Spirit Hotel

Chapter 120: Journey to the Human World (Part 1)


Noah's Ark's trip to the human world originated from an unintentional conversation between Layton and Kim.

In the dialogue, Layton used the method of adding oil and vinegar, emphasizing the situation that Feixia encountered the joint contempt of his ex-girlfriend and ex-girlfriend's concubine.

In this regard, as a colleague, Jin immediately expressed great indignation. He swore on the spot that he would not avenge this revenge, so he read his name upside down.

Layton applauded this, saying, "Kim read it upside down, it's still Kim. This oath is really safer than a hard hat."

Kim certainly didn't care about Layton's little teasing, he just politely hung Layton next to his dining room alarm clock and rocked it all night.


If you want revenge, you must have allies. Therefore, at a certain dinner, Kim unintentionally told Isfiel about this passage, which was a version that was enriched by Layton and processed by his own art.

In this version, Shi Feixia has transformed into a Xi'er who was oppressed and insulted by Huang Shiren. He not only insulted his personality, but even peeped at his body. If it wasn't for Layton at that time, Feixia would have been caught on an unnamed island by him, and he would have been tortured a hundred and one times physically and mentally.

That night, Feisha was surprised to find that Isfiel's fire of desire was extremely strong.

On the second day, Isfiel submitted to Heaven two plans and application letters for a visit to the Human World when the passage between Human World and Noah's Ark opens.

For the next ten days, there was no movement in heaven.

So, Isfiel reverently handed over the second letter. The content of the second letter is very concise, with only one sentence: three days later, heaven will negotiate.

On the twelfth day after the proposal and the application letter were submitted, Isfiel finally received the approval letter. The letter contained only one sentence: take care of public property, take care of flowers and plants, take care of the human world, everyone is well.

Later, Isfiel announced the news.

However, considering that the time between Human World and Noah's Ark passageway is too short, the entire travel time limit is one hour.

Layton prepared a lot of gold coins for this.

Jin asked Feixia, "Are you sure there will be a place in the Human World to help him exchange?"

Feixia said, "Not sure."

"Then why didn't you stop him?"

"After he tries, I can be sure next time."

"..." Jin thought deeply, "Is there anything you're going to watch me do the experiment?"

Feixia said happily: "Are you willing to devote yourself to the experiment of fruit bat soup?"

"..." Jin bared his teeth, "Don't forget, I suck blood."

Feisha Feixia said, "Far teeth are not popular anymore."


"Because we have straws."

"… "


April 1st of Noah's Ark has finally arrived.

Human World happened to be April 15th.

The weather is neither too hot nor too cold, which is the best for traveling.

There were only six members of the tour group. Smal is still stranded in Yuanshu Realm and has not returned. Since the many obstacles between him and Jesse have been removed, he has been completely poured out. Every time I go back to Noah's Ark, it's like staying in a hotel... Of course, it's a hotel.

Originally, Small had applied to Isfiel for resignation, but it was ruthlessly rejected.

It was a long, long time before Small knew why. Because before he submitted his application for resignation, Locketini had asked Omedando to come to Noah's Ark for a permanent residence. So, once Small leaves, there is no doubt that Locketini will fill the vacancy.


Shi Feixia stood in front of the gate and turned around to confirm the number and attire of the tour group again—

Isfiel, white suit, black shirt.

Feisha Feixia said firmly: "Isfiel, in a moment, no matter what gender or race a creature rushes towards, you have to kick it away."

Isfiel said: "How about you?"

"...I'll stick to you all the time."


Gold, silver-grey tuxedo, beige shirt.

Shi Feixia said, "Don't go to a high-end western restaurant for a while."

Jin asked curiously, "Why?"

"Because someone will call you over to order."

"… "


Hughes, beige suit, dark grey shirt.

Shi Feixia gave him a deep look and said, "I understand."

Hughes smiled and said, "As long as you don't get too close to Kim, no one will find out."

Jin came over immediately, "No. We are lovers, we must go together!"

Hughes said: "Okay."

Jin Hu said suspiciously, "Why did you agree so happily?"

Because Hughes is transparent. Feixia answered silently in his stomach.


Antonio, black suit, dark red shirt, black bow tie.

Shi Feixia was surprised: "Your taste is really much different from what I imagined." This dark red shirt is really too eye-catching.

Antonio stretched out his hand to loosen his bow tie and said depressedly, "This is from Jin."

Jin leaned over again, "Because he actually went out this morning wearing a chef's outfit."

Antonio snorted coldly: "What's wrong with the chef's outfit?"

Feixia Feixia said seriously, "If you walk down the street in a chef's attire, people will only have one idea."

"what idea?"

"Selling human meat buns."

"… "


Layton and Victor lean together.

A dark green plaid suit in a super large, and a dark blue striped suit in a super small.

Victor shrank back uncomfortably and said, "Can I not go?"

Jin Dao: "Leighton may not go, but you must go."

Layton shouted: "Why? I am the second person here who knows the human world."

Jin Dao: "You're not going to run away with Feixia, why do you know the human world so well?"

Layton felt Isfiel's eyes moving towards this side, and immediately shut up obediently.

Jin said to Victor, "We're going out to find fault this time. You need height, width and thickness the most."

Victor said, "But I'm afraid."

Everyone looked at him speechlessly.

The big man who is almost three meters tall is actually afraid of going to the human world.

