Spirit Hotel

Chapter 111: Happy life (11)


Abaddon suddenly looked at him, smiled strangely, then slowly stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers at him.

The hand that Feixia had just put down froze. He's just stretching, it doesn't need to be so serious, right? He swallowed and whispered to Isfiel, "What does he mean?" Don't mean what he thought!

Although his voice was very small, because the surroundings were so quiet, his very small voice, like a needle that fell on the ground, entered the ears of many audience members.

So Feixia felt that the gazes around him were more and more strange.

"Challenge." Isfiel said.

Feixia pointed to his nose and said, "Me?"

Abaddon smiled and said, "Don't worry, you can choose the painless mode. That way, even if I hit you with lightning, you won't feel pain. It's a rare trip to hell, don't you want to come up and play?"

Is this the legendary holographic online game

Feixia was moved. He always thought that this was just the YY of many authors, and it only existed in those imaginative novels. He didn't expect that it was actually developed in hell.

Abaddon groaned: "How? Want to try? To be fair, I'll only attack physically."

Feixia looked at Isfiel eagerly and asked for his opinion.

Isfiel saw what he was thinking and acquiesced: "Just say it when you think about it."

As soon as his worries were gone, Feixia immediately raised his eyebrows, made an 'OK' gesture to Abaddon, and happily climbed onto the arena.

Asmodeus smiled shyly at him, led him into the big gray egg, and whispered at the door how to use it.

"Uh, the three words you said painless... What does it look like?" Feixia looked worried at the twisting patterns on the panel.

Asmodeus was stunned for a moment, then carefully extended his hand and pointed at the panel, then quickly retracted.

"Is this all right?" Shi Feixia was a little excited and a little nervous.

"Yeah. Relax all over, and then imagine yourself walking out of here slowly." Seeing that he fully understood, Asmodeus stopped talking, took a step back, and helped him close the door.

Shi Feixia was alone in this small and unfamiliar space, his heart was beating wildly, his eyes were constantly scanning around, let alone relaxing his body, he couldn't even close his eyes.

After a while, Asmodeus opened the door again and whispered cautiously, "Abaddon is waiting for you."

"Oh, good." Behind him, Isfiel was looking at him silently.

Shi Feixia slowly let out a breath, readjusted his emotions, and slowly closed his eyes.

Perhaps it was drowsiness, or perhaps it was the special function of this machine. He felt himself calm down quickly, and his spirit entered a state of near ecstasy.

Suddenly, the eyes lit up.

He found himself on the arena.

Abaddon was standing in front of him, holding a palm-wide longsword.

"Wait." Feixia shouted before he chopped the long sword over, "Why do you have weapons and I don't?"

Abaddon said: "As long as you silently imagine the weapons you need, the weapons will appear in your hands."

This is simply more advanced than holographic online games.

Feixia couldn't help being excited. He is not disenchanted with Isfiel's superhuman abilities, but the huge gap between angels and humans makes him just envious, and he never thought that he could have this ability. But now this ability is in front of him. Although it can only be displayed on the arena, it is good to be addicted to it.

He closed his eyes and thought for a long time.

Both Abaddon and the audience waited with bated breath for something to appear in his hands, but a minute passed, two minutes passed... and he still had nothing in his hands.

Abaddon couldn't help but ask, "What kind of weapon do you want?"

Feixia Feixia excitedly said, "AK47." The gun he used to hold for a long time was not the best, but it accompanied him in countless years of reading YY. Now, I can finally touch it.

Abaddon frowned: "... what is that?"

"Assault rifle. Of all, I am most impressed by its appearance." Feixia closed his eyes and continued to work hard.

Abaddon wanted to say something, but caught a glimpse of Isfiel and held it back.

After a while, Feisha Feisha's weapon was finally born under the spotlight, but—

"Why is it solid?" Feixia looked embarrassed at the barrel of the gun that looked like a rolling pin.

"You only imagined the shape?"

Feixia said, "Isn't that enough?"

"Enough." Abaddon raised the sword slowly, "At least it's enough to block the sword."

Feixia reluctantly lifted it up and used the firearm as a weapon.

The people who had been silent for a long time finally found an opportunity to vent, and cheers and whistles filled the stage again.

Although he can't move Isfiel, it has been his wish for many years to be able to split his people in half on the arena.

The corner of Abaddon's mouth lifted slightly, and his figure appeared very quickly behind Shi Feixia. He raised his knife and was about to slash down. Suddenly, Shi Feixia shouted, "Wait!"

The sword stopped in mid-air.

The people who were still cheering also seemed to be strangled by their necks, and they all stopped their voices.

