Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 32: She is better than a sparrow


As soon as Master Gu turned around after speaking, he saw an acquaintance.

"Huh, Meow? Why are you here too?"

At this moment, Chen Kexin was also impressed with a shocked expression.

Chen Kexin touched her nose.

Some are embarrassing, and some are in a dilemma.

She... Can you say that she is curious, and after listening to her grandma, she really wants to find out about Master Gu

As a result, I heard Pingting said that Master Gu is here as a painting teacher, teaching entry-level skills, she didn't believe it on the spot... So, here comes!

"I, I happened to be passing by..."

Chen Kexin's face was a little red.

Of course she would not say that she was shocked by Master Gu's cool fine brushwork just now!

Even when Master Gu put away the drawing paper just now, she almost jumped out and wanted to ask if she could sell...

Tianyang Gate, one of the nine gates of the capital, can be said to be the most complete ancient defense system in the world.

It has a strong momentum and a tall shape, which is very representative in the history of architecture.

The point is, Gu Shishi simply painted too much!

Her meticulous craftsmanship can not only draw cute orange cats, but also restore this magnificent city wall building so exquisitely and realistically!

Not only is the shape similar, but there is also the unrepeatable momentum and artistic conception!

Wind, clouds, and water are a stupid proposition.

But Master Gu has perfectly integrated it into this Zhengyangmen painting!

It became the artistic conception in the painting, which made her feel the drizzle fluttering, the comfort and freshness of wind blowing.

Want to collect!

I want to take it home and show it to grandma!

Chen Kexin's eyes flashed, and she tried very hard to suppress the desire in her heart.

"Passing by?"

Master Gu noticed her gaze, and it kept falling on the drawing paper in his hand.

Smiled and didn't expose her.

"Since it's such a coincidence, do you want to sign up and come to my class?"

Chen Kexin was stunned on the spot.

Attend class

Master Gu is in grandma's eyes, but he is a master!

Is she willing to teach herself

She really... is here to be an ordinary teacher!

If grandma knew, she would be shocked and speechless, right

"It's not expensive, 300 for a lesson. If you buy a package of 20 lessons, you can enjoy one-to-one teaching with a discount of 5,000."

Gu Shishi worked hard to promote sales.

This is her current job.

Either don't do it, or do it seriously.

Chen Kexin couldn't help but stare, only three hundred!

She suspected that grandma would come after she knew about it!

No, there is no doubt, it is almost certain.

"Then, then come one?"

Chen Kexin suddenly felt like he had picked up a big bargain!

Master Gu smiled and nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, then you can go to the front desk to buy a class, or directly buy the group from Dianping."

Without urging, Chen Kexin quickly placed an order, "Then... If you need to give a lecture, can you? One-on-two or one-on-three."

In case her grandma also wants to attend classes, it would be inappropriate to come to such a place.

She is planning ahead and wants to confirm it first.

"You have to ask the store manager."

Master Gu shrugged.

Chen Kexin nodded solemnly, "I'll go to the front desk to ask."

But as soon as she turned around, she turned her head and looked at the puffy girl next to Master Gu, her expression became a little weird, but she didn't say anything.

When she walked to the front desk, she learned that the manager was not there, and did not go back. Instead, she went to the mall outside, frowned and opened the WeChat group of her girlfriends.

After hesitating, he directly wrote to Luo Pingting.

[Pingting, are you still looking for trouble with Master Gu? I was passing by today and it seemed to see Shen Weiwei making trouble in her studio. 】

She wiped and wrote this news.

Changed it several times.

In the end, I deleted the result of'inflict insults on my own, no success at all'.

Shen Weiwei, who came to the studio in a pettiskirt, was a college classmate who Luo Pinting had brought before to play with them.

The Shen family mainly developed abroad and only returned to China in the past two years.

The Shen family has been relying on the Luo family for business, so Shen Weiwei also leaned on Luo Pinting's side, and she was considered half a follower.

After a while, she received a reply on her mobile phone.

【what? What a coincidence, you saw it? My brother said he would come to watch, but it seemed that there was a traffic jam. What? Ask for a live broadcast. Is the girl who graduated from technical school making a big ugly? ! 】

Chen Kexin's complexion was a bit ugly.

She now doesn't understand more and more what Pin Ting and Wushuang are doing.

She didn't even see what Master Gu did to them, but was provoked and harassed by them step by step.

And the methods used are so vulgar!

She was not ashamed to say hello to Shen Weiwei just now!

Chen Kexin took a deep breath before typing out a line, [Let Shen Weiwei tell you the details. 】

Foolish? Master Gu

She thinks they are the ones who make the fool out!

She felt ashamed to be with them just now!

[Ping Ting, if there is no evidence, it's best not to confront Master Gu again. In any case, she is the daughter of the Gu family who has been lost for many years, and the experience is also very pitiful. Let's stop interfering in the Gu family's housework. 】

Chen Kexin couldn't help typing one more line.

But soon she received an angry expression of anger.

[Cocoa, you are boring to say that! Wushuang grew up with us, she is in trouble today, don't you help her? Moreover, that Master Gu was despicable and shameless, and drove Wushuang away in public at your grandma's birthday party, don't you know? You actually help Gu Wushuang to speak now! 】

[As soon as this vicious woman looked back at her home, she robbed Wushuang's room, drove away Zhang's mother, and also took away the marriage contract that was supposed to be Wushuang! Had she not been so mean, Wushuang would have been with Brother Huo long ago! 】

Chen Kexin couldn't help but clenched her fingers on the phone.

