Spirit Hotel

Chapter 119: Coconut entanglement (6)


Small is indeed back.

At least when Kim picked him up at the front desk of Noah's Ark, he was sure that his body had indeed arrived. but…

"Why does he look like he's been hit by evil?"

Hughes said: "Maybe I'm tired from the long journey."

Jin wanted to say something, but was stopped by his look.

After Smal went upstairs like a wandering soul, Hughes whispered: "The Elf King said that Smal's body is normal, and the problem is psychological."

Jin frowned and said, "Why did he tell you and not me?"

Hughes looked at him with a smile and said nothing.

Jin suddenly remembered the three-day past between himself and Diya, and immediately said with a smile: "I mean, just send me a message about this kind of thing, it really shouldn't bother you."

Hughes smiled and said, "Really?"

"Of course." Seeing that he didn't respond, Jin immediately shut up. I was puzzled and nervous. Didn't Omedando find out what happened to him and Di Adam? Say the truth after drinking, sprinkle money on the bed. Who knows if Dia will drink and go to bed again, and then do everything.

The more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became, and he said to himself, "If only Feixia would come back soon."

"Yeah." Hughes rarely echoed him.

"Ah? Did you think about it too?" Jin widened his eyes.

Hughes nodded and said, "Perhaps Flying Man can free Small."

Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you thinking?" Hughes narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Hehe, that's the same, that's the same." Jin put his arms around his waist, "I've been exercising less and less recently, why don't you come and practice with me?"

"Okay." Hughes agreed readily.

Jin's eyes lit up.

Three minutes later—

Jin sat mopping the floor and said depressedly, "Can I choose another sport?"

"Yes. Clean the window, fold the quilt, wash the toilet, whatever you choose." Hughes answered kindly, holding the rag in his hand.

"..." Jin lowered his head and continued to mop the floor honestly.


After a series of changes, everything in Noah's Ark finally slowly began to develop in a good direction.

First is the return of Isfiel.

Looking at his pair of pure black wings, Jin said with emotion: "It's still black to look at. No wonder Feixia bought a bottle of feather dye."

The consequence of this emotion was that he was dragged by Isfiel and played at the front desk for three days and three nights.

During their fight, in addition to Antonio delivering food, Small was accompanied by him as a medical staff. Hughes started watching games, but after seeing that they were playing 'safely', he didn't care anymore.

After being repaired for the fifty-eighth time, Jin finally raised his hands and surrendered, "I was wrong, I was wrong. I will never mention the three words Feisha again."

So he was restored fifty-ninth times.


From then on, the three words Shi Feixia were taboos for half a year, until the door opened and the sun shone in. At the same time, a human walked in panting with a big bag and a small bag, complaining: "At this time, it is better to help than to smile. Is it more important?"

The happy sunshine finally decided to stay in Noah's Ark and never leave again.

It's a pity that although the sun is warm, it can't shine to every corner of Noah's Ark.

Like Small.

Although Shi Feixia's words "You fell in love with him" brought him an unprecedented touch and gradually awakened him from his confusion, his feet were still deeply immersed in the mud, unable to extricate himself.

There were no ropes around, no branches, and he had no idea how to get out of here.

Maybe he needs a pair of helping hands.

Thinking like this, his feet unconsciously reached the thirty-story building.

The blue water of the swimming pool is reflected on the ceiling.

Feisha and Isfiel were leaning against each other, topless.

Isfiel was bowing his head, unable to see his expression clearly.

Feixia raised his head and groaned, "Ah, take it easy... um, it's here, ah, wait, slow down... ah, this is more comfortable..."

"… "

Small turned silently and went downstairs.


"Alright?" Isfiel let go.

Shi Feixia twisted his ankle and said happily, "Sure enough, I don't have cramps anymore. Let's compare again, you let me half a circle! I don't believe that I can't swim against you like this, but let's talk about it first. You are not allowed to use your wings as a flying fish."

Isfiel said: "I can make you three-quarter laps."

"...How can you be so embarrassed?" Shi Feixia said as he swam vulgarly toward the three-quarter circle.


Small went downstairs and saw Jin Zheng carrying a large cluster of red roses to Hughes.

Victor walked on the other side, keeping his wrist beside his mouth, and smiled softly: "My dear, I miss you too."

"… "

Small continued downstairs.


Jin Dao: "If you smell it, does it smell bad?"

Hughes sniffed and frowned, "It's like the scent of sweet-scented osmanthus."

Kim complained, "I hate the scent of osmanthus."

"Could it be that the red rose has been in the flower room for too long and evolved?"

Jin said depressedly: "Is there any way to make it degenerate back?"

Hughes thought for a while and said, "Let it absorb less nutrients?"

"That was automatically allocated by the flower room."

"Why don't you smell the sweet-scented osmanthus, maybe it's smelling roses now."

