Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 85


The night before the wedding, the two bridesmaids were in charge of pure chat.

The beautiful name is to relieve tension and pressure.

But Master Gu said that she was really not nervous at all.

I've gone through all my deaths. What's to worry about if you marry a high-quality boss

Had it not been for the murmur of Qin's sister and sister, she would have fallen asleep immediately.

But later, even the single Huo Chuchu participated.

"Um... what are you?"

When Master Gu opened the door and saw Huo Chuchu who was long and straight and looked like a small bird, she was stunned.


If it wasn't for Huo Chuchu to speak, if it wasn't for a small mole on her lips.

Everyone present almost thought that Huo Sishen had a second sister.

Soft girl-Huo Chuchu.

This transformation made the Qin sisters and Master Gu a little surprised.

"Well, although I can't be a bridesmaid, I think this way, the eldest brother will be more happy."

Of course there is no elder brother who likes his sister to become a rebellious ghost.

Huo Chuchu dyed his hair back to black and took over.

"Tomorrow, I can't discredit Big Brother either."

She is not a bridesmaid, but she is the only Huo family to attend the wedding.

It represents the family's support for Huo Sishen.

Master Gu suddenly felt that his eyes were sore, it became a little hot.

"Well, then you have nothing to do tonight? Then chat with us."

Huo Chuchu immediately agreed.

Before long, someone knocked on the door. Chen Kexin, who had been harassing Master Gu, Li Yiru, who always wanted to be her best friend, Zhou Mi, who still failed to lose weight, and several other girls.

"Hi, let's join the final singles night too."

The girl standing to the left of Zhou Mi also smiled and greeted Master Gu.

"I am 2333 in the group, and my grandma is 23333. My name is Zhang Qier, you can call me Qiqi."

The girl on the right also pointed at herself.

"666 in the group, He Xiaomu."

On single nights, of course you have to open pajamas.

Then play a wave of truth and give gifts to the bride.

Li Yiru raised his hand first, "I have been pursuing you and I have never succeeded. But it doesn't matter, I would like to ask for advice from tomorrow, Grandma Huo Da."

She gave out a diamond bracelet from de beers.

Gritted his teeth.

"This is asking my dad to borrow money... I guess I will have to pay it back three to five years... if I work on my own."

"Give me back if you don't like it."

Don't overdo it when she delivers it.

But he was squeezed out by the people behind in a second, and he didn't even have a chance to be Tsundere.

"I'm with my grandma."

Chen Kexin is even more generous. Every time she buys paintings, she takes a lot of advantage.

This time the gift was even more so that grandma contributed a part of it, giving a pair of diamond bears, a man and a woman.

"I wish you an early baby, and I will send you a new bear when that time comes."

And Zhou Mi followed closely and raised the red wine in her hand, "I asked about your birthday. This is the red wine produced that day. The manor is the best in France. After drinking this bottle today, there is not a drop left. , I’ll pay goodbye to Girls’ Generation tomorrow, and I will completely become a young woman! From now on, I will let my husband buy wine to spoil you."

Her best friend also laughed forward.

One gave a pink Chanel silky pajamas, and one gave Armani a full bath.

"Use it tomorrow night, hehe."

Huo Chuchu was unwilling to lag behind, "My brother has a cleanliness addiction, you won't have too many pajamas."

She directly gave away a dozen and a half net black silk suspender nightdress.

Master Gu: "..."

She had no friends in her previous life and only knew how to paint.

In this life, I am not counted as having friends. I am busy with my life, and I don't want to be friends with these young ladies who despise civilians.

But she suddenly discovered today that they didn't seem to be so bad or so stupid.

On the contrary, sometimes it is quite warm.

She sucked her nose and coughed slightly.

Before, she couldn't receive so many gifts on her birthday.

She even thought in her previous life that she might need to rent a bridesmaid online on the day of her wedding, but she couldn't find a friend to be her!

But now she is surrounded by... a sense of happiness.

Although the other party may be a little stupid, and his brain is not very clear before, but this feeling of being spoiled is really good!

Master Gu couldn't help but turn his gaze to the Qin sisters again.

They have asked for leave these days and stayed with her continuously.

It is said that in order to ask for leave, he paid a lot of price—the brother Qin Ruhai was directly mortgaged in the private hospital opened at home as compensation for manpower.

As a result, Qin Ruhai has been working overtime continuously and has no time to fly to this island, so he can only try to catch the flight before the wedding tomorrow...

Sister Qin smiled, "I didn't prepare any gifts, only a small red envelope."

"The other thing is, didn't the ancient times have the enlightenment education tomorrow night? If necessary, I can take it."

Everyone suddenly laughed and hummed ambiguously.

