Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 149: Who will send me the paper 2


Xiao Ma looked at Ye Shaoyang with a pale face, and said, "Don't scare me, Little Ye Zi, I just threw the unused paper on the ground, come and take a look."

After finishing speaking, he turned and walked into the toilet, pressed the light, but it didn't turn on, and had no time to take care of it for a while. He used his mobile phone to shine on the ground, found a few pieces of paper he had thrown away, and took a closer look, his legs went weak with fright: Where is this? It's toilet paper, obviously toilet paper!

"No, I just saw that it was toilet paper. Why... Little Leaf, Little Leaf?" Looking up, the door leading to the washroom outside the toilet was closed at some point, and the toilet was dark and silent. Where is the shadow of Ye Shaoyang.

Immediately, a very bad premonition rose from his heart. Without saying a word, Xiao Ma rushed to pull the door of the toilet, but he couldn't open it no matter what. There was a sound of flushing water.

The toilet is occupied!

Goose bumps all over Xiao Ma's body, and he got up all of a sudden. Looking back suddenly, there is a row of squatting seats, each door is half closed, and it is dark inside, and nothing can be seen clearly.

"Little Yezi, little Yezi..." Pony leaned against the door with his back and gently knocked it, but there was no movement outside. At this moment, there was another sound of flushing water, coming from behind the squatting position.

Pony's heart tightened suddenly, and gradually, fear turned into anger, thinking that Ye Shaoyang knew where he was going, it was a disaster that he couldn't avoid, and standing here all the time was not a solution, so he just went over to see what it was Ghost, at worst, a fight is better than hanging here, fearful.

And he remembered that both Lao Guo and Ye Shaoyang said that if you want to be a mage, you must first be courageous. Isn't this an opportunity to exercise your courage? Thinking of this, Xiao Ma took a deep breath, walked slowly to the front of the compartment, and kicked open the door of the outermost compartment with his foot. There was nothing, so he held his breath, and kicked the second one...

There were five squatting positions in total, four of which were kicked away, and there was nothing left except for the last squatting position, the door was closed tightly.

Xiao Ma stood outside the door, knowing that the more hesitant he was, the more confident he would lose, so he just kicked it without thinking...

The door opened, and there was nothing behind.

Pony took a deep breath and began to be proud of his bravery. At this moment, a figure suddenly fell from the ceiling above the squatting position. It was a dark baby, chubby and dirty, with two He stared straight at him with blood-red eyes, grinned at him, and walked towards him step by step, holding a ball of wet toilet paper with blood in his hands, and said in a childish but evil voice: "Brother, send you paper, brother, send you paper..."

With a plop, the pony fell to the ground and failed to stand up after two attempts, so he had to sit on the ground and back away. Backed all the way to the corner.

The baby held the toilet paper in his hand, and chased after him with a smile. He took off a piece of toilet paper from the pile of blood and stuck it on the pony's face. , I can't tear it off.

"Brother, here is the paper..." The baby held the straw paper in his hand, and pasted one on the pony's face. The pony immediately felt suffocated, fell to the ground, scratched with both hands, and let out a dull scream.

"Oh, brother, you don't want paper..." The baby stood in front of him, biting his fingers, and thought for a while, "Then you must want this..." He stretched his hand to his face, pulled it, and took a piece of blood dripping paper. The skin was torn off, and he bent down and stuck it to the pony's face...

"The universe is boundless!"

A red thread protruded from the back, stopped the baby's neck, twisted left and right, tied a French knot, a red light shot out, the baby screamed, and a black air burst out.

The pony suddenly felt his face loosen, and all the toilet paper was torn off by someone. He took a few breaths, and then he recovered. Looking up, Ye Shaoyang was holding a red rope with both hands, and strangled the baby's neck. He didn't gain the upper hand, but the pony was completely at ease, leaning against the wall, and said resentfully, "Little Yezi, you've come."

As long as Ye Shaoyang is around, no matter what the situation is, he won't worry.

The ghost baby was constantly changing its shape under the binding of the red thread. It stretched out its hands and grabbed Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang rushed ahead of it, and pressed a large coin of "cast mother" on its ghost gate. The ghost baby immediately screamed, trembling all over, withdrew his hands, and tried to break Ye Shaoyang's hand, but Ye Shaoyang's hand seemed to be fixed on its forehead, motionless, and kept chanting the curse of exorcising ghosts, and the casting mother's big money kept emitting golden light , to drive away the black ghost energy.

After the ghost energy in its body was absorbed, Ye Shaoyang put down the big coin, stuck a magic talisman on its forehead, put it away instantly, exhaled, looked at the pony and said, "How is it?"

"Almost suffocated to death!" Xiao Ma glanced at the pile of bloody straw paper on the ground, and the more he looked at it, the more disgusted he became, and he murmured, "This is the aunt's towel that I fished out from the women's toilet, right?"

When he came to the washroom, Xiao Ma turned on the faucet and rinsed it for a long time before giving up. He didn't smoke much at ordinary times, he lit a cigarette, took a few big puffs, and his limp body slowly regained a little strength. I still have lingering fears about the experience in the movie, and blamed Ye Shaoyang: "Where did you die just now? Why didn't you go to the bathroom with me?"

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand innocently, and told Xiao Ma that when he opened the toilet to go in, he saw a baby spirit rushing out of it, ran downstairs, and hurriedly chased after him, not knowing that there was another toilet.

"Then did you catch up?"

"Slowly, let him go through the wall through the stairs, and I don't know how to pass through the wall," Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "I came up to look for you, only to find that something was wrong with the toilet. It's all on your body, let me catch it easily, this baby spirit is not deep in cultivation, but he is agile, after running away, it will be difficult to catch up."

Xiao Ma said: "Then what kind of baby spirit was hooked away by the yin birth woman?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "They appear at night, absorb Yang Qi everywhere, and use them for cultivation, but this hospital is sealed by a formation, so they can only appear in this building."

Xiao Ma suddenly understood, thought for a while, and then asked: "Then why are the other people in the hospital fine, the nurses on duty, the patients, and they want to kill me?"

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyelids, and said: "When they meet it, they will run away. At worst, they will absorb some yang energy. It's better for you, if you are brave enough, you will take the initiative to find it. It thinks you are a mage, so of course it can't keep you."

The pony froze and cursed: "Damn, didn't I want to exercise my courage? I didn't know it would be like this. If I knew it earlier, I would stand there and wait for you. By the way, you caught one now, what should you do?" ?”

"The evil energy in its body has been transformed, but only by killing the yin birth woman and cutting off their thoughts can they return to their own body."

Xiao Ma nodded, "Kill her, kill that perverted old ghost!"

"Brother Shaoyang, Brother Xiaoma, are you inside..." Xu Yajuan's voice came from outside the bathroom, and Ye Shaoyang and Ye Shaoyang hurriedly opened the door and went out.