Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 123: Ghost Wall Fantasy


Ye Shaoyang pushed the car door and rushed down. The village girl turned her head in his direction.

When Ye Shaoyang saw the face with a braided braid, he felt a chill in his heart, and while rushing over, he called Xiao Ma loudly: "Come back!"

The pony rolled and crawled back and forth.

Ye Shaoyang rushed halfway, when suddenly a black mist formed on the ground, blocking his sight.

"Ghost fog!" Ye Shaoyang raised his arms, waved his sleeves, and dispelled the ghost aura. On the empty road, there was no shadow of the female ghost, so he had to go back to the car.

Xiao Ma also returned to the car, recounted the experience just now, and touched his head, "Little Ye Zi, is my head still there? I won't die, right?"

"It's an illusion created by ghosts, so don't take it seriously." Ye Shaoyang said, "This is a kind of mountain ghost called Maonu, with hair growing on the front and back of its head, which can confuse people, but it's a low-level ghost. Appear in front of you?"

Xiao Ma refused to accept it: "Can it release black mist, or is it a low-level ghost?"

"She didn't release the ghost fog," Ye Shaoyang looked around, "there is a ghostly atmosphere everywhere, there must be ghost heads and the like." After speaking, he took out a magic talisman, scratched his fingertips, and drew several lines on it, Stick it on the roof of the car, and said to Lao Guo: "Close the windows, lest ghosts invade, and control our sanity. Keep driving!"

Lao Guo looked at the two forks in front of him, "Where are you going?"

"Choose one at random and drive out first, this place is too evil." Ye Shaoyang glanced back at the man holding the corpse in his arms, it must be impossible to expect him to lead the way, so escape from this place first.

Lao Guo still drove on the road on the left. After driving for about a kilometer, the road turned to the left. Under the moonlight, he could see the car driving on the mountainside. On the right side of the road was the cliff.

"Be careful," Ye Shaoyang said, "It's okay to meet ghosts, but if you drive under the cliff, everyone will be finished."

"Don't worry if I drive." Old Guo said, "Twenty-year-old driver."

Xiao Ma curled his lips and muttered, "An old driver in the red light district?"

After turning left, after driving less than two kilometers, two forks appeared ahead.

The three of them were dumbfounded.

"How could this be?" Old Guo was shocked. "Since when did the mountain road become an enchantment? There isn't even a road sign."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, observed for a while, opened the car window, threw a copper coin on the ground, and said, "Take the right road this time."

Along the road on the right, after driving a short distance, there was another left turn ahead, Lao Guo said in surprise, "No, how can there be any reason to turn left on a right-hand road?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned slightly, looked at the road ahead, and didn't make a sound.

After the turn, the front... once again had a fork in the road.

"This, this... is not right!" Lao Guo also realized that the problem was serious.

Ye Shaoyang asked him to stop. After getting out of the car, he looked around for a while, picked up something from the ground, returned to the car, spread his hands, holding a shiny copper coin in his palm, and said with a wry smile: "Throw it at the last intersection." down."

Xiao Ma was shocked, "This is impossible, did we come back again?"

"Turn left before, then turn right. After three intersections, can you go back? Do you think the maze is the same way?" Ye Shaoyang took a breath and said, "We encountered a ghost hitting the wall!"

Old Guo was stunned, frowned and said: "Impossible, this road is full of ghosts, is it possible that the whole road is an illusion of ghost walls? What a strong cultivation..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Ghost bandits, only ghost bandits can do it."

Old Guo was shocked: "It's absolutely impossible!"

Xiao Ma blinked, "What are ghost bandits, what are you talking about?"

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, and said to Lao Guo: "It is impossible for ghost bandits to appear in Yangjian, but only ghost bandits can achieve such a long-distance ghost wall phantom."

Old Guo's face turned pale. Although he was only an outer disciple of Maoshan, he had also heard rumors about ghost bandits from all over the world. He shook his head, "I still don't believe that if ghost bandits come to the world, the world will be in chaos. By the way, junior brother , can you solve this ghost wall illusion?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him meaningfully, and said: "The cultivation base is too strong, it can't be solved, since he has set up the ghost wall illusion, obviously he is not playing with us, you continue to drive, whichever road you want, I will just watch it What a trick."

Lao Guo hesitated a little, "But..."

"Listen to my arrangement." Ye Shaoyang said without doubt.

Lao Guo had no choice but to step on the accelerator and drive on the fork road on the left. Ye Shaoyang turned the rearview mirror to his side, adjusted the angle, and started to look at his hairstyle.

Xiao Ma was surprised and said: "Little Ye Zi, are you also out of your mind, what hairstyle do you wear at this time?"

"It was messed up by the wind." Ye Shaoyang stroked his hair.

After making a circle, the car returned to the original point. Ye Shaoyang stared at the rearview mirror and said lightly, "Keep driving until you run out of gas."

Lao Guo knew that he must have his own plan for doing this, so he didn't ask why, he was only responsible for the execution.

Ye Shaoyang reached into his belt, took out a large carved mother coin, played with it in his hand, looked at the man in the rearview mirror, and asked, "Uncle, which village do you live in?"

The angle of the rearview mirror made Ye Shaoyang just able to see him from the corner of his eye, but he couldn't see Ye Shaoyang's face. He raised his head, stared at the back of Ye Shaoyang's head with dull eyes, and said, "Xiatang Village."

"Xiatang? Oh, not far from here?"

The man looked dumbfounded and didn't answer.

Ye Shaoyang lowered his head, put the carved mother's big money into his mouth, bit the tip of his tongue, then quietly took it out, wrapped it with red thread over and over again, then took out a magic talisman, dipped the tip of his tongue in blood, quickly drew the rune, wrapped it in the On the coins.

All of this was done in the dark, only Lao Guo saw it, and was amazed in his heart. He wrapped the money with red thread. This is Maoshan's life-and-death method. Wrapped with the talisman, it became the "Heaven and Earth Life and Death Button". In this temporary magic weapon, Ye Shaoyang spent at least half of his mana.

Lao Guo has no doubts about the power of this "heaven and earth life and death button". If he hits it accurately, even if the opponent is a ghost head, he will have to peel off his skin if he doesn't die. However, there is a lot of ghosts all around, but there is no real master. Who is Ye Shaoyang trying to deal with when he created this "Heaven and Earth Life and Death Button"

Just as he was secretly speculating, he suddenly felt his body tense up, and he stepped on the accelerator, and the car suddenly accelerated.

"Fuck, Mr. Guo, you're crazy!" Pony yelled loudly, "There's a turn ahead, why are you driving so fast, stop quickly!"

Ye Shaoyang turned his head to look, Lao Guo's face was livid, his expression was very stiff, and he didn't move, but his eyes tried to turn to him, and there was panic and help in his eyes.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly turned his head, and said to Xiaoma: "He is possessed, come and drive!"

The pony was startled, and hurriedly stood up, trying to grab the shift lever, but just as he raised his hand, the dead female corpse suddenly sat up from the man's arms, and grabbed his neck with both hands.

Finally started!