Spirit Hotel

Chapter 123: Shortbread's interview log




Shortbread: Are you the attacker or the recipient

Feisha Feisha: ... Why didn't you think about asking me before making a decision

Ghee smirks.

Isfiel looks at Feisha: Are you dissatisfied

Feixia's eyes lit up: Can it be changed

Isfiel: I can do it until you're satisfied.

Feisha Feisha: ... I'm satisfied.



Shortbread: Why was it so decided


Shortbread: Next question.



Shortbread: Are you satisfied with the current situation

Feisha Feisha: Does a question have to be asked in three tenses: past, present, and future

Shortbread: I read it according to the script

Feisha Feisha: Do you know what flexibility is

Shortbread: The opposite of constipation




Shortbread: The location of the first H

Feisha Feisha: Swimming pool.

Shortbread: Why are you answering all of them

Feisha turned to look at Isfiel.

Isfiel turned the pages of the book in his hand.



Shortbread: How did it feel at the time

Feisha Feisha: Cool!

Shortbread: … You are so generous.



Shortbread: What did the other party look like at that time

Feisha Feisha: Is there anyone who will transform into Ultraman? Of course it's old.


Isfiel: My face is red and my body is red.

Feisha Feisha: … read the book, read the book.



Shortbread: What was your first sentence in the morning of the first night

Shi Feixia's face flushed: Cough, please refer to 'Happy Life 1' for details.



Shortbread: How many times per week

Shi Feixia counted with his fingers: Not sure.

Isfiel: It depends on the mood.

Feisha Feisha: ... Actually, you don't have to be in such a good mood every day.

Isfiel: How do you know I don't want to do it when I'm in a bad mood




Shortbread: How many times a week do you think ideally

Feisha Feisha: Weekly next is almost the same.

Shortbread: … What’s the difference between that and now

Feisha Feisha: The difference is the number of times per night.



Shortbread: So, what kind of H is it

Feisha Feixia smiled: Do you want to visit

Shortbread: Would you like to

Feisha Feisha: I don't want to.


Feisha Feisha: I just want to see your disappointed expression.

Ghee: This is desperation.



Shortbread: Your most sensitive place

Feisha: Earlobes

Isfiel: Pretty much the same.



Shortbread: The most sensitive part of the other party

Feisha Feisha is excited: Abs!

Isfiel: It is you who are sensitive.



Shortbread: Describe the other side of H in one sentence

Feixia: Very handsome!

Isfiel: It tastes good.



Shortbread: Frankly speaking, do you like H

Feisha Feisha: Seven times a week, do you still need to ask

Isfiel: Actually doing more.



Ghee: H's place in general

Feisha: The bed.

Shortbread: I thought the pool.

Feixia sighed: Where will there be visitors



Shortbread: H spots you want to try

Feisha Feisha: It doesn't matter, as long as the person is right.

Isfiel's eyes warmed.



Ghee: Is the shower before or after H

Feisha Feisha: Your question is too trivial.

Shortbread: So it didn't flush at all

Feisha Feisha: … Every situation is different.



Shortbread: Is there any agreement in H

Feisha Feisha: Well, we agreed to ask before entering. Are there any vacancies

Isfiel's face was gloomy.

Feisha Feixia laughed dryly: I was joking.



Shortbread: Have you ever had sex with someone other than your lover

Isfiel: No.

Feisha lowered his head.

Isfiel's face turned colder.

Feisha's head is lower.

Ghee sighs: You should have caught him on Noah's Ark since he was a baby, focusing on cultivation.



Ghee: Do you agree or disagree with the idea of 'if you don't get the heart, you must at least get the body'

Feisha looked at Isfiel's abs covetously: I agree.

Isfiel looked cold.

Feisha Feixia smiled: This shows how deeply I love you!

Shortbread asked Isfiel: How about you

Isfiel: He's more valuable inside.

Feixia comforted himself: This is a compliment, a compliment.



Shortbread: What would you do if the other person was raped by a thug

Feisha asked Isfiel: Can Baal do it

Isfiel shook his head.

Feisha Feisha: Then I'm relieved.

Shortbread asked Isfiel: How about you

Isfiel: There will be no such opportunity.



Ghee: Do you feel embarrassed before H? or after

Isfiel: No.

Feisha Feisha: Not anymore.

Ghee: Skin is a wonderful thing, and it's contagious.



