Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 79


Mrs. Chen lowered her face and suddenly didn't want to greet the Huo family again.

I felt a little bit more distressed for Master Gu.

"Master Huang, Master Ji, you are here, come and comment on these newly acquired works for me."

Mrs. Chen's attention was immediately placed on other people.

Different road non-phase plan.

Tiger poison does not eat children, and the Huo family is so unfeeling, which shows the character and attitude towards other things.

Huo's mother and Huo's grandma stiffened.

Obviously, I also felt this sudden change in attitude, and suddenly I couldn't come to Taiwan, even inexplicably.

However, the two ink masters who were greeted by Mrs. Chen have already approached.

They don't have a good face, so they can only listen to their conversation by the side.

"Mrs. Chen, your vision is really getting more and more poisonous. Where did you find the leak?"

Huang Chuan is also in his sixties. He has all white hair and no longer dyed black. He is wearing a Chinese tunic suit. He walks steadily, his voice is like Hong Zhong, and his body is very strong.

"The meticulous brushwork next door, I and Lao Ji were stunned by it as soon as I arrived. I watched it for half an hour. It was really amazing."

When he said that, the painter Ji Yunda next to him nodded again and again.

He is older, almost 70 years old,

It is even more emotional, "The painter's characters are delicate, his expression of grief is like weeping, his sleeves are fluttering, the skirt is padded, and the hem is soft and rigid.... If you look carefully, you will draw people into the painting. , Even I feel a little sad."

"The cursive script of the inscription, the small characters used are even more like continuous, like continuous sorrow."

"Calligraphy and painting are integrated, and the scene is fused, clever."

"I'm not as good as him."

As Ji Yun said, he looked at Mrs. Chen solemnly, "Old Madam, please also help introduce such amazing masters. I thought that my figure painting was already proficient, but today I saw it outside the mountain. There are mountains."

Master Huang also meant this, hoping to agree, "This kind of talent, I wonder if Mrs. Chen knows his other names?"

The ink touch is obviously a vest.

Old guys like them have never heard of it.

Old Mrs. Chen was pleased when she heard it.

She knew that her appreciative ability was good!

Her selfishness this time is to help Gu Shishi make a name.

They didn't know the age of Master Gu, just like she was back then, thinking that it was a famous person who was at least 50 or 60 years old wearing a vest.

But in fact, Gu Shishi is really young and not well-known in the circle.

"I don't know this."

Mrs. Chen kept silent.

The author's mystery, of course, is also a way to raise one's worth.

When Huang Chuan and Ji Yun listened, they couldn't help expressing regret and sighed.

"Then is there any contact information for this'ink and wash touch'?"

Mrs. Chen squinted.

Ji Yun has already stepped up, "Next month there will be a great Chinese painting exchange exhibition in this city. If you have time for the ink painting and you are willing to come, we solemnly invite him to participate."

He and Huang Chuan are the chairman and vice chairman.

Mrs. Chen did not agree or refuse.

"Contact information, I only have a WeChat ID, not her mobile phone."

The two couldn't help feeling even more regretful.

"Then you want to add her WeChat account?"

Master Gu's ink painting touched the WeChat account, and only posted brief introductions and photos of some works.

Nothing else.

She can decide on her own whether or not to participate.



Huang Chuan and Ji Yun immediately took out the reading glasses and picked up the phone without hesitation.

Although the two are older, they also understand the use of mobile phones.

It may be the relationship that the Chinese Painting Association has been holding exchange activities, and they are quite familiar with WeChat.

"You send us your business card."

"Well, just send me old yellow, old yellow you drag me into the group. Let's talk to him together."

Mrs. Chen sent them out in a slippery way.

Turning his head, he revealed a meaningful expression and looked at the Huo family on the side.

"Master Huang, Master Ji, do you see the value of these paintings?"

Some people don't know how to cherish.

If you keep your baby away and push your loved ones far away, there will always be a day of regret!

Huang Chuan and Ji Yun are happily browsing the circle of friends of "Ink Touch".

Because this WeChat account is an exhibition painting and sales channel of Master Gu, there is no verification by friends at all.

They are added as soon as they are added.

After looking at the two pictures and then at the price, they were dumbfounded.

Such an excellent work actually sells for 30,000... 30,000...

They both almost sighed when they saw it!

Why didn't they meet earlier? Why didn't they buy it earlier than Mrs. Chen!

Where is this leak, this is the big leak!

They glanced at Mrs. Chen, and they only felt that the old lady didn't know her vision, she couldn't be prosperous just because of her luck.

"You are welcome, Mrs. Chen, we are about the same age, so you can just call me old yellow."

"This painting... Let me put it this way, its value far exceeds the selling price."

"In time, this man's work may be the next darling at auction!"

Huang Chuan is very sure of his judgment.

Even Ji Yun, who has always been relatively conservative, agrees, "The size of the single frame, the techniques used, and the conception are different, and the value is different. But for the pair next door, I personally would like to bid 10 million. If Mrs. Chen If you are willing to cut love."

Mrs. Chen said, "That's not good, I have a few precious treasures that I don't sell."

Refuse directly.

But her face was not only not unhappy, but also full of pride with enthusiasm.

The two presidents and vice presidents of the Chinese Painting Association, who seldom have personal relationships with their wealthy circles, have shown their kindness with her today.

