Spirit Hotel

Chapter 99: Reunion (above)


Feixia coughed lowly, pretended to touch his eyebrows, covered his face with his palm, and cast a warning glance at Layton.

Layton blinked innocently.

You Pengnan slowly stretched out his hand, and his smile was a little bit more complacent than when he was in a poor alley, "Noah Hotel? Forgive my ignorance, which brand of an international hotel group is it?"

God knows what international hotel group there is in the human world.

Layton secretly took a half step back, pretending to hide behind Feixia shyly.

You Pengnan stared at Feixia relentlessly, as if waiting for him to die.

Feixia sighed secretly. In Noah's Ark for so long, he has no other ability, and he is absolutely first-rate in fooling people. Not to mention such a small case. He calmly said: "It's just a membership-only hotel, not open to the public."

You Pengnan raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? Which city is that located in? How do I apply? I often travel at home and abroad. If it is good, I would also like to apply for membership."

Layton whispered: "Cut! These days, commoners all want to be nobles."

The corners of a commoner's eyes twitched slightly, "This kid is really interesting? Civilians? Are there any nobles in China now? Or do you want to tell me that you are a noble?"

Layton took out a gold coin and threw it, "Here, I'll reward you!"

You Pengnan caught it subconsciously.

Layton sneered: "A civilian is a civilian."

You Pengnan was shaking with anger while holding the gold coin.

Feixia lightly kicked Layton's little boots with his feet, making him pay attention to his words. He's only here for a week, but he's here for the rest of his life, and he doesn't want to get into unnecessary trouble.

Qian Luyou finally opened his mouth and said, "Is this kid your nephew?"

Feixia answered vaguely.

Qian Luyou squatted down and reached out to Layton: "Come on, let my sister take a look."

"Sister?" Layton exclaimed exaggeratedly. At the age of a thousand years, he actually wanted to call a 20-year-old brat sister? !

Feixia hurriedly picked him up, turned his butt out, put his head on his shoulder, and said comfortingly, "Mmmm, it should be called Auntie. Humans like to pretend to be tender, you have to understand!" He deliberately added two more 'humans' pronunciation of words.

Layton's erected hair slowly wilted.

Qian Luyou thought that Shi Feixia was deliberately embarrassing her, her face flushed with shame, and of course she didn't pay attention to the weirdness in his words.

She stood up embarrassingly, "Looks like, you're doing well."

Feixia smiled back.

Qian Luyou's face darkened, and he forced a smile: "We have to go somewhere else, so let's go first."

When she first met Feixia, she was not without showing off. When the two of them were together, she thought she was submissive, but this kind of subjugation still couldn't make Shi Feixia devote herself wholeheartedly. Overtime and missed appointments for three days and two ends, her work will always be above her. So this time, she wanted to raise her eyebrows to see how unwilling he was. But after contact, she realized how ridiculous she was. She could not see any annoyance, admiration or reluctance in his eyes. Yes, it's just that well-hidden impatience. From beginning to end, this encounter was her own farce. Others were just surrounding her, cheering in awe.

Qian Luyou silently pressed the shame and sourness back to the bottom of her heart, and dragged You Pengnan, who was still unwilling, and walked out.

After walking about five or six steps, I heard You Pengnan laughed loudly there: "Director of Noah Hotel? I think he is the director of Daydream Hotel!"

Layton was trembling with anger, and the glasses on the bridge of his nose slanted slightly, "So you can hold it back?"

Feixia put him down and shrugged indifferently.

Layton said unconvinced, "Why didn't you have such a good temper when you used to treat me with money?"

Shi Feixia thought for a while and said, "It was probably too lonely back then." Apart from pranking people, there was no other entertainment.

Leighton said, "Can't you be lonely again?"

Shi Feixia said, "The loneliest thing for me right now is a sore stomach. Can I find something to accompany him first?"

Layton said: "Sulfuric acid, it is more compatible."

Feisha Feisha: "..."

The food hall has been open for so long, but it still has some real skills.

Shi Feixia and Layton had been oppressed by Poji's cooking skills for a long time, and they finally slowed down to eat normally. Naturally, they let go of their stomachs and ate a lot.

