Spending the Villain’s Money to Extend My Life

Chapter 95



After Master Gu finished speaking, Mother Gu almost fell down.

No matter how unsatisfactory she is, it is the daughter she gave birth to in October. Whoever has a child will want to make grudges, and who doesn't want a child to be filial in adulthood.

Parents always get old, and some people have many children, and they hope that when they are old, they will have a full house with children around their knees and lively. Whenever something happens, children will come forward.

But... Mother Gu's face is pale at the moment.

She seemed to understand what she had done wrong in these past days and what precious things she had missed.

Many things, once lost, are difficult to recover.

At least in the short term, it is impossible to correct the error.

Master Gu has no feelings for her.

Because she gave up the child at the beginning, negligent in every possible way.

She will receive the same feedback on what she does to the child.


Mother Gu really cried this time.

She was frightened.

She knew that she was completely inferior to Huo Dashao's position in her daughter's heart.

It's not comparable at all!

What she said is useless at all!

What about her Wushuang

Gu's mother fell into despair!

A sigh came from her side.

Huo Wencheng gave her a hand.

"Auntie, let's go."

"Notify the doctor to prepare for the operation, while Wushuang is in good condition."

Gu's mother was pale, and her body trembled.

Had to give up

When she came, she felt that she would be able to persuade this pro-daughter.

But who could have imagined that this possibility of persuasion would have been stifled in the cradle by herself.

Her love for Wushuang killed another child's love for her, and even killed the possibility of rescuing Wushuang today.

Gu's mother was cold all over.

If the operation really happened, how could she be so embarrassed

The only daughter who will obey her is gone!

In the future, even if you concentrate on being good to your daughter, can Master Gu forgive her and be filial to her


She raised her face in tears, but she was shocked.

His chest seemed to be hammered hard.

When Master Gu looked at her, he was looking at a stranger at all!

Still a stranger who doesn't know the etiquette and makes absurd suggestions!

Mother Gu's heart is completely cold!

She has only Wushuang!

Only Wushuang, the child, will love her mother, know her well, be considerate of her difficulties, and take care of her later years!

Master Gu, this biological child will not be able to serve himself in the future. At that time, she will only be thrown into a nursing home that has fallen into disrepair... This child hates himself!

Mother Gu trembled, as if grasping the last straw, tightly squeezing Huo Wencheng's hand.

"Master, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize my mother."

"But I beg you to save Wushuang! I can guarantee you half of the inheritance right!"

She repeated the same as Xianglin's wife.

But his eyes and mood have completely changed.

Before, she wanted to play the emotional card, and even dreamed of being served by two daughters in the future.

But now, seeing Master Gu's attitude, in her heart, she has completely regarded Wushuang as her only daughter!

She can't let her only daughter die!

She can't bear the slightest risk of operation failure!

In order to make Wushuang safe, even if you pay any price!

Wushuang's future is her future!

"Really! Or what conditions do you have!"

Gu's mother emphasized.

Huo Wencheng frowned. He didn't know the psychological changes of Gu's mother. After hearing this, he was a little disapproved.

The mocking look on Huo Sishen's face was even worse. He wanted Si Yi to step forward, but it was rare to stop first.

Gently glanced at the little wife beside her, obviously to see if she had anything to say.

□ Confucianism will look at other people’s winks, which was almost impossible in the past.

Huo Wencheng's attention was on both of them, and he was surprised to see this scene.

But when he raised his head, seeing Master Gu's red lips and white teeth, and her small face on the sofa, there was a turmoil in his heart.

At that time, he despised this girl. She had a strong smell of grassroots. It was not that he despised ordinary people, but that she had the common problem of admiring vanity and wanting to sharpen her head to marry a wealthy family. She was full of small family spirit and strong purpose.

She approached him and made him feel very unhappy.

But I didn't expect that after only half a year, her temperament would be earth-shaking.

She is upright, daring to make her own voice, and her speech logic is clear. Even if she is just playing with a mobile phone, the self-confidence in her is full of vitality, and it is difficult for people to ignore it.

Don't follow the elders blindly, and don't be deceived by the matter in front of you.

She is obviously very different from before!

If it weren't for early engagement and marriage, at the banquet, it is estimated that she would become the target of the wealthy children.

Beautiful appearance, inherited the slenderness of Gu's mother.

Physical health is better than the delicate Wushuang, and even the character is more generous, with the thundering aura of the mistress of the family!

She is very suitable for marriage and family heritage!

Huo Wencheng frowned.

Was this taught by his unkind elder brother himself

Hearing what she said just now, it seems so.

Give her food and drink, teach her step by step

Huo Wencheng looked at his expressionless elder brother and couldn't help sinking into thought.

Is it possible to teach girls the leisurely sentiments because they are always autistic at home and have nothing to do

In the previous grand wedding, hundreds of millions of fortunes were scattered. Is it really to squander the property that was used when he was expelled from Huo's house

So just sit and eat the sky

Isn't he guessing before, operating or investing in an industry that no one knows

Huo Wencheng squinted his eyes as he thought about it, and he was a little relieved in his heart under the tense confrontation.

