Spirit Hotel

Chapter 103: Happy life (3)


Despite playing games, the three strictly adhere to the schedule.

Wake up at seven, gather at eight. In addition to three meals a day, there is a two-hour lunch break. Quite moisturizing. At nine o'clock in the evening, Hughes would come to pick up Kim, and then Layton would follow him home. It's more on time than kindergarten.

Such rigorous and decadent days lasted for about a whole month, and the three finally weakened.

The three computers were abandoned like rags in a corner of the room, and the three came to the restaurant as if they were fleeing.

Feixia said, "I feel sick when I see the computer now."

Jin Dao: "I feel sick when I hear the computer now."

Layton said: "I want to vomit now when I see everything."

Feixia said calmly, "You have it."

Jin said calmly, "Whose is it?"

But the most calm one was Layton, because he replied without changing his face: "It should be considered that he ate too much Dongpo pork in the morning."

A searchlight-like white light suddenly flashed across the dining room window.

Feisha Feixia and Jin bounced off their chairs at the same time, leaning on the window and looking at the front desk.

An aircraft shaped like a yo-yo is parked above the front desk, with white lights shining from its cabin.

"I haven't received any notice of visitors." Jin frowned.

Feixia said, "That means I didn't miss any information because I fell asleep or lost my mind."

Layton said, "Could it be that Ni Jiuhui is here again?" Because of his nausea, he did not lie on the window.

Shi Feixia said, "If it's the Ni Jiuhui, then it must be a human bomb sent this time." Judging from the size, the aircraft is about as small as a rescue capsule. Unless it's an insect legion, it can't hold a few people.

Seeing Hughes appearing at the front desk, Kim immediately ran downstairs.

Feixia followed closely behind.

Layton struggled, and finally collapsed on the chair.


Jin and Feixia arrived at the front desk, only to find that the aircraft was still floating in the air.

Feixia said, "Is he going to wait until we all arrive and hold flowers high before coming down?"

Jin Dao: "Then he will be stuck on it for the rest of his life."

Shi Feixia asked subconsciously, "Why?"

Jin Dao: "Can you imagine Isfiel holding flowers high?"

Feixia couldn't imagine it, because it was too thunderous.

"He probably didn't have a pass, because Isfiel didn't let him," Hughes explained.

Feixia murmured, "I think the possibility of a human bomb is even greater."

Jin Dao: "Did the other party say anything?"

Hughes shook his head and pondered: "I think he doesn't seem to be very good at using aircraft."


"Because from just now, the aircraft has made countless circles in place, but the door has not been opened."

Shi Feixia said solemnly, "So the one above not only entered the country illegally, but may also be driving without a license?"

Seeing his solemn expression, Jin couldn't help but ask, "So what?"

"Driving without a license without causing serious consequences shall be fined between 200 and 2,000 yuan, and may be detained for not more than 15 days. If a crime is constituted, criminal and civil liability shall be investigated according to law." Dayton, adding, "In accordance with Article 99 of the People's Republic of China's Traffic and Road Safety Law."

Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "What about illegal immigration?"

Feixia was stunned, "I've never committed this. Probably... I'll be deported."

Hughes suddenly said, "The door is open."

Sure enough, the door of the aircraft was slowly moving away, and a petite figure timidly walked to the door and looked down at them shyly.

"Hey? It's a dwarf." Feixia was surprised, and she still looked like a very delicate and lovely dwarf beauty.

Jin said angrily: "Otherwise? Do you think it can hold a Titan?"

Feisha Feixia said, "How do you know it's not the latest baby carriage of the Titans?"

Jin sneered, "Will the stroller come here?"

Feixia replied as a matter of course: "So it's driving without a license."

gold:"… "

Hughes smiled and greeted her softly: "Hello, why are you here?"

The dwarf little beauty grabbed the door with both hands and looked at them nervously. It took a long time before she said a word, "Is Layton here?"

Ask Layton


Feisha and Jin's eyes flashed a fine light at the same time.

Hughes turned his head and squeezed Jin's arm, "Go and get Layton."

Jin's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and in less than two seconds, he reappeared in the same place, but in front of him there was another Leighton who was about to eat his green plum.

"Layton?" The dwarf beauty's eyes lit up.

Layton was still biting half a green plum in his mouth. Hearing this, he just raised his head and looked at her blankly.

"Layton, you... don't you know me?" The dwarf beauty lowered her eyes in disappointment, her mouth pouted, and an earth-shattering storm was about to erupt, and Layton suddenly had a flash of inspiration and shouted: "Yaman Sarah?"

"You remember me?" Amantha's face suddenly glowed with happiness.

Layton frowned: "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to find you." Amanda's face turned slightly red.

Feixia asked Jin, "What did you see?"

