Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 196: Take apprentices


Zhang Xiaorui's face was flushed, and she was about to cry. Although she has a crazy personality, she still has the personality of a young lady in her bones. She has always been praised by others, and she has never suffered such a big loss. In front of him, he was defeated by a man, and he was pressed under him in such a humiliating posture, he almost wanted to bump his head to death.

"I'm not convinced, I'll fight you again with Jeet Kune Do!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Come on, Jeet Kune Do lost, and then use Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, boxing... You use them all, when will I fight with you?"

Zhang Xiaorui lay on the ground, pursed her lips, and said nothing.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Ye Shaoyang immediately couldn't bear it, let go of her hand, and stepped aside. Zhang Xiaorui hurriedly jumped up and punched Ye Shaoyang in the chest. "Look at the fist!"

Ye Shaoyang didn't dodge at all, he was punched by her, bent down, and spit acid water from his mouth.

Zhang Xiaorui was stunned on the spot. "Why don't you hide?"

Ye Shaoyang wiped his mouth, straightened his waist, and said, "Let you vent your anger and beat me up." With a light smile on his face, he was scolding himself for being stupid in his heart. He knew that Zhang Xiaorui's fist was so heavy. Pretending to be a gentleman, pretending to be magnanimous, my stomach hurts...

"You..." Zhang Xiaorui was really moved by his attitude. The most important thing is that Ye Shaoyang had never teased her during the previous martial arts competition, and Ye Shaoyang never teased her. Physical contact is also normal in martial arts competitions, and if you really count it, you should take the initiative a little more, that's when you get on your clothes and rub against people's bodies...

Figured it out, Zhang Xiaorui lost her anger, sighed and said: "Okay, Master Ye, I would like to admit defeat. From today onwards, you will be the president of our martial arts club."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand, "I don't want to be the president of some kind, as long as you let me go, I can go now, right?" After speaking, he came to Xiao Ma, picked up his buns and soy milk, and ate the buns, Side to the door.

The opposite happened to be the big guy who clamored to compete with Ye Shaoyang before, Ye Shaoyang didn't even look at him, just walked over, the big guy immediately hid aside, and the crowd behind him immediately dispersed, making way for Ye Shaoyang without looking back out of the gymnasium.

After walking a few hundred meters in one breath, a voice suddenly sounded behind him: "Wait!"

Ye Shaoyang looked back and saw that it was Zhang Xiaorui who was chasing him, and his heart trembled immediately: Isn't this crazy woman still unconvinced, and she still wants to compete with herself

Zhang Xiaorui ran to Ye Shaoyang in one breath, looked up at him, and said, "Ye Shaoyang, I can't beat you."

"so… "

"You are the only person in the entire university town who can beat me. I want to worship you as my teacher and learn your Maoshan martial arts!"

Ye Shaoyang stared at her with wide eyes, unable to speak for a while.

Zhang Xiaorui said: "I'm serious, your Maoshan martial arts are very good, I want to learn!"

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, scratched his head and said: "I told you last time, this is not martial arts, and Maoshan is not a martial arts school. I only use Maoshan's physical exercises for physical fitness."

Zhang Xiaorui insisted: "I don't care what it is, anyway, it's a good trick to beat people. I will learn it. You must be my master, otherwise I will consume you every day. By the way, I will say that I am your daughter when I meet everyone." Friends, you take advantage of me and leave, hehe... "

"How could you do this!" Ye Shaoyang wanted to cry, but this girl pestered him to compete in martial arts before, and now she pesters him to learn from her teacher, and her methods are so bad... You can do it, how about this, I will teach you the introductory chapter of Maoshan Taishu first, if you have the perseverance to practice, after you succeed, come to me again."

Zhang Xiaorui's eyes lit up, and he immediately said: "No problem, master, you can teach it quickly, I can't wait."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, rolled his eyes and said, "Don't call me so dear, I'm not your master, come with me." He took her out of school, asked her to wait for him at the cold drink shop, and then went to the copying agency next door...

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Shaoyang walked into the cold drink shop, called Zhang Xiaorui over, and said solemnly: "I am now teaching you Maoshan Taishu, although it is an introductory chapter, you must bear in mind that it must not be passed on, or you will be deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors... Cough cough, this is the secret book of Maoshan Taishu."

After finishing speaking, he took out a handful of printing paper, and the ink on it was still not dry, and it was randomly stapled together with staples.

"Cheats!" Pony couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

Zhang Xiaorui's expectant expression immediately froze, his face slowly turned red, and just about to get angry, Ye Shaoyang rushed to say: "This is Maoshan Taishu, I took the original and copied it, You don't care about the paper, as long as you can learn real kung fu."

Zhang Xiaorui thought so too, took it and turned a few pages, with an excited smile on his face again.

Seeing that the time is right, Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and said, "I've given you the cheat book, practice it yourself first, and call me when you finish it. By the way, this book costs five hundred, you...give it to me now? "

Zhang Xiaorui waved his hand, "Send me your card number later, and I'll give you five thousand."

Ye Shaoyang's eyes lit up, and he was about to bow his hands to thank him. Thinking that he was a master now, he had to be aloof, so he simply bid farewell and left with Xiao Ma.

"Little Yezi, you are really good at it. You cheated five thousand yuan with a stack of printing paper," Xiao Ma said with a smile while walking on the road.

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him: "Who told you that I lied to someone, I gave it to her, it is real Maoshan Physical Technique."

Xiao Ma immediately stopped and said, "No way, what did you use to copy?"

"The first chapter of Yunji Tianshu is Taishu." Ye Shaoyang patted his chest, "Don't forget that I keep a copy next to me all the time."

Xiao Ma stopped, shocked and said: "You just gave the Heavenly Book to someone?"

"Maoshan Taishu can be practiced by everyone outside the school, there is no secret." Ye Shaoyang explained, "Cultivation of Maoshan Taishu depends on hard work, it is not a magic skill to kill the enemy with one move, ordinary people can't persist, Even if she can persevere, she won't be able to enter the door for a year or so, at least during this period of time, she won't bother me anymore."

Suddenly, Xiao Ma said, "Little Ye Zi, what if she really has the perseverance to persevere, what will you do then? Do you really accept her as an apprentice?"

"This... let's talk about it." Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said, he had never thought of accepting apprentices, and the other party was almost a lunatic, but if she really had the perseverance to practice Maoshan Taishu, that was also her chance. Instead, you can consider accepting her as an outer disciple.

In Maoshan Shushu, martial arts is also a major category, which is in line with her development.

Thinking about it this way, I was selling her a chance with Maoshan, whether it will be successful is her own business, anyway, I sold a chance for 5,000 yuan, which is definitely not much, um, Dao Xin will not be affected.

Xiao Ma bumped him with his arm, and said with a smile, "Hey, otherwise you can take her in, there is an apprentice following her, tsk tsk, it's kind of stinky to think about it."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him and said, "What does it have to do with you?"

"Of course, she is your apprentice, I am your boy, equivalent to an assistant, a generation older than her, she should call me uncle, how interesting."

Ye Shaoyang smiled coldly, "Don't worry about it, you are not qualified to be my apprentice."

"You..." Xiao Ma was shocked.