Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 176: Killing Hairy Man Gu 1


Ye Shaoyang grabbed Wu Mei's right hand, scratched her middle finger with his nails, let her pinch it by herself first, then raised the arm of the female corpse, took out a big coin, buckled it on the life gate of the female corpse's arm, and stabbed it with her nails. The skin in Qianqian's eyes was broken, and then Wu Mei's cut finger was pulled over, pressed the center of the copper coin, pulled a red thread, and tied it to the joint.

Holding Wu Mei's hand with both hands, he released a ray of stellar energy to help her slowly send the blood in her body to the body of the female corpse.

This process lasted for about a minute. Ye Shaoyang felt that Wu Mei's blood had entered the abdomen of the female corpse and soaked into the thing without hindrance. He immediately let go, grabbed a handful of incense ash from his belt, and pressed At the wound on the female corpse's wrist to prevent blood from leaking out, then pushed the female corpse to the bottom of the pool again, stood up, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The most critical part of the whole plan was successfully completed.

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to pull Wu Mei up, and said, "You lost a lot of blood, how do you feel?"

"My head is a little dizzy." Wu Mei touched her head and shook her head, "It's nothing, just go back and drink some old hen soup."

"That's good. Let's go back to the guest house first and make some arrangements. Brother Guo, for Jin Yuanbao's sake, you can wait here for a while."

Lao Guo naturally had nothing to say, so except for the relatives of the deceased's husband's family and natal family who voluntarily stayed on the mountain, the rest went down the mountain together.

On the way into the village, Ye Shaoyang was welcomed by the villagers of Lijia Village. Under the propaganda of the few villagers who went back to the village to find someone, they spread the word, and everyone in the village knew that he was the Master of Maoshan. Don't mention how excited you are to kill the ghost of the reservoir.

Some unmarried girls, seeing that Maoshan Tianshi is so young and handsome, keep winking at him, and there are two matchmakers who follow Ye Shaoyang to match him...

Ye Shaoyang almost fled back to the guest house, but in the end the village chief came forward and found a few men to guard the gate before blocking these people back.

Ye Shaoyang wiped off his sweat, and said to Wu Mei, "The people in your village are so enthusiastic."

Wu Mei smiled and said: "Brother Ye has his eyes on someone, I'll help you find a matchmaker, I'm sure it will work out, oh no, you already have a partner..."

"Don't talk nonsense, let's get down to business." Ye Shaoyang asked for a pen and paper, wrote down the materials he needed, and handed them to Li Laoxing.

Li Laoxing glanced at it, frowned, and said in embarrassment: "Mr. Ye, it's easy to say anything else, this chicken shit is white... is it Chinese medicine or something?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Chicken poop is white, that is, the white stuff inside chicken poop."

Li Laoxing immediately pulled the boss with a face, "Twenty catties of chicken shit?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and said, "Thirty catties, maybe twenty catties is not enough."

Li Laoxing wiped off his sweat, "Okay, I'll go door-to-door to clean up chicken shit..."

There are many people and great power. Although the things Ye Shaoyang wants are wonderful, but it takes less than half an hour to gather the power of a village, and they are all put together in the courtyard of the guest house.

"Two catties of rooster's comb blood, fifty catties of glutinous rice, twenty catties of wheat bran, thirty catties of chicken excrement, five catties of boy's urine..." Li Laoxing counted, "Mr. Ye, is there anything missing?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and asked him to pack up all his things, and then he took an eight-foot-long cauldron, went up the mountain together, came to the place where the female corpse's tomb was, took out the yin and yang plate, found the eye of the formation nearby, and delineated a piece of it. In the open space, let Li Laoxing and others put the cauldron on the ground, light a fire under it, and pour in a sufficient amount of water first.

While boiling the water, Ye Shaoyang was not idle. He went around the tomb and set up the five-element flag array. Then he asked Lao Guo and Xiao Ma to help him locate the position with copper coins, pull out two cinnabar threads, and tie them to two cypress trees. On the road, along the slope through the forest, with the nearby trees as the axis, a passage of more than ten meters long was laid, and the end was connected to the previously selected open space.

