Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 80


【drop! Received the favor of Mrs. Huo and Mrs. Huo! 】

【drop! Received Huo Chuchu's favor! 】

【drop! I received the favor of Huang Chuan...! 】

【drop! Intermediate immersive, accumulated success once. 】

The series of news made the teachers and teachers who were giving lectures overwhelmed.

She was in the process of drawing and explaining, and she couldn't stop by a short run.

In the end, she only glanced at the system message when she was going to the bathroom.

At first glance, I felt a little shocked.

"Recognized by others" rose by 30% of the experience bar in the morning.

Grandma Chen is really awesome!

The flattering experts she found today are estimated to have some reputation in the society. The old lady's circle of friends is either rich or expensive, which makes her experience soaring.

As for Huo’s favorability reminder, Master Gu thought it was a mistake at first, but when the prompt of the painting’s success came out, she knew what had happened.

It was her "Meng Jiangnu" that worked!

This is a painting with seven emotions and six desires attached to it!

Originally, she wanted to paint some pictures of mothers, kindness and filial piety, to arouse the conscience of Huo Dalai's mother.

But then it was rejected, even if Huo Mu was moved by the stories of other mothers, what would happen

Can she really realize that she is wrong

So many years have passed, but if there is a little love, she will not ignore it. Can she really realize what is wrong with abandoning the child

I'm afraid that the story of Mengmu's trip to teach her son and Mengmu's three migrations will not have this effect!

But Meng Jiangnv was different. On the surface, she expressed her wife's grief over the loss of her husband, but in fact it was a mockery of the internal background of excessive social labor at the time and the people's lack of livelihood.

Died after building the Great Wall, exhausted, and forced to death... Why is there no saying that this husband was killed by Meng Jiangnv

She only hopes Dalai Huo's mother can wake up!

Who knows tomorrow and the accident, which one will come first

Who can guarantee that he will live a long life

Why should one attribute the life and death of one person to another person? There is no direct contact at all!

Master Gu sighed.

At that time, the mood of the painting was too angry, so her inscriptions did not use the usual lower case hairpins.

Because the correct and soft fonts are not enough to express her indignation, and the eagerness to pry open the head of Huo Dao's mother, and a rush of madness to the end, it is considered to make her comfortable!

"Is it a success if I receive a good impression?"

She looked at the system, struggling.

However, even if she succeeded in prying open the head of Huo Dao's mother, she didn't want to interact with them for the time being.

Huo Family, except for Huo Chuchu who is still a true temperament, everyone else... forget it.

Even Huo Wencheng, who the original body likes, is not clear about his head, otherwise it is a problem with his character.

Even when the accident happened, he was young and ignorant.

But now it should also be understood that crippling people and other things are all superstitions that are not in line with social modernization!

He didn't even have a clear mind without his little sister Huo Chuchu, and Huo Wencheng, the male protagonist, was considered scrapped by the author... No wonder he would like Gu Wushuang. After being ridiculed a few times, he was probably dizzy.

The two are a perfect match!

Master Gu shook his head.

"Forget it, as long as I finish teaching people, I'll be accomplished and retired!"

She returned to the studio wholeheartedly and continued to class.

But the Chen family at this moment is just like a farce.

Mother Huo suddenly collapsed and cried, and then Grandma Huo started to cry after she put on reading glasses and looked at the painting carefully.

Both of these are widowed.

The sadness of the picture reminds them of their own destiny.

At this moment, I feel the same.

They have completely taken over the role of Meng Jiangnv, and they only hate the tears they shed, and they can't change back to their dead husbands.

Standing in front of the painting, they all felt that the painter's ink touch was too great.

Not only is the style of painting mature and flawless, but it is like knowing the pain of their skin. With this brushwork, the fading of the water and the sky is created, and it actually expresses the pain of their bereavement!

"Otherwise, this painter has had the experience of losing his lover, or else there is such a story around him."

Vice President Huang Chuan sighed.

As a result, more and more people gathered around.

After all, Mrs. Chen's age is getting older. Among the many friends of the same age who have been invited, there are always a few who are unfortunately widowed.

Even the joys and mourning of old age are enough to make lovers and relatives sad.

So Mother Huo and Grandma Huo stood in front of the painting and wiped her tears, but the people next to them couldn't persuade them.

Finally, more and more people were standing in front of the painting and began to cry.

Emotions are contagious.

The same is true of sorrow. Everyone stood together, and the fine cries soon spread to everyone’s heart like a virus, and then looked up at the sad face of Meng Jiangnu in this ink painting, thinking of her helpless self or Elders... Or think of what would happen if your spouse dies one day...

Involuntarily, crying filled the entire exhibition hall.

Huo Chuchu's eyes were also red.

Chen Kexin, who was a step late, was confused and surprised.

Subsequently, joined the ranks of red eyes.

It's like watching a movie. Seeing the sadness, the people next door started to wipe the corners of their eyes with tissues, and soon began to infect themselves... Then the suffocation sadness spread to the audience.

When Mother Huo and Grandma Huo finished crying and felt that they couldn't help it, they were still regretting their gaffes, but found that both left and right were crying. They were also shocked!

Thinking about it again, their expressions changed again and again.