That day, she also misunderstood that Wushuang was driven away at first.

But then my grandmother said that Wushuang had a heart attack, and both of Gu's parents went to the hospital.

After returning home, she was overwhelmed.

At the banquet, the best friends all fell into trouble with Master Gu. How could she successfully drive Wushuang away in front of everyone

If Wushuang didn't want to leave by herself, who could force her

They are obviously lying.

Chen Kexin's heart suddenly became confused.

Why did my best friend who grew up lie to her

[Coco, wake up! Do you remember your dream when you were a kid? You want to marry Brother Huo! He is such a handsome and provocative man, and now he is arched by such an inferior woman, don't you be angry! ? 】

Chen Kexin's mobile phone shook, and her whole person also shook!

Brother Huo... What is Ping Ting talking about!

That was at least when they were five or six years old!

Regarding the teacher, what does it have to do with this

Since the Huo family's accident, her grandma stopped her from getting close to the Huo family.

She has basically forgotten all the things she had done when she was a child!

Even this kind of thing, Ping Ting used as a reason to spoof Gu Shishi

Chen Kexin looked at the phone blankly, stunned.

She didn't know how to reply.

It's only been two years since going abroad, how come she almost didn't know Ping Ting and the others

【drop! The progress of the mission of'Chen Kexin's Great Enlightenment' is 50%! 】

Master Gu was in the second wave of class, and there was a sudden ringing in his ears.

She couldn't help but look back in surprise.

I didn't see Chen Kexin's voice and shadow. It seemed that the girl didn't come back after saying that she went to buy a class.

She took advantage of the simple coloring of the students in front of her, and called up the system interface.

When did Chen Kexin fully realize

She also silently increased her progress by 50%. She didn't seem to be doing anything, right

Is this girl so conscious

As soon as he looked at the interface, Master Gu stayed.

The two progress increases were more than 11 o'clock last night, which was the same as just now.

It's weird.

They did chat last night, and she added the WeChat of this girl's grandma.

But after 11 o'clock in the night, she was already asleep at that time.

Chen Kexin, this girl, is it introspection that she has insomnia

And just now, didn't she go to buy a class

If you buy it, you will realize it

"This magical girl!"

Master Gu couldn't help but muttered.

But soon she still gathered her mind and focused on the students in front of her.

She didn't see Chen Kexin again until she got off work.

The girl did not contact her on WeChat to talk about the painting class.

Master Gu shook his head, this pitiful child.

It is estimated that after Da Che Da Enlightened, he was hit by the Three Views, and it takes some time to ease.

"Meimei, go, get off work, withdraw with me~"

Master Gu hooked up this little beauty and went to the underground garage together.

She would let Ling Xiaomei take a ride every day.

On the way, there is a talking companion.

"You think about resigning again."

Ling Xiaomei's resignation report today was stopped by her.

The good name is that the store manager didn't come, it was God's will to ask her to think about it again.

"We haven't reached the level of talent, the road is still long, it's better than endurance."

"If you give up now, it really ends here."

Teacher Gu does not think that she draws on her talent to feed her.

If there was no master holding a small whip when she was a child, and she was always ready to smoke her by the side, she might not be able to become a teacher now.

Ling Xiaomei bit her lip.

He lowered his face for half payment, then slowly raised his face, and a trace of courage was plucked up in his eyes.

"Then teacher, can I, can I ask you to point me to it?"

"I may have practiced for many years without much results, but... you are right, I want to work hard again!"

"I want to give myself a year. If you feel that I have not made any progress, then I will give up."

She looked expectant, but a little cramped.

"If you are not free... then forget it!"

Master Gu laughed when he heard it, "Then you have to pay for my tuition."

Ling Xiaomei's eyes lit up, "Yes! May I give you the rake price for one lesson in the store?"

Master Gu knocked on her forehead with a flick, "No. You will cover all my breakfasts for the tuition!"

Ling Xiaomei immediately covered her forehead, but quickly reacted.

Almost jumped up in surprise.

"Master, ah, I want to love you to death!"

"Why are you so good!"

How much is a breakfast, it costs more than 100 if you die in a month!

"After that, I will give you homework every day, and you have to finish it carefully. Say it first. If you don't obey, I will be fierce."


Ling Xiaomei hugged her arm.

Instantly happily pounced on Master Gu!

"Master, your body is so fragrant and soft~ your skin is so white!"

"Love you love you love you~"

Master Gu patted her little face, "Nonsense to tell the truth."

underground garage.

The parked Cadillac, in the back seat of the car, was windy.

Huo Sishen squinted his black eyes, looking through the rear window mirror coldly at the two girls who were about to hug each other.

Teacher Gu even looked at the little girl with a fond look!

The little girl still said she was sweet and soft, what is this? !

In public, how decent two girls are like this!

The little girl's hand is almost touching her chest... She is still smiling so happy, she doesn't know how to avoid it

Huo Sishen's black eyes were extremely cold, and his jaw tightened.

It's not like it!

He coldly watched Master Gu's neckline being pulled crooked, and the exquisite collarbone that was exposed was white and small...

I couldn't help but remembered that she was lying on the sofa, and the glaring snow muscle under the skirt was like snowflakes falling on the black soil, and it was cold to the bottom of my heart.

He squinted his eyes, his thin lips pressed tightly.

Gu's group of mindless people!

Did no one teach her

He unbuttoned the first button of his neckline irritably and moved down the window.

Twisted eyebrows, spit out two words.


The two chirping little girls outside suddenly stopped!

Better than a sparrow!