: "I am a new nurse, my name is Xu Yue."

Song Yan nodded: "I see, Xu Yue, thank you. But—" he paused for two seconds, and said unequivocally, "This has nothing to do with you."

Yan Zhuo has had a problem since he was a child, he is habitually embarrassing for others. For example, now, he is very embarrassed for Xu Yue...

How should I put it, Xu Yue is a girl, and out of good intentions, Song Yan just pointed out that she is meddling, and how unreasonable she is.

Yan Zhuo coughed, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere, but before he could say anything, Xu Yue smiled lightly, and she said politely: "Why doesn't it have anything to do with me?" , I am a staff member here, and I have the obligation to take care of you. If anything happens to you, our nursing home will be responsible, and it will also affect our nursing staff. Ah... Of course, if you don’t live here, then It has nothing to do with us."

The implication is that unless you leave here, I have the right to manage you.

Her tone was too strong, Song Yan frowned.

Yan Zhuo, who was staring at him from the side, thought to himself: It's over...

Sure enough, within two seconds, Song Yan sent several rhetorical questions: "Is this a nursery school or a nursing home? Is there a restriction on drinking coffee in the signed hospitalization agreement? Or is it clearly written about the amount of coffee the inpatients drink every day? I Drinking coffee interferes with your work?"

Song Yan has a bad temper and Yan Zhuo has experienced it before, but it is the first time he has seen such an aggressive look.

Yan Zhuo looked at Xu Yue as if mourning silently.

Xu Yue is also a calm person, she didn't panic at all because of Song Yan's question, nor was she embarrassed by his lack of face.

She brushed the broken hair hanging down her ears, and said to Song Yan: "Mr. Song, I overstepped, I'm sorry."

After she finished speaking, she left, leaving Yan Zhuo alone in embarrassment.

Yan Zhuo thought: What the hell did I do, I always have to face this kind of situation where I can't breathe.

He embarrassedly explained to Song Yan: "Well...Xu Yue, she is the granddaughter of nurse Zhang, and nurse Zhang found a lot of coffee bags when picking up the trash, so she was a little worried. So she—"

Song Yan gave an "um" and interrupted him: "There is no need to explain."


Yan Zhuo shut up, Song Yan's meaning was too obvious, that is, "I don't want to hear it". But these words had already been torn apart, and he was really uncomfortable not to say them, so he couldn't hold back his words: "I think——

Song Yan turned his head in his direction.

"That's right..." Yan Zhuo closed his eyes and continued: "Drinking too much caffeine in coffee will lead to addiction. If you can't help but always want to drink it, it's probably because you're already addicted."

Song Yan paused and asked him, "Do you think I'm addicted?"

"No, isn't it?" Yan Zhuo said. He thought: Isn't it because of addiction that you can drink so much? And he drank this coffee before, it was so bad.

"No," Song Yan suddenly slowed down, "I'm not addicted."

It was the first time that he spoke so softly, which made Yan Zhuo unexpected. He suddenly had the idea of pampering, let Song Yan drink it if he likes it, as long as he is happy. However, this is just an emotional thought after all. From a rational point of view, for the sake of health, Song Yan must drink coffee in moderation.

So Yan Zhuo suggested: "I still think you should drink less."

After Yan Zhuo finished speaking, the room was silent for a while. Just when he thought Song Yan wouldn't respond, Song Yan let out a soft "hmm" and murmured, "It's fine if it's really just an addiction."