Spirit Hotel

Chapter 104: Happy life (4)


Feixia said with difficulty, "Well, it's only been a while since I've lived forever. And I heard that hell is very dark, hot, and sultry. There are also a lot of bugs. I didn't buy pesticides when I returned to the human world this time..." He hesitated. I am looking for an excuse.

Isfiel said: "Didn't you want to travel to hell last time?"

"Travel?" Feixia blinked his eyes in astonishment before saying, "Ah, travel. Ah! Travel. Ah, travel! Honeymoon trip?" "I added the word honeymoon."

Isfiel said: "Well. That's right."

Feisha stared at Isfiel, as if confirming his words.

Isfiel let him scrutinize with the same expression.

About half a minute later, Feixia rushed out of the room, ran downstairs several floors, lay in the middle of the fence, and shouted down: "I'm going to hell for my honeymoon! I'm going to have a honeymoon with Isfiel! Do you have anything to bring?"

The entire hotel was silent for about three minutes.

Jin poked his head lazily below, "Bring me a cool and refreshing balm from the second level of hell."

Feixia was speechless when he remembered what Isfiel took from his room last time. You don't have to think about it to know the purpose of this cooling and soothing balm.

Jin Xie smiled and said: "By the way, as a friendly suggestion, you can also keep one."

As soon as he finished speaking, Layton ran up the stairs behind Feixia.

Shi Feixia put away the embarrassment, turned around and diverted the ridicule, "Where's your family?"

"I want to ask you a favor." Leighton said straight to the point.

It was the first time that Shi Feixia saw his expression so serious, so he couldn't help but smile and said, "What's the matter?"

Layton summoned his courage and said, "Take me with you?"

Feisha Feixia smiled and said, "I don't mind if Miss Amantha is also with me."

Layton's wishful thinking was thrown into chaos.

Feixia patted him on the shoulder, "If you like it, you have to be brave!"

Layton sighed and said in a rather deep tone, "You don't understand."

Shi Feixia looked at his back as he slowly left, and couldn't help but say, "Is there something you understand that I don't understand?"

Layton turned to look at him.

Feixia's momentum weakened, "Except for the manufacturing process of Domino's earpieces."

Layton shook his head, too lazy to argue with him.

Feixia rushed back to Isfiel's room again, "Then when do we leave?"

"tomorrow morning."

As soon as Isfiel finished speaking, Feixia started to rummage through the boxes and pack up. This time he returned to the Human World, in addition to entertainment items, he also brought a lot of daily necessities. Open the wardrobe, and finally it is no longer the same suit and bathrobe. Since moving in with Isfiel, he has moved all his things here. Isfiel doesn't have much, so the closet is now full of his stuff.

"Isfiel, I heard that there is a lot of fire in hell, what should I wear better?" Feixia was picky.

"Fire-fighting protective clothing."

"..." Shi Feixia pulled out a pair of colorful beach pants, "Would you like to wear this?"

Isfiel said: "What about the upper body?"

"You don't need to put on your body?" Shi Feixia compared his body, "It seems a little small. I was thinner when I was in college than I am now."

Isfiel raised an eyebrow.

Feixia threw the beach pants into the suitcase, "But I heard that some places in hell are quite cold, how about I bring some warmer ones?" Heavy military coat, "Aha, that's it! It's a must for winter." He tried to stuff it into his suitcase.

"By the way." He said while looking for sunscreen, "Where is the second floor of hell? Jin asked me to bring a cooling cream there."

"The center of the porn industry."

Feisha was stunned, and then he found that Isfiel approached quietly.

"You..." He just said a word, and he was heavily pressed under him.

Feixia wiggled, "I want to pack my things."

Isfiel raised the corner of his mouth and directly lowered his head to cover his mouth.


The result of the night of fighting was that Feixia woke up the next day and found that the beach pants were no longer needed.

His upper body is big and small strawberries, and if he goes out topless, he will definitely be regarded as a pornographer.

When Isfiel saw him take out his beach pants, he said lightly, "It's a pity."

Feisha Feisha: "..."


It's finally time to leave.

The hell carriage was pulled out again.

Jin urged, "Remember to bring the carriage back." He apparently completely forgot who the original owner of the carriage was.

Hughes said softly to Feixia, "Be careful on the road and pay attention to safety." He obviously completely forgot who was going with Feixia.

Layton said, still impatient: "You really don't think about it anymore?"

Feisha Feixia looked at Amanda who was standing timidly by the side with a smile, "Miss Amanda..."

Layton said quickly: "The journey is smooth."