Jin replied without thinking: "I saw a shameless middle-aged old bachelor owe a bunch of romantic debts to little loli in various places, and finally one of them came to the door."

Feixia said, "I think a little more complicated."


"I saw a shameless middle-aged bachelor who seduced a beautiful and enchanting middle-aged woman, and at the same time captured her innocent Lolita daughter. Now that her daughter has grown up and understood the truth, she loves and hates her. We found the door intertwined."

Jin agreed: "It's really complicated."

Layton couldn't bear it any longer: "Shut up. She's my fiancee."

Shi Feixia said casually, "What number?"

Layton: "… "

The aircraft suddenly descended automatically. Amantha shrank back in horror.

Layton reassured: "It's Isfiel, don't worry."

Feixia asked in a low voice, "Are you sure she knows Isfiel?"

Layton: "… "

The aircraft corner safely landed on the foreground.

Layton walked to the hatch and called in, "Amantha?"

After a long while, Amanda slowly stuck her head out from the inside. She looked like a frightened puppy, but when she saw Layton, she immediately rushed over.

Shi Feixia said in admiration, "He's really a child who is soft on the outside and warm on the inside, passionate and unrestrained."

Hughes thought for a while and said, "If I remember correctly, Layton's fiancee should be the niece of the Dwarf King, who is only more than two hundred years younger than Layton."

Shi Feixia: "..." Two hundred years younger than two hundred years old, why add the word 'only'.


Noah's Ark came and went, and there were a lot of pairs, but the first one was a female guest. Out of respect for the lady, Feixia and Jin took good care of their hands and did not take out the domino receiver to eavesdrop.

Watching Layton and Amantha sitting in the bar and whispering, Jin and Feixia stood behind the bar and watched their expressions and mouths, guessing what they were talking about.

"Why do they look so much like Mario and Princess Peach from this perspective?"

Jin rubbed the table with his hand for a moment, "Then who is Kuba?" Since he is the hard-fought mandarin duck in Super Mario, there must be a big bad guy.

Feixia didn't even think about it and said, "Barr."

Jin Dao: "You can really think."

"Who made him as unbeatable as Kuba."

Jin looked at Layton's expression for a while and said, "I guess he must be saying now, you believe me, for so many years, I have always loved only you!"

Feisha Feisha: "..."

Jin continued, "Do you want me to show you my heart?"

Since Amantha had her back turned to them, Feixia had to guess and say, "No, don't take it out. Don't you know that any injury to your body will make my heart hurt to death! Oh, my God, just Imagination has made my stomach ache..."

"Ouch!" Shi Feixia and Jin couldn't hold back at the same time.

"They are arguing about whether to go back to the dwarves. Miss Amanda was stolen from the dwarves." Hughes' voice sounded without warning.

Feixia and Jin were stunned at the same time.

Shi Feixia quickly reacted and stretched out his hand: "Welcome to the gossip group." A transparent hand was placed in his palm and shook with him. The addition of Hughes is definitely a powerful addition to the gossip group.

Jin Dao: "Is Layton leaving?"

Hughes said: "Not for the time being. His determination to stay is very firm. But Miss Amanda's determination to stay with him is also very firm."

Jin Dao: "So this is the Noah's Ark version of the infatuated woman looking for her husband in a thousand miles?"

Shi Feixia looked at the angry Layton for a while, then shook his head and sighed, "I always thought that Layton was weak at best, but I didn't expect him to be a scumbag one day."

Kim, Hughes: "..."


After reading the gossip at the bar, Shi Feixia happily went upstairs and returned to his room.

Isfiel just came out of the bathroom.

Feisha Feixia immediately pulled him to recount every bit of what happened in the bar in great detail. At the end, he did not forget to add his own summary.

Isfiel listened expressionlessly, only when he talked about weak and scumbag, his face changed slightly.

"Then what am I?"

Feixia thought for a while and said, "Strike."

"And you?"

Shi Feixia wanted to talk about the weak, but he felt that the distance between himself and the weak was too far away, and the others were not very satisfied. After picking and choosing for a long time, he finally made the final call: "Wisdom accepts."

Isfiel said, "Because you have wisdom teeth?"

Feixia rubbed his arms. Cold humor is also humor, he has to get used to it.

Isfiel looked at him, his eyes flowing.

Feixia's heart warmed when he saw it. His ass was healed long ago, and even if it wasn't, he couldn't feel the pain. Is Isfiel finally ready to act again? He pursed his lips, not letting expectations appear too obvious.

Isfiel said slowly: "We..."

"Hmm." Shi Feixia tried hard not to let the smile overflow the corner of his mouth.

"Let's go to hell together."

If he remembered correctly, this is the line when the enemy is ready to die together, right