Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 117


The night before Double Twelfth, Liu Zhichao and others were destined to lose sleep.

But Master Gu dragged Huo Sishen into the bedroom early.

She can't let the big guys participate in double twelve events.

Self-produced and self-sold is not acceptable, absolutely not!

"Today we go to bed early, won't you go to the company to work tomorrow?"

Huo Sishen glanced at the clock and expressed satisfaction with her rare invitation.

Incomparable cooperation.


Going to bed earlier means to lie down in bed earlier and do something that each other loves to do. Then, tired to someone falling asleep.

He has no problems.

Gu Shishi was pushed down, and he still couldn't react.

Because the bride's halo is on her body, even after two months, she still has rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, her cheeks are flushed as buds, her lip is biting, her body trembles slightly, and her crystal toes is slowly covered with a light powder mist. In general, the snow muscle of the whole person turned pink.

She is trying to divert someone's attention.

Don't let him pay attention to his store, don't go to losers to buy sales.

The result-it was natural.

A certain man's eyes are her reflection.

Even the cell phone she placed next to her pillow was waved off by his big hand and rolled onto the Persian woolly carpet.

At the moment, saying anything is destroying the atmosphere.

He just wanted to look at her carefully.

Surrounded by the faint scent of sweet roses, I aroused a strong idea of taking it all into my own.

Then, without hesitation, do it.

The next day, Master Gu woke up, she recalled covering her face last night, and silently wrapped herself in the bed.

The phone that was swept down by the boss last night was probably caught by his conscience this morning, and he picked it up again.

I'm shaking wildly on the bedside table at the moment!

She had to stretch an arm out of the quilt and glanced.

As a result, there are n 99+ chat windows at a glance!

The originally confused mind woke up in an instant.

[Huajian Executive Group]

00:10 in the morning

[R&D Xiao Chen: Human customer service too! The robot customer service background exploded! Everyone is asking which order is now, and want a gift! 】

00:30 in the morning

[Customer service Lao Li: It has been exploded. Give me another 30 empty customer service numbers, @高管Everyone, it's time for your platform, thank you. 】

1:20 in the morning

[Sales burst: (tears) (screams) (screams) @厂长, our sales have broken through two million, and it hasn't reached 2 hours! @I have no money to produce, is the inventory enough? It is recommended to start an emergency production plan immediately. 】

2:00 in the morning

[Lao Xia: How much is it? 】

[No money for production: Day! This is the rhythm of selling half a year of inventory overnight! Every day I am! We have been working overtime for a week, and now we can only continue to liver, liver until the end of the year! @Factory Director, please be prepared for overtime pay. @Raw materials Lao Zheng, please increase purchases. Visual inspection can only last for two months. 】

Until six o'clock in the morning, the group kept bubbling.

Sales data is constantly refreshed.

Liu Zhi went beyond and sent out several rounds of red envelopes.

The sales manager even completed the whole year plan overnight.

Nine in the morning.

Finally there is news of Aite Gu Shishi.

[Liu Zhichao: @ Boss, as of 8:30 in the morning, our order volume exceeded 40,000. Sales are close to 5 million, and it is expected to eventually reach 8 million. 】

Gu Shishi didn't seem to have any idea, and she didn't know how other companies' performances were.

But think about the company's annual report last year. The annual sales were only 20 million, and the profit was only 1 million. She thinks about it, it should be a big success!

Gu Shishi first turned over the early morning records in the group, and clicked on the red envelopes that had not been grabbed from beginning to end.

Increase affinity.

Then, another big package was sent.

With a limit of 200 yuan, she sent 10 in one go.

To learn from a big boss, you must be generous to be a boss.

[Have you grabbed the red envelope today: Everyone has worked hard, and I will treat you to a big meal after the New Year’s Eve dinner. 】

Suddenly a long row of screens was swiped.

'Boss Mighty' Boss 666'...

[Did you grab a red envelope today: What do I need to do? Give me a customer service number too. 】

Master Gu hasn't gotten up yet, but there is still a whole day left to work.

But soon Liu Zhichao declined.

The sales peak was half an hour in the early hours of yesterday morning, and then gradually declined.

It wasn't until this morning that the office workers got a little warmer after they got up, but they couldn't compare with the early morning sales.