When they came out, they both came out leaning against the wall.

Layton hiccupped and said, "No way, it seems... I'm going to vomit."

Shi Feixia didn't go anywhere, he kept waving his hands, "Don't talk, it's going to overflow."

The two supported each other and walked for a while.

Leighton said: "Now... what should I do?"

"Go home." Feixia said, "My belly is round and I don't want to walk at all, I just want to roll."

Layton agreed immediately. Physically, he is more spherical.

The two went home and went to bed separately.

Considering that Layton was only staying here for three days, Feixia gave up the bedroom and went to the living room with the bedding to settle on the sofa.

Probably because he ate too much, as soon as he lay down, he felt that the food in his stomach was about to pour out of his mouth. He sat up quickly.

On the calendar across from the sofa, the month of April was turned over, and he marked the number one with a red pen to warn him that he must find a job.

His eyes moved sideways, landing on the black '5'.

Today in the Human World, it's only number five.

He tossed his hair. Although he came back for a day and went shopping for a day, he always felt that what he came back was only his body, and his soul seemed to have not returned. When I saw my ex-girlfriend, I was surprised, annoyed, and impatient, but there was no longing or heartache.

Obviously, he should like her. When he broke up, he used alcohol to relieve his worries for several days, but why does seeing her now feel like seeing a stranger he knows

He sighed, his eyes inadvertently aimed at the coffee table.

Domino's and Feather Dye are standing together nicely.

He couldn't help reaching out to the Feather Dyeing agent, and his heart suddenly ached.

Isfiel's face burst into his mind domineeringly and took hold firmly. Qian Luyou was suddenly pushed out of the sky.

how is this possible? Haven't you returned to the human world? Why is it more painful than in Noah's Ark

Feisha shrank his knees. Whenever his heart hurts so much that he can't be himself, he wants to hug him. But there was so much in his stomach that he could only curl his legs halfway. The pain in his heart and stomach made him almost cry.

"What are you doing?" Layton opened the door and looked at the pained expression on his back, frowning.

"It's dead." Shi Feixia thumped the sofa.

"What are you doing with the feather dye when you die?"

"..." Feixia quickly hid things behind him.

"You don't call it death, you call it death." Layton clattered into the bathroom in his slippers. After a long time, he came out with a happy face.

Shi Feixia was surprised: "Are you on a tuba?"

Layton nodded happily.

"So fast?" Shi Feixia looked at his short stature and said with emotion, "This is the benefit of having two laps in the intestines."

Early the next morning.

Feixia bought something and came back for three meals for Layton, and then went out to look for a job in high spirits. Although Torreton's blessing, he has a small deposit, but he still understands the truth of sitting on the mountain.

He couldn't sleep yesterday, so he checked some small hotels online and made an appointment for today's interview. Before the change, he wouldn't even degrade his status to apply for jobs in these places if he was killed, but the economic crisis has led to a sharp drop in the occupancy rate of many foreign-related hotels. So Feisha Feixia could only lower his requirements one after another.

I had two interviews with each other, both of which were good.

Feixia found that he had finally been transported. At least he doesn't have to be a dishwasher for now!

He stood by the side of the road and danced, until a familiar voice called out from behind him, "Why are you here?"

Feixia's dancing posture froze, and he turned his head slowly, only to see Tony standing tremblingly beside the telephone pole with a goldfish bowl.

"Hi. Long time no see." Recently, not only has career luck improved, but also friend luck. In the past two or three years, I didn't meet you once on the road, but now it's better, one a day, and there are no duplicates.

Tony walked into him quickly and whispered, "You escaped?"

Shi Feixia rolled his eyes, "Do you have a way to escape from there?" Speaking of which, they were considered brothers and sisters.

"Then why are you here? It's only the sixth today, and it's less than a week."

"There was an accident there, so I came out early." Feixia patted him on the shoulder, "How have you been recently?"

Tony hesitated for a while before slowly saying, "I took over your job."

Feixia said with a smile, "Oh. Can you stand that Wu Zhenjian and his old woman?"

Seeing that he was not unhappy, Tony smiled and said, "It's just work, just treat them as RMB."

