Spirit Hotel

Chapter 105: Happy life (5)


Feisha Feixia had to be shocked. In particular, the city is so huge that you can't see the edge. From here, it looks like a plantation full of stars, and the lights little by little stretch to the junction with the sky.

Isfiel wrapped his arms around his waist, spread his wings, and flew towards the huge city.

The picturesque and prosperous row upon row of tall buildings slowly expanded in sight, the streets gradually spread from vertical and horizontal small black lines into staggered strips, and sporadic vehicles moved back and forth on the strips.

Isfiel landed in front of a skyscraper, and pure white light shot down from above, illuminating the vicinity like daylight. "This is the management center on the first floor."

control center

Feixia raised his neck and looked at it for a long time, "Is it equivalent to our municipal building?"

"It can be said that." Although Isfiel has never been to hell, his knowledge of hell is no less than that of any demon king. "The first floor is the industrial area, which is mainly responsible for the production and manufacture of supplies for the entire hell. The second floor is also the largest city in hell, and this is their living quarters."

Feixia stunned and said, "Industrial zone?" I didn't expect hell to be so developed.

"Because there is no sunlight, the days and nights of hell are controlled by clocks, and now it's working time. It's like Noah's Ark."

Feisha Feixia found out that every time he spreads knowledge, Isfiel's words would go on for a long time. "Then there are many fallen angels living here?" The scene of a large group of fallen angels flying in the sky must be spectacular. He was looking forward to it. When the Legion of Angels and the Legion of Fallen Angels came, he didn't watch it because he was in a bad mood. Thinking about it now, it's still a pity.

"The original inhabitants of hell, such as tauren and sheep demons, live here."

Feisha Feixia imagined. In fact, it's not that he hasn't seen Tauren and Sheep Demon. At least TV movies and games are popular, but it's a little bit lively to appear in life... "Isfiel, let's go and buy a cool and soothing cream for Jin?"

Isfiel lowered his head and gave him a meaningful look.

Feixia was shocked to realize that the location of the cooling and soothing cream seemed to be a bit... embarrassing

Isfiel took off again.

Feixia opened his arms and began to enjoy the thrill of flying in midair. A block of square high-rise buildings passed under him, and the lights were like stars, decorating the city extraordinarily brightly.

Here is hell.

A completely different place than expected. But also, how could Lucifer and the fallen angels allow themselves to live in a barren place.

The first layer finally came to an end.

There is a fence at the end, as if standing on a viaduct.

Below, is another city!

Countless neon lights flickered and colorful everywhere. Compared with the solemn and dullness of the first layer, the second layer is like a large dye vat, kneading all the colors together into a frantic and twisted oil painting.


"There are nine floors in hell," Isfiel swooped down as he leisurely introduced the structure of hell, "The first to sixth floors are rings from large to small, and the seventh is circular."

Shi Feixia blocked the wind blowing into his mouth with his hand, and said, "So hell is actually a big funnel? The side plan is a V, the front plan is a circle with six circles from small to large?" He counted, " What about the eighth and ninth floors?"

"Hidden under the lake of fire and sulfur."

Feisha Feixia's eyes were suddenly attracted by the residents of the second floor who were getting closer.

Isfiel fell to the ground, a hand still on his waist.

Feixia turned his head excitedly and said, "No wonder people always say that the face of an angel, the figure of a devil... It turns out that the figure of the devil is really so good." The figure of any woman walking around is enough to make the world model ashamed to death.

"Wow, that little girl is not very tall, and her chest is at least F, no, it's just a J cup!"

"Are you interested?"

Although Isfiel's voice didn't fluctuate, but Feixia was no different. As long as Isfiel took a breath, he could tell whether his mood index was positive or negative at the moment. He hurriedly smiled and said, "No, it's just the customs of people who go to hell."

Isfiel said: "Are you very obsessed with your figure?"

Shi Feixia remembered the previous exercise on the bed, his hands seemed to be hovering in his lower abdomen, and he couldn't help but smile: "This is also a personalized demand."

Isfiel narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

Shi Feixia changed the subject and said, "By the way, where's the luggage?" There were not only his beloved military coat, but also a laptop and a mobile phone he bought earlier. Although the phone can't be used for communication, it's still good for taking pictures. It was rare to come to hell for a honeymoon, and he didn't want to leave nothing behind, just a memory that could only be stored but not retrieved, and could be lost with a blow to the head.

Isfiel said: "Leave with the carriage in the parking lot at the entrance."

The carriage is parked in the parking lot

Feixia's head tied a knot and quickly untied it. That's right, a carriage is also a car, so the place to park the carriage should really be called a parking lot. "But without luggage, there is no military coat. What if it's cold one day?"

