Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 34: Woman, the taste is not good, you are at your own risk


Where did the remarks after the WeChat name come from

None before.

Gu Shishi exited the chat window and went in again, the scarlet letter is still there.

And in the chat history of friends—

Mr. Huo, there is no remark.

Ling Xiaomei, there is no remark.

what's the situation

"What's the matter, is Chen Kexin alone?"

[When the items that increase the popularity level, they will only be displayed when they appear in the exchange mall. 】

The system finally showed compassion, and a prompt popped up.

"That's not right. Didn't I add Chen Kexin's WeChat long ago? By the way, why can't I see this remark when I touched the small account?"

[Must have the browsing permission of the other party's circle of friends. 】

[It will not be displayed when it is pulled into the blacklist and is not authorized to watch. 】

Master Gu stared.

"I have her..."

After only saying three words, she discovered her WeChat account for "Ink Touch", and indeed she hasn't seen Chen Kexin's circle of friends recently.

This girl actually blocked her

Is it plausible

When she first added WeChat, she could still see her, but now she found her true identity and blocked her

Gu Shishi compared the next two WeChat IDs, and it turned out that when he flipped through the frequently used numbers, he saw several updates posted by Chen Kexin recently.

'Insomnia... Is getting acne again? '

'I refuse to go out this day! In one minute, the makeup was spent, and it was greasy on the face! I'm going crazy! '

'Almighty circle of friends, ask for a refreshing isolation and foundation! '

'Who can recommend a pore astringent? Triangle area... It's okay to get rid of blackheads. '

In the last two or three days, she has posted such news about recommended products.

Before the reverse, the situation of po various Meitu bags.

Master Gu grinned suddenly, cheeks puffed up cheerfully.

"It's really sleepy to give a pillow."

She was feeling that she had exchanged a useless cold water, but did it happen to Chen Kexin's arms

It's also a coincidence.

After a wave of blood, Master Gu immediately lifted up his sleeves and replied under some of her dynamics.

[I have an exclusive secret recipe. 】

[I want to try it out, chat in a small window. 】

She made another entry-level list of paper, ink, pen and inkstone and posted it.

When it was done, she glanced at the countdown of 23 minutes left by the system, and sighed.

Putting the phone into her pocket, she took out the chef's secret book in her bag and walked to the corridor.

She walked back and forth on the wooden floor in the corridor for five minutes in a low voice entangledly, but she didn't see the boss coming out of the room.

She approached the study door quietly again, pricked up her ears, but couldn't hear the sound inside.


For unknown reasons, the angry boss seems to be... autistic.

At this time, in order to increase her favorability, she forcibly broke in. Will she end well

Anyone going crazy needs a calm time.

When the temperature has not yet cooled down, if you provoke the other person, you are looking for scolding.

Master Gu bowed his head resignedly, holding the chef's notes, and simply went to the small restaurant kitchen.

She still doesn't want to look for it at this time.

People with only a few days of life can't afford to hurt them.

What if the boss drops her to LV0 in one breath and throws her out of the villa

She just belched out!

Can't afford to offend, can only hide!

She simply went to the kitchen and tried to cook the steak dishes she had studied in the morning. In addition, she cooked the stock by herself, waiting for tomorrow's uncle chef's review.

It took nearly three hours to do a lot of work.

I was sweating all over, and my back was sore when I stood.

But as long as the thought, if she cooks deliciously next week, the boss's affection for her will rise four or five levels... She can't stop happily.

After finishing the final steak, she cut a small piece to taste it, nodded and put it in the refrigerator, and then returned to the room with satisfaction.

But while she was taking a bath and applying facial mask happily, the light in the study hadn't been turned off yet.

Huo Si Shen sat on the leather chair, holding the booklet Si Yi handed over in his hand.

"I found it?"

The Secretary didn't dare to lift his head, "It should be Miss Gu's, and it landed in the kitchen. The first page seems to be her handwriting."

Huo Sishen twisted his eyebrows and opened the first page smoothly.

Saute the steak.

The handwriting seems to belong to Chef Zheng, his secret recipe.

