Spirit Hotel

Chapter 110: Happy life (10)


Just after coming down from the fourth floor, Shi Feixia couldn't adapt to the darkness of the fifth floor for a while.

Suddenly, two extremely strong lights, one red and one blue, shot up from the gloomy city and shot straight into the sky.

"Fireworks?" Shi Feixia covered his eyes with his palm.

Isfiel stopped in mid-air, "It's Abaddon and Asmodeus."

Abaddon knew that one of the seven demon kings of hell, the one who could keep pace with him should also be a demon king. So he asked very directly: "What sin?"


Shi Feixia whispered, "How lewd is it?"

Isfiel said: "Handjob."

"..." Shi Feixia couldn't understand. Is heaven a place where you can't even handjob? Although he is an immortal body now, who doesn't have an emergency? In the unfortunate event that he died young, he hoped to come to hell. Of course, even if he is assigned to heaven, he is not afraid, he is still very skilled at handjob.

Seeing that the light around his palm was gradually dimming, Shi Feixia slowly put down his palm, just in time to see them flying over with their black wings open.

"Do you want to adjust to combat mode?" He became nervous.

Isfiel said: "No."

Abaddon rushed over with a smile: "Isfiel, you really left that hellish place to come to hell! That guy Mamen told me earlier that I didn't believe it."

Asmodeus fell behind him, Junxiu's face a little shy.

Is he really guilty of fornication

Feixia once again expressed doubts. Shouldn't it be a ten thousand years of injustice in heaven

Isfiel said: "Are you actually fighting?"

Abaddon's eyes twitched, and he said quickly, "No, I was too tired from playing in the arena just now, so I came up to blow the air." For fear of Isfiel's disbelief, he shook his collar, "Ah, it's so cool."

Shi Feixia remembered the game ID he read in a book called Feng Chi JJ, so cool, so he couldn't help but suggest, "Take off your pants and it's cooler."

Abaddon said to Isfiel: "He used to be wretched at most, but now he is simply unrestrained."

Feisha ignored him. He was admiring Asmodeus's shy expression on the verge of burrowing into the ground with interest.

Abaddon frowned and said, "Aren't you going to go out to Hong Xing while you are on your honeymoon?"

Feisha Feisha: "..."

Isfiel said: "Let's fight?"

Abaddon was stunned, then shook his head and said: "Our friends for so many years, you are actually for a human... You are too outrageous!"

Shi Feixia said: "As the only human being here who has a say, I don't think he makes me feel bad at all. On the contrary, it's a little bit..."

Abaddon said: "Do you feel that your courage is getting bigger and bigger?"

"This is a typical fox fake tiger power. I know." Shi Feixia looked like I was a rogue.

Abaddon looked at Isfiel and said, "I take back what I said earlier, he is still wretched."


On the way to the arena, Abaddon briefly introduced the fifth floor.

The fifth floor is most famous for the Arena. Here, there are no less than five thousand arenas, large and small. One of the most famous is Abaddon's 'lore'.

The arena is for those who are addicted to fighting and killing. There are two modes in it. One is that the machine records the value of the participant's whole body, and then converts it into a virtual body. The participant's consciousness enters the virtual body and then fights with the opponent.

The advantage of this is that no matter how much meat is chopped off on the stage, as long as they leave the arena, they are still unscathed. It's the most civilized way to play.

The other is the actual combat that Isfiel said. However, there are many races in hell, in order to avoid causing a race war, the participants in the actual combat must sign a life and death certificate before the battle. If one side dies in battle, his family and friends are not allowed to take revenge on the opponent by any means.

"How is it?" Abaddon looked at Feixia with a look of surprise.

"Have you ever played an online game?" This is clearly a part of an online game.

Abaddon said: "Che. What's the point of that, Porgy doesn't play."

After talking, they came to a one-story square building.

Feixia considered his words carefully, "Uh, your business scale is quite... cautious." Didn't he say that 'Lore' is the largest arena on the fifth floor? Why does it look so shabby

Abaddon said blankly, "What do you mean?"

Asmodeus said: "He means, the scale here doesn't seem to be large." His voice was very soft, like a summer breeze, with the illusion that it would break at any time.

Abaddon laughed: "Because many people like to fight outside. In order to prevent them from smashing my arena, I built the entire arena underground."

Sure enough, the first floor of the arena was nothing but a service desk and a registration desk. In the middle there is a row of wide stairs leading directly below.

"Is there no elevator?" Shi Feixia asked as he walked.

Abaddon said: "Yes, but no one sits."

"Why?" He wanted to sit. Feixia beat his waist.

Abaddon said: "Because sometimes he hits so hard, the elevator gets stuck."

"..." How intense is this to knock the elevator down? Feisha was speechless.