"Don't have my wings to cover?" Isfiel suddenly said.

Shi Feixia was stunned for a long time, and then he remembered that the original text of this sentence was him. "Uh, do you remember?"

"I remember every word you said."

Feixia Feixia sincerely said, "Can you remove the turnips and save the greens?"


Within two minutes of walking on the street on the second floor, Feixia felt like a gorilla visiting a supermarket, attracting attention. Most of the eyes are on Isfiel's face, similar to surprise and admiration. A small part was cast to him, akin to a look of curiosity and doubt.

Whistles, drums, and love songs are endless.

"Let's... let's hurry up and buy something and leave." Shi Feixia was a little bit overwhelmed by the naked gaze. In front of the road, a tall witch with heavy makeup, turbulent waves, wearing a leather jacket that couldn't be tighter, walked towards him swayingly and stopped three steps away from Isfiel.

The makeup that prevails in hell is obviously not the same taste as the human world.

At least when Feixia saw the rich color palette on her face, she couldn't feel any appreciation at all.

"Are you... a fallen angel?" The corners of her mouth were sharp, and she grinned upward when she spoke.

Isfiel's wings had already been folded, he just glanced at her coldly, and then walked directly over with Feisha in his arms.

The witch's shoulders were slightly backward, and her chest was deliberately raised higher. But as soon as she finished these movements, she found that her body was suddenly thrown out by a strong force. He fell heavily in the middle of the street.

The uproar stopped abruptly.

Countless pairs of eyes watched this scene in amazement.

The witch slowly stood up, her eyes narrowed dangerously by the clumps of colors, "Don't you know who I am?"

Feixia leaned against Isfiel's chest and said strangely, "If you don't even know about it, how would anyone else know?"

The witch sneered: "I'm Yi Feng."

Feisha Feixia asked Isfiel in a low voice, "Is he famous?" Judging from her attitude, it seemed that she had never heard of it before, which was very uncommon.

Isfiel said: "It's not recorded in "Famous People in Hell."

Yi Feng's lips trembled slightly. "Hell Famous" records the real power figures in hell, such as Abaddon, such as Lilith... It is normal that she is not recorded. But for some unknown reason, the short-haired youth's gaze made her truly feel humiliated, and the gaze seemed to say: That's all.

But she quickly controlled her emotions. Although the short-haired youth looked as weak as the luncheon meat on the dinner table, the strength contained in the unreal handsome long-haired man beside him made her tremble. When she was thrown out just now, she didn't have the ability to fight back at all. No, it should be said that she didn't have the ability to react at all.

In fact, Feixia is very innocent, because his eyes at the moment are actually sympathetic eyes. It's a bit embarrassing to be a woman anyway, it's a bit embarrassing to be thrown out in front of so many people. So he cleared the siege and said, "Maybe she's keeping a low profile."

Isfiel said: "This is hell."

So there is no low-key

When Shi Feixia saw Yifeng's splendid expression that couldn't be stopped by the oil paint, he finally had to admit that he was still a little gloating.

"Heh." A chuckle came from the crowd.

Like magic, the crowd of onlookers are willing to make a way together.

If the dark purple rose collar shirt and the silver gray slim suit were worn by another person, Feixia would definitely think he was a nympho. However, the person in front of him is not wearing abrupt clothes, but feels that they complement each other and look terrible.

Fortunately, Feisha Feixia has seen a lot of beauties, especially recently, she is facing Isfiel's face every day, so even if there is another appearance that is comparable to Isfiel's, it is only a secret surprise in the bottom of my heart, and it is not shown on the face at all. .

Yi Feng saw that person appearing, as if the bee saw the flower, and the hungry wolf saw the meat, and immediately rushed over. She didn't complain or act like a spoiled child, she just shrunk her head in his arms, showing infinite grievances based on the trembling shoulders.

It is said that silence is better than sound at this time, which is probably the realm. Feixia sighed with emotion.

"Isfiel, why are you here?" As soon as he opened his mouth, the eyes watching the show turned into shock.

Although Isfiel has been guarding Noah's Ark, his reputation is still resounding in the sky above hell.

This is the fallen angel who Abaddon himself said that he would rather go to the ninth floor for a month than fight with him.

Feixia asked Isfiel, "Know?"

The so-called strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake, and he should have a bit of status by looking at his imposing manner. If Yi Feng had an affair with him, I'm afraid it would be a little troublesome. But Yvonne was seducing Isfiel just now, so, isn't this person wearing a big green hat? If he knew the truth, I'm afraid he wouldn't help Yvonne.

It's just that, looking at his expression, it doesn't seem like he doesn't know.

... Did he know or did he not know

Feixia was very confused.

Isfiel stared at the man with a bright smile, and said lightly, "Mamen."