Spirit Hotel

Chapter 115: Coconut entanglement (2)


On the way back, Small was very quiet, as if all the tossing emotions and strength had been exhausted in front of the waterfall.

Jesse sat on the other side of the carriage, closing his eyes as if nothing had happened.

An invisible gulf lies between the two of them, separating the small carriage into two worlds, looking at each other, but never getting together.

The carriage went all the way up.

The surrounding area was gradually shrouded in layers of fog, and the scenery was lost in the white fog, and it was impossible to tell the direction of east, west, north and south at all. But the carriage was still moving forward in an orderly manner.

Small remembered the first time he came here, after losing to Jesse that year. But at that time, he was tied with a rope and carried up the mountain. If they hadn't been here before, no one would have thought that behind the layers of white fog, there is a place comparable to heaven.

As if to confirm his idea, the whip swung and fell on the horse's buttocks.

The horse accelerated sharply, dashing forward as if dying. The carriage was taken almost flying.

The thick white fog lingered around, as if there was no end... At this moment, the carriage rushed out of the heavy fog.

The sun shines in again.

Small narrowed his eyes. The red and swollen eyes sting slightly when exposed to the bright sun.

The carriage drove smoothly on the flat road. On both sides of the road are endless green oil fields.

But this field is not planted.

He remembered that the first time he came, Jesse had warned him half-threateningly, half-jokingly, that it was a bone-eating herb, grown on the blood of animals.

He began to disbelieve—until he saw black-red blood spurting from the water pipe leading to the field.

"This is the Witch Race." Jesse warned him at that time.

For him at that time, the witch race was really a terrible term.

Omedando once told him that although the world master of Yuanshu Realm is a transparent person, in fact it is the Wu people who can control and influence Yuanshu Realm. Because witchcraft is extremely vicious and insidious, and it is impossible to prevent. Dreaming, drinking, bathing, and even breathing, they have so many means.

Therefore, he subconsciously concealed his identity and real name in order not to cause trouble to the Elf world and Locketini.

Slow down.

The fields ahead were exhausted, and a beautiful and quaint village appeared.

Outside the village stood an old man in black robes with white hair. His eyes were covered under layers of white eyebrows, and his beard was long, hanging down to the ground.

The carriage stopped, and Jesse opened his eyes and pushed the door to get out.

The old man walked in front of him, bent over and saluted: "Patriarch."

Jesse lifted him up with one hand, "Elder Goul, you don't have to come to the village to meet me every time."

"I was just looking at the scenery here, and I saw you coming by the way." He said, turning to look at Small who was lying in the car and refused to get out, and smiled, "Welcome back, Small."

Small was stunned, so embarrassed that he almost buried him in the ground. He hesitated for a while, slammed the car, walked in front of him, and said in a low voice, "Elder Gul."

Elder Gul stroked his beard, nodded with satisfaction and smiled: "Just come back." He looked at Jesse, "Patriarch, I have already had the troublemaker clean again. Over the years, you have been letting Someone cleans it, so the stuff inside stays the same."

Small raised his head in surprise and looked at Jesse.

Jesse nodded expressionlessly and walked towards the village.

Elder Gul followed behind and secretly gave Smalbi a victory gesture.

Small's eyes warmed a little.

When he was in the Witch Race, except for Jesse, Elder Gul was the best person to him.

Because he is an elf and a slave, before Jesse swears that he belongs to him, many Wu people will shout at him, and even make fun of him. Elder Goul often helped him drive them away at that time. Therefore, in the Wu clan, besides Jesse, the person he feels most sorry for is him.

"The Smal I know, but a little troublemaker who will immediately find a way to prank him when he is bullied, not a crybaby who likes to cry." Elder Gul said softly.

Small was embarrassed. A thousand years is enough for him to grow to a slightly mature age, but Elder Gul's attitude towards him remains the same as it was a thousand years ago.

The return of Jesse aroused the onlookers of many Wu people.

Small saw a lot of familiar faces inside, and the looks they looked at him were definitely not friendly. Maybe it was because he was afraid of the two great gods around him, so they were not friendly, but they didn't say bad words.

After Jesse greeted them, he walked straight to the largest house in the village.

The people of the Wu ethnic group have never paid attention to beauty, but only practicality. From Small's aesthetic point of view, the shape of the house can be described as earth, but he can also guarantee that neither his wind blade nor Locketini's flame ball can cause much damage to the house. They are strong enough to fight tornadoes.

The so-called largest house in the village is the size of an ordinary family's villa, and it is the residence of the patriarch.

When he saw it, he still laughed fiercely in his heart.

Jesse's footsteps turned, not to his house, but to the hut on the other side.

