Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 127: (build)


When Master Gu wakes up every day, the first thing is to touch her belly in a daze.

There is an illusion that it seems to be big, but it doesn't seem to be big.

When she finishes touching it, there is always a big hot hand stretched out beside her, and it will take a long time before she leaves.

"Chu Chu said, calling Xiao A is not very good, not domineering enough."

When the new aunt took office, she put forward her precious opinions.

The man hugging her raised his eyebrows slightly.

"She will go back and think about it these few days, and then give us an idea."

Through the past few days, Master Gu has gradually realized the fact that he was named abolished.

But the man beside him snorted slightly, "She takes care of herself first."

The key is not A, but from A to K to Q... If you don't know anything, just command it.

Gu Shishi lazily rolled over, rubbing under the pillow, and did not find the phone that was put on the bed yesterday before going to bed for a long time.


The man took a long hand and took it out of the drawer of the bedside table.

Apparently after she fell asleep, she helped her put it away again.

"Why haven't you gone out yet?"

Master Gu wakes up spontaneously now, and he won't get up if he doesn't sleep to a certain point.

At this point, workaholics are still in bed, which is really unscientific.

"Well, show you the live broadcast."


After half an hour, Master Gu, who had finished washing, couldn’t wait to find out what it was, but was still watched by Huo Sishen, who was calm and relaxed. He squeezed into the car.

Now the weather is getting colder, so as long as she goes out, she is ordered to dress tightly.

The thick sweater and the long down jacket with super warmth not only cover her belly tightly, but also cover her below the knee!

Gu Shishi's aesthetics was almost dilapidated by the straight man.

Fortunately, she didn't look in the mirror anymore. She wore whatever clothes he took.

In order to watch Dagua’s live broadcast, she is determined to bear this little thing!

"Whose melon is going to eat? Where are we going? Is it really okay if you don't go to work today and only eat melon?"

After getting into the car, Master Gu unzipped the down jacket, the scarf was loose, and asked excitedly as soon as he sat firmly.

Huo Sishen shook her little hand and found it warm, so he simply helped her take off her down jacket.

"I'll talk about it when I go."

Master Gu's eyes lit up and he nodded obediently.

Well, I can't eat hot melon in a hurry!

On the spot, she took out her mobile phone from her small bag, picked out the audio software, and continued to listen to the "Book of Songs" half of what she heard last night.

While listening, silently memorize good words.

In the car, Huo Sishen refused to let her read any paper or e-books, saying that it hurt her eyes.

She is now relying on audio to pass the time. By the way, she looks out of the window. She feels that the scenery is beautiful, or the elevated lane looks like a lane with alternating clouds and dragons. Typically, she takes a photo with her mobile phone.

Take local materials.

Everywhere, there are materials for her learning.

She doesn't waste time.

When Huo Sishen found that she could enjoy herself, she put on a Bluetooth headset and listened to the assistants' report on today's work.

Si Yi sitting in the front seat, watching the interaction between the two in the morning from the rearview mirror, the tough guy's face flashed with admiration after eating the dog food.

A good woman is a man with an elite.

They said they were going to eat melon, but they did not forget to work and study on the way there!

Look, this is the gap!

Why can he only be a helper and not a boss! Is it a family background problem? No, attitude problem!


Si Yi took out his mobile phone silently, wondering if he also wanted to download some planning software, and then he could study hard.

"Hey, this seems to be the way to Dr. Qin?"

Halfway through the picture, Master Gu narrowed his eyes.

The car drove halfway through the elevated highway and then drove into the gradually secluded tree-lined path. She finally recognized it slowly.

Sure enough, the car stopped in front of the private clinic for a while.

Huo Sishen led her out of the car and walked directly into the special needs ward building through the small door of the clinic.

This private clinic of Qin Ruhai is also famous in the circle.

The disinfection of all corners and appliances, the all-round inspection of medical staff and patients, and the elimination of the spread of infectious diseases... have all reached the point where they must be compared with each other.

But there are many rich people in the circle, and there are also many people who are particular about it.

The single-room convalescence ward here has the worst 20,000 yuan a week, and the best family ward has 20,000 yuan a night.

Before Huo Sishen took her in, he disinfected her hands and put on the masks of medical staff.