Ghee: If a good friend said to you 'I'm lonely, so it's only tonight, please...' and asked for H, would you

Feisha and Isfiel came up with a name at the same time.

Feixia gritted his teeth: Go back and kill Jin!



Ghee: Do you think you're good at H

Feisha Feisha: That's right, I twisted it so much that it was a flexible one.

Isfiel: Scream more lively.



Shortbread: What about the other party

Isfiel: A lively cry.




Shortbread: What do you want the other person to say when you are in H

Isfiel: Come again.

Feisha Feisha: ... I'm tired, take a break.



Shortbread: What kind of expression do you prefer when the other party is H

Isfiel: Enjoy.

Feisha Feisha: Pay full attention.

Shortbread: Is Isfiel often distracted

Feisha Feisha: Uh.

Isfiel: The result of enjoying it too much is that you can't see the other person's expression at all.



Ghee: Do you think it's okay to be with someone other than your lover

Isfiel glanced at Flying Man.

Feisha Feixia is firm and unequivocal: I can't even die!



Shortbread: Are you interested in SM

Feisha: Not at all!

Isfiel was noncommittal.



Shortbread: If the other party suddenly stopped asking for your body, would you

Feisha: I can take the initiative.

Isfiel: The assumption won't hold.

Feixia received Isfiel's 'calm' gaze: Well, it definitely won't be true.



Shortbread: What do you think of rape

Feisha Feisha: Look with your eyes. Oh, but I'll stop it.

Ghee: Sweat. That was not what I meant.



Shortcake: What is the most painful thing in H

Feisha Feisha: It starts to look like reverse constipation.



Shortbread: In H so far, which place made you feel the most excited and anxious

Feisha Feisha: Swimming pool.

Shortbread: Because that was virgin land




Shortbread: Have you ever been tempted by the party

Isfiel looked at Feisha.

Feixia looked at the sky.



Shortbread: The expression of the attacking side at that time

Feisha Feixia's finger: expressionless.



Shortbread: Has the attacker ever committed rape

Feisha: It's useless.

Isfiel hooked his fingers.

Feisha Feixia bowed his head: I went over.

(Skip directly to 88.)



Ghee: For you, what is the ideal 'as an H object'

Feisha Feisha: It's beyond ideal.

Isfiel is satisfied.

(Jump directly to 90.)



Shortbread: Have you used any props in H

Isfiel pondered.

Shi Feixia gritted his teeth: Don't come up with bad ideas!

(Skip directly to 93.)



Shortbread: Where is your favorite place to be kissed

Feisha Feisha: Anywhere.

Isfiel: Same.



Shortbread: Where do you like to kiss each other the most

Feisha Feixia loudly: Abdominal muscles.

Isfiel: Mouth.

Feisha Shy: My lips are soft.

Isfiel: It will be quiet.




Shortbread: What is the most pleasing thing to each other when you are H

Isfiel: Try hard.

Feisha Feisha: Cooperate.

Shortbread: What do you mean by cooperation

Feixia: Twist, twist, twist.




Shortbread: What do you think about when you are H

Feisha Feisha: To do this kind of thing, you must concentrate and go all out! Don't think too much.



Shortbread: How many times in one night

Feisha's lips were trembling.

Isfiel: Not average. See how long he can last.

Shortbread looked at Feisha sympathetically.



Ghee: When H, did you take off the clothes yourself, or did the other party help you take off

Feisha Feisha: He helped. This is faster.



Shortbread: What is H to you

Isfiel: The way of communication.

Shortbread: A Communication of Love? Show love

Isfiel looked down at the book.

Feisha smirked.



Shortbread: Please say a word to your lover.

Feisha Feisha: If one day, Shu and I fell into the sea, who would you save

Shortbread: ... Is this sentence too childish and old-fashioned

Isfiel: Drain the sea.



Shortbread: The New Year is here, please send a blessing to everyone.

Feisha Feisha: Eat well, sleep well, Happy New Year, don't look for friends with blond hair and fangs!

Isfiel: Read more books and exercise more.

Feisha murmured: Is this a blessing? Obviously the primary school teacher doesn't know the winter vacation homework.

Isfiel: ... both civil and military.

Shortbread: If you only had time to do one thing, would you choose a certain sport or read a book

Isfiel and Feisha: Exercise while reading.


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