Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 109


After Gu Shishi communicated with Chen Kexin, he continued to improve his packaging illustration work.

During the period, she communicated with the director of Liu Zhichao and the entire new product business team about the product positioning, the color of the packaging, and the way the trademark text is displayed on the packaging.

"Boss, we may be a super dark horse in the domestic market this year!"

After the meeting, Director Liu was excited when he saw the sample drawing of Master Gu.

Although Master Gu was still unsatisfied, she decided to fine-tune the gentleness of the lady's skin and the clearness of her brows and eyes.

But Director Liu felt that it was already very good.

"I got a batch of black box experiment feedbacks yesterday, and 90% of the trial users felt that our product was the best. In the sample of the same period, it even surpassed a few big European and American brands."

"After three days of trial, 70% of people can accept the product price of 300-500 yuan."

Teacher Gu nodded.

500 yuan for 100ml, not even the price of a lady-level product.

But this is the case with the noble ladies. 70% of the masses will definitely not be able to accept the high prices. The price of this questionnaire is already a surprise.

"The data is very good. We have already considered launching this new product in Double Twelve. At the same time, we will enter the city's department store counters, and the coverage rate is initially considered to be 15%."

Double Eleven is too late.

"Do we have advertising arrangements?"

Liu Zhichao nodded immediately, "The final version of the packaging will be finalized tomorrow, and the marketing posters will be gradually updated next week. In November, the subway stations with the most crowds and large screens at the stations will be launched."

Master Gu took the paintbrush and adjusted the color, "Marketing can't see the effect for a while. Let's look at the first wave of sales. I don't know much, so I can troubleshoot Factory Manager Liu to check it out."

Liu Zhichao was busy and flattered, "Where is my job! I must do it well with my colleagues in the marketing department."

He is talented, has a formula, and the boss is so humble.

But Master Gu really didn't understand.

If you don’t understand, don’t point fingers at all, lest you get more help.

"Okay, if there is a problem, we will communicate again~"

Liu Zhichao quickly agreed.

But after hanging up the phone, Gu Shishi felt pressure.

Originally, she thought that this skin care product was just an additional industry. Of course it was good to make money, but it was fine if she didn't make money.

Mentality is better.

But now, she wondered not quite right.

This was given to her by the boss.

At that time, the company that spent 30 million to buy... The loss does not deduct the life value, but the money spent is still deducted!

Double Twelve... What if you lose out

What if the marketing and advertising expenses can't be earned back

Didn't she pull the big guy back

Master Gu suddenly became nervous.

On the spot, I took out the cover pictures of the first few manuscripts and checked them carefully.

Before dinner, she thought about it.

Finally, he secretly ran to the entrance of the study.

Carefully peeped in from the crack in the door, with his feet padded.

Huo Sishen had just approved a contract and put it aside, as he was about to process the next one, when he noticed that the figure outside the door was shaking.


Since his marriage, his study often has wooden doors ajar, not all closed.

For someone to come in and take a stroll from time to time.

But someone rarely comes.

"… it's me."

I didn't expect to be discovered so soon.

Master Gu bit his lip, embarrassedly put out a flattering face, and smiled honestly.

Soon, he took out a silver plate behind him.

"Are you hungry? Would you like some cookies."

It is obviously her favorite food.

Huo Sishen's face didn't show up, but he wanted to laugh in his heart.

"Not hungry."

Master Gu: "...!"

The following lines are all stuck.

Huo Sishen only thought it was more laughter, but he pressed his thin lips and didn't speak.

Gu Shishi's first plan failed.

But after thinking about it, I decided to cheekily on the ground.

"Then are you busy now?"

Huo Sishen raised his eyebrows.

He didn't need to speak, Master Gu saw the pile of papers and laptop piled on his desk.

She couldn't help but stick out her tongue, "Then I'll come back later."

Huo Sishen hooked the corner of his mouth and pushed the document beside him away.

"not busy right now."

Master Gu's eyes lit up for a second, and she quickly handed him a piece of biscuit happily.

Cannibals have short mouths.

Take the manpower short.

"I just have a small request."

When Master Gu put down the plate, it was compared to Little Finger.

"Listen to Chu Chu, she has been listening to your special assistant's business management lecture recently."

Huo Sishen raised his eyes and barely accepted the cookie he thought was very sweet.

"I want to listen too."

Master Gu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he took the food he fed.

Looking at him eagerly.

"It won't cause you any trouble."

His wife, go to listen to the lectures of his subordinates

Huo Sishen squinted.

"Meng's surname, a little handsome, looks like a supermodel."

Master Gu thought he had forgotten, so he hurriedly added a few words.

"Chu Chu said he was very patient, spoke carefully, and answered her questions."



Huo Sishen's lips twitched.

He didn't know his special assistant, and got this kind of evaluation.

Is it time to transfer this person to the branch to do business

"Can I go tomorrow?"

Master Gu feels that time is tight, and it may be too late for him to start learning management now.


Huo Sishen didn't need to think.

Directly refused.

Master Gu suddenly lost his expression and looked at him in frustration.

Huo Sishen closed the laptop in front of him.

His arms are wrapped around his chest, and his broad shoulders are leaning against the back of the chair behind him.

"Learning management, don't you waste your time painting?"

That day, when she ran the studio, the seniors of the Ink and Wash Association sighed about wasting their talents.