At this time, the sound that sounded at the right time also pulled him out of this thinking.

Just listen, Master Gu spoke openly, his voice was soft, but he saw blood!

"Since Mrs. Gu keeps talking, the divorce doesn't matter, it's just a certificate."

"Then you might as well go back and divorce Mr. Gu first!"

Gu mother was taken aback.

Even Huo Wencheng was taken aback.

Rao is the one who has studied shopping mall negotiations for so long, and he has to admit that Master Gu's trick is really taking money from the bottom of the pan, using poison to fight poison, and the counterattack is very beautiful!

"Do not do to others what you don't want, Madam Gu, right?"

Even if Gu's mother was rejected, but when she stepped out of this door, no one would dare to say that she was not filial!

Yes, why do you force your daughter to do things that mothers can’t do

Is this asking her daughter to be filial? No, it's forcing my daughter to go on the road of no return!

What is right and wrong, at a glance!

With a word of Master Gu, he set himself on a moral high point.

Huo Sishen's deep black eyes suddenly became shining, full of appreciation for the girl.

The thin lips pressed tightly because of displeasure were all arched.

"That should be the case."

He opened his mouth to help and cheered his girl.

It was rare for Master Gu to say yes to the boss, and immediately looked back at him with joy.

As if being encouraged, he was more courageous.

"Mrs. Gu, please go back."

"I'm done."

Gu's mother was really pale.

I'm so weak that I can't shed tears!

No matter how white lotus is, there must be admirers, otherwise, what value does it have in full bloom!

"Are you going to leave as long as I leave your father!?"

Mother Gu is obviously demented!

"Then I will find your dad to go through the formalities today! Tell me what you want!"

Huo Wencheng was extremely surprised, "Auntie..."

He doesn't understand, of course he doesn't.

But this is a mother.

For the lives of her children, she can do the craziest things in the world!

In front of the child’s hospital bed, in front of the operation where the doctor said there was only a 50% survival rate, I prayed to God to worship the Buddha, kept kowtow, donated money to build the body of the Buddha, and even vowed to be a vegetarian for the rest of my life and use my life to exchange... all... do it!

Just let her old husband and wife divorce temporarily, what's that

Master Gu sighed.

Huo Sishen squeezed her little hand and said in a low voice, "Siyi, see off the guests."

"Master, I am getting divorced today, and I will issue you the divorce certificate—"

Gu's mother, who was trapped in a demon barrier, was helped out by Huo Wencheng. After a long walk, her voice could be heard in the living room.

Master Gu took the girl manga, and suddenly felt boring.

Without expectation, there will be no disappointment, let alone sadness.

But no matter what, the other person's heart for her daughter may be true. This kind of thing is very touching, but she has never experienced it.

"It's late today."

Huo Sishen raised his hand and looked at his watch.

Successfully pulled back Gu Shishi's attention.


She looked at the time, and it was less than four o'clock.

"It's okay, there will be a while before dinner."

"But now I go to register and the service window is closed."

Some hoarse voice.

The man's slender fingers touched her auricle.

Master Gu blushed in a second!

Just now she was not ashamed and said that she would change her surname to Huo!


"I, I just... My head is hot, nonsense..."

Master Gu almost rubbed the cover of the comic book in his hand.

Married from husband.

Change to the husband's surname.

Roar, just think about it, it's so numb that I want to dig a hole!

Huo Sishen's dark eyes were soaked with a gentle smile, and he touched her head.

"Then go tomorrow?"

Master Gu wailed the comic book into a ball.

What mother's love, father's love, what is missing is not missing, she was thrown thousands of miles away in an instant!

It's all red, okay...

Huo Sishen lowered his eyes, and conveniently put the little red-faced girl in his arms, stroked her back, and patted her lightly.

"From now on, whatever surname you love, whatever surname is."

Master Gu buried his head on his chest and grinned.

"Well, the formalities are also very troublesome. You have to tell many people to change your name."

"Anyway, even if my surname is Gu, it has nothing to do with their family."

Huo Sishen touched the balls on her head.


It's nothing good with his last name.

Master Gu blinked, and instantly thought of a version of flirting on the Internet.

Covered his mouth on the spot and smirked.

Huo Sishen: "Huh?"

"There is a saying, Mrs. Gu is right, the substance is more important than the form."

Master Gu spoke solemnly.

Huo Sishen nodded and touched her neck in approval.

She is his.

No external form can be changed.

"My last name is Gu."

Master Gu blinked.

"But you give me food and clothing..."


She poked the button of his shirt, and the green index finger softly reached into the gap between the buttons.


Huo Sishen's dark eyes were startled, and the dark tide rolled over.

Turned over and pressed her on the sofa...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [Grenade]: 1 Rong sister;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

40 bottles of Xi Youling; 30 bottles of Jie'er, Gentleman Yan; 10 bottles of Ou Shinan, Xiong Bao, Sha, Vicky, Qin; 5 bottles of Moon Shadow; 3 bottles of dreams; Guan Shanyue, original intention ~ 2 bottles; Chen Jiaer, Floating Cloud , Momo Da Devil, Love Noodles, 1 bottle of small pudding;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!