[Liu Zhichao: It may be the rules for the distribution of gifts. Now the transaction volume has been flat and the growth rate is slow. 】

Gu Shishi immediately understood that in addition to the TOP3 sales, the prizes will be given away for the 6666th, 10,000th, 20,000th... orders.

Everyone was desperately checking orders early in the morning.

When Liu Zhichao changed hands, he sent her the latest sales report data in a private chat.

Master Gu took a look, and he saw an acquaintance on the list of winners.

TOP3 is'meow', '111', '222'...


Master Gu stared, that elder brother who knows how to paint

Because she rarely sold it later, she hadn't seen him for a long time.

222, is it 111 trumpet

Master Gu scratched his nose, "Come on, Director Liu."

The road ahead is long.

They are all Yazi who are acquaintances.

After finishing the work here, she read another wave of everyone's WeChat.

Aunt Zhang Jia also said that the products she sent were easy to use, and she purchased it again on Double Twelve.

She was lucky and won the 6666th order prize.

And Chen Kexin has been sending her WeChat since early in the morning.

[Sister, my milk wants that lady, and also wants that swordsman. If I place an order and win a prize, can you give me these two sets? Please beg! 】

【what! This broke the net and collapsed again! I'm about to pay! 】

[I can’t see on your page which order is now... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 】

[I bought the skin care products of the seven aunts and eight aunts for three years, this time. If you can't get the prize this time, can you only wait for 618? 】

[Your official website said, do you still want to release anti-hair loss products? 】

[Sister, are you already asleep? I'm still staying up late to place an order... The customer service said that there have been 13,000 orders, but while she responded to me, the numbers kept changing. My inner MMP! too difficult! 】

Master Gu looked at it and wanted to laugh, the last message was sent at three o'clock in the morning.

This girl fights, I guess I haven't gotten up yet.

After thinking for a while, she changed her phone, and went to the 111 who bought the little chicken peck rice map with the ink-washed number.

[Mr. 111, last night... Thank you for your support. 】

The old customer is so embarrassed.

But she also doubted 111's identity at the same time.

Rich in wealth, and in this city, there are not many well-known names in total.

She couldn't help but think of someone.

The names of 111 and 222 are too much like a trumpet.

But someone was taken to bed by her very early last night, shouldn't they

Did you instruct Si one and Si two to do it

The names match!

[111: Master, you are welcome. We have many female relatives, friends, and subordinates. These are all necessities for daily purchases. 】

[111: I can get an extra gift picture, already earned. 】


Master Gu squinted and tapped the keyboard.

[Sure enough, 222 is also your trumpet, Mr.? 】

[111: Well, since I bought it, it's better to be safer. I'm afraid of missing the master's work. 】

The original suspicion of Master Gu disappeared in a second.

This is not a bigwig.

He has an alibi, and this is not the tone of his daily speech.

He was not so polite.

However, Si Yi and Si Er usually speak less lucidly.

"Sure enough, I think too much."

Master Gu scratched his head.

And in the company.

At this moment, the Secretary wiped out his cold sweat as soon as he finished sending the message.

Looking at the cold-faced man on the boss chair, his voice tightened.

"Boss, my wife seems to have begun to doubt us. I tried to hide my identity as much as possible, but then I gave out gifts to the employees. I'm afraid it will arouse my wife's suspicion again?"

Huo Sishen, who was looking at the merger plan, raised his eyebrows and raised his cold eyes.

"111? 222?"

Secretary turned red in a second.

He took it easily at the time.

I have taken it this way since I was a child... I think this is a popular name, and my wife won’t recognize it. After all, whose password hasn’t been 111

But he didn't expect that if Si Er was asked to help with the order, he stupidly took out a 222!

Just now, he was really afraid that his wife would think of their brothers, and the palms of his hands were sweaty nervously.

But it seems that the wife didn't think much about it.

"Employee benefits are delayed for two months."

"Allocate part of it as a gift to our partners at the end of the year."

Huo Sishen's face was faint, and he didn't seem to be worried.

"In addition, you and Si Er, where is Double Twelve, don't I need to remind you?"

