Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 118


Hua Jian's dramatic turn-over made people in the industry almost fall through.

But after careful analysis, they found that the appearance of this dark horse had a foreboding.

Things must start from the week after Double Twelfth.

The double twelve data of Huajian is not very good-looking, but it is also an unprecedented outbreak.

The amount bought by Chen Kexin and Mrs. Chen was not only for personal use, but also given to all relatives, family members, and friends and girlfriends.

After a week's trial of the product, it exploded in the upper circle and soon became a hot topic of skin care in various chat groups.

In the capital, the aunt Zhang Jia used the repurchase for her own use, and found it easy to use, but couldn't help but promote it in the circle of friends of the noble ladies in the capital.

Even the Zhang family's youngest daughter was in the ballet troupe with her sister in the Miss Jingcheng circle, everywhere in Amway.

These people don't rush to double twelve, and don't care about the discounts on double twelve.

With Amway, they are willing to pay at any time. They can't find an offline store, so they shop online according to the link sent by Zhang's mother and daughter.

And Zhang Sheng, an old man in his fifties, has no feeling for skin care products.

But he was full of pride. He felt that even if his niece didn't recognize her mother, he still thought of his uncle and gave him skin care gifts all over the world.

He even gave his wife a painting under the name of the Double Twelve Store Event. Although he has not received the actual product, he is really moved and guilty.

"Why are you so lucky that you just placed the 6666th order?"

Zhang Sheng certainly reminded his happy wife.

The thinking of capitalists is by no means the way ordinary women do.

They are too sane.

The first few awards, he believes, are the stimulus of capitalists to consumers, and some manipulations are implied.

Yes, his straight man, the thinking of a successful person, even the background of growing up in the upper circle of the capital, and the scene of his sister who asks him for things with his mouth open, and his squeamish daughter... make him want to be crooked!

He had never thought that Master Gu simply repayed the new wedding gift he had given him-Chijin forging children and grandchildren, and the two million cards.

She mistakenly thought of winning the prize simply because she was close to them.

"She was so coldly received, she still missed you and me."

Zhang Sheng talked to Shen Yunping with emotion.

His face is really red.

He now feels more and more guilty of his selfishness in his previous work, and blames himself for not fulfilling his uncle's responsibilities.

"We can't let her be wronged."

Zhang Sheng couldn't bear it.

He felt guilty and wanted to remedy it.

"As an uncle or aunt, how can she make her suffer? Let her use her own small treasury to supplement us?"

Shen Yunping originally thought that he was lucky for 6666 winning prizes.

But when her husband, who has always been wise, said so, she was not sure.

"Then how about we buy more and support her company?"

Zhang Sheng nodded, "Wait for the end of Double Twelve. You are true, this kind of discount is a concession. You have to take advantage of your niece? If you want to buy, you should wait for the price to be normal."

Shen Yunping was rarely said by her husband, but he did not refute it.

She thinks about it carefully, she really made her niece a loss.

"Okay, that old chapter, when the price rises, we will buy some as employee benefits at the end of the year. Ordinary employees give three sets of skin care, and executives give three sets of family care? Anyway, benefits are always purchased. I was planning to choose Order toiletries."

Zhang Sheng said.

"If the fertilizer does not flow into the field of outsiders, we will purchase the things from the teacher's house, and we will not buy it from other houses."

He wants to support his niece's career and encourage young people to start their own businesses!

As an uncle, he has the ability to help his descendants. Isn't this the meaning of his hard work

So on the third day after Double Twelve, Zhang Sheng waved his hand and purchased a batch of products as a benefit for his company's employees.

As a result, Huajian ushered in sales again after Double Twelve.

And, quickly entered the capital market.

The employees of Zhang Sheng's transportation company thought things were good, and then promoted them to their friends, spreading word of mouth.

Soon, Liu Zhichao had to go to the capital in person to negotiate a department store store.

[Hua Jian] The speed of word-of-mouth transmission is so fast that even Gu Shishi feels shocked.

And among these, Huo Sishen's set of bold and unrestrained handwriting has not yet been counted.

On the other hand, home and—

The success of Double Twelve made Gu Wushuang pleasantly surprised and a little bit fluttering.

One month after taking over, she went from being silent at first to getting acquainted with the executives, and she gradually had the courage to make her own voice.

At the strategy meeting, Gu Wushuang spoke for the first time.

"I think Jiahe still has a lot of room for improvement, and there is still a gap with international brands. We can find ways to make up. What do you think?"

She believes that the data reflects the current problems of'home and'.

Gu Jiangxin did cheap skin care for a lifetime, but the result

Can't catch up with others!

This means that if you continue to maintain it, you will only maintain the status quo, and you will never be able to take it to the next level.

"If Jiahe launches high-end products and enters the market? Is it possible to get a high-end share?"

What she knows best is what Miss Fu cares about.

"Many people don't realize the difference in the ingredients of skin care products. The focus is on packaging, marketing, and pricing. Mr. Li, do you think what I said makes sense?"

Gu Wushuang was euphemistic, but he had a conclusion in his heart.

Does the limited-edition bags she usually buys must meet her aesthetics

No, because she was so rich that she didn't care, so she bought it whenever she wanted.

Buying is the status it represents, the pleasure of shopping, and a symbol of being integrated into the wealthy circle of friends!

It's superiority!

