Spirit Hotel

Chapter 94: Unrest (below)


Although Jin and Feixia's wake-up time had been delayed until noon, Layton's schedule remained unchanged.

He was still reading the morning paper with high eyebrows before eating, such as how many pairs of Titan underwear the dwarves had obtained as trophies, and the fantasy of how many Titan men saw dwarf women as frightened birds.

Feixia chewed the food in his mouth with difficulty, "If only your cooking skills could keep pace with the times as well as your eloquence."

"Cooking?" Layton jumped off the table, sat on the seat, and fiddled with the contents of the plate with a fork, "Although I just wanted to cook some porridge at first, it turned out that these rice wanted to be more like rice. So , not bad."

Jin didn't even bite, just pushed the plate away, "Guoba is good, but the black charcoal is avoided."

Shi Feixia spit the part of his mouth that he couldn't swallow on the napkin, "The amazing thing is that even though most of the rice was burnt to charcoal, a small part of the rice was still raw."

Layton licked his lips, and finally gave up trying these few black and white things on the plate, "That's right. Last night, hell sent a message that a new representative will come today."

Jin looked at Feixia subconsciously.

Feixia grinned and said, "That's great, we're short of manpower."

Layton sighed, "But if you knew who the new representative was, I'm afraid you wouldn't be so happy."

Shi Feixia blinked and said, "It won't be so unlucky, will it?"

Layton continued to sigh.

Jin touched his chin and said, "How about we close for a few more days?"

Layton said: "It is impossible to cancel the fair."

Shi Feixia looked out the window with the expression of a hero who was willing to die generously, "Also, the other party has already delivered the goods to the door."

Outside the window, the familiar silver bullet spaceship was floating above the foreground.

The door of the spaceship opened, and a small figure flew out of the door.

The little black wings were like gliders, slowly falling to the ground.

"I heard," Jin said slowly, "Raphael put a lot of effort into transforming him."

Feixia said, "So, we are the touchstone to test the results of the transformation?"

Layton watched the little figure disappear into the door, and whispered, "He's here."

Shi Feixia leaned in Jin's direction, "In case something happens..."

"Leave it to me." Jin patted his chest.

Feixia glanced at him suspiciously. Although he is known as the second master of the blood race, why does he still feel so insecure

"It's been a long time." After a while, Porgy turned in from the corridor with a sneer.

Jin Dao: "Every time I see you, I live like a year."

Porgy, with his wings tucked and his hands behind his back, walked in old-fashioned, "Hmph. Do you think I'd be happy to see you? If it wasn't for my father's repeated requests to come here, I wouldn't be too lazy to come here. "

Shi Feixia continued, "Why don't you be lazy?"

"It's you human again!" Porgy looked at him, old and new hatred suddenly flooding into his heart. "This time there is no Uncle Isfiel to protect you, you better be careful."

"It really is a pot that can't be opened and lifted." Layton murmured.

When Jin saw Feixia's face flashing a trace of sadness, he glared at him angrily and said, "Just think about it in your heart, do you need to say it to add fuel to the fire?"

Feisha Feisha: "..."

The anger on Porgy's face turned to curiosity, "Why do I think what you're saying seems to imply something?"

Kim and Layton looked at him, complaining in their eyes.

Poggy looked bewildered.

Shi Feixia stood up slowly, clapped his hands and said, "The trade fair is about to start, what do we need to prepare?"

"Food." Seeing that the other two didn't answer, Porgy took it over. "Since Uncle Isfiel was the general manager of the hotel, I had to reluctantly be the general manager. Now, let's discuss it first. The details of the fair. I have attended the fair once before, and I still remember the general process. In short, you have to eat when you eat, and have a room when you sleep. When you come, you have to greet it, and when you leave, you have to say goodbye... almost That's it. You assign tasks, and I'll check when the time comes. Are there any problems?"

"Yes!" The three mouths said in unison.

"… "

"Cooking? You don't know how to cook? What are you kidding?!" Porgie stepped on the stool, staring at the pot.

Layton silently handed the shovel over.

"You didn't expect me to make something, did you?" Porgy's eyes widened.

"General Manager, you can do what you can!" Shi Feixia flattered.

The general manager's three words hit Porgy's soft spot well, and he took the shovel angrily. "Where are the dishes to be cooked?!"

Jin brought a basket.

Porgy looked at the things in the basket and couldn't bear it any longer: "Anyway, peel it first and wash it!"

Layton was moved: "He actually knows to wash vegetables! He must do it!"

Jin handed him the basket, "Remember to wash the vegetables."

Leighton said: "Then what are you doing with him?"

Jin and Feixia looked at each other and thought hard.

Poggy waved the shovel and said, "Forget it, let's try the dishes later."

Kim took the basket from Layton again, "I wash the vegetables."