One asked her to cut her love, and the other took the initiative to change her title to get close. This has never happened before!

Mrs. Chen was immediately and Yourong Yan.

And Huo's mother and Huo's grandmother showed a hint of curiosity on their faces.

They also know the tempers of artists, the older they get worse, the friendship between them cannot be obtained with money, and they can't help but be amazed for a while.

The ink paintings on the market can reach tens of millions, and almost ten fingers can count the number of painters.

After they listened for a while, they couldn't help but move in the direction that the two people frequently admired.

"Is this this pair?"

Grandma Huo Jia said.

As soon as the voice fell, Huo's mother who was supporting her next to her was shocked.

If she saw the "Four Sons Happy Birthday Picture" just now and thought of her eldest son she gave up in her early years, she was immersed in the memory of raising a child just now, almost lost.

The painting in front of her, at first glance, calmed her heart and soul!

As the two of you just said, sorrow, grief, sadness, sorrow, despair, helplessness... appeared from this painting like a surge, and rushed toward her!

When she heard her mother-in-law ask, Huo's mother opened her mouth with difficulty, but she couldn't make a sound anymore.

I only felt a little bit cold on her face, she touched it with her hand, and she felt clammy tears!

The grief came out from the chest, which was twisted with bones and muscles!

Huo Chuchu also felt ashamed of his mother just now, a little unreasonable.

But I didn't expect that my mother was so sad that she couldn't help herself, and even suddenly fell into a soft leg before the painting.

She looked up instantly.

When I saw the painting on the wall, I was shocked.

It was actually a pair of "Meng Jiangnu Crying on the Great Wall"!

The legend of Meng Jiangnu is almost a household name.

Since ancient times, there have been many folk versions.

The most common is that Meng Jiangnv’s husband is conscripted and never returned. Meng Jiangnv chased her husband for thousands of miles. She heard that her husband was exhausted but didn’t know where the body was buried. She cried day and night on the Great Wall. Eventually, the Great Wall collapsed and the wall collapsed for a full 800 miles, revealing the burial inside. s husband.

And this painting depicts this version of the story.

Meng Jiangnu fell on the soles of the Great Wall, crying so much that the sun and the moon paled, the autumn breeze wailed, and the sea shook...

The lines of Meng Jiangnv's whole character are soft and delicate, covering her face in pain, her expression is real sorrow, and her feelings are hard for herself.

And the Great Wall in the background, the pen and ink is thick, the wind is bleak, the tragic and the bleak and the bleak!

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and clear.

This matter is hard to come by!

The ink color of the whole painting is both light and dark, with dry ink turning into trees, thick ink turning clouds, lightly outlines the characters, highlighting the sorrow that is so strong that it cannot be resolved.

Rao is single, Huo Chuchu who has not experienced love, and his heart is tight.

Not to mention, Huo's mother, whose husband died unexpectedly in the early years, was young and widowed, raising children and taking care of her mother-in-law alone, and even supported an entire Huo family's business.

In the early years, the husband died unexpectedly, and then the father-in-law also died, leaving behind a lot of mess. The company’s business was stagnant, the competitors were like wolves, and the mother-in-law couldn’t stand a series of blows and fell ill in bed. Calling the ground is not working!


Even if you tell yourself not to cry, it's useless to cry, but the tears just can't stop!

Mother Huo remembered crying for a whole month at that time!

When it was quiet every night, closed the door, she lay on the bed alone, under the quilt, she started to cry!

Uncontrollable, tears shed on their own!

In the daytime, she can’t be like Meng Jiangnv. She doesn’t care about everything, she just shed tears... She has to take care of her children, learn how to manage the company, participate in various shareholder meetings... Go inside!

She almost can't remember how she got through that dim time!

Mother Huo looked at the painting of Meng Jiangnu, her eyes were blurred.

No longer can I see the sleeves, the patterns, the collapse of the Great Wall... I just feel that the ink and wash lines, the strokes of the brush, are so heavy that they can’t be overcome with sorrow and sadness.

She empathizes!

Tears can't stop!

Meng Jiangnv’s husband died of servitude, oppression, or just an accident... Who knows

But believe that she hates in her heart, just like herself.

At that time, it was too broken, too helpless, and even to the point of despair... And the more hurt and sad, the more we need a source of resolution!

Every night, she almost thinks about—

If it hadn't been for the eldest son to go on a spring outing at that time, how could Huo Qidong, who had always petted her, drove fast and died on the elevated highway

But if Huo Qidong is not dead, how could his father-in-law suffer his body day and night and die immediately

This idea is just like a spell, the more you think about it, the more you get into it!

She didn't want to see her eldest son every day!

When I saw him, I couldn't help but think that all her suffering was caused by him!

She is so painful!

Every time I saw him, I cut her heart again! Forcing her to recall the pain that she hadn't seen her husband in the hospital for the last time, and recall the loneliness and fear of sadness every night!

Mother Huo only felt that the painting in front of her was like a scar in the deepest part of her heart.

Meng Jiangnv can only cry and mourn. How is it different from her venting that she blamed her eldest son

But she couldn't help it.

Really... No way!

Mother Huo couldn't help it anymore, tears kept streaming!

The author has something to say: Secondly, it may be later... Yes, I have not saved the manuscript! Grief! Whoops! Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: Xi and 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Thousands of Baidu 30 bottles; Vicky 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!