Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 183: Never Let You Die 3


Hearing her voice, Ye Shaoyang felt a pain in his heart.

The ghost messenger immediately said angrily: "Ye Tianshi, what do you mean, she is dead, do you still want to take her back?"

After hearing this, Xie Yuqing was stunned on the spot, looked at the ghost messenger, then at Ye Shaoyang, and murmured: "I... died?"

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said, "Don't be afraid, I will find a way to take you back."

After a person dies, once the soul realizes that he is dead, he will know the destiny and gradually understand many ways of heaven and earth. Xie Yuqing recalled her tragic death experience, sighed faintly, and said, "That's right, I'm dead."

At the same time, she also understood many other things. She raised her head, looked at Ye Shaoyang with a hopeless but calm look, and smiled shyly, "I haven't seen you for a few days. I didn't expect that Yin and Yang are separated. Shaoyang, let's go." , although you are a celestial master, you can't change your fate against the sky, and I am very satisfied to see you after death."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, "Don't be pretentious, just stay honest and wait for me to take you back!"

Xie Yuqing was stunned for a moment, a ray of hope appeared in her eyes, which quickly dimmed again, and she sighed secretly, thinking that one's lifespan is determined by God, and her own lifespan is exhausted, even though Ye Shaoyang is a celestial master, what can he do? So, does he dare to block the six reincarnations? No, this is absolutely not possible!

Ye Shaoyang turned his gaze to the ghost messenger, and said, "Excuse me, please check her lifespan for me. If it is really gone, I am willing to adopt thirty years of life to her!"

Hearing this, Xie Yuqing was stunned on the spot, and shouted at him: "Ye Shaoyang, what nonsense are you talking about!"

The ghost messenger was also taken aback, and said: "Who is she to you, are you willing to die for her?"

"She is my friend, and she died to serve me. I must take her back."

The ghost guard smiled and said: "Since you are willing to die, I have nothing to say, but my duty is to take her back. If you really want to save her, go talk to the judge."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and said: "Then I will go to Yin Division with you."

"Then trouble me to wait for a few days, sir. There are several people waiting for me to draw the soul in a radius of tens of miles. The journey is far away, and I'm afraid it will take three to five days to go back."

Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded when he heard it, and said: "After three to five days, the corpse will stink, how can she still be positive?"

The ghost guard said: "Then I don't care. If the task is not completed, I can't send her to the underworld alone."

Ye Shaoyang said: "That's why I let you make it easier, you hand her over to me, and I will go to the underworld to find a judge to die, how about it?"

"That's not okay, if you send her back to Yang in private, I'll be in trouble." The ghost officer straightened his face, pointed at Ye Shaoyang, and shouted: "I've said so much with you, it's very good for you, life and death are destiny, It's exactly right, don't miss my point of attracting the soul! Come back quickly!"

There is no way out, so we have to use the worst strategy. Ye Shaoyang suppressed his anger and called the pony's name.

All this time, Xiao Ma was listening to their conversation, while silently reciting the spell Ye Shaoyang taught him, when he suddenly heard him calling himself, he looked over and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ye Shaoyang turned his back and pouted at the ghost guard.

Xiao Ma was stunned for a moment, knowing that it was time for him to appear on the stage, thinking that the other party was a ghost messenger, he was really a little scared, cleared his throat, walked a few steps forward, looked at the ghost messenger, and said: "You...do you want to let people go?" Let it go?" After saying that, I felt that I didn't have the confidence.

The ghost guard frowned, stared at him, and said angrily, "Huh?"

"Uh... so what, Master Guicha, you let my friend go, and I'll burn you some more paper money, how about that? They're all out to mess around, and one of them is enough, isn't it? Otherwise, I'll burn you another BMW, Two beauties made of paper?" Xiao Ma decided to go soft first.

"Presumptuous!" Gui Cha yelled sharply, "What are you, you dare to block me from attracting souls, are you really not afraid of death!"

When Xiao Ma heard this, he was really angry, rolled up his sleeves, and scolded: "You old clapper, as the saying goes, you don't smile when you raise your hand, I will discuss it with you, and it's fine if you don't do it, scold you!" What am I doing?"

The ghost messenger was furious and scolded, "You bastard, be presumptuous!"

"Still scolding? Don't think that you can come out scary because you are ugly. Look at your blackness. Are you a kiln burner or a charcoal seller?"

Xiao Ma thought to himself, anyway, he scolded the first sentence, so if he died, he didn't care about scolding a few more, he just got used to it, and in the future he can brag to others that he scolded the ghost servant.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ma became excited and continued to play: "You are enough, you can be black if you are black, and you wear such black clothes. You don't know how you died when you were hit by a car at night. I really want to A mine blows you up to Iceland to show you how black you are, and you—"

"Enough!" The ghost guard roared angrily, staring at the pony with two bloodshot eyes.

The pony immediately took a step forward, patted his chest and said, "What are you doing, hit me, come on, I'll hit you!"

Ye Shaoyang felt that strands of energy were spreading out from the ghost messenger, and would explode at any moment, so he immediately squeezed the hilt of the Seven Star Longquan Sword and got ready. However, the ghost messenger gradually suppressed his arrogance, facing Ye Shaoyang snorted coldly, and said: "I know this was ordered by you, good Master Ye, Judge Cui will come and settle the account with you personally."

After finishing speaking, he pulled the grass rope hard, staggered Xie Yuqing, and walked forward.

Xie Yuqing turned her head, looked at Ye Shaoyang reluctantly, and shook her head slightly.

"I'm leaving, don't try to save me, take care!"

"I will definitely take you back!" Ye Shaoyang gritted his teeth and said, holding up the Seven Star Longquan Sword, intending to risk everything to snatch her back from the ghost guard.

The ghost messenger seemed to be venting his anger, he pulled the grass rope after two steps, Xie Yuqing couldn't stand upright, fell to the ground, and the grass rope broke. The ghost messenger picked another piece of grass at random, weaved it into a rope, tied Xie Yuqing's hand, and led her forward.

"You shrinking turtle..." Xiao Ma wanted to chase after him and scold him, but Ye Shaoyang stopped him, drew out his sword with a clang, and chopped off the back of the ghost guard's head.

This change stunned one of the two ghosts present. Xiao Ma said in surprise: "Fuck, it's really a fight!"

The ghost guard grabbed Xie Yuqing, the figure moved, and flew back a few meters, staring at Ye Shaoyang with an extremely surprised expression.

"Ye, you dare to fight with ghosts! You are not afraid of being blamed by the underworld!"

"Of course I'm afraid," Ye Shaoyang put the sword on his shoulder, tilted his head, and looked at him with a smile, "Master Ghost Messenger, where is your hook, and the ghost card, show me?"

The ghost guard's expression changed, he looked at him gloomyly, and said, "You have no right to watch!"

"Pretend, keep pretending," Ye Shaoyang shook his head emotionally, "If the branch you used to lure the soul hadn't suddenly broken, you would have fooled me. For a new ghost with no cultivation, you don't need to seduce the soul. Finding a random straw rope to tie her hand, I can totally understand it. But after the grass rope is broken, you would rather take the trouble to weave a new one than take out the seductive rope, which I don't understand. So... "

Ye Shaoyang put his hand into his belt, untied his soul seduction rope, swung it in the air, and said with a sneer, "Because, Mr. Ghost Emissary, your soul seduction rope is with me?"