Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 191: ready to go


Ye Shaoyang pondered for a moment, and said: "I have a few questions that I don't understand. First, who set up the 'Five Elements Intercepting Yin Formation' in the temple? It actually sealed the seven old demons so hard that they couldn't take a step out of the temple. Second, where is her cave?"

Tan Xiaohui said: "I don't know who arranged the seal, but it seems that Grandma Seven's own demon blood was used in the formation, which is equivalent to using her own power to seal herself up. The stronger her cultivation base, the more powerful the seal will be." The stronger it is, so she figured it out, she can only break through the seal with the help of external force, which is to gather the evil spirit energy in the five ghosts moving the mountain formation, and when it is strong enough to a certain level."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned. It turned out that he had guessed wrongly. The seven old demons took the energy of evil spirits, not for cultivation, but for the purpose of using external forces to charge... Suddenly, the rumors about Grandma Seven came to mind. Now it seems that it should be true :

The Seventh Old Demon must have reached some kind of contract with the sorcerer, and as a last resort, he was willing to donate the demon's blood and let the other party seal him up.

This is obvious, if she had already been captured, then the mage didn't need to take the demon blood at all, just kill her directly.

"You haven't said, where is her cave?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Tan Xiaohui smiled helplessly: "Tianshi Ye, I am not omnipotent, I don't know where her cave is."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head embarrassingly. From now until now, Tan Xiaohui provided too many clues, so Ye Shaoyang intuitively thought that she knew everything.

"However, in Jin Shuai's mind, there is such a message: In order to hide and avoid being attacked from the outside, he used his own witch blood to leave a mark on the outer layer of the Seven Old Demon's cave, so that outsiders would Find the location of the cave, without his blood, the seal cannot be broken."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, and said in a daze, "According to this, we still have to find him?"

Tan Xiaohui nodded: "Finding him is equivalent to finding the cave."

"Okay, when are we leaving?"

"The sacrificial ceremony should be held in about a week. They are now closing the mountain for patrolling. It's useless to go too early, and I'm waiting for a helper who should arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. We'll set off when we arrive."

Ye Shaoyang didn't ask who she was waiting for, nodded and said: "I just want to wait for my brother to make a magic weapon and get rid of that He Ji, and then we will go on the road."

Tan Xiaohui said: "If you can't make it in time, you can also come back and subdue He Ji, break the five ghosts and move the mountain formation, don't worry about it for a few days."

"I can urge him to catch up. I don't like to leave unfinished things behind." There is another reason, Ye Shaoyang didn't say clearly: the Celestial Master card in He Ji's body is something he dreams of, of course, the sooner he gets it the better.

Originally, Ye Shaoyang still had some things and wanted to ask Tan Xiaohui, but it was getting late, and Tan Xiaohui had just recovered from an injury, and she was not in good spirits, thinking about going to Xichuan together in the future, there were plenty of opportunities to ask. So I made an appointment with her that after her friend arrived, we would meet again and go to Xichuan together.

Then, in order for Qin Xiaohui to rest earlier, the three of Ye Shaoyang left and went down to the first floor. Zhou Jingru suggested to drink something nearby while waiting for Xiao Ma and Wang Ping to come back. Ye Shaoyang had no objection.

"Officer Xie, you... have just been resurrected from the dead. There is nothing wrong with your health? Do you want to go back and rest first?" Zhou Jingru asked tentatively.

Xie Yuqing waved her hand immediately, "It's okay, I feel fine, I'm going to drink something too."

Zhou Jingru frowned secretly, seeming a little unhappy.

When they came to a high-end coffee shop, the three ordered drinks, sat in the corner, and chatted.

"Little magic stick, how many people are you planning to take to Xichuan?" Xie Yuqing asked.

"What do you bring people with you? No one will take you with you. It's just me. Everything is arranged by Xiaohui."

Xie Yuqing was a little surprised, and said: "Just the two of you, plus her friend, there are only three people, it will be dangerous. I don't think it should be so troublesome. I will communicate with the local police and bring more people there. They'll catch them all."

Ye Shaoyang gave her a blank look, "Is it okay to have some brains? This kind of thing is beyond your police's ability to get involved. What reason do you use to arrest people, accuse them of practicing voodoo, and promote feudal superstition?"

Xie Yuqing retorted dissatisfied: "Then find a reason like illegal assembly and arrest them first, as long as Jin Shuai is arrested?"

Ye Shaoyang said with a smile: "It's in the deep mountains. If so many of you go there, you will definitely be discovered. If Jin Shuai is allowed to escape, it will be difficult to catch him. Therefore, the fewer people go, the more chances of success, and It is no exaggeration to say that those blood wizards are more terrifying than professional killers, real murder is invisible, and even scientific evidence cannot be found, and ordinary people will die if they go there."

After hearing Ye Shaoyang's analysis, Xie Yuqing had to admit that it made sense, and sighed: "It's true, if you use illegal opportunities as an excuse, you can't mobilize much police force, let alone use guns. Slaughter... So, our police really can't help at all?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "That's not true, didn't you hear what Xiaohui said, these blood wizards have probably killed people, after I go, I will try to find evidence, and after I am sure that there is no danger, you can bring people there, just to help me deal with the aftermath gone."

Xie Yuqing nodded, "I think it's okay."

Hearing this, Zhou Jingru couldn't help but nervously said, "Brother Shaoyang, aren't you in danger?"

"Don't worry, I will pay attention to safety." Ye Shaoyang smiled at her and comforted her.

Zhou Jingru wanted to say something, she opened her mouth, glanced at Xie Yuqing, and swallowed it back.

Before finishing a glass of wine, Xiao Ma and Wang Ping came. Although the two of them didn't have much intimacy, it could be seen from some details that they were already quite familiar.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to tease Xiao Ma, but he didn't know Wang Ping well, so he didn't say anything because he didn't know Wang Ping well, finished his drink and left together.

After leaving the coffee shop, Xie Yuqing asked Ye Shaoyang: "Where are you going now? Are you going back to that Li Family Village?"

"No, I finally went back to the city, what should I do there in a hurry." Ye Shaoyang smiled at him, "I'll sleep at your place tonight."

Being molested in front of everyone made Xie Yuqing feel very embarrassed, she blushed and glared at him: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at her depressedly, "Where are you going, I'm talking about the Tongzilou!"

Xie Yuqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Shaoyang, no one lives in your place for a few days, isn't it good, or I'll give you a room near here?" Zhou Jingru suggested, she didn't like Ye Shaoyang always getting involved with Xie Yuqing.

Ye Shaoyang said: "No need, I have to pack my things when I go back."

Zhou Jingru couldn't say anything more after hearing what he said.

So they went back separately, Xiao Ma said goodbye to Wang Ping reluctantly, then took a taxi with Ye Shaoyang and went to the residence in Tongzilou.