Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 122


Mrs. Chen didn't know the good news from Master Gu. She sent a message in the evening to report the laughter.

However, Master Gu goes to bed at nine o'clock now, and he can't read his mobile phone or computer.

She is listening to a half-hour long collection of unknown music—selected by a certain big guy personally, saying it is an introduction to aesthetics.

Master Gu doesn't understand very well, anyway, it sounds hypnotic.

All of her artistic cells have been contributed to calligraphy and painting, and she has no energy for music, and she has never lit up her talent since she was a child.

She is responsible for closing her eyes and listening.

"A major clarinet concerto."

The big guy explained carefully next to him.

"What we are listening to now is a soft second movement, soothing and beautiful, with a solo clarinet and no other background bands."

Master Gu wanted to laugh out loud.

The child may not have complete hearing.

Even with some listening, it is impossible to understand his serious explanation.

But Master Gu bit his lip desperately and resisted.

Can't laugh.

It's rare that the boss teaches the child so hard, she laughed, isn't it a blow to his enthusiasm

But the more she thought about it, the more she smiled until her stomach hurts, she could only take a hard breath, pulled the quilt, buried her face, grinned, and smiled twice in the quilt.

"What's wrong?"

Huo Sishen frowned and immediately stretched his hand to hold the quilt.

"The sound is too loud?"

After Master Gu laughed, he finally calmed down.

As long as he does not continue to explain the tune, she can continue to remain calm.

She opened the corner of the quilt, revealing a soft face with a sullen grin, and she grinned out of her teeth.


Yu Guang glanced at the decibel display next to him.

He adjusted the volume exactly as the doctor said in decibels and adjusted the volume with super precision.

"What do you do in the quilt?"

"... Well, probably the room is too bright."

Huo Sishen chuckled and shook his head, and immediately turned sideways, turning his long arms around the bedside on her side and turning off the lamp.

More and more squeamish.

Sister Lin said, this baby looks like a kid.

But he felt that she was so squeamish, mostly a little girl.

He lifted his thin lips.

I reached out and touched her belly, a little bulging.

"What are you doing?"

Master Gu turned sideways nervously.

She ate more and more at night, and her appetite hadn't changed much, but Lin's wife had already given her an extra meal.

The point is that she recently went to bed early, she spent more time lying down every day, her belly was getting looser, and she was getting bigger in the past two weeks.

She studied it secretly, and felt that the fat that bulged out at night should be her own fat.

I don't want to be touched by the boss!

Huo Sishen chuckled slightly, "Where is yours, I haven't touched it?"

In the dark room, his voice was low and dumb, with a soft string BGM, brushing her earlobes.

Sao talk!

The boss is talking shamelessly again!

The point is, she feels super burning as a pregnant woman!

Master Gu helped her forehead, "Let your girl listen to the music well."


"Choose a nickname for the child."

In the darkness, Huo Si carefully retracted the hand placed on her stomach and moved to her waist position.

Tap a few acupuncture points for her.

Although he doesn't care about the sex of the child, what if he is a son

The cry of the girl-girl, it will be easy in the future, when the child is born, she is not a girl-girl, she should be disappointed.

Moreover, boys have been masculine since they were young. Feminine things, it is better to have less contact, not prenatal education.

Huo Sishen thought so.

Gu Shishi is another picture in his mind.

She wanted to give birth to a boy recently.

Of course, the daughter is also very cute and cute. She also thought it was good to have a daughter.

But these days, when she saw the children and grandchildren pail sent by Zhang Sheng at home, she was thinking that she is also happy to have such a brother worrying about Gu's mother.

Master Gu couldn't help but change his attention.

In case she will give birth to a second child in the future, of course she must give birth to her elder brother before she can take care of her younger sister!

If both men and women can have their turn, the son is best to come first!

The reason she called her daughter was mainly because she was afraid that the boss wanted her son too much. In the end, the girl would be disappointed, so she verbally called him to be vaccinated.

"Then call it Little A."

Master Gu blinked in the darkness and blurted out.

Huo Chuchu was obsessed with "produce 101" two weeks ago and sent her a bunch of photos of fresh meat.

She doesn't like it very much. She still thinks that the cold, undressing and muscular big guy is better, so she has a good impression of a super-man child in 101.


To give birth to a son, of course you have to give birth to an A burst out!

In the future, you will not only have good looks, but also protect your sister. How can you not A

"Little A?"

Huo Sishen, lying on his side, couldn't help but stunned.

But soon in the night, his handsome face was dyed with a thick smile.

She is quite ambitious

From A to K... to 10...

One by one, the nicknames are fixed.

"Well, it's pretty smooth."

The big man immediately raised his lips for approval.

He has nothing else, but the funds for raising the children are sufficient.

However, too many births can cause great damage to a woman's body.

Almost from A to J... It's okay.

His thumb gently stroked her smooth face.

In the future, he still has to guard it.

"Go to sleep."


The two happily reached an agreement, happily embracing the other's delicate body into their arms.

As for Mrs. Chen's text messages, Gu Shishi didn't see it until the next day.

[Master, tell you a wonderful thing. 】

[Your dad, that Gu Jiangxin, I beg for your painting! 】

Mrs. Chen not only sent Gu Jiangxin's angry circle of friends, screenshots to her.