Feixia looked at the black suit he was wearing, then looked at the fish tank in his hand and said, "I'm at work now, how can I come out and buy goldfish?"

"VIP guests want." Tony said briefly.

But Shi Feixia knew the rules in the hotel best, and whenever a new official took office, if he couldn't control the old man, he could only be a grandson. No matter how much the matter of buying goldfish, it shouldn't be the front office manager's turn. Of course, even old friends, some things can't be exposed in person. So he just smiled lightly and didn't ask any further questions.

Tony said: "By the way, you have a letter sent to the hotel. Is it convenient now? I'll go back and get it for you."

After thinking about it for a long time, Feixia couldn't think of anyone else who would contact him by writing a letter, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

Shi Feixia has stayed in this hotel for many years. In terms of relationship, this is the closest one.

But when he stepped through the door and looked at the gorgeous fountain in the center of the lobby, what came to his mind was the large swimming pool in Isfiel. Clear blue water. And in the water, that beautiful and peerless angel.

"What's wrong with you?" Tony hurried back and saw him staring blankly at the fountain, his expression almost desperate.

Feixia put his hands in his trouser pockets and clenched his fists tightly. Breathing was so difficult, so difficult that it seemed like I was about to suffocate in the next second. Missing is so intense, so intensely that I want to shatter my chest!

"Flying Man?" Tony was a little frightened.

Shi Feixia raised his head and forced back the tears in his eyes.

"Are you all right?" Tony gently supported his shoulder.

"Do you remember Isfiel?"

Tony was stunned, "You mean that fallen angel?"


"What's wrong with him?" In fact, his impression of him was only his unbelievably beautiful face and his pair of dark and terrifying wings.

"I'm in love with him."

"…Huh?" The letter in Tony's hand almost fell.

Shi Feixia lowered his head and smiled bitterly: "Also, it seems to be a little crazy."

Tony was speechless for a long time. He didn't know whether to remind him that it was a fallen angel, or to persuade him that it was a man.

After saying what was in his heart, Feixia felt a lot more relaxed. He took the letter in his hand and smiled, "It feels good to have someone listening. I'll go first." He said, slowly turning around and leaving.

"Flying Man." Tony chased after him.

Feixia stopped and turned around.

Tony looked at him and smiled: "Try to make yourself happy."

After coming out of the hotel, Shi Feixia breathed a sigh of relief.

In this world, there is a feeling that suffocates and dies in silence, but there is also a feeling that ferments crazy in silence. He thought that he was the former to Qian Luyou, and the latter to Isfiel.

There are TVs, computers, movies in the human world... There are too many things that he can't bear. But there is no Isfiel in the human world, and there is not even Isfiel's breath, and this makes his reluctance to give up.

He left the Human World for half a year, and all he missed was the bustling streets and all kinds of dazzling entertainment. And he left Noah's Ark for a day, but he began to miss everyone there, everything, even the air and lights...

Sometimes the choice is to put them on the same scale at the same time in order to see it.

Tony is right. Try to make yourself happy. Sometimes, no matter how much you plan for the future, you may not be able to achieve it. It is better to start now and live every day according to your own heart.

Shi Feixia suddenly hugged the telephone pole and knocked his head, "I'm so stupid."

A primary school student walked by him slowly, "The most stupid thing is that you don't even know how to choose a place where no one is going to commit suicide. It will obstruct the appearance of the city."

Feixia Feixia: "..." This was the first time he knew that he could also hinder the appearance of the city.

After calming down, Feixia sat down on a stone bench in a nearby park and opened the envelope.

The letter was actually sent by his aunt.

Since his parents passed away, his relationship with his uncle and aunt has become more and more distant, and he has not been in contact with each other for at least two years. In the past two years, he has lost his mobile phone twice and changed his number once, no wonder his aunt sent him a letter.

The letter said that his uncle passed away in a car accident last month. If he is free, he will go to the ceremony on the fourth day of the lunar month. There was also a photo in the envelope. It was a photo of his uncle and him when he was a child—a photo of him and the last blood-related person in the world.

On this day, he sat in the park for an afternoon holding the letter and the photo.