After the check was correct, he led her to the outside of a special needs ward on the top floor and opened the door.

He didn't say it, and Master Gu didn't ask, he cooperated and waited quietly for the big show along the way.

Sure enough, as soon as the door was opened, she was not disappointed.

The owner of the group of eating melons, Qin Ruhai, eating melon No.1, in a white coat, is leaning against the 100,000-dollar high-tech bed specializing in the treatment of spondylopathy, leaning against the screen of his mobile phone, holding it in his mouth. Dead smoke.

Seeing them push the door in, Qin Ruhai raised his eyes, raised his hand, biting the cigarette, "Come on? Quite on time?"

Huo Sishen nodded at him.

Qin Ruhai had already patted on the bed, and smiled flatteringly at the two of them, "Come on, key protection personnel, glorious mother, please sit down."

Master Gu smiled silently, "What kind of medicine do you two sell in the gourd?"

She thought that the big guys with cleanliness would not come here if nothing happened.

"Don't worry, there is no one who has a cold for ten miles, come and eat melon on the first."

Qin Ruhai simply threw away the unlit cigarette and dragged two round stools.

One moved down to his butt, and the other pushed it to Huo Sishen.

Master Gu still wanted to ask, but he heard the sound of crisp high-heeled footsteps in the room next door.

She couldn't help but looked over in confusion.


Qin Ruhai lowered his voice suddenly.

"Don't make a sound, just listen. If you want to go to the bathroom, it's in this room."

Expectant mothers are prone to frequent urination.

Master Gu blushed and rolled his eyes ungracefully.

But the voice next door has already rang.

"Dad, are you okay? I only received the notice from my aunt today."

It was Gu Wushuang's delicate voice.

Master Gu was taken aback.

"Uncle, until now, you still tell me and Wushuang honestly, what is the story of your Jingde Real Estate? How much is involved and who has offended? Only then can we find a way."

Huo Wencheng's calm voice sounded in the next step.

Master Gu hurriedly grabbed Huo Sishen's arm and looked at him suspiciously.

Huo Sishen held her hand back, tucked the pillow behind her waist, and took out the thermos bottle which was full in his coat pocket.

Bring melon tea and prepare well.

[After Gu Jiangxin suffered a minor stroke, he was rescued in time and lived next door to recuperate. 】

Qin Ruhai typed a line of words on the screen and handed her the phone to show her.

[Huo Wencheng asked me about the ward this morning, and I told him. 】

[Our room is the mother-child room next to it. 】

The child-mother room is a special room for eating melons.

Master Gu understood in seconds.

Then, knocked the line and returned it to him.

[The soundproofing is bad, I will definitely not live here when I give birth to a confinement. 】

Qin Ruhai: "..."

[Sister, this is for you to eavesdrop, so I put the small door in the middle...]

Before she could see Qin Ruhai's beeping explanation, a new voice came from next door.

There was a beep, and it was suspected that someone knocked the water glass to the ground.

"Dad! Brother Cheng is for your good. Don't get angry with him. Now the doctor has said, you can't get angry, otherwise it's easy to get a stroke again. Maybe next time..."

Gu Wushuang's voice was crying, as if he was crying, unable to speak.

After a long pause, she continued to speak.

"Brother is still young, Dad, you should also think about him."

Her voice is still as soft as usual, even with a hint of weakness.

But Master Gu, who was listening with ears erected in the next room, had a complex expression.

Why is it so like Gongdou Opera

The old emperor was seriously ill and couldn't manage the dynasty, and the little prince was not yet at an independent age. The prince had no background and lacked ability.

As long as the old emperor died, the mother and son would be duckweed without support.

Now that there are internal and external troubles, the relatives have taken the opportunity to threaten the prince and narrow the prince to make the rhythm of the princes!

Hey, Gu Jiangxin really let go, who else can give these family properties and enterprises

He wants to inherit from his younger son, and he also wants the younger son to be able to eat it!

When his son was young, he had no other way to go except to find a helper and a reliable regent!

Gu Shishi's expression is also really admired.

Gu Wushuang's white lotus is getting darker and darker.

She is ruthless and discerning enough!

I have to say that her courage is incomparable to ordinary men.

An adopted daughter with no blood relationship, just so abruptly, when Gu Jiangxin has a daughter and a son, she will be completely in the position!