"Come on, we have to listen too!"

"Haha, Sister Qin, whether you majored in obstetrics or gynecology before, I almost forgot."

"Need! Must have!"

"Come on, let's have a drink first, let's listen to Sister Qin's enlightenment while drinking!"

Master Gu didn't expect them to be so good at playing.

Before she had time to speak, she just shook her head when she was grabbed by the sister Qin next to her.

"My sister and I are a gynecologist and an obstetrician. My dad is a pediatrician. I can help you for ten or twenty years."

Master Gu: "..."

It's really a service for the people!

"Anyway, my sister reminds you that after you get married, you must not take it lightly. It will be miserable if you are pinched by a man." Qin's sister turned red after drinking too much, and she was obviously a little drunk. "You must hold the man's purse. , Keep him under control, and don’t let him play around."

"If you see a female friend, you must report it."

"The secretary in the company can't find a good-looking secretary."

"Also... Huo Sishen looked like a man who couldn't burp with eight sticks... You must let him go home and talk more and communicate with you more."

"A wife must have a common language with her husband. If he doesn't speak, how can he communicate?"

"How to understand you, and how to let you know him?"

"Marriage is only the first step, the first step into the grave... You must be careful and maintain your relationship every step so that you can survive... and get the last happiness."

After Qin's sister finished speaking, she was held back by her sister.

Everyone was quiet for a while.

They all know that Qin's sister is facing divorce.

Not to mention the reputation, but being betrayed by a man, or even betrayed by a man he supported at the time, is absolutely uncomfortable.

"Come on, watch Huo Sishen!"

"My mother said, the secret of marriage is to manage your husband as a son, but make him feel like your father!"

"Grabbing a man's money is as important as grasping his stomach."

"My milk means to give birth to a baby earlier and cultivate a man's sense of responsibility."

Master Gu almost fainted.

She didn't know how to intervene except that she could only drink in one sip.

Later, I didn't know where to go. When I woke up in the morning, I saw several people lying on the floor of her room, asleep.

Master Gu shook his head, still sober.

But the next day—

When she saw Huo Sishen in a groom's suit with a bouquet in her pocket, a bunch of text bubbles floated in her mind.

'He wants the bank card password. '

'Before he could react, he immediately gave birth to a baby and threw it to him, leaving him no time to go out and play! '

'Treat him as a son, teach him if he doesn't behave, or hum if he doesn't agree, but call him father. '

Before she knew it, her expression became very weird.


Huo Sishen saw her frowning from a distance and seemed to have encountered some problems.

Asked in a low voice.

Master Gu clenched a fist and coughed heavily to his lips.


"Maybe I didn't sleep well yesterday and drank some wine."

Huo Sishen twisted his eyebrows.

"Just drank a little bit, I'm not drunk."

Everyone divides a bottle of wine, it's hard to get drunk.

Master Gu compared Little Finger.

Huo Sishen glanced, then reluctantly nodded.

But when the emcee came to rehearse, he was directly blocked by him.

"no need."

"The evening starts straight away."

Prepared all kinds of masters of ceremonies for the bride, groom, and guest interaction sessions: "???"

"Go to bed for a while."

Huo Sishen took Gu Shishi directly away.

The emcee's heart is broken.

The two twins next to him patted him, "Just get used to it."

Master of Ceremonies: "..."

He is too difficult!

There was no rehearsal for the evening ceremony.

Unheard of!

"Then invite the bride's father to come to the stage, and I will tell him how to bring the bride to the stage."


"...? The bridegroom's parents?"



In the evening, all the guests were seated.

Master Gu, who had made up his mind in the afternoon, finally came out with a superb expression.

As the music of the wedding march sounded, her heart suddenly rose.

Looking at Huo Sishen, who was waiting in the center of the stage, her brain went blank.

How to go

Before, she seemed to have heard that the emcee forced her to say that she couldn't come on stage by herself, and someone had to take it with her.

Then what

She went to bed in the afternoon and came together to put on makeup... She secretly ate a bowl of bird's nest porridge sent by Huo Chuchu to fill her stomach.

So now, how do I get on stage

master of ceremonies…

Master Gu looked at the emcee who was far away from her on the stage, almost crying.

But suddenly, a very steady hand stretched out.

No one else, but Li Yiru's father, Li Chengzheng.

"Niece Gu, come with me in peace."

"Huo Dashao, especially please me."

Father doesn't care about her.

But she, there are others in charge.

Huo Sishen turned around, looked at her in a white wedding dress, and walked towards Li Chengzheng step by step.

His expression was holy and solemn.

When the master of ceremonies said,'Please give the bride to the bridegroom from the uncle of the bride', Master Gu's hand was taken one step in advance by Huo Sishen.