Feixia took out the potatoes from the basket, "I'll peel them."

After Layton worked around the clock for three days and three nights, a plate of potato curry fried rice that can be seen was finally born.

On that day, Noah's Ark, headed by the general manager, held a temporary meeting, and the meeting unanimously approved to designate December 16 as the day of potato curry fried rice.

The third day after the potato curry fried rice day.

Chambers of commerce from all walks of life arrived at Noah's Ark one after another.

These include the elven business group led by the elf prime minister Fakley, the dwarf business group led by Layton's cousin Jamie, the Yuanshu business group led by Lanka's future father-in-law Lord Banderas...

Pogie leaned on the fence on the second floor and looked down, "This is the smallest trade fair I've ever seen."

Jin Dao: "The Titans are busy fighting, and the werewolves are busy looking for things. Heaven and hell have always been love."

"What about the blood race?" Feixia was still curious about the vampire race.

Jin Dao: "Leslie said that going out is too troublesome. Most of the vampires choose to sleep at this time instead of going out."

Layton was very happy, "There will be a lot of fun things at every trade fair. Let's go down and have a look later."

"Can I sell it retail?" Shi Feixia was surprised. He also thought that such large-scale exchanges can only be wholesaled.

"Okay. It's fine if you can sell it anyway." Layton turned to look at him, "However, do you have gold coins? Human currency is not universal here."

Shi Feixia recalled the tip he received before, and raised his head high, "Of course there is."

"Then let's go down and have a look." Porgy spread his wings and flew downstairs.

All ethnic groups have some people set up stalls, and some people go to other stalls to find what they need.

The elves sell mainly exotic fruits and high-quality food and vegetables.

The dwarves sell a variety of gizmos and basic weapons.

Yuanshujie sells more miscellaneous food, ores, and even oil paintings...

The first place Feixia went was the booth of the dwarves.

Layton followed, proudly serving as the docent.

"This?" Shi Feixia suddenly saw something familiar.

"Domino receiver." Layton said proudly, "This invention has been approved by the king, and it was made in our family."

Feixia sighed, "From now on, not only will there be many voyeurs in this world, but there will also be many eavesdroppers."

Layton regretted, "You don't like it? I was going to give you one."

"Among the eavesdroppers, there is definitely one of me!" A receiver for a thousand gold coins is worth it even if you sell it. Feixia couldn't put it down.

Leighton really gave him one, "I heard that your salary can't be taken to the Human World, so take this with you. It can be regarded as a souvenir."

Shi Feixia touched the receiver's hand for a moment, then smiled and agreed.

"By the way, what is this? It looks like a Domino receiver." Feixia picked up another cylindrical object.

"Oh. This is feather dye."

"What's the use?"

"It's the color of dyed feathers." Layton turned the cylinder around, "Look, this is Lord Michael. He made the endorsement."

Michael's endorsement of feather dye

Feixia looked at the small photo on the cylinder with embarrassment.

In a mass of golden and soft light, six green wings stretched out from it. The owner of the wings is very vague, and it can only be seen that it is a tall man.

"His endorsement fee must be very expensive, right?" Archangel, being the spokesperson, is really extravagant!

Layton shook his head and said: "This is what Mr. Michael himself requested. He thinks that heaven is too boring, and he should add a little more interest."

"Does it sell well?"

“… a bit slow.”

Feixia held the cylinder and didn't let go, "It's expensive?"

"It's not expensive, just five gold coins." Layton looked at him suspiciously, "Do you want to buy it?"

Feixia was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't have wings, what do I want this for? Uh, let's look at something else." He said, putting the cylinder back in place.

Five gold coins, exactly five gold coins.

After walking around for a while, Feixia stood aside holding the gold coins in a daze.

Jin passed by, looked at the gold coins in his palm, looked at him again, and smiled: "Five gold coins should be a lot in the human world, right?"

Feixia returned to God and said, "Yes."

"Although you can't get a salary, you can go back with gold coins." Jin hugged his chest and said, "No one knows anyway."

Feisha Feixia put the gold coin back into his pocket with a dry smile. "I just want to see if there is anything I can buy and sell in the Human World. Maybe I can make more money."

"That makes sense. Then buy Ellie from the elf clan. After eating it, you can fill your stomach for a month. Or the green wave stone from the Yuanshu world. Although he doesn't have the power of the black star stone, he should be very good in the human world. Rare. The price is about five gold coins." Jin enthusiastically offered advice.

"Kim!" Layton called to him from across the lobby.

"Look slowly for yourself first." Jin patted him on the shoulder and walked towards Layton.

Feixia looked down at the gold coins in his palm, and glanced at the booths of the elves and Yuanshujie, but involuntarily moved to the booth of the dwarves, "A can of black feather dye."