Spirit Hotel

Chapter 102: Happy life (2)


You can escape the first day of the first year, but you can't escape the fifteenth day.

Feixia still had a tragic mood and went downstairs to eat the food prepared by Antonio.

Although he was mentally prepared before coming, he was still taken aback when he saw the large table in the restaurant.

"Are you sure, this isn't for PARTY?"

Antonio stood at the table in his chef's attire. "You're alone."

Feixia said, "That must be a year, right?"

Antonio pulled out his chair, "Sit down and eat."

Feixia sat down helplessly. In any case, this is a piece of Antonio's kindness.

Antonio watched him start eating, and then walked towards the kitchen with satisfaction, "Remember not to leave any leftovers."

Feixia immediately chewed and swallowed slowly.

"Also," Antonio paused with one foot in the kitchen, "welcome back."

Shi Feixia looked at the full dish, and suddenly felt that although his stomach was not full, his heart was already full.


After eating one-tenth of the whole table, Feixia began to chew.

"Isn't this tiring?" Hughes came in slowly from the door.

Shi Feixia swallowed the food in his mouth and finally sighed: "Can't you see that the flowers I've been waiting for are all gone?"

Hughes laughed and said, "How can it be so serious."

"Not much else to say, let's sit down and eat together." Shi Feixia tore off a turkey drumstick and stuffed it into his hand.

Hughes looked at the chicken legs and smiled: "This is how much I eat in one night."

"No, this turkey is not lame, it has two legs." Feixia pointed to the other leg on the plate.

Hughes took his seat and ate the turkey leg bit by bit.

"By the way. Has Baal caught it?" Feixia wiped his mouth and took a break.

"No. He's missing." Hughes said.

"Well, maybe the author is going to leave him to the savior?"

Hughes said inexplicably: "What?"

"Aren't many novels and comics like this? As soon as you appear on the stage, you will encounter a big devil who has been chased and killed hundreds of times and cannot die. After cleaning up his minions and improving his own strength, he showed up and used his body to fulfill the immortal reputation of the savior!"

Hughes said, "Where is the savior?"

Feixia rubbed his chin and said, "If it's a comic, it must be in Japan. If it's a novel, the scope is too large. It mainly depends on where the author is."

Hughes: "… "


When Hughes couldn't eat either, Kim showed up with Layton and Victor.

Feixia said in a low voice, "I bet that Jin must have been hiding in the corner and appeared at the right time."

Layton said: "I raise."

Jin looked at the smiling Hughes and said with a dry smile, "I just don't want to come in and grab food from you."

The three sat down one by one.

After some rest and rectification, Feixia finally regained some of his combat power and started eating again.

Hughes helps Kim peel the shrimp, and Kim eats to his heart's content.

Victor and Layton ate quite boldly.

"By the way, what about Small?" Feixia put a piece of salmon in his mouth.

"In the room," Hughes replied.

Feixia said, "How did he get back?"

Hughes said: "Loctini sent him back. I don't know the specifics. It seems that Jesse finally agreed to let him go."

"What about the quid pro quo?" No matter how you look at it, Jesse is not a good person.

"No." Houston paused and said, "Perhaps due to the pressure of the elves."

Jin said: "Yuanshujie is now fighting fiercely for the position of the realm master. Especially after Jesse announced his withdrawal from the realm master's election."

"It doesn't make sense." Feixia pondered, "Could it be that, during the days when Smal was imprisoned, what terrifying story happened?"

Jin lowered his head and caught the shrimp in Hughes's hand with his mouth, took the opportunity to peck his finger, and then slowly said, "If you have the answer, remember to tell me."

Shi Feixia looked at him with hatred, "Smal has been back for so long, don't tell me you haven't heard any news?"

Kim replied simply, "No."

Shi Feixia said, "I will now revoke your position as the deputy leader of the gossip group."

Jin asked earnestly, "When did I take office?"


"...How long have you been?"

Feixia held out a finger.

"One minute?" This time is quite long.

Feisha Shi shook his fingers.

"one second?"

Feixia's fingers waved again.

Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "You won't tell me an hour or a day?" He doesn't seem like such a generous person anyway.

"It's one-tenth of a second." Feixia said, "One of ten fingers is not one-tenth."

Jin said slowly, "Should I be grateful that you didn't pull out a hair and let me guess?"

Feixia said, "Do you think I will self-harm for you?"

gold:"… "


Although Victor and Layton were amazing at the beginning of the battle, they were short of successors and soon died down.

Although gold is still durable, the amount to be solved is limited.

Feixia looked worried at the half-table food.

No matter how delicious the food is, when the stomach is about to burst, it will become a poisonous snake and beast.

Hughes sympathized: "If you can't eat it, forget it."

Feixia put down his chopsticks, "But Antonio's..."