But when his cold eyes fell to the end of the page, he was stunned.

Next to the secret recipe of the ballpoint pen is the Q version of pencil graffiti and handwriting.

[Big guy likes to eat meat, do it!]

Under the words, it is a hand-drawn drawing of a round cartoon steak.

And there is a circle of fat and autumn vegetables all around, struggling to step forward, jumping into the pot with a laugh!

[Dishes that the boss doesn't like, you have to secretly put them. 】

Delicate handwriting, pink.

As stupid as the master...

It is also full of naivety.

But such a naive person, sometimes with his pen and ink, makes him amazed.

It's like that bamboo fan.

Vigorous and powerful, elegant and ancient characters, lone bamboo standing in the breeze and growing hard...

Still eye-catching.

The corners of Huo Sishen's mouth, which had been tightly pressed, couldn't help but curve.

The coldness of the whole body immediately melted away a lot.

"What are you using her stuff for me? Siyi, you are getting less and less able to do things."

With a snap, the booklet was thrown on the table.

Si Yi, who was criticized by name, nodded quickly, "Okay, I will return it to Miss Gu."

Boss... When you speak, don't raise the corners of your mouth and don't have a smile in your eyes, it will be more convincing!

He turned around and left.

But with a low voice, he stopped him again.


Huo Sishen's slender fingers buckled the edge of the table.

Half the rate, but paused.

"Forget it, it's okay, you go."

Secretary nodded and immediately withdrew.

Doctor Qin is right, the boss has really changed!

The temper became more uncertain, and became a mother-in-law...

But he really made a bet.

When the boss saw Miss Gu's things, he was in a good mood.

When he was in a good mood, the clerks of them could breathe a sigh of relief.

When the Secretary thought about it, the pace was easier.

When Gu Shishi was knocked on the door, he was not stunned.

But seeing Siyi and seeing his laptop left in the kitchen was a bit of a surprise afterwards.

Before I had time to thank you, the beep in my ear kept ringing.

It's the same as Tianlai...!

【drop! Huo Sishen's favorability has risen sharply! 】

【drop! The host's favor is promoted and returns to LV2! Currently, the upgrade progress from LV3 is 60%! 】

Suddenly rise

Has it risen so much

It just fell back to LV1, and now it has not only risen back, but also almost equaled the previous progress!

"Boss, Mr. Huo...Are you still up in the study?"

Master Gu is really curious.

The gangster didn't sleep in the middle of the night, but he was desperately trying to yell himself. Did you think of her

I didn't expect that he was such a big man!

Secretary nodded, but didn't say much.

But Master Gu quickly felt the vibration of the phone.

[Life Saver: If the food next week is unpalatable and it is difficult for me to swallow, you will be at your own risk. 】

Master Gu: "..."

Taking a peek at other people's secrets, does the boss still make sense? !

And the Li family mansion at this moment.

Late at night, the lights were bright.

When Miss Li Jiasan returned happily from the sisters’ party, she realized that the atmosphere at home was not right.

"Parents, grandparents, uncle, why are you all here?"

Li Yiru suddenly felt a little guilty.

I usually played in the middle of the night, and the family slept.

She was a little late, and they didn't even know.

But it was almost one o'clock in the morning today, and they were all sitting in the living room.

"Xiaoru, what's the matter? Go home so late! Didn't I still send a message today to ask you to come back soon!"

Li Chengzheng's expression is very ugly.

"Okay, second brother, it would be nice if Xiao Ru came back."

Li Chengxing next to him hurriedly persuaded.

But the look in Li Yiru's eyes didn't have the usual kindness either.

Li Yiru bit her lower lip, "I have an important friend today..."

"Friends, friends, what kind of friends do you play with! Is it important for friends to have family affairs?"

Li Chengzheng took the table again.

Li Yi narrowed his mouth, "Dad, you didn't make it clear that there was something at home when you sent a message."

Li Chengzheng's old dry face twitched suddenly.

I wanted to go crazy, but was stopped by the old man Li at home.

"Xiaoru, tell grandpa, have you caused any trouble outside recently?"

The old man of the Li family leaned on crutches and sat in jeopardy.