Small had been hiding in the room for so many days, and finally appeared, but his expression was still sluggish, and he looked like he was about to collapse when the wind was blowing. But at this moment, he also forced a smile, "Remember to bring specialties."

Feisha Feisha said, "Don't get your hopes up. There must be no special product called Jesse there."

Small's face stiffened. But his face had been frozen for so long that he couldn't see anything.

Antonio is the most concise, nodding slightly towards him as a greeting.

Victor is the newest newcomer here. And because of Asha's relationship, the people of Noah's Ark are always a little lukewarm towards him, and he himself is not as crazy as Feixia, and he is naturally familiar, so he can only stand by and laugh.

Shi Feixia remembered how he felt when he first arrived, and felt pity for this new employee, "Do you have anything for me to bring?"

Victor said: "Eat."

"...you are real."

"Let's go." Isfiel stood by the carriage.

Feixia walked over with a large box.

Isfiel took the box and motioned for him to get in the car first.

After Feixia got into the car, Isfiel sat up with the suitcase.

Lie Ma raised his front hooves and rushed forward like an arrow.


What is hell like

If Shi Feixia's heart was pure excitement and curiosity when he went to the Elf Realm and Yuanshu Realm, then at this moment, in his excitement and curiosity, there was an indescribable nervousness.

After all, hell is the place that has been mentioned countless times in myths and legends. A place that represents sin and depravity.

Feisha involuntarily leaned towards Isfiel, "There won't be any bloody scenes, right?"

Isfiel thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"Yes?" Shi Feixia was even more nervous. "Are those bloody cells open to the public?"

"Cell?" Isfiel said suspiciously, "I mean the arena."

"Arena?" Shi Feixia was refreshed. The innate bellicose factor of man is aroused. "Like the gladiator kind? Or like the Sky Arena in The Hunter?"

"It's just a fight." Isfiel was obviously not interested in these.

Feixia asked, "Can you participate?" If he does, will the organizer invite the seven demon kings to fight? He couldn't help but wonder.

Isfiel said: "Yes. But no one will challenge it."

It is. Although Feixia was a little disappointed, this answer was the normal answer.

The Seven Great Demon Kings are also the masters of hell. It's as if neither Bush nor Clinton would go to sea to fight boxing.


Following Isfiel's voice, Feixia felt his eyes lit up and fainted again.

When he woke up, he found himself sitting in front of a river.

It was dark, but there were torches all around, so it didn't feel dark. A boat moored in front of him. At the bow of the boat was an old man with white hair and a beard, and the only thing that stood out from the pile of white hair was a tall aquiline nose.

"Awake?" Hearing the voice behind him, Feixia suddenly realized that he was leaning against Isfiel's chest.

The white-haired old man said impatiently: "Hey, now that you are awake, let's decide. Do you want to take a boat? Two gold coins per person, no two prices."

Feisha looked at Isfiel in confusion.

Isfiel explained: "Caron. The river-crosser. Would you rather take a boat or fly over?"

Although Feisha Feixia has never heard of the name Caron, since he can do business in hell, he must be a celebrity, "By boat."

Only then did Caron say happily: "Well, I know the goods, I have rowed this boat for tens of millions of years, and it has never been turned over."

When Feixia sat up, he whispered softly, "Listening to what you said, why do I think I would be more honored if I turned it over?"

Caron: "… "

The ship did not capsize in the end, and reached the other side safely.

When Feixia saw Isfiel giving Caron the money, he said with emotion, "It's just a boat." He also thought that hell's boats would be special. Or open the way with two water monsters in front and behind. Who knew it would be even duller than riding a motorboat.

Caron said unconvinced: "What is a boat? Have you ever been on a boat that has been rowed for thousands of years before?"

Feixia said: "No. Because ten years is enough for them to save money to buy a new boat."

"..." Cuaron rowed the boat away from the shore angrily, but after he rowed far away, Feixia and Isfiel could still hear his complaints, "I must increase the price! Increase the price!"

Feisha and Isfiel moved on.

The road is smooth, and the fires on both sides are blazing but not dangerous.

Feixia's mood gradually calmed down. Although it is hell, compared to Noah's Ark, which is always unable to get out, this place is more like a place to talk about love, rather than a place where you can only open a room.

He was about to say a few sweet words to promote his feelings, when he saw a slight light on the ground in front of him.

That's brighter than firelight.

From Feisha's point of view, it is more like the lights of the city that never sleeps.

As he moved forward, his ideas were confirmed.

The road ahead was suddenly cut off.

Under his feet is a city with bright lights and high-rise buildings.

Isfiel introduced softly: "This is the first floor of hell."

So, all the cities in hell are like this, going down layer by layer, like a circular staircase