Ye Shaoyang and Lao Guo worked together, stirred the cockscomb blood and glutinous rice, and sprinkled it evenly in the middle of the passage. After seeing that it was almost done, when he came to the cauldron, the water was boiling.

Ye Shaoyang greeted everyone, poured chicken excrement, boy urine, wheat bran and other materials into it together, stood on a big rock, held a shovel in his hand, and stirred vigorously. It can't be described as smelly, and more than half of the villagers who watched the excitement were smoked away.

Ye Shaoyang rubbed a handful of mugwort leaves, distributed them to Xiao Ma and the others, stuffed them into their nostrils, and it felt somewhat better. Xiao Ma stood at the upper air outlet and said, "Little Yezi, you are not planning to cook this big pot of food for others, are you?"

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, "Can you eat it?"

"Just kill me." The pony scratched his head and said, "By the way, I can understand that you used cockscomb blood and glutinous rice to pave the road before, what kind of wheat bran and soil on the beams, especially this A lot of chicken shit, what kind of trouble is this? Haven’t seen you use it before?”

Ye Shaoyang said: "This is not Maoshan art at all. Didn't I say it before? There is no magic in Maoshan art to deal with witchcraft. What I am using now is the folk witchcraft I read in the book. Anyway, it is also used on Gu spirits. body, no matter how disgusting it is, it’s none of our business.”

When the pile of disgusting things in the pot was cooked, Ye Shaoyang popped a well-shaped seal on the open space with an ink fountain, asked Wu Mei to stand in the middle, and told her not to leave the seal no matter what happened. Then tell Lao Guo that you can start.

Although Lao Guo's mana is not deep, he traveled all over the world in his early years and knew as much about these folk witchcraft as Ye Shaoyang. He nodded immediately, came to the tomb, drew an earth fire talisman, threw it down, and silently recited the earth fire Curse, the blue flame, jumped out all of a sudden.

Sesame oil and honey, both of which can be burned, were immediately ignited by the talisman fire and burned.

Lao Guo didn't blink his eyes, staring at the body of the female corpse, a red line of blood crawled up from her protruding abdomen, and soon, the body of the female corpse twisted.

Old Guo sneered, the Gu spirit really couldn't stand the fire and started to manipulate the corpse, trying to get out of trouble.

With a sound of "crash", the female corpse stood up from the fire, crawled out of the tomb with some stiff movements, and ran down along the two passages framed by cinnabar lines, stepping barefoot on the glutinous rice soaked in the blood of the cockscomb. There was smoke, her feet were immediately scorched, and the fire on her body was also burning, and the burned flesh was bubbling out.

The surrounding villagers didn't know the details. They saw a corpse that had been dead for two years walking in the fire. They were all scared out of their wits and retreated far away.

Seeing this tragic scene, Xiao Ma also instinctively retreated behind Ye Shaoyang, and asked puzzledly: "Little Ye Zi, isn't this corpse dead? You are dealing with Gu spirits, why burn the corpse?"

"It is to burn the corpse, so that the Gu spirits will think of a new host because they cannot stay in the host's body." Ye Shaoyang said, and glanced at Wu Mei.

Seeing a burnt body covered in oil running towards her, Wu Mei was so frightened that she almost couldn't stand, looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said in a sobbing voice, "Brother Ye, what should I do!"

"Stand up, don't be afraid!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he took a shovelful of a mixture of chicken feces from the pot with a shovel, spotted it, and raised it towards the head of the female corpse...

(This book is about to hit the shelves, thank you for accompanying me all the way, thank you, and will accompany me on this journey, together with Ye Shaoyang, together with the protagonists, to slay demons and demons, and slaughter gods to prove the truth!

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After it is put on the shelves, Qingzi will work harder. Under the condition of ensuring the quality, there will be three updates and four updates (mainly the fourth update) every day, and occasional outbreaks. After 12 o'clock tonight, we will fulfill our promise and explode ten chapters until we die! The new book is on the shelves, all kinds of requests, thank you again! )