There are a lot of folds on his face, but his eyes are incredibly bright.

"No, why do you ask, Grandpa?"

Li Yiru shook his head.

The old man of the Li family didn't answer, and asked again, "Did you have a conflict with anyone?"

Li Yiru's calm face suddenly hesitated for a second.

She always plays with her friends. Going to work during the day is nothing more than experiencing life, and the boss must enshrine her.

Generally, she can't get into conflict with people, except...

A few days ago, at the Chen family's birthday party, I had a bit of dispute with that teacher.

But this is not a dispute, but they partnered up to deal with this vicious girl from a poor family!

"No, grandpa."

Li Yiru blinked and answered directly.

But the Li family present here are all shrewd people in the business arena.

Her short hesitation was clearly seen by them.

Li Chengzheng's hands were shaking with anger, "You still don't tell the truth!"

He slammed the phone on the table with a bang.

"Xiaoru, your grandfather and uncle are here. Please confess," Li's mother winked anxiously, and she reached out and pointed to a bottle of red wine on the table. "You went out these two days, is there anything related to this wine? Thing?"

Li Yiru was startled by her father's loud voice, and was about to deny it.

But her eyes followed her mother's fingers, but she couldn't help but startled.


She spilled the wine on Master Gu!

"Mom, what's the matter? Where did this wine come from!"

Li Yiru snorted in his heart.

When Li Cheng saw her like this, he knew that there were ghosts, and he was even more angry!

"I want to ask you too!"

"Just yesterday, the company's largest partner said that the contract expired and told us to terminate the cooperation! They want to re-tender!"

"The other party brought this bottle of wine together, let us ask you!"

Li Yiru almost lost her voice, "How is it possible? Dad, isn't our largest partner, HB, a foreign company? What does it have to do with Gu Shishi?!"

Everyone in the living room looked ugly when she heard her yell out.

Old man Li curled his eyebrows, "Gu's child? Xiaoru, what did you do to her?"

"I, I just poured wine and wine on her accidentally..." Li Yiru gritted her teeth. "There may still be some verbal conflicts, but she, a commoner woman brought back by Gu's family, can't have anything to do with that foreign company at all. The Gu family has no right to say! Grandpa, have you made a mistake? The company's business has nothing to do with this..."

Li Chengzheng was immediately furious, "Shut up! What a civilian girl! She is the missing daughter of the Gu family, what are you doing against her!"

In the adult world, especially for old fritters in shopping malls, one more friend is one less enemy.

It's not like the mind of a young man, who thinks that birth is very important.

Especially Gu Shishi is related to the Gu family.

They don't need to offend at all.

"Behind her is the Gu family, does that sound okay with HB?"

Brother Li also frowned.

But Mr. Li waved his hand, "No matter whether it is relevant or not, Xiaoru, you will go to the door to apologize early tomorrow morning and bring a gift. Chengzheng, you will take her with you, and receive the forgiveness of Miss Gu in person, and prepare the gift carefully. What a good girl likes, don’t lose courtesy anymore."


Li Yiru speaks to refute!

But Li Chengzheng already nodded and responded, "Okay, Dad, I will prepare with Xiaoru's mother later. You are right, we all apologize for this matter or not."


Old man Li lowered his eyes.

"Xiaoru, remember what Grandpa said. I would rather offend a boy than a girl."

Li Yiru looked up.

Old man Li stood up slowly with a cane.

"You never know, behind a beautiful girl, how many suitors are willing to stand up for her."

Li Yiru was taken aback for a moment.

She immediately thought of Master Gu's delicate face without blemishes, and thought of her stunning appearance in a light yellow skirt that day, and she felt a chill!

The person in charge of HB really likes Gu Shishi!

The boss of the other party, but the top ten of the rich list!

Impossible, she couldn't have such a good life!

Could it be that the person in charge of the HB mainland area is in love with her

Li Yiru bit her lip tightly, almost bleeding!

The author has something to say: Mr. Huo: Hug, hold it high, and feel good.

Si Yi: The reality is that if you just give a comic strip, you will be in a good mood...