Master Gu blinked his watery eyes before shook his head, "I practice basic skills every day. But apart from practice, creation requires experiencing life. Learning, observing different things and people, seeing any new things, It may be some material in the future."

When the technique reaches the top, it is necessary to wait for the artist's content, way of thinking, and quality of inspiration to keep up with the height of the technique.

The reverse is also true. If the content reaches the top, you have to wait for the technique to mature.

Only one of them is perfect, it is not enough.

But no one can say which one to do first is a shortcut.

"Distracting, you may take some detours. It will take more time to reach a certain height in the future, but there is no waste."

Huo Sishen nodded, "What do you want to hear?"

He buckled the table with his fingers.

"Skincare market analysis, marketing methods corresponding to different positioning, and industry development trends in the next five years?"

Master Gu was taken aback, and soon nodded in ecstasy.


Gangster, it really looks like her!

Too much understanding of her needs!

"Wait for a minute, I'll go get a small book and write it down~"

Master Gu stood up and rushed back to his room.

Huo Sishen's eyes suddenly became soft.

Here is a make-up lesson, and the same is true on the other side.

Gu Wushuang naturally didn't know how to manage things either.

For the past twenty years, she has lived as a rich lady.

Marrying Huo Wencheng is her goal in adulthood.

Therefore, her efforts have been put in every lady's musical instruments, flower arrangements, aromatherapy, and even various etiquette courses.

Of course, she also knows many things about skin care and beauty.

However, home and this brand are as ordinary as its name.

Initially, before Gu Jiangxin's fortune, he positioned the skin care products produced as low-end household products for the masses.

No matter who the housewives can afford, they can be taken care of after tiring housework with a little money.

This is its earliest marketing concept.

This also means that, like all national brands, home and its products are very affordable.

Therefore, Gu Wushuang has a lot of bottles and cans at home, and she is also very proficient in skin care, but she really doesn't understand the way of home and this kind of civilian products.

"Miss Gu, will you participate in this month's strategic meeting?"

Home and the current general manager, personally called.

"Well, you can."

Gu Wushuang is a talented student at the Vienna Conservatory of Music.

Although she doesn't understand, at least she still has Huo Wencheng who knows how to manage.

With the help of Huo Wencheng, she also basically read the company information and financial reports.

Annual profit of 20 million.

Gu Wushuang has never been in the house, but when I look at it now, I feel that this number is much lower than she expected.

"Brother Cheng, it seems that things are not so good?"

Huo Wencheng is more knowledgeable than her.

"In the skin care product market, the living space of domestic products is gradually becoming smaller. For long-term development, it is necessary to continuously introduce new formulas and expand marketing. Therefore, the R&D and promotion costs of Jiahe have been heavily invested in the past few years. "

"In addition to positioning itself in the low-end market, small profits but quick turnover, the profit margin is not as large as that of luxury brands."

Gu Wushuang gritted his teeth when he heard it.

Before, she just wanted to quickly take the benefits in her hand, grab a piece of cake, so as not to prevent her adopted daughter from getting out of the house by Gu Jiangxin.

But now, she knew that the cake that was finally won was not the diamond cash cow in imagination at all!

It's just a gilded one at best!

For a while, she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

Her share of shares is only 49%, which is equivalent to only half of the home and profit, which is 10 million per year.

And she went abroad for surgery this time, it cost more than three million all together.

This consumes one-third of the company's annual profits!

Gu Wushuang felt his chest feel tight again after such calculations.

Too little, less than she thought!

In the past, Gu Jiangxin supported the family. She and Zhang Wen spent nearly one million on beauty salons, yoga studios, and vacation travel every year.

Coupled with their food and clothing costs, at least they are both at a light luxury level. The new products of various brands in a single quarter can not be beaten by two million!

How can such a company support such expenses

"Shuangshuang, don't be afraid. The first time you go to the company for a meeting, no one will ask you to express your opinion. If you don't understand, just write it down and ask me. Just keep silent on the spot."

"Moreover, I'm afraid those bosses don't have as many skin care products as you have used, and do not have as much beauty experience as you."

Huo Wencheng didn't know what Gu Wushuang was doing.

If he knows, he will laugh and laugh.

Looking at the strength of a company, there is more than just net profit.

It can be said that those who are knowledgeable will not look at the net profit.

The retained profits are not necessarily a good thing. In order to open up new markets, the company must invest corresponding costs.

Everyone does business not to make more and more money left on the books, but to occupy the market, bring down opponents, and grab other people's meat.

Can't bear children, can't catch wolves!

In Gu Wushuang's eyes, these net profits are all money for bags and clothes... I am afraid Huo Wencheng can't think of it!

He doesn't know, there is no way to enlighten, no way to suggest.

During the second half of the date, Gu Wushuang looked listless and lost.

He thought he was tired, "Send you home to rest?"

He is also being watched by Huo Mu, and he is guarded every day when he goes out and goes home.

Now every time it's an excuse to see a partner in order to secretly date.

"Auntie, how is the past few days?"

Before leaving, Huo Wencheng expressed his concern for the future mother-in-law.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 1 Rong Lulu and Xin;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

13 bottles of cherries; still water and sunny days. 10 bottles of safety; 6 bottles of Xiaohua; 5 bottles of Guan Shanyue; 2 bottles of dreams; 1 bottle of old sayings and noodles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!