Mrs. Chen's own brother, seemed to have passed away from heart failure last year.

The old man of the Zhang family had cancer three years ago.

The brother-in-law of the Li family seems to have had a mountaineering accident at the age of twenty.

Gu's grandmother was also in poor health in her early years and passed away.

I don't usually think that when everyone cried today, they realized that each family had their own sad things.

Did only the Huo family's man pass away unexpectedly

No, everybody has birth, old age, sickness and death!

The hearts of Huo's mother and the old lady of the Huo family shrank fiercely.

They had always felt that they were the worst people.

The pillars of the house are gone one after another, and only women are left... But now, there are many widowed people around you, and the tragedy of white-haired people giving away black-haired people!

Make a lot of money and have an excellent standard of living.

However, most people in this circle are overworked. Otherwise, they are drinking and having fun. Men are basically sub-healthy with three-high heels and lack of rest!

Ten years ago, they felt that they were the worst, and the world collapsed.

But they are not the only ones who lost their loved ones and the world collapsed

Huo's mother and Huo's old lady looked at the red-eyed women around, their expressions became a little complicated.

When a person suddenly discovers that others are more miserable than himself, what right does he have to continue to blame others

When Master Gu got off work, rubbed her shoulders and returned to the villa, and took a hot bath, she received a series of text messages from Grandma Chen and Chen Kexin to kill her.

[Happy Fat House: I’m crying to death, today, hey, with a few old sisters, I finally cried with a headache...]

[Meow meow: My milk exhibition almost turned into... a memorial service... terrible... But that pair of "Meng Jiangnu", even a single dog like me, feels so painful in my heart. How did Teacher Gu do it? 】

Chen Kexin is also a student of Gu Shishi.

But Master Gu couldn't answer.

How did you do it

Haha, rely on the system!

The junior is immersive, she can barely do it a few times by herself.

But this affects people's seven emotions and six desires, and makes people cry. Substituting into the painting, it's just... It's a bit difficult. She hasn't learned the trick yet, and she doesn't feel anything for the time being.

[Practice more. 】

She responded to the student in a brief and handsome manner.

You can only redeem a few more times, try the feel, and see if you can sum up the rules!

[Fei Zhai Happy sent you a small live video. 】

Master Gu opened curiously, and immediately stayed.

There are really crying and sobbing at the scene, one after another, where a bunch of people are watching paintings, it is basically the same as a memorial service, Chen Miaomiao is right!


She quit quickly and stopped watching the video.


The consequences of this skill are very serious.

[Happy Fat House: Many people want me to introduce you to them. I have sent them your WeChat account. Feel free to follow your interests. 】

It means that if you ignore or ignore it, you will just take care of your teacher.

During the day, Master Gu didn't take the old mobile phone with the ink touch when he went to work.

After flipping through it at night, there are indeed many chat windows for strangers.

Some said hello, some wanted to ask for painting, and some wanted her to participate in a Chinese painting exchange meeting... Even Huo Chuchu sent a message.

[Sister-in-law, my mother and grandma also want your painting ORZ... On the way home today, they ran out of paper towels in the car, and their tears and nose fell together. 】

[By the way, when they look at your paintings, they seem to think of eldest brother! Sister-in-law, how did you do it? so amazing! 】

Gu Shishi dripped sweat.

Is it effective

Full of enlightenment, crying bitterly

She replied to Huo Chuchu, indicating that she didn't have time to paint for her mother for the time being.

Other people, she also didn't return for a while.

She is very busy.

Where is so much time

After Master Gu took a bath, he shook his head and sighed.

She is a poor person who is forced by the system to reproduce the scenes of Korean dramas!

She simply wrapped the wet hair with a hair dryer, and she sighed sadly, and then resignedly lighted the chicken to the task in the system.

"Just a little bit, whichever one you click, which one?"

In the end, her index finger fell on the coffee KISS unfortunately.

Very good, most of the night, coffee! ! ! It's absolutely amazing! ! !

Master Gu didn’t believe her fate, but after thinking about it, she couldn’t possibly cook noodles in the middle of the night, forcing the boss to eat the same stick with her, and she could never see people with a paper towel... So she could only grit her teeth and go. In the cat's claw cup in the room, a cup of Nestlé instant three-in-one!

This was because she went to the supermarket to buy it with Ling Xiaomei during her lunch break!

A whole box, twelve pieces.

She didn't believe it, she couldn't succeed twelve times!

After thinking about it, Master Gu held the cup, raised his head, walked out of his door, and stepped onto the Persian carpet in the corridor outside...

He cleared his throat and knocked on the door of the boss's study.

Then, she bowed her head and took a big mouthful of milk coffee!

The most important thing is to have milk foam around the lips... Hmm!


The moment the study door opened, Gu Shishi suddenly thought of a fatal flaw!

The instant coffee is not brewed!


Her little face was distorted.

"Haha, ho ho ho ho ho ho ho, do you have coffee?"

As soon as Huo Sishen's handsome and straight figure appeared at the door, he heard such a sand sculpture's words.

The author has something to say: It was four minutes away, but I came anyway!

See you tomorrow, I only have one day off this week, hoo! But everyone still have a nice weekend o!