Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 169: Into the cave alone


Mom, you dare to scare me if Xiao Yezi is not here? I am not afraid! I will also be a Taoist sooner or later... And Xiao Yezi also said that this is probably just the little ghost and demon under the water ghost, whose cultivation is not deep enough to beat him...

Xiao Ma kept thinking of some far-fetched words in his heart to comfort himself, took a deep breath, walked around the cabin, came to the other side of the ship, heard a strange chatter in the cabin, and knew that the "thing" was there in.

Is it a ghost, or a demon? What does it look like

After hesitating again and again, Xiao Ma finally plucked up the courage, stretched out his hand and lifted the straw mat—

A man with an inverted triangular face opened his mouth wide and smiled silently at himself. Its body was like a toad standing up, its legs were extremely long, its joints opened to both sides, and it squatted on the ground.

Before the little pony could take a closer look, the monster kicked his legs, threw him down, and sat on him, with his hands firmly stuck around his neck.

Suddenly, a purple light shot out from the pocket of the pony's coat and landed on the monster. The monster shuddered and backed away, tripping over the pony's legs, and the two of them fell backwards in the cabin. The pony's whole weight was on the opponent's body, and the monster couldn't stand it, so it screamed loudly and wanted to break free, but as soon as its limbs touched the pony's body, a purple light shot out and hit the body , Just like a person getting an electric shock, the pain was so painful that he dared not move immediately.

Xiao Ma stretched out his hand and touched it, it was the big coin made by the casting mother, suddenly realized that Xiao Ye Zi didn't lie to him, this thing really works.

Looking at the ferocious and weird face of the monster again, he didn't feel so scary anymore, he sneered and said, "I'm afraid of even a copper coin, so it turns out you're really a little ghost, look at Brother Ma, I'll take you in."

Holding down the opponent with one hand, reaching into the pocket of his trousers with the other hand, he took out a stack of yellow talismans - recently, he has been practicing drawing fire and earth talismans. See how many are available.

"Come on, big brother, you're unlucky, try it." Xiao Ma put a stack of ground fire talismans next to the monster's head, grabbed one, and stuck it on his head, closed his eyes, and recited the spell again. I used it, tore it off, and pasted another one, but it still didn't work. I changed seven or eight sheets in one breath, but none of them worked.

The monster was afraid of the supernatural power of the cast mother's big money, and couldn't resist. It stared blankly at the pony, not knowing what tricks he was up to. If he knew that he was being treated as an experiment in Taoism, he would bite his tongue and commit suicide immediately in humiliation.

"I really don't believe that there is no one!" Pony was furious, and simply pasted the remaining dozens of cards on the monster, chanted the spell silently, only heard a "boom", opened his eyes and looked, there were About three or four talismans were drawn, and I shook my head helplessly. I have worked so hard to draw so many, so these are the only ones that can be used.

The parts of the monster's body that were burned by the ground fire shrank immediately, oozing out fishy and smelly black blood. After a while, the whole body was burned, and the black blood flowed everywhere.

"For the first time, it's... not bad?" Xiao Ma looked at the black blood that was gradually solidifying on the deck, scratched his scalp, and thought to himself.

At this time, in the water ghost's cave, Ye Shaoyang threw a handful of copper coins in front of him, only to hear a "呲", a black shadow, and before he could show his appearance, he was beaten into a spirit, and his soul flew away.

"Maoshan Celestial Master is here, show me all of them!" Ye Shaoyang yelled, and threw out a handful of copper beans, and a few little ghosts were smashed and appeared on the spot, jumping up and down, and bowed to Ye Shaoyang.

"Great Master, please forgive me. We are nearby villagers. We were killed by that water ghost and captured as ghost servants. We have never harmed anyone. Please save us..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Where is the water ghost?"

"It's in the cave, and its cultivation is very strong. Several mages were killed by it. Be careful, archmage."

Ye Shaoyang didn't say much, he drew a soul-attracting talisman, threw it in the wind, and said to the ghosts: "Go to rebirth."

Several ghosts bowed their heads in thanks, attached to the talisman, and flew out of the cave.

Ye Shaoyang walked to the end of the cave, and there was a uniquely shaped arch with bead curtains hanging on it, which looked very ancient. Ye Shaoyang frowned, opened the bead curtain, and walked in.

The dressing table, the low cabinet, and the large carved bed are all made of mahogany, with an elegant style. Ye Shaoyang can tell at a glance that this is an ancient woman's bedroom.

There is an arched door with bead curtains on the opposite side. Ye Shaoyang didn't go in, so he sat down on the bed with a golden knife and said, "Come out, come out and talk."

As soon as the bead curtain moved, a woman came out, wearing ancient Chinese clothes, wearing a beaded jade phoenix hairpin, holding a piece of Luopa in her hand, walking slowly, Ye Shaoyang looked up, the woman looked to be in her twenties, with a long hair Not bad, with a graceful and undulating figure.

As soon as she came in, there was a ghostly aura immediately, Ye Shaoyang's heart sank, this guy's cultivation level is not low!

The woman held a ropa in her hand, covered her face with a smile at Ye Shaoyang, and said coquettishly, "The archmage is so rude, let alone break into someone's boudoir, and sit on his bed. What's the point?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at her, and said lightly, "He Ji? From the **** river in West Ghost Region?"

The woman smiled, "The archmage has good eyesight, please call me Meihua."

Ye Shaoyang snorted, and said with a smile: "I don't understand why, as long as you are a female ghost, you have to look like a young and beautiful woman. You are obviously several hundred years old. According to the calculation of the world, you are an old woman. Come and join in on this." lively."

The female ghost's expression changed, and she said, "I just changed into the appearance of my previous life."

Ye Shaoyang snorted: "You are a ghost of Huangquan, how can you have any previous life?"

"Two hundred years ago, I came to the world once. At that time, my name was Meihua."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly understood that the furnishings in the cave, as well as her attire, were all changed according to the preferences of the "previous life".

"I don't care about the past," Ye Shaoyang said, "This time, who brought you into the world?"

Meihua narrowed her eyes and looked at him, "I won't tell you, Archmage, I tell you clearly, you can't beat him, let alone the monster behind him."

"Grandma Seven?"

Meihua smiled, "Is the Archmage afraid?"

Ye Shaoyang said lightly: "I'm afraid it has nothing to do with you, you won't be able to see it anyway."

Meihua's complexion changed, she sighed, she came to the dresser, opened the drawer, and a golden light shot out, it was really the light from gold.

Ye Shaoyang looked intently, the drawer was full of gold ingots.

"I caught all of these from the bottom of the water. I don't know if it's enough to buy a life?"

Meihua said, "If the Archmage doesn't love money, I have other things."

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat, wouldn't he want to fuck himself again? Facts have proved that he is wretched. Meihua opened the drawer and took out a palm-sized, long wooden sign with a dark golden pattern engraved on it. Ye Shaoyang looked carefully and saw... a leaf

"Tianshi card!" Ye Shaoyang shouted in surprise.

Meihua pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "Master Ye Tian knows the goods."