I don't know how many floors I walked, but when I reached a certain floor, there was a sudden burst of cheers. Countless voices are roaring: "Abaddon, Asmodeus, Abaddon, Asmodeus..."

Abaddon smiled and waved.

Shi Feixia looked at the dense head in front of him, and said, "Is it okay to call the leader's name like this?"

Isfiel said: "It varies from person to person."

"... They are the people-friendly faction."

Abaddon led them towards the crowd, which automatically divided into two sides.

In the middle of the crowd was a square table, a bit like a ring, but taller, bigger, and more imposing.

Unlike Beelzebub's esophagus auditorium, the audience here is standing, and they look up at the platform from the bottom.

Abaddon walked over to the stage and flew up to the stage with Asmodeus, and the cheers grew louder.

Feisha Feixia and Isfiel casually found a place with a good view to watch the play.

Feisha watched them get into a gray egg that was two or three meters high. After a while, Abaddon in black armor and Asmodeus in silver-green armor came on stage.

The cheers were louder all around.

Feixia shouted to Isfiel several times, all of which were blocked. He was about to give up when he suddenly found that the voices around him were gone.

Isfiel was looking down at him, "What did you say?"

"I mean... uh," the sudden silence made him a little uncomfortable, "I mean would Asmodeus just wear silver and green armor and not some lust?" He was still wondering This question, no matter how you look at it, I feel that he has nothing to do with lust. In comparison, Mammon is more suitable.

Isfiel said: "He is indeed a lustful sin, because he fell in love with a human woman named Sarah."

As soon as Shi Feixia encountered the gossip, his entire face immediately radiated brilliance, and he was very cooperative in front of the audience.

"He fell in love with her, but didn't have the courage to confess. When Sarah got married, he killed her husband on their wedding night until no one dared to marry her."

"Shouldn't this be jealousy?"

"But his jealousy is because of his own desire for Sarah."

"Actually, if you want to eat, just throw yourself down." Looking at Asmodeus's face, although it is not as good as Isfiel's, it can be regarded as a standard work. Maybe Sarah fell in love at first sight, and the two have lived together since then. Shuangfei, lived a life of not envious of mandarin ducks or immortals.

"And if the taste is too bland, you can add some salad dressing to Sarah."

"Add some salad dressing to your body?" Isfiel pondered.

Feixia urged, "What about later?"

"Later this matter was learned by God, and God sent Raphael to take him back to heaven for trial."

Feisha Feixia sighed to make up for the ending of the story, "In the end, it fell. What about Sarah later?"

"Under God's arrangement, married someone else."

"This is really a tragedy." He looked sympathetically at Asmodeus, who fought Abaddon to death on stage, "Did he rely on thugs for so many years?"

Isfiel was silent for a long time and said, "This sentence is a joke."

"..." Feixia suddenly said, "Does he have a good relationship with Abaddon?"

"Because they have a common language."

"Lovelorn?" By the way, it seems that no one has ever heard of Porgy's mother? Is it rosy? In this way, the two bachelors can indeed sympathize with each other.

"No. Common enemy."

Feixia blurted out, "Raphael?"

Isfiel nodded.

Shi Feixia said with emotion, "Heaven and hell are really cut off constantly, and the rationale is still messed up."

As soon as they finished the gossip here, the winner was decided on stage.

Abaddon suddenly appeared above Asmodeus's head and overwhelmed him with his body.

Isfiel withdrew the barrier.

Whistles, shouts, and applause came overwhelmingly.

Feixia was startled, but saw that the figure on the stage had disappeared. After a while, Abaddon and Asmodeus each walked out of the gray egg.

"Abaddon, Abaddon, Abaddon..."

The audience was almost crazy.

Abaddon waved his hands proudly on the stage, and Asmodeus stood by without a word, watching silently. Even if he lost the game, there was no annoyance and frustration on his face, as if he was used to it.

Abaddon suddenly turned around, put his arms around his neck, and dragged him to the center of the stage.

Asmodeus's face flushed slightly, but his posture matched naturally.

So in the one-sided 'Abaddon' finally appeared some faint 'Asmodeus'.

Could it be that Abaddon is easier to read than Asmodeus, so others are rushing to shout

Feisha Feixia looked left and right, and then looked back and forth, and found that in the ocean of shouting here, he and Isfiel were very out of tune. It's like the city is full of golden armors, only they don't have vests.

Shouldn't he also echo that, the so-called "go to the countryside and follow the custom"

Thinking like this, Feixia finally raised his arm slowly, wanting to wave like them, but Abaddon suddenly made a quiet gesture.

So all the hands were put down again, only he was still holding it up.

Shi Feixia stretched out calmly under the countless gazes.