Li Cheng was smiling bitterly, and the emcee was about to collapse.

But the applause in the audience has sounded enthusiastically in due course.

"Then please the bridegroom... speak."

The emcee has given up on himself.

He hasn't commanded yet, and the two of them have already walked to the decorated Shuixie stage talking to themselves.

Huo Sishen didn't even look at him.

Looking disgustedly at the microphone that the emcee was about to pass, his eyebrows were raised.

Master Gu knew that he had a habit of cleanliness, and reached out to help.

As a result, Huo Sishen picked up the microphone quickly.

Suddenly, the whole room was silent.

Almost all those who attended the wedding banquet knew his backstory.

Many people may never have thought that one day Huo Sishen, who has the destiny of a crippling man, will marry a beautiful woman.

But hurry up, and finally at this moment, Qin Ruhai, who ran to the resort while pulling the tow box, was even more tearful as he watched the scene in front of him.

"Nima... I have waited for so many years, but I haven’t even waited for a little wife... I didn’t expect him to have such a dead fish face to marry such a beautiful little wife! And Nima, I’m still working hard and working overtime. … It’s unfair! It’s disgusting! In the past few days, the nurse hasn’t seen a beautiful… It’s too difficult for me!"

Luo Zheng, who was holding a champagne glass next to him, smiled bitterly when he heard the words.

Who is not

Who would have thought that Huo Sishen was a personal winner!

After Qin Ruhai's beeping vented, he glanced at the stage, but he smiled with a sneer on his face.

He took a glass of wine gleefully, blowing in the sea breeze at night, watching the decorated stars dot the night lights, and he was happy, sweeping away the frustration.

"The hero is sad for the beauty off."

"This man who usually only says'um,''know','long-winded', ..., even wants to speak nasty things to the bride, he has today! Humph!"

"I see what he said! If you come to me earlier, I can cheat and write for him!"

Qin Ruhai tweeted out.

Hearing this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but looked at the two people on the stage curiously.

Gu Shishi wears a customized wedding dress, like a galaxy falling on her body, shining brightly and eye-catching.

Huo Sishen's arrogant figure is like a straight rod.

He nodded slightly.

The muffled voice spread throughout the area of relatives and friends watching the ceremony.

"I will give you gifts every day from now on, in the name of my husband."

"In the next at least seventy years, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, I will give you red envelopes every day."

The audience was quiet again.

Then—the girls screamed enviously!

Qin Ruhai's smile was distorted, "What?! Plagiarism, he must have copied other people's words! Dead fish face intercedes love words..." He slipped away!

Is it possible to be swollen!

But even Luo Zheng, who was standing next to him, gave him a vengeful look.

Misinformation killed people.

Fortunately, he also looked forward to the appearance of Huo Si Shen's embarrassment.

But at this moment, the audience was restless, but Gu Shishi on the stage was sluggish.

She blushed dullly and looked at the man before her in disbelief.

He remembers... This is what she said at the time.

She was afraid of being driven away, so she said in a hurry.

As a result, he could still remember every word even now.

Suddenly, a hot stream of hot water overflowed from Master Gu's chest... it flowed to the limbs, and even every pore.

Being cherished to such a point, she has never had such an experience.


Teacher Gu didn't realize that he was about to cry.

But her eyes were already wet.

The sound made has the feeling of a stuffy nose.

"The beautiful bride, do you have anything to say to your groom?"

The emcee of self-defeating and abandoning ceremonies was also brought back a trace of reason by this touching and numb remark.

Master Gu pursed his lips and blinked his watery eyes.

After taking a deep breath, he took the microphone openly, looked at Huo Sishen's handsome face, and nodded solemnly.

Opening his red lips is an extremely serious tone.

"From now on, I will draw you a picture of a beautiful boy in bath every day."

"Record your beautiful biceps every day."

Recording with pen is the highest etiquette of the painter for beautiful things!

The emcee who just regained his confidence at work: "...!??"

Huo Sishen's mouth twitched.

The scene was quiet again.

Then there was a louder scream!

Qin Ruhai: "This love story is beyond comparison, beyond comparison! No wonder I'm still single."

Luo Zheng: "Cow."

Huo Sishen was already leaning over the screams of the crowd.

Lifted off Master Gu's veil and kissed her.

Huo Chuchu: "... It really is my sister-in-law!"

Si Yi & Si Two: "It really was the woman who took the boss."

The author has something to say: The comment section has finally opened, babies! ! !

Celebrate the whole world! Then I came to my aunt... It hurts! Humph!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [land mine]: 1 water glass;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

I love 5 bottles of Jiaojiao; 3 bottles of Yao Qianqian; 1 bottle of Fuyun;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!