Shi Feixia straightened up, walked forward to where Abaddon was standing, then turned around and nodded to Abaddon who was holding his sword in midair, "Okay, let's come again."

Abaddon decided that no matter what Feixia called this time, he would not stop in the middle!


He definitely faced Feisha directly head-on.

His sword was held high, and the blade shone with a terrifying cold light in the light.

Shi Feixia narrowed his eyes, watching the sword get closer and closer to his head little by little.

As if to appreciate his fearful expression, Abaddon's sword did not fall quickly.

Also because he was unhappy, he gave Feisha the opportunity to ask for help, "Isfiel..."

Abaddon raised his brows, and a bad premonition rose in his heart. Sure enough, just when the sword tip was about one millimeter away from the tip of Feixia's nose, his eyes darkened and he instantly lost consciousness.

At the same time, Feixia was also unconscious.

But he soon woke up and walked out of the gray egg.

The sight before him startled him.

The gray egg that Abaddon was in deviates from its original position, and its round shape is also concave by a third.

Isfiel stood blankly in front of the gray egg, and in front of him was Asmodeus. Looking at Asmodeus's expression, he seemed very angry, but when he was angry, his face was puffed with powder, and he spoke very softly. He only saw his mouth open and closed, but he couldn't hear what he was saying.

Feixia got closer, only to hear him say, "It's really bad."

The audience was silent, obviously what had just happened was beyond their comprehension.

With a babble, the gray egg door where Abaddon was located opened. Abaddon walked out slowly, there was a big red swelling on his arm, his hair was a little messy, and he looked at Isfiel like a wolf, "You... foul!"

Isfiel pushed it cleanly, "You didn't say it before."

Does this rule need to be said? Everyone knows it.

Abaddon was so angry that the corners of his mouth rose, "Damn it! I'm going to challenge you."

"Actual combat?" Isfiel said.

Abaddon said bitterly: "Just fight!"

The audience went from silence to surprise to shock and finally to whispers. Abaddon is one of the seven demon kings, and there are very few opponents who can become his opponents. Even if he occasionally goes off to play with other opponents, he usually chooses the arena. The only one who played actual combat with him was Asmodeus, but even if he was one of the seven demon kings, they could occasionally see Asmodeus's face with injuries. Unexpectedly, there has been an initiative to ask for actual combat. How can this not make them shocked and excited

"Isfiel, let's go to the top!" Abaddon suddenly spread his wings, passed directly over the heads of everyone, and flew up in the direction of the stairs.

"Don't he think that flying up the stairs... is like a little bee?" Feixia said, rubbing his chin.

Asmodeus blushed even more, slowly suppressing the urge to spread his wings, silently following behind him and Isfiel, and walked upstairs.

Come out with them, and the audience.

They all heard what Abaddon said just now, but they never thought that this incomparably handsome boy turned out to be a famous battle angel. Since he had been on Noah's Ark, they were not familiar with him before. But Abaddon sometimes mentions the name after a win in the ring, telling them that the fighting skills he used just now were learned from him. This shows the strength of Battle Angel Isfiel.

Therefore, this kind of battle can be regarded as the strongest confrontation in the history of the arena.

Abaddon stopped in midair with his wings outstretched, looking down at Isfiel, his anger gradually subsided on his face, leaving behind a strong desire to win.

Feisha grabbed Isfiel's sleeve worriedly, "Are you sure?"

Isfiel patted his head.

"If it doesn't work, let me go. I can tell that he throws away his armor and discards his armor." Shi Feixia rubbed his fists eagerly.

"No." Isfiel raised his eyes, his dark pupils sank slightly, "It's just a waste of time."

That's fine. Usually Isfiel said no problem, then absolutely no problem.

Feixia felt relieved, "Then I'll wait for you to come back."

Isfiel suddenly lowered his head and looked at him motionless.

Feixia also looked at him blankly.

Isfiel said: "I heard that humans like to give lovers a lucky kiss before the game?"

Isfiel, you watch too many idol dramas.

Shi Feixia pursed his lips, then took him by the shoulders, and with a 'wheeze', he kissed his face heavily.

The corner of Isfiel's mouth lifted slightly, and before he retracted, he kissed the corner of his lips lightly.

Feixia felt as if the corners of his mouth were gently brushed by a feather, and before he recovered, he saw Isfiel spread his wings and rush in the direction of Abaddon.

His heart suddenly ached, and he still remembered the time Isfiel returned to heaven, and he was also left with a back like this...

But this time he will come back.

Shi Feixia slowly raised his hand and gently stroked the corners of his mouth that still had residual warmth.