She also sent out the circle of friends and comments she collected from the show last night.

When Master Gu saw it, he was really surprised.

The old lady showed off the dangdang grid.

In the comments of the circle of friends, Gu Jiangxin just couldn't jump, praised her eyes, and asked her the contact information of "Ink Touch", and jokingly asked her if she would like to sell these works, the price can be negotiated.

[Teacher, I sent him your'ink and wash big touch' micro-signal? 】

[Just see how he begs you! Take a sigh of relief! 】

[Don't be afraid, grandma, I will support you! 】

After Mrs. Chen's news, even Chen Kexin came.

[Uncle Gu is too irritating, Senior Sister, don't worry, our Chen family will stand by your side! 】

[Even if he knows that the ink touch is you, you must not sell it to him! My milk said, he knows how to paint, he basically wants to buy paintings to please the leaders of the city! It's so ugly, this face! 】

[He is such a big joke! He is a biological father, don't you know you can paint? I don’t know if you paint so well! 】

[God, why is there such a person? 】

She may be really angry and fight the injustice for Master Gu.

Cracklingly, he sent several messages in a row, and his speech was more intense than that of Mrs. Chen.

After reading it, Master Gu finally understood the meaning of the context.

She wondered, why was Gu Jiangxin suddenly tempted by the painting of'Ink and Wash'

He is really unprofitable and can't afford it early!

What kind of behavior is bound to interest!

"It's... Ah, it's disgusting to me."

Master Gu clutched his chest, and suddenly didn't even want to eat the pasta in front of him.

Huo Sishen's dark eyes couldn't help but look over, and hurriedly handed over the orange juice.

"No, no," Gu Shishi moved the phone in front of him, and pulled the screen page to the initial chat place, "Look."

She didn't know what to call Gu Jiangxin.

I don't know how to narrate this incident.

She painted well and became a tool for him to please others

He paid a lot of money for paintings, and he wrote some sour articles that hypocritically praised her paintings. It was disgusting to her!

In the three pictures of the exhibition, she prides herself that she has integrated all her life experience into them.

As a result, he rewarded a bribe!

He is really talented!

Huo Sishen's browsing speed was very fast, and his black eyes became much colder when he pushed the phone in front of the teacher.

"Do you want to add him?"

He secretly helped Zhang's family lead the Gu family real estate project in the capital.

He got the news in advance of Shanghai's real estate policy and blocked the source of Gu's news.

To let a person perish, we must first make him crazy.

The higher this person is now, the easier it is to fall to pieces.

Huo Sishen's slender fingers rubbed the fork.

"That must be added!"

Master Gu bulged his cheeks and rolled a fork of pasta.

"I'm going to see how much he can lower his posture in order to fight for profit! In the future, he knows that the ink touch is me, will he vomit blood!"

Also counted as revenge for the original body!

She lifted up her sleeves and passed the application from her friend!

But Gu Jiangxin almost vomited blood long ago.

He drooled at Mrs. Chen's circle of friends last night and chatted with her for a long time.

However, this old lady is very personal!

She even pretended that he couldn't understand the rhetoric that he was willing to paint at a high price. He really couldn't help it, and she finally got rid of it.

But he didn't say that it was related to real estate, lest she really opened her mouth. He just said that a friend likes it, and he just needs to cooperate with him recently.

But who knows, the old lady is so well-connected and shrewd to be terrifying, so she directly posted the screenshot of the "How I am so small in the universe" published by Mayor Liu's circle of friends-after enjoying the exhibition of the Ink and Wash Association, and hit him all at once. His dirty thoughts!

The old lady lion opened her mouth and asked for 100 million!

He almost vomited blood and bought a piece of paper for 100 million...!

Whether his project can make 100 million is a question mark!

Moreover, the old lady knew that such a sum of money would be given to Mayor Liu, which was a great deal.

If reported, this amount is enough for the two of them to squat!

And he broke it for a long time, and finally realized that the old lady didn't mean to sell at all, but was just playing with him!

He wanted an ink-and-wash contact method, and the old lady finally hesitated, saying that he had to ask the master, and it almost made him vomit blood!

After waiting this morning, I finally got the Ink Touch WeChat signal from Secretary Zhang, but when I turned around, I saw Zhang Sheng sending out his new news.

[Hey, Gu, it's rare for you to have a Yaxing appreciation of paintings, how about looking at my painting? 】

Zhang Sheng was also very irritating. He didn't take the entire painting, only the corner of the ink-washed seal and a horseshoe fluttered into it!

When Gu Jiangxin glanced at it, he felt tight in his chest and his blood pressure soared by one hundred and four!

This chapter Sheng actually has a collection!

This is in a hurry to stimulate him!

[Do you want it? (You beg me JPG.)]

Gu Jiangxin slammed the phone on the sofa!

Zhang Family, really deceived!

But after a while, he still gritted his teeth and walked over to pick up the phone, adding a WeChat sign with a big touch of ink and wash.

He went to ask for painting by himself!

The author has something to say: Learn from the lesson, or adjust the release time to six o'clock.

I... revise the manuscript after I finish writing, and strive to let everyone read the article sooner! Ah, I can't break it anymore, my face hurts!

When will I be able to write an A-burst young son who screams as a groundhog!