"What are you afraid of?" Feixia was very curious.

Victor said: "I'm afraid of getting lost."

Feixia comforted him: "With your height, width and thickness, ten Leytons are lost, and you are still firmly in our sight."

Layton: "… "

After the roll call was over, Shi Feixia walked majestically at the forefront, waving his big hand: "Go!"


Since it's only an hour, the itinerary is packed tight.

Layton was planning to carry a bag of gold coins to exchange at the pawnshop. Who knew that Isfiel waved his hand directly, and a pile of banknotes was hiding on the ground.

Shi Feixia said embarrassedly, "Where did you move it from?"

Isfiel said: "Bank."

"Let's find something to move." You can't walk with your hands. Feixia looked around, and happened to see a supermarket.

So a minute later—

A giant three meters tall pushed two supermarket carts and carefully followed behind a group of handsome guys with their own characteristics. The cart was covered with two blankets, but someone inadvertently saw it when squatting down to tie his shoelaces. The cart was full of money.

Shi Feixia said, "Let's go to the computer market to scan the goods first?"

Isfiel shook his head, "I have a more important place to go."


Isfiel looked at Layton.

Layton was on the roadside on a payphone, and a minute later, he ran back and said, "He's visiting MCG One."

Hearing the MCG, Feixia immediately understood the intentions of his comrades. "Don't you think that it's a waste of time to go there when we rarely come out?" In fact, what he was most afraid of was not wasting time, but that he was afraid that they would be unhappy for a while, and they would show their true colors directly, and they would go mad... As you can imagine, take How wonderful the human world will be.

The others answered in unison: "I don't think so."

"But I want to go sweep the goods." Feixia deliberately pretended to be pitiful.

Isfiel said: "Or, I accompany you to the computer market and let them go to MCG?"

Doesn't this mean letting them play freely

Feisha Feixia looked at the rest of the people, just one gold was enough to jump around.

"Let's go together." Anyway, there was another person who persuaded him to fight.


MCG is the abbreviation of imported brand-name cars, which obviously has nothing to do with the dried plums that Shi Feixia thought.

Although it is only the No. 1 branch, the lion with its head raised and roaring at the entrance of the store is full of kingly style.

Isfiel and Feisha walked by.

The lion's head dropped suddenly and dejectedly.



As soon as the automatic sliding door of MCG was opened, two beautiful manners greeted them.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" When the hostess saw the person, her eyes immediately lit up like a 10,000-volt light bulb.

Feisha automatically stuck to Isfiel.

Layton's eyes turned inward, and when he saw the target, he immediately pulled Larkin's sleeve.

Jin Xin understood, stepped forward and said, "Dong Shi, what kind of car do you need?"

Dong Shi

Shi Feixia looked at Jin Bi bowing his knees, the corner of his mouth twitched three times, and then he said, "You can do it."

Jin turned his head and said arrogantly, "Our Director Shi wants the most expensive."

Miss Etiquette was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Would you like to look at the performance first?"

"Performance is not a problem." Jin shook his head. "Price is the problem."

This is the upstart, the upstart of the upstarts!

The corners of Feixia's mouth twitched even more. He used to see such upstarts in hotels, but although those people love to spend money, they are not so stupid as to be so blatant.

A flat-headed man in a suit hurried out, "I'm the sales manager here, my surname is Hu."

He took out a dozen business cards from his pocket and was about to distribute them one by one, but Hughes took them first, "Our Director Shi never takes things that have not been disinfected and tested."

Hughes, you actually...

Feisha was speechless.

Manager Hu said with a dry smile: "That's what it is. What kind of model do you want to buy?"

As soon as he finished asking, Miss Manners whispered in his ear for a while.

Manager Hu's eyes lit up immediately, "This way, please. We just delivered the latest 2009 style, the style of the king, you will definitely like it!"

As he spoke, he led inwards.

In fact, You Pengnan saw them from the very beginning, but firstly, he was the CEO of MCG, and he had his identity and status. Second, he also wanted to see the working conditions of his employees, so he did not go there. It wasn't until Feixia came over that he recognized it.

"Hey? Isn't this Mr. Shi?" You Pengnan took out his hand in his trouser pocket, stepped forward, and put on a handshake gesture, "Since you left last time, I have followed your words and posted on the Internet. I've been looking for a long time about the Noah Hotel, but I can't find anything at all. It's great to see you here."

Hughes took out a pair of tweezers, clamped his palm, looked carefully and said, "The fingernails have dirt, and the palm has bacteria, which are Class F dirt and are not suitable for any direct or indirect contact."

You Pengnan quickly withdrew his hand and said to Feixia, "They are..."

Hughes said, "I'm Dong Shi's working secretary."

Jin Dao: "I am Shi Dong's life secretary."

Antonio said, "I'm the driver."

Under the hint of Jin, Victor whispered: "I'm a bodyguard."

But no matter how small his voice is, it has the effect of thunder in other people's ears.

You Pennan looked at Isfiel in a trance, then froze. Kim, Hughes and Antonio are all good looks that are rare to see, but Isfiel has never seen good looks at all. Rao was a man who was also shocked there.

Isfiel said lightly: "I am his lover."

You Pennan was messed up.

Layton pulled Jin's sleeve and lowered his voice: "How should I introduce myself?"

Jin thought for a while and said, "Shi Dong's friend's child."

Layton: "… "