"… "


Small walked into the dining room.

Layton and Amantha were arguing quietly.

In Noah's Ark, Layton is the underdog. Even Feisha, a human being, often showed off his might in front of him. Of course, since Feixia and Isfiel were together, he has not only been showing off his power, but has become arrogant and domineering.

Small took a few steps closer.

Layton suddenly slapped the table and jumped up, his eyebrows almost overlapped, and the anger on his face was as obvious as possible.

Amanda was stunned.

Small stopped, thinking about whether to go up to the hero to save the beauty.

Suddenly, Amanda also stood up and rushed over.

Layton instinctively ducked to the side, but he still didn't move faster than Amantha.

I saw Amantha stretched out her hand directly, encircled his body, stood on tiptoe, and pressed her lips to it.

The two little heads were sucked together like magnets.

"… "

Small turned his head and walked into the kitchen.


Antonio's tall figure was standing in front of the stove. He was silent, poised, inarticulate, and seemed so safe and dependable.

The person he likes should be like this!

Small fooled himself into convincing himself.

"Idiot." Antonio scolded suddenly.

Small was stunned for a moment, and just wanted to ask him where he was stupid, when Antonio continued: "I warn you, if you take a step away, I will definitely not let you get out of bed!"

Small realized that he was not talking to himself, but to communicate with others.

"Wait! I'll be back in a few days. You're not allowed to leave! I definitely won't allow you to leave!"

"..." Small listened in horror. Why do these words sound familiar? It seems that Jesse said the same thing after he and Jesse had their first encounter, crying and clamoring to leave.

His heart slowly cooled down.

Antonio's back gradually faded away from his eyes.

His feet slowly backed away, all the way out of the room.

Layton and Amantha have ended the moment of attracting each other, and are sitting silently by the window, you look at me, I look at you.

Small could almost see the little pink bubbles floating above their heads.

There is simply no place to stay here!

Small turned angrily and walked outside.


Antonio's roar came from the kitchen: "Cavill, I warn you again! If you dare to escape, I will definitely want you to death! You better hope that you don't let me find it for the rest of your life, or I will definitely beat you in the leg. It has to be smashed! Unless you hand over the money you owe Mitta. I hate this kind of loan and non-payment thing the most! Damn, I actually vouch for a person like you!"


Small folded his legs, tucked his knees and sat at the front desk.

Looking at the boundless darkness, his heart was so lonely that he wanted to cry.

He hates swimming pools, hates red roses, hates kisses, hates kitchen, hates Noah's Ark... He hates Jesse!

Small finally collapsed.

Because he found out that he hated Jesse because Jesse let go.

When he left Yuanshu Realm, he was afraid, he was afraid, and he hated, but all of this was based on a certainty. That is, Jesse will always come to him. Love it or hate it, he believed that Jesse wouldn't just let it go.

So he runs away with peace of mind, then watches Jesse go crazy for him.

While feeling terrified and sad to see Jesse searching, he had to admit that he was at ease in the darkest corner of his heart. Because Jesse still cares about him and has not abandoned him.

But now... his waywardness was finally punished.

Jesse decides to say goodbye.

Leave Ryan, leave him, leave their past.

Maybe soon, he'll meet a new Ryan, one who won't make him sad and worried... and start a new relationship. That person will also endure Jesse's gentle dominance, Jesse's sweet words, Jesse's embrace and kisses...

Everything that belonged to him in the first place!

He buried his head in his arms and cried until his voice was hoarse.


The restaurant is in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Hughes couldn't bear it, "I want to help him."

Jin looked at Feisha Feisha.

Shi Feixia raised his eyebrows, his expression very arrogant. Isfiel was standing behind him.

Jin smiled, "I can only think of one person for this kind of thing that requires wisdom."

Feixia said, "There is only one person in Noah's Ark."

Jin Dao: "That's what I meant."

Feisha Feixia asked Isfiel, "What do you think?"

Isfiel said: "I'm going to report, and if I get approval, I can go to Yuanshu Realm and bring Jesse."

So, if God agrees with Isfiel to go to Yuanshu Realm, then Yexi will soon become Mrs. Yazhai

Shi Feixia pursed his lips and said, "I think it's better to use the direct method."

"How?" Kim and Hughes asked in unison.

Shi Feixia smiled and said, "Grab the marriage."


Small didn't know how long he had been crying, only that when Feixia came to him, his eyes were so swollen that he could only open a small slit.

"Smal." Feixia looked at him with a serious look, "What I'm going to say now is very… very surprising and shocking, but you must be calm!"

Small's head was still in a sea of tears.

"It's about Jesse."

Small's eyes widened again.

Feixia sighed, "I just received a tip that Jesse is getting married."

Small had no time to pay attention to what the tip was, and his head was completely stunned by the words 'Jesse is getting married'.

