Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 15


In the early morning, the crisp sound of bird song, one after another in the garden outside the suburban villa, is very lively.

At 7:30, Gu Shishi was woken up on time by the damn phone ringing.

Early in the morning, I saw the BB live broadcast.

【New fans: 3. 】

【Highest number of viewers: 10. 】

The system showed "recognition by others", and the progress did not increase.

She started broadcasting for the first time last night, and she only paid attention to her own painting throughout the whole process, which is normal if there is no audience.

Master Gu doesn't care about the results of live broadcast, drawing satisfactory works is enough for her to be crooked, and now she can't care about so much.

She got up with difficulty, the dark circles under her eyes were heavier than the day before, and after walking a few steps softly, she felt a splitting headache.

Last night, her stomach was so painful that she collapsed.

But when I was about to find medicine, the butler magically knocked on the door and delivered it.

The housekeeper also planned to let the family doctor come over, but she refused.

She thought that taking medicine would be good, but now she woke up, she was still weak and sweating!

【warn! 】

[The host enters a weak state, and his life drops at a rate of 300%! 】

Master Gu stared.

What? !

She quickly glanced at the blood strip.

【Life balance: 3 days and 13 minutes. 】

She suddenly turned black!

Before going to bed last night, her blood bar was almost full for five days!

Now that she woke up from sleep, she had taken a day and a half of her life!

This bad news caused her heart to bleed suddenly!

She still wants to use it a few more times, "like a god-assisted"!

Annoyed, she staggered under her feet, and when she shook her body, she stepped on half a step!

I want to grab the handrail, but I don't have the strength to grab it!

Lost the center of gravity instantly, and fell all over!

Master Gu exclaimed.

But in despair...

With a bang, she actually ran into a warm, hard embrace with a touch of woody fragrance!

Master Gu was shocked and raised his eyes tremblingly.

"You are so stupid...you can't even walk?!"

In the next second, the voice of cold and gritted teeth came from above her head!

Word by word, it seemed to come from under the whetstone, shivering with chills.

Master Gu moved her neck slightly, and she finally realized that her face was resting on something!

Boss... the chest!

Anxiously, she wanted to support him with her hands and get up, but remembering his cleanliness, she froze in the air and didn't dare to move.

And only relying on the strength of the neck and face... She...

"Uh, sorry... but I... don't seem to get up!"

Huo Sishen: "...?!!!"

The most fearful thing is the sudden silence in the air.

Especially when it is so embarrassing.

The boss didn't speak or push her up, just keeping her leaping on his chest and staying still!

Master Gu blinked a little embarrassedly.

She didn't dare to touch the boss casually.

But could it be that the boss didn't want to reach out to touch her and straighten her person

Uh, this is a bit tricky!

Is it possible to wait for a third person to come? !

Master Gu struggled for a while, and finally worked hard with his neck and pressed Dalai Huo’s chest to see if he could get himself up...

"what are you doing!?"

Huo Sishen's black eyes almost burst out of fire!

This reckless woman!

Pounced on him early in the morning, and now she rubs her small face on his chest.

As soon as you lower your head, you can see her white and pink neck, and smell the sweet and refreshing scent of her body...

"I... I'm working hard, getting up..."


A second later, Huo Sishen frowned, and with a gaze that was enough to pass people a thousand times, he took a deep look at her neck, which was so thin that she could squeeze it off.

One hand, holding the collar behind her neck!

Like a doll, he lifted her up lightly and made her stand firm.

As if feeling the weight in his hand, he frowned.

She doesn't look short, she's still slender.

It's very light.

The deep black eyes looked at her faintly.

"Thank you, Mr. Huo, I will be careful next time I go downstairs."

Master Gu's feet stepped firmly on the ground again, only to finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Patted his chest.

Huo Sishen squinted.

But immediately turned his head, and hurriedly looked away.

With a long stature, he passed her and walked up the stairs blankly.

At the top of the stairs, he stopped.

"There is no more chance."


Teacher Gu stuck out his tongue.

"By the way, I have a gift..."

She hadn't said anything about the gift yet, Huo Sishen had already closed the door!

"Uh, then tell him next time."

Master Gu muttered.

But when she turned her head, her legs became soft again, and she quickly pulled on the armrest.

I pulled too much yesterday, and today I have no strength in my legs!

Eat quickly!

"Uncle Chef..."

She hurried to the restaurant almost out of breath.

Pulled the nearest chair, sat down quickly.

"I don't need milk today, I just drink water, everything else is fine."

Yesterday ice milk hurt her miserably!

"Hold on."

The uncle chef answered very professionally.

While Gu Shishi was waiting, he quickly pulled out the system panel that was invisible to others and glanced at it.

[Life balance: 2 points in 3 days. 】


It was only on the way to the restaurant that she was killed for 11 minutes!

She couldn't bear the 300% accelerated decline!

"Miss Gu, breakfast today."

"Master specially ordered to do something lighter for you."

Soon, the uncle chef came back with the tray.


Master Gu thanked him, but as soon as he lowered his head, he saw a large bowl of rice porridge... and a small dish of floss that was not even the size of a fist, and a few poor pickles!