Gu Jiangxin, who was next door, seemed to be rescued in time for the stroke. He was diagnosed and treated within the golden four hours. Although he was not fluent in speaking, he was not quiet.

"You, you... you are an unfilial girl!"

Master Gu could hear Gu Wushuang's plan, let alone the old fox Gu Jiangxin.

At this point, Gu Jiangxin finally realized what white-eyed wolf he had raised!

Yes, he is cheating.

He is not a good husband or a good father, but he never imagined that this daughter, who has been raising for so many years, found an outsider to support his old father when he was lying in a hospital bed.

If Gu's mother is the ignorance of a woman's benevolence, then Gu Jiangxin is already emotionally cold, and at this moment he realized that he had bet wrong for many years!

Let Gu Wushuang catch Huo Wencheng's line, and after he found his own daughter, he did not drive her away from Gu's house.

"dad… "

Gu Wushuang's sobbing sounded like weeping quickly, and she seemed to cry out.

"You can scold me whatever you want, but I can't let Cheng Cheng be tired of me because of you... This matter, Dad, do you really think it can end just by paying a fine? The Huo family signed a contract with you, and now Cheng My brother was also dragged into the water and suspended by the board of directors! Dad, you offended the above, as long as you stay in the company for a day, from Jingde Real Estate to your home and... Your life's hard work will be lost, and Brother Cheng's future will be ruined!"

"A hundred years later, what will you leave for your brother..."

"Even if you hate me and hate me again, I will say, wake up! Call the company directors, you... take a long sick leave!"

Gu Wushuang clanged and fluently.

To say that it was not a line that was thought up in advance, Gu Shishi didn't believe it.


Gu Jiangxin was really angry.

"I... not dead yet!"

Gu Wushuang's sobbing sound was even worse, almost overwhelming Gu Jiangxin's heavy panting.

Master Gu pricked up his ears and almost pressed against the wall.

But soon, Huo Wencheng's voice came.

"Uncle Gu, I have always respected you very much, and you have always been a role model for us juniors."

"On the influence of Jingde, the other two founders are far inferior to you. This is a company you built with your own hands, and it is also your child."

"But Jingde's stock price has plummeted now. I heard that several shareholder meetings have been held internally, but I am unable to discuss countermeasures. Uncle Gu, I also heard that the two founders have some other ideas, such as withdrawing from the application. City field..."

"No, no!"

Gu Jiangxin is too clear.

Letting the plate of Shencheng go, he has almost nowhere to go, that is the real dwindling day!

There is Zhang family in the capital to fight against, and Guangshen has a century-old family guard, it is not Jingde who wants to go.

Other second and third tiers are unlikely to have big returns in the short term.

And... Even more deadly, even if Zhang De wanted to withdraw from the city, he would not be allowed.

Who will let the big taxpayers on their own land move

At that time, it was not District Mayor Liu who was angry, I am afraid it was a higher-level figure who would not let him go!

Gu Jiangxin knows very well that even though the situation is bad now, if you keep going, you can get a chance to breathe.

He is not tax evasion after all.

He just gave some gifts to his previous posts before. These people have been transferred. Now they need to be investigated, and the current position of those people must also be taken into account. It may not be necessary to check him upright and remove all the grasshoppers on a rope. Kill.

When they hit a hard rock, these people will naturally stop.

"Uncle, I heard one thing, you gave District Mayor Liu a painting to make him angry?"

Huo Wencheng paused.

"The crime of bribery shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention, and a fine; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years. Uncle, the painting is worth thirty million, right?"

"You are breaking the law, if the shareholders know..."

Even if the shareholders were very good at the time, once something happened, they would definitely report and expose themselves for their own benefit, and pick themselves up first.

"Dad, Mom and I have persuaded you before."

Gu Wushuang whimpered again.

The previous two words, like a ball of fire, completely burned the entire ward.

Gu Jiangxin almost jumped up from the hospital bed, pointed her nose and cursed, "You, you..."

This wolf ambition!

He has done these things more than once.

In the past, Gu Wushuang was regarded as his biological daughter, and he never concealed his meal with the district head and secretary.

Even, they often let their daughters socialize with the big brothers' children of the same age.