Against the backdrop of the big house, this small house with one bedroom and one living room can be considered a pocket, but Smal knows that the decoration in the small house is definitely more elaborate than the big house. It was the importance of beauty that he had been chanting in Jesse's ear every day, that forced him to help him redecorate.

Walking into the house, everything was as it was.

Even the position of the teacup on the coffee table in the living room has not changed.

He looked up. The alarm clock hangs across from the sofa, with the hour hand pointing in the direction of seven, just like when he left.

"You pack up." Jesse said slowly, "I'll pick you up later."

Smar was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Elder Gul had quietly left. "I have nothing to clean up." Everything here did not belong to him.

Jesse looked at him and smiled, "Follow me then."

Small regretted it, knowing that he should have grabbed the broom behind the door and started cleaning.


Jesse went back to his room and started working. He had been away for several days, and there was a lot to deal with on the table.

Small doesn't need to look to know what those things are, basically no different from the ancient magistrates.

He habitually sat on the lounge chair in the study.

Jesse used to work and didn't like him running around, so he moved a reclining chair here so that he could stay here quietly.

As soon as I sat on the reclining chair, the exhaustion of many days rushed to my eyelids.

He held on for a while, finally unable to resist the Sandman, and fell asleep on the reclining chair.

He didn't know how long he had slept, but he smelled a sweet fragrance, which immediately caused a greedy worm in his stomach, and he woke up leisurely.

Jesse was sitting across from him. There was a table in front of it, which was full of desserts.

Small sat up. It's all his favorite desserts, is Jesse tortured with food

"What are you looking at, come and eat." Jesse put a bowl of red bean soup in front of him.

Small dawdled and sat there, looking suspiciously at Sweet Soup and him.

Jesse sneered, "Are you afraid I'll add meat to the soup?"

"No," he quickly denied, and then explained in a low voice, "I was just looking for a spoon."

Jesse took the spoon and twirled it gently between his fingers. "I feed you."

Small's body stiffened. This scene is all too familiar.

On Jesse's birthday, he had asked him what he wanted. The last thing he wanted was to feed him.

Small will always remember the mood of that day—

In the face of Jesse's tenderness and thoughtfulness, his heart couldn't produce any sweetness. He only felt that his whole heart was filled with fear, and all the thoughts in his head were: what if he knew his identity? What if he knew he was lying to him? Will he hate him? Will I never have to look at him like that again? Will it take revenge on the spirit world? …

Fear grew wildly in his heart day after day.

The better Jesse treats him, the deeper his fear. Because he knew that the witches were never a race that easily gave their feelings, and they were also the race that hated backsliding and deception the most. He once heard Elder Guer say that a transparent man was pecked to death by a crazy sparrow because he always abandoned the women of the Wu clan.

He knew that Jesse would not use this method, and his methods have always been a hundred times more ruthless.

So he had to make a decision - leave here, leave him, leave this memory. Only then would he not have to see Jesse's eyes of disgust and hatred. Maybe he still misses the unfortunate 'lost' 'Lane', maybe this will draw the best ending for them.

"What are you thinking?" Jesse's face suddenly came closer.

Small stepped back nervously, "It's nothing."

"Really?" Jesse raised his eyebrows, looking unpredictable.

Small felt that what stuck in his heart this time was not fear, but grief. Because this time, he didn't have to guess, he didn't need to anticipate, and he could say with certainty that Jesse hated him. Hate to the bone, otherwise he wouldn't be so troublesome. The only thing he could pray for was that Feixia and the others had better luck than him and could help him move in reinforcements.

"Shi Feixia and the others, will everything be okay?" he couldn't help asking.

Jesse said, "Are you worried about them?"

If he nods, will Jessin take Feisha and the others to threaten them and put them in danger

Small hesitated.

"Still, are you worried about Antonio?" Jesse said slowly.

Small's heart shrank suddenly, and his eyes were a little guilty to avoid his gaze.

"Don't want to answer?" Jesse unexpectedly didn't struggle with the question. He raised the spoon, brought it to his mouth again, and said softly, "Open your mouth."

Small looked at him, swallowed, and turned his head back to give way: "I'm not hungry."

Jesse's eyes sank, and he put the spoon back into the bowl, "I don't want to answer, and I don't want to eat. Then, I'll give you a third choice."

Small looked at him nervously.

"Answer me another question. It's a very simple question." Jesse lowered his gaze, looking at the fine patterns on the tabletop, and said indifferently, "We've known each other for so long, have you ever loved me for a second?" His hands slowly shrank into fists. If you look closely, you can still see the blue veins on the back of his hands that bulge out of tension.