"Now the packaging of Jiahe's products is either red or brown. For girls, it's really a bit... lacking appeal."

Gu Wushuang smiled apologetically.

"Sorry, this is my intuitive feeling, if you feel that it is not right, you can bring it up."

"I just want to say that even if some girls have the purchasing power, I am afraid they would not want to buy a home. Because buying it does not add any value to the girls. The aesthetics, identity, satisfaction, are not in line with..."

What she said makes a lot of sense.

But she doesn't know the importance of positioning to a company, and how difficult it is to break the inherent impression of the brand in the minds of customers.

If Dabao launches a high-priced product that is equivalent to SKII Shenxian Water, and is positioned at two thousand, will anyone buy it

If Coconut Palm Coconut Juice is transformed into a luxury mineral water, the price is two hundred and one bottle, will anyone buy it

Huo Wencheng was not there, otherwise he would probably block Gu Wushuang's proposal.

As for the management of Jiahe, since Gu Jiangxin retired from the major shareholder, three veterans followed him.

In addition, Gu Wushuang was not tolerant at first, and for her family and the only veteran, she gradually excluded and ignored opinions, and gradually supported the newcomers to the upper ranks.

So-at this meeting, no one can successfully stop her.

As a result, within the first month of Double Twelve, Jiahe quickly launched light luxury line products, changing packaging, pricing, and advertising slogans.

Gu Wushuang is full of confidence in his decision.

When dating, she even seldom embraced Huo Wencheng confidently.

"Brother Cheng, you are right. I really know more about skin care products than everyone else. With my hard work, I may surprise you next year~"

She had been babbling before, but now it is rare to show such a strong female light.

Huo Wencheng couldn't help but sway in his heart, and he was extremely incomparable for a while.

"You are the best, my double."

Love words, no money.

Sanity is not online.

If he asks one more question, it may prevent the collapse of Jiahe.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

Gu Wushuang's philosophy is not wrong.

But she only knows one thing and doesn't know the other.

Luxury goods purchased at high prices by the wealthy circle are not simply expensive.

Almost all super-luxury products have more than a hundred years of brand origin, the stories of generations of founders, the craftsman spirit of the materials used, and the star effect over the years, the penetration of the rich circle, and the creation of various shows on the catwalk!

This little thing, home and this ordinary brand, nothing at all.

A tall building without a foundation will eventually fall over.

It's just the length of time.

When Gu Wushuang got the first month's experimental sales data, he saw a short-term increase in performance.

She and her newly supported management, in joy, decided to transfer 50% of the original product's focus to high-end promotion, which accelerated the fatal path of transformation errors.

And during this period.

Unlike Gu Wushuang, who is devoted to making money and eager to escape from Gu Jiangxin's influence, during this period, all of Gu Wushuang's focus has shifted to painting.

She didn't feel embarrassed in the end, and asked the boss to return to the'tour map with his wife'.

It's a little shame to speak.

'Kiss, did you love me so much that you secretly bought my painting? '

Emmm, numbness~

And if the boss is asked, he will probably feel embarrassed, right

There is a kind of happiness, that is, silently watching him treat himself well~

When Master Gu was delighted, she felt that President Huang Chuan wanted to borrow a painting, so she would paint a new one.

So, she opened the skill halo and drew three big shots in one breath.

The landscape "clouds do not know where", the character "Milei Laughing and Smiling" and the flower and bird "Crane".

The lack of proper business a while ago made her work hard this time, and she didn't spend much time thinking about it.

After finishing the painting skills, she turned off the system halo and repeated the painting every day. For seven consecutive days, she painted 17 sets of exactly the same.

Every night, I carefully observe the difference between the latest results and the paintings under the system skills, compare my slight progress every day, constantly adjust and modify, and then make new ones.

When Huang Chuan sent someone to pick up the painting, Master Gu finally got out of the state of being stunned, and handed in the work he wrote for the first time.

"There is still a gap."

Master Gu bit his lip.

"But it's already shrinking."

The paintings under the system skills were taken away, allowing her to see more clearly, the many works she made free-hand, the obvious difference between the first day and the latest day...

She is pretty sure that she is making progress!

Even if it still can't catch up with the system, but one day it will be able to surpass, Gu Shishi sees moving hope!

On the other side, when Huang Chuan got the paintings from different artists, he was busy instructing the installation and writing the introduction text of the exhibition.

But seeing Master Gu’s new work... His reading glasses almost fell off!

After watching for three full hours, he couldn't pay attention to anything, shaking his hands, he was about to call Master Gu on WeChat.

But no one answered—

Master Gu in the villa had just finished lunch, but his face paled because of a mouthful of fish soup, and he retched uncomfortably, clutching his suffocated chest.

On the spot, Huo Sishen, who was dining at the same table, looked ugly on the spot.

When Huang Chuan WeChatted her, Huo Sishen, who had been frightened and almost had a heart arrest, was sent to Qin Ruhai's private clinic.

Being detained in the car, Master Gu was dizzy all the way, waiting to see the checklist showing a positive result, was even more bewildered, even the vibration of WeChat could not be felt!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 Jin wish;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of Jinyuan; 10 bottles of Little Dream and fannylkf; 6 bottles of An'an? Girl; 5 bottles of Susu is a big devil; Zi Haoxue, Guan Shanyue, I love you YH, I haven't returned 1 bottle yet;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!