Even Zhang Wen, he had asked her to attend several noble ladies' gatherings. In the name of his wife, he secretly gave a few gifts at that time.

Zhang Wen knows something, but she has never been interested in them, and she has no evidence against him!

Gu Jiangxin was very sure, so he was particularly decisive and fearless when divorcing.

But now that these words came out of Gu Wushuang's mouth, his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

Gu Wushuang was crying the whole time, and his voice was sobbing, as if he was the weakest person in the world.

"Dad, I'm sorry, once you called Uncle Chen, I heard it."

"At that time, I just finished my piano practice, and took a break to pour water... You know, in order to improve my piano art, I used to record with my mobile phone and compare the results of my practice every day. I... I recorded them all that day. NS!"

Gu Jiangxin almost memorized it in one go.

Do evil, committed a great evil!

What did he raise at home!

"I'm not trying to expose you, Dad, I don't want to get there, but... Dad, please, Brother Cheng can't make any more mistakes now. His mother doesn't like me. If this continues, Brother Cheng will really be expelled. Get out of the house!"

What she said was reasonable and affectionate.

For the man he loves, it seems that righteousness is gone.

After she finished speaking, Huo Wencheng's affectionate voice sounded in the ward, which was obviously very moved.


"Brother Cheng—"

"You guys... Get out!"

Gu Jiangxin roared!

"Uncle, I know it's hard for you to accept it. The mistakes from the beginning to the end of this matter are all on you. You may not know that the painting sent to District Mayor Liu was also photographed by Mr. Zhou who accompanied you that day. ."

Gu Jiangxin was panting.

Huo Wencheng apparently got the picture taken by Mr. Zhou, "It's beautiful and beautiful. Uncle, your defeat is in that painting."

At half the rate, there was no sound in the ward, and then there was an old roar.

"No, it's impossible...!!!"

"Think about it, Wushuang and I will see you tomorrow."

When the voice fell, the sound of high heels came out next door again.

Accompanied by Gu Jiangxin's almost irrational roar, he got farther and farther away.

When the next door became quieter, Qin Ruhai slowly sorted out his white coat, took the couple away, and went to his office.

"Is he interested in Gu family property?"

Master Gu didn't name her by name, but the two men present knew who she was talking about.

He was driven out by Huo's mother and was temporarily deprived of his inheritance rights.

Huo Wencheng turned around and unexpectedly accompanied Gu Shishi to conquer Gu Jiangxin's territory!

A ten-year prison sentence was used to force Gu Jiangxin to let go of the company's management rights, and even most of the Gu family's property. I don't know if Gu Jiangxin will agree to it in the end.

"who cares!"

Qin Ruhai waved indifferently.

"Dog bites the dog, let's watch the fun!"

Huo Sishen glanced at him coldly.

Qin Ruhai immediately got a chill on the back of his neck and said, "Anyway, my sister-in-law is wise, Gu Wushuang is very poisonous. You are right to ignore her and stay away from the battlefield."

"Why didn't I hear that this is a compliment?"

Master Gu hummed softly.

As expected, Huo Sishen glanced at Qin Ruhai badly.

"Hey hey hey, I provide the venue, please read the free first-hand information, and even stare at me."

Qin Ruhai picked up the phone smoothly.

"By the way, do you want the recording, sell you one million? Give it to Mrs. Huo, hahaha, let her see how poisonous this future wife is, she dare to let this little poisonous flower come into the house!"

Huo Sishen didn't even look at him, got up and helped Master Gu and turned to leave.

Si Yi next to him shook the recording pen in his hand to Qin Ruhai in time.

Master Gu laughed, "Doctor Qin, is it a three million buyout? The soundproofing is so bad, do your VIP patients know it?"

Qin Ruhai: "...! Damn!"

The author has something to say: The villain has evolved again, but it's useless, so poisonous and decisively can't get married! Quack quack!

Start a new round of abuse...

In other words, I saw a baby’s suggestion to let Gu Jiangxin discover that his son was not his own. I think it’s good, hahaha, but after writing this, I feel that woc is almost dead by me... Okay, next step, I’m going to drive It's Gu's mother! Then let's get a little poisonous flower.

In fact, this is a book "Let the villains regret it, take turns vomiting blood" ~ um~