"You have to calm down." Feixia grabbed his arm, "Don't faint! There are no candidates for artificial respiration here recently, so you must hold on."

Small's lips trembled, "Who is it?"


"Who is the bride?"

"... I heard it's from out of town. Uh, marriage."

"Political marriage?"


No wonder he wanted to let him go, no wonder he said goodbye, it was because...

Small's body fell into an ice cellar, shivering with cold.

It won't be too exciting, just go into shock, right? There is only one nurse here, and that is himself. If he's in shock... there's no stand-in doll or anything...

"You have to persevere. You have to persevere. Suffering is temporary. The darkest day is always before dawn. Aaron Kwok is also very rich..." Shi Feixia didn't know what to say.

"If you don't want to lose, go for it." Isfiel's indifferent voice sounded behind him.

Shi Feixia breathed a sigh of relief, he almost wanted to say that Jacky Cheung also had many friends to study.

"If you don't want to lose, go for it?" Small repeated in a low voice, the gates of both eyes reopened, and the water flowed like a stream. "But I'm already... ineligible..."

"Who said he's not qualified!" Feixia said proudly, "If he dares to chirp, you will threaten him! If he is not afraid, you will threaten his entire family! If his entire family is not afraid, you will threaten his entire clan!"

Small is like a drowning person grabbing a life-saving straw, "Is it okay?"

"Of course. Don't forget, in addition to the huge army of the elves, there is also the huge network of our Nine Realms Alliance!" Shi Feixia patted his chest.

Although... he has no say in the Human World.

Jin stopped in front of him on a hellish horse, "Ready."

Feisha Feixia and Hughes directly put people on the shelves of the car.

When Small was seated, Victor found himself being carried up too.

But he was carried up by Jin, Hughes, Feisha and Layton.

"Me too?" Victor asked in confusion.

Feisha Feisha replied deeply, "Cinderella needs a coachman."


The speed of the hell horse is top-notch.

When he set foot on Yuanshu Realm, he continued to turn into wind and fire, whistling directly in the sky.

So when they came to the Wu clan, everyone looked up with their necks raised.

Small's thoughts and will have been adjusted all the way, and finally became sober and firm.

He got off the carriage, ignoring everyone's eyes and walking towards Jesse's house.

"He's in the medicine garden." Elder Gul kindly reminded him behind him.

Small's footsteps immediately turned around and walked towards the medicine garden.

Victor wanted to follow, but was stopped by Elder Gul, "First stop the carriage where it should be."


Jesse's hand gently stroked the orange petals of the flower, and a sweet smile appeared on his face.

This scene fell in the eyes of Small, who came over, and immediately became the bridegroom-to-be intoxicated with the new marriage.

"I'm not allowed!" he exclaimed.

Jesse turned his head for a moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and he stared at him blankly.

Small rushed in front of him, mustering up his courage, thinking of what Shi Feixia taught before he left, and said loudly: "I am the third prince of the elf world. I have decided to marry you now, you are not allowed to refuse! If you dare to refuse, I'll kill your whole family!"

"I'm the only one in my family." Jesse regained his composure and looked at him blankly.

"Then destroy your entire clan! I..." Smal looked like he was going out of his way. "Not only do I have a huge army of the Elf Realm behind me, but also the representatives of the Nine Realms to back me up. So, you can't refuse me."

"So, I have to marry you?"

"Yeah!" Small nodded firmly.

Jesse touched his nose with his hand, "Can't refuse?"

Small's heart shrank suddenly, and nodded, "No!"

"OK then."

Small looked up, looking at him in disbelief.

Jesse pecked him lightly, hugged him, and said with a smile, "I originally wanted to grow tangerine orchids by myself and proposed to you. But since you are so proactive, and so... so hard to refuse, I have to obey."

"Tangerine orchid?" Smal recalled, isn't that the kind of wine to be drunk on the wedding night in the elf world custom

"Tangerine orchid wine is made of tangerine orchid. In the Wu tribe, it is the flower of courtship." Jesse let go of him and joked, "Don't you know that?"

"So..." Small looked down at the flowers, "Your flowers are going to be given to me?"

"What do you say?"

"So, you didn't want to marry a foreigner?"

Jesse said, "Only you, an outsider."

So, from the beginning to the end, Feixia was lying to him? !

"Smal." Jesse's voice dropped suddenly.


"Don't leave me again."

"Well." He didn't want to suffer this kind of crime anymore. Small rubbed his swollen eyes that he could barely open.

"Otherwise I won't let you get out of bed."

"… "


Feixia sneezed.

He rubbed his nose and looked out the window. This was the most honest time he had ever fooled.

Out-of-towners, marriage... Doesn't Small fit all

Ugh. He is getting more and more honest.


The author has something to say:

Jesse and Small get it done.

Next is the collective human world tour of Noah's Ark students.