Master Gu opened his mouth.

The uncle chef smiled, "The young master also said that in the future, I will give you three meals rations, and you can only eat 80% full every day."

Eight points

Gu Shishi only felt like a bolt from the blue.


She is now 300% consumption!

"Just leave it after eating."

The uncle chef turned and left.

But Master Gu was sluggish.

After half a salary, she eagerly picked up the spoon and turned over the porridge bowl in disbelief.

There is really only white rice in the porridge!

Light to the point!

She took a bite, and she was about to shed tears.

A spoonful of white porridge slipped into your mouth.

Instantly cured her gastrointestinal discomfort.

But there is no recharge reminder!

She flipped through the system.

There really is nothing!

The system thinks that the porridge is too worthless and does not trigger the recharge at all

She gritted her teeth and picked up chopsticks, pork floss and mustard... Still nothing...

Ow, this superficial and powerful broken system!

Master Gu chewed, and grief came from it.

"Boss... Is this caring about me?"

Yesterday the housekeeper delivered the medicine. Could it be that the boss knew that she had stomach upset

Master Gu couldn't laugh or cry.

It feels good to be cared for.

But... She wants to cry!

Turning grief into appetite, she utterly wiped out the porridge.

But when she was about to get up after eating, the corners of her mouth twitched again.

Cover his belly instantly.

"Not finished yet?!"

She rushed into the bathroom on the first floor.

Soon, she walked out with a pale face and soft legs.

"Miss Gu, are you okay?"

The passing maid saw her face and hurriedly asked.

Master Gu took a deep breath, "It's okay..."

But half a second later, she went in again!

After going back and forth twice, she walked out, even more imaginary.

Porridge is not good!

Butler's medicine is not good!

The blood bar swishes down!

"Miss Gu, do you want to sit for a while? Your forehead is sweaty."

The maid dared not leave her.

"By the way, I just wanted to find you. You told the housekeeper last night that you have old clothes to deal with. Is it the one you left on the sofa?"

Master Gu just remembered, "Yes, I don't know if you need anything, or how to donate it? The second use is okay, anyway, I lost the wave..."

Such expensive clothes can still be worn, and it is a waste to lose them.

She thought so.

But before the word "fee" came out, she felt a chill behind her.

Following the air condition, she turned her head.

Huo Sishen's eyes were cold, his face was gloomy, and he was standing in the shadow behind her in a suit and leather shoes with a strong aura.

Beside, follow Siyi.

[Huo Sishen's favorability drops! The favor degree is cleared! 】

Yacht butterfly!

Did she say something wrong

"Throw out the garbage! No one is allowed to wear it again!"

Huo Sishen passed her without looking back.

He knew that what she said at the door yesterday was all nonsense!

He wanted to give his suit to the servant so that other men could wear it!

He also asked to give her medicine

Huo Sishen's eyes were cold, and his eyes were filled with unstoppable anger and irony.

Gu Shishi didn't have time to speak at all, looking back, only to see the back of him decisively leaving.

In an instant, a strong desire for survival surged into her heart!

If she lets the boss go out now, I'm afraid he won't pay attention to her again in the future, she will belch in two days!

"and many more!"

She stood up hurriedly, but stunned again.

The weakness of the body finally broke out like a flood.

Only when she grabbed the hem of the man's clothes, her eyes became black and she fell uncontrollably.

"Miss Gu!"

"Call the doctor!"

There were eager screams and roars, a female voice and a male voice.

Like a panicked maid, and Si Yi's voice.

Master Gu's consciousness was still there, but the blackness in front of her couldn't dissipate, and she couldn't see anything for a while.

She wanted to struggle to get up, but she didn't have the strength.

My consciousness is getting blurred...

I don't know how long it took before she woke up leisurely.

In the ear, there was a surprised and furious question.

"This skirt is she going to deal with?!"

The magnetically low voice, even if the words are quick and fast, still looks elegant and extraordinary.

"Yes, Master, this is the skirt that Miss Gu put on the sofa, tell me she doesn't need it anymore."

Master Gu was still a little confused, but he grasped the words.

What happened to the skirt

This is Gu Wushuang's clothes. She doesn't want it, neither does the other party. It's time to deal with it...

But tens of thousands, what a pity to throw it away.

Is there anything wrong with secondary use

But she opened her eyes, but only in the dark, she vaguely saw the handsome profile of the man and the sharp corners of the jaw.

It's a big guy...

Is she dreaming

How could he be sitting on her bedside in her room

"Big guy..."

She spoke, her voice super dumb.

"Well, can you... add me a WeChat..."

Since in a dream... who can't have a super bold idea

[Get Huo Sishen's favorability! 】

[The love of the male host rises to LV2!]

Master Gu: "!"

The author has something to say: Teacher: This beautiful dream~

Dalai Huo: I need my WeChat account as soon as I wake up. Si Yi, she...

Si Yi: Don't ask, if you ask, it is the depth of love!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

The rogue rabbit is not a rogue, 1 bottle of the sound of the sunset and the sea;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!