As soon as he said this, the food on the table suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

Shi Feixia said embarrassedly, "Could it be that a meteor flew past the window just now? That's why the wish came true right away?"

Jin Dao: "I promise, Isfiel definitely doesn't want to be a meteor."

Feisha said silently in his heart: Isfiel, I am guilty, I repent. I shouldn't have blamed you for lack of loyalty, conscience, and integrity in my heart just now...

Victor asked curiously, "What is he doing with his eyes closed?"

Jin Dao: "It must be repentance."


Jin Dao: "Because there is a behavior in this world called slander."


After solving the problem of having to eat a big meal, Shi Feixia felt refreshed physically and mentally. He decided to strike while the iron was hot and have a good talk with Small. In addition to gossip, it can also be regarded as an understanding of people who have come here.

When he came to the door of Small, he found that the door of the room was not closed.

Pushing open the door, Small was sitting on the ground in a daze.

"Who is your favorite person?" Shi Feixia asked abruptly.

Small came back to his senses and glanced at him, "It's not you anyway."

"It's not fun at all." Feixia said disappointedly, "Isn't it that when people are most caught off guard, they will answer the truth in their hearts?"

Small said: "My answer is also very real."

Shi Feixia walked up to him, squatted down and said, "Do you think you've changed?"

Smal didn't start, there was a hint of loneliness on Bai Nen's face, "Is there any?"

"Yes. It's like Sun Wukong suddenly became a Tang monk, Li Kui suddenly became Song Jiang, Huanzhugege suddenly became Ziwei, and Daomingsi suddenly became Huaze class..." Shi Feixia didn't respond at all when he saw him, "Have you heard of it?"

Small shook his head blankly.

"Well, that's honest. It's like Kim suddenly turned into Layton."

"What about Hughes?"

Feisha Feixia found that Small's biggest change was not becoming silent, but dullness.

"You're in the Yuanshu Realm, are you alright?" Shi Feixia skipped all the courtesies and went straight to the topic.

Smal's face tightened, and after a long time he slowly shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"Jesse... I didn't do anything to you, right?" Feixia broke the casserole and asked to the end.

Small bowed his head, "No."

"Really not?" Shi Feixia deliberately increased the volume, and by the way turned sideways to block the lights coming in from the corridor, shrouding him in his own shadow to create pressure.

Small lowered his head lower, "Hmm."

Shi Feixia tried his best to keep his tone soft, "Then what are you worrying about?"

Small was silent.

Shi Feixia rolled his eyes and said, "You don't want to give up on Jesse?"

Small's body trembled slightly, and his palms slowly clenched into fists.

Feixia knew that he was close to the door. He kicked down without hesitation, "You're in love with him."

Small bit his lip, trying not to make a sound.

Feixia knew that sometimes pushing too hard would cause a reaction force. Anyway, today's goal is almost achieved, and when he sees it, he stands up and "go to him." Having said that, the rest is up to Small to decide. In fact, the most important thing about love is to figure it out by yourself, otherwise it will be in vain for others to work hard. He himself is a living example.


It was precisely because he had gone through all kinds of difficulties and dangers and had countless twists and turns that he was with Isfiel, and Feixia cherished the relationship very much. But since his little butt is still in the recuperation period, although his feelings for Isfiel have boiled to an outrageous level, the interaction between the two is still in the stage of pulling small hands and hugging small waists. That's what Shi Feixia sticks up every time.

Feisha Feixia soon realized that, with Isfiel's personality, his rival in love would never appear in this life, and the only one who could act as an opponent was the book that appeared one after another in Isfiel's hand.

In order to compete with the book, he quickly threw himself into the endless game enthusiasm day and night.

Soon, Jin and Layton, the backbone of the two gossip groups, were also quickly infected by his enthusiasm, and one by one occupied the computer he had planned to use for watching movies and lighting.

Therefore, in Isfiel's room, the following voices can often be heard—

"I met Mrs. Atu, which answer should I choose?"

"My favorite is Mrs. Atu."

"...The design of this game is really idiot. Chu Liuxiang actually likes Mrs. Atu the most."

"Because it's too old-fashioned to like Zhang Jiejie's dialogue."

"Isn't Chu Liuxiang's favorite one a little red in the Central Plains?"

"I think it's Hu Tiehua." It was Layton who suddenly appeared.

Brush, the sound of turning pages of a book.

"Ah, dead again! I'm going to drain the blood of these bandits..."

"Kim. This is the first time I found out when you didn't show your fangs that you were a vampire."

"It's a great blood clan." Jin insisted on this.

"But these bandits are just data, so..." Shi Feixia yelled, "Don't beat my computer again, and don't show the appearance of gnawing at the computer."

Swipe, a book has turned another page.