Si froze for a moment, and then reacted instantly, "We went to the bar last night! Village Netcom, which doesn't even have the Internet!"

Huo Sishen waved, "Well, go and do something."

Si Yi immediately retired in sweat.

too difficult.

He is so difficult.

"Tell Liu Zhichao, I want the emperor and the queen."

"Don't send me away with others."

Huo Sishen's faint voice couldn't stand his beak.

Secretary nodded, "must."

Okay, he went to abuse Factory Manager Liu, and everyone had dog food to eat together.

Gu Shishi didn't know the truth, but she wanted to be on the sidelines and tell Director Liu not to be happy too early, comrades still need to work hard.

But as a result, after the double twelfth meeting, she unexpectedly found that the director... was not happy.

Of course, after Liu Zhichao learned that the truth about selling miracles was just the essence of a packet of dog food, he could only smile bitterly.

But Director Liu did not feel depressed.

He thinks what Si Yi and Huo said are right.

Their products need to be promoted and need word of mouth.

As long as you have tried it, you will be overwhelmed.

What they are pressing is to take the first step, even if it is worth opening a big sale.

"Well, Boss Gu, we will work hard! The first part of the test of the degreasing and anti-hair loss shampoo has been completed. In addition, the inventory shortage caused by the Double Twelfth Festival has already been adopted."

Liu Zhichao is full of confidence.

Master Gu found that he was very motivated, so he was relieved, and asked the driver to take out the winter ginger tea condolences he brought to everyone.

"Thank you, everyone."

In addition, Liu Zhichao also mentioned, "The statistics of Double Twelve are finished. The domestic product is the first, this time it is still the old brand Jiahe, with sales of up to 60 million. Among the skin care products, we rank 18th, and the ranking sixth."

Master Gu raised his eyebrows.

Jiahe, Gu Wushuang

"It's okay. We only sold it for less than a month, and we will work hard next time in 618~!"

Liu Zhichao nodded fiercely, "Yes."

At the same time, Gu Wushuang, who saw the sales data, was also satisfied.

This event was very successful. Jiahe left a lot of other domestic products and got closer to international brands.

"Brother Cheng, you are right, this company still has development potential."

When she was in a good mood, she picked up the pudding on the table and gave Huo Wencheng a sip.

Huo Wencheng opened his mouth and ate with a smile.

But the smile is a bit complicated.

Double Twelve’s sales are not comparable.

The more the super big name, the more stingy to participate in preferential activities.

For example, the lady-class Lamei series, there is no discount for online purchases on the same day, only a sample is included.

Its sales on the day must be the same as usual, not fluctuating with the shopping festival.

And similar to home and, civilian skin care products.

Not only participated in the activities on a large scale, but also put in the marketing of building buildings and sending meow coins in stores.

For the products in the store, buy one get one free, and buy one get two free.

Coupled with the full rebate, over 300-30, which greatly stimulated consumers.

Good home and grades are normal.

It is not high-end users who are positioned on Double Twelve. Middle- and high-yield people rarely spend time building buildings, and they don't even know the rules.

"According to this momentum, can we double our performance next year?"

Gu Wushuang kept a close eye on sales figures and profits, full of expectations.

Huo Wencheng glanced at her not ruddy face.

Suppressing the words in his heart, he touched her head.

"You take good care of yourself, and the others will be handed over to the company."

The peak sales on Double 12 is because most people have purchased skin care products for a year in advance.

I am afraid that the performance of the next three months will not be too good-looking, and may even fall below the lowest level of the year.

Although all companies are the same, he couldn't bear to say this to Gu Wushuang, for fear that she would be worried.

And he didn’t even think of the future two months later—

A dark horse with a starting momentum in Double Twelve will break his solid thinking!

The sales of Huajian climbed every month, and before the Spring Festival suddenly rose again, directly surpassing Jiahe and becoming the domestic leader!

Gu Wushuang almost collapsed.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

25 bottles of Wrong; 22153598, 20 bottles of Kaka’s rabbits, house cats and cats; 15756365, 10 bottles of Xiaomi, Earni, Sweet Silk; 6 bottles of witchcraft i; 3 bottles of broken cats; 2 bottles of dots; love You yo YH, 1 bottle of Zi Haoxue;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!