Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 10: Still water


"It's that grave, that's where I met the ghost hitting the wall that day—"

Following the direction of the pony's finger, Ye Shaoyang looked at the grave standing in the middle of the depression. What caught his attention was not the lonely grave, but a locust tree behind the grave.

The locust tree is very huge, its trunk looks almost as thick as a water tank, but it is crooked when it reaches the forked part. The huge tree crown is like a protruding head, covering the grave mound in front with its "hair".

Not far in front of the tomb, there is still a pool of stagnant water, which glows faintly under the moonlight.

Ye Shaoyang sighed: "It's hard to think that this place is not haunted by ghosts. This is a situation where the water is dry and the pond is trapped. The stagnant water gathers Yin Qi and is absorbed by the owner of the tomb. The tomb itself is covered by tree canopies and lacks sunlight, which makes it easier for Yin Qi to gather. , and the locust tree is a wood ghost, the easiest to become a spirit."

"Where is the ghost?" Pony was a little nervous.

"Spray this on your eyes." Ye Shaoyang handed a palm-sized vial to Xiaoma. "Spray it on, and within an hour, you can see ghosts."

"What is this, cow's tears?"

"The juice of the Seven Star Grass, the cow's tears are too smelly, and I never use it."

Xiao Ma took it, sprayed it on the left and right eyes, rubbed his eyes, looked around nervously, suddenly trembled, grabbed Ye Shaoyang's arm, and tremblingly said: "That... is it a ghost?"

Following his gaze, Ye Shaoyang saw a hazy figure, as if being pulled by a rope, walking straight from a distance, with long hair hanging on both sides of his shoulders, looking like a female ghost.

"Hey, hey, it's coming!"

"Don't make noise!" Ye Shaoyang drew two hidden energy talismans, one for each person, and stuck them on his body.

"Now, the ghost can't feel your Yang Qi, but it can see you, so don't move around. Let's not worry, let's see what it is going to do."

The female ghost walked into the depression in one breath, only a few tens of meters away from where the two were hiding. Through the moonlight, she could roughly see her attire: she was wearing a tight camisole and denim shorts, with two slender white legs exposed. /Protruding back/up, the slender waist is full of grips, twisting and twisting when walking, it is really ecstasy.

"Damn, this female ghost is in good shape, even better than the previous one!" The pony's eyes glowed green, and he swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

"This is a human, not a ghost! Ghosts don't touch the ground when they walk, let alone make a sound."

Xiao Ma was stunned, and then his gaze became even more obscene, looking up and down the woman's whole body, and said: "I said, why is there such a sexiness in ghost clothes? Sensual, Ganqing is a girl, but how dare she come here alone in the middle of the night Planting a place? Even if you’re not afraid of ghosts, aren’t you afraid of perverts?”

"Stop rambling! She's been distracted, don't act rashly, you'll find out later."

The girl walked straight forward as if she was sleepwalking, and didn't dodge when she encountered a puddle, she just stepped over it, splashing muddy water all over her body. When he was almost under the locust tree, he turned from the front to the side, and Ye Shaoyang and the two of them discovered the strangeness behind her.

"Holy shit—"

Ye Shaoyang covered the pony's mouth to keep him from making a sound, feeling his body trembling slightly under his hands, Ye Shaoyang could completely understand, seeing such a terrifying scene for the first time, it would be good if he didn't faint—

Behind the girl, dragging a woman, wearing a red cheongsam, white high-heeled shoes, short hair, the skin exposed outside the clothes is pale and frightening, the most terrifying thing is that she is not following behind the girl, but with both hands He hugged the girl's waist, buried his head under her armpit, and dragged his body straight behind, just like that, being dragged away straight by the girl.

"This is called ghost building, it's the rhythm of preparing the upper body, you stay here honestly, I will go to work." Ye Shaoyang let go of the pony, and walked down quietly.

At this time, the girl had come to the locust tree, and the female ghost behind her suddenly stood up, bent down, and slid into the girl's body like a snake. The girl straightened her body, took off the belt on the denim shorts, put it on a branch within reach, formed a noose, and stuck her head in without hesitation.

At the moment when the female ghost was about to succeed, a hand suddenly stretched out from behind, and accurately pasted a piece of purple talisman paper on the girl's forehead, then put her thumb on the center of the girl's eyebrows, and moved back, with a strange cry, The female ghost in red was dragged out of the girl's body and fell to the ground.

The ghost's reaction was also extremely fast, she stood up in the air, stretched her long fingers, and stabbed at the man in front of her.

"Still want to struggle?" Ye Shaoyang smiled, and floated to avoid the female ghost's attack. With a lift of his hand, eight pieces of Five Emperors' coins flew out, forming a place of gossip in the air.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law and breaks!"

Ye Shaoyang made seals with his hands and pushed forward, and the eight copper coins hit the female ghost's chest forcefully. The female ghost screamed and fell to the ground, but there was a bloody hole in the left chest, bleeding out.

Of course the ghost doesn't have blood, this is her body when her cultivation base was broken and she showed the appearance of death.

"It turned out that she was shot to death, such a beautiful girl, what a pity." Ye Shaoyang always liked to tease this kind of evil spirit, and he was not serious at all.

"Great Master, please forgive me, I don't dare anymore..." The female ghost was trembling all over, kowtowing continuously. Ghosts are not fools, and the confrontation just now made her understand that this young man is by no means an ordinary ghost hunter.

Ye Shaoyang put his hands behind his back and looked up and down the female ghost. "Looking at your appearance, you should be from the period of the Republic of China. You have been dead for decades. Why don't you reincarnate? Why do you want to harm people?"

"Great Master Mingjian, the little girl was killed by a traitor, she was confused for a moment, and died in the world, please be merciful to the Great Master, let me die tragically, and let the little girl go..."

Ye Shaoyang straightened his face and said: "In front of the palace of the king of hell, good and evil have their own judgments, and those who harm you cannot escape karma, so this is not the reason for you to stay in the world. Besides, you have killed many people in the world for decades. What happened just now is an example. Hurry up and go to the underworld to cancel the account.

"Hey, as long as the archmage raises his hands high, the little girl can do whatever she wants."

You can do anything... Cough cough, it's good to have an eye addiction, I don't plan to have a ghost affair. Ye Shaoyang stopped talking, and drew a soul-attracting charm with a cinnabar brush, stuck it on the female ghost's forehead, and silently recited the incantation, the female ghost's figure gradually faded until it disappeared.

This is the end? Ye Shaoyang felt that something was wrong, although he was very powerful, but the female ghost was nearly a hundred years old, and she was an evil cultivator, she killed a lot of people, her cultivation shouldn't be so weak!

Ye Shaoyang looked down at the slightly swaying stagnant water in front of the grave, and instantly understood, and smiled. The girl who was almost hanged was lying under the locust tree in big characters, motionless.

The girl looked to be in her twenties, beautiful as a flower, worthy of her almost perfect figure.

Ye Shaoyang walked over, trying to wake her up, looked down, and suddenly nosebleeds almost spurted out: due to the belt being pulled, the girl's shorts faded down a few inches, revealing a little pink underwear with an angry little girl on it. bird logo...