Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 210: dream eater


Xiao Xie took a look, this thing looked like a person at first glance, its appearance was indescribably weird and terrifying, it was covered in green, and it seemed to be flowing with some kind of mucus. When Xiao Xie saw it, it was sitting on her shoulders, holding her neck with both hands, and sucking it up and down.

Suddenly, that thing seemed to know that he had been spotted, glanced at the mirror, immediately turned over and jumped up, trying to escape.

Ye Shaoyang had been prepared for a long time, raised his hand, and touched it on top of that thing's head. The thing made a strange cry, a puff of black smoke came out of its body, rolled around on the ground a few times, lay down on the ground, and looked at Ye Shaoyang viciously.

After the real body was broken, it no longer just appeared under the gossip mirror, but everyone could see it. After Xiao Xie came back to his senses, he screamed and retreated to the door. Tang Hai opened his arms and stood in front of her. Before him, he also had a look of fear and cold sweat dripping down his face.

Xiao Ma and Lao Guo were just taken aback, and then began to study this thing.

"What the hell is this?" Xiao Ma stood beside Xiao Xie, staring at the green ghost and said, with only curiosity in his tone, without a trace of fear.

"Dream eating ghosts," Lao Guo said, "Ghosts born of the yin are very common in the underworld. When they come to the underworld, they like to drink women's sweat to practice. They drink sweat first, and then blood..."

Xiao Ma touched his chin, shook his head, and said with emotion: "It's really ugly."

Xiao Xie was about to faint from fright, but when she heard Xiao Ma still commenting on how the ghost looked, she couldn't believe it immediately, and murmured: "Aren't you... not afraid?"

"I can fight well, don't be afraid." Old Guo smiled.

"I can't beat it, but I'm not afraid." Xiao Ma pouted at Ye Shaoyang, "Isn't he here? There's nothing to be afraid of."

Xiao Xie and Tang Hai immediately turned their attention to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang leaned over to look at the evil-looking, terrifying-looking green-skinned ghost, with a relaxed expression, but the ghost was very nervous, kept backing away, suddenly let out a desperate roar, kicked his legs, and faced Ye Shaoyang rushed over, opened his mouth, and spit out a mouthful of green liquid.

Ye Shaoyang immediately drew out the peach wood sword, held the sword flower in front of him, swung the liquid away without leaking, turned his head to look, and saw that it all fell on the wall, emitting a stench, and could not help but cursed: "Damn it, ruin my house!" So dirty!"

Looking up, the dream eater had rushed to the opposite side, but instead of attacking, it made a strange sound from its throat, and colorful lights flashed in its eyes, changing rapidly, and it made me a little dizzy after watching for a long time. Xiao Xie and the others immediately became dizzy and felt an urge to fall asleep.

"At this time, I still want to confuse people's hearts, so I won't spare you!" Ye Shaoyang made a volley, pinched a formula, and patted the Dream Eater on the head. The Dream Eater still wanted to resist, but Ye Shaoyang patted and pulled him easily Grabbing it, he squeezed a magic talisman with his right hand, stuck it on, and put it away in an instant.

I touched my hand, and it was full of green mucus. This kind of liquid with ghostly yin energy is corrosive to the human body, but it has no effect on Ye Shaoyang at all. It just makes him feel sick, so I went to the bathroom to wash my hands, When he came out, he found that Xiao Xie and Tang Hai were still standing there, staring at him with wide eyes.

"No, all right?" Xiao Xie asked tremblingly.

"It's okay, what can I do?" Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glanced at the wall splashed by the green water. The room was full of stench, and he turned to Xiaoma and said, "Here... two hundred yuan, go and clean the wall." Wipe clean."

"Only two hundred?" Xiao Ma was very upset.

"Two hundred is still less? If you have money, you will become an uncle, right? Do you like to do it or not?"

Xiao Ma thought, sparrows are also meat, and it only took half an hour to wipe the wall. Two hundred yuan is indeed a lot outside, so he went to the bathroom to fetch a bucket of water, found a rag, and wiped the wall. Ye Shaoyang He and Lao Guo also took brooms and mops to clean up the liquid that spilled on the ground. In this way, the two of Xiao Xie were completely left alone.

Xiao Xie stared at them with wide eyes, thinking that these three mages are so powerful, but this is too life-like, they are just a few housewives and men, without any sense of immortality.

"Tianshi Ye..." Xiao Xie finally couldn't help crying timidly.

"Don't be lazy, you have to wipe the ceiling!" Ye Shaoyang scolded the pony, and while wiping the floor, he turned around and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Where's the... ghost?" Xiao Xie asked, "Are you taking it?"


"What it is?"

Ye Shaoyang thought that customers have the right to know the truth, so he briefly explained the situation of the Dream Eater. After listening to Xiao Xie, he suddenly realized.

"No wonder I've been having nightmares lately, so it's the cause..." Xiao Xie rubbed his neck and murmured, thinking that his neck was itchy all the time in the past few days, it turned out that this evil spirit has been sitting on his shoulder , licking his own neck, trembling all over, feeling horrible and disgusting.

"Well, Ye Tianshi, it was caught by you, so it won't harass me anymore, right?"

"of course not."

Xiao Xie let out a sigh of relief, glanced at him gratefully, and said, "Please give me the bank account number, Tianshi Ye, and I will send you the money when I get back."

"What's the rush, it won't be too late after the matter is done." Ye Shaoyang turned the mop across, looked at her and said.

Xiao Xie was taken aback, and asked dumbly: "I don't understand, isn't the matter over, and the ghost has been caught."

"You mean this?" Ye Shaoyang pointed to the talisman in his hand. "This ghost is only worth 20,000 yuan. Because you asked me to do it, I caught it for you for free. There is another ghost on your body, and that ghost is worth 300,000 yuan, or even more."

"Ah!" Xiao Xie trembled.

The rest of the people were also taken aback, including Lao Guo. Lao Guo wiped his eyes with a horse chestnut, and then saw that Xiao Xie was full of yin, but he couldn't find where the ghost was.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Xiao Xie and said, "It's impossible that none of the sorcerers you looked for were knowledgeable. Why were they driven away? It has nothing to do with this dream eater, but the evil thing on your body is too fierce. They didn't dare to make a move at all."

As soon as these words were said, Xiao Xie almost couldn't stand anymore, and pleaded in a trembling voice: "What is that ghost and where is it, I beg the Archmage to help me catch it quickly."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and said: "That thing is not on your body, and I can't tell what it is. I can only tell by the intensity of Yin Qi. This guy is very powerful."

Xiao Xie said in a daze, "Then why did it leave me suddenly?"

"Because you came to my place, it is afraid of me, unless it is a last resort, it absolutely does not want to offend me."

It is normal for people to be afraid of ghosts, but facing a Maoshan celestial master, whether it is a ghost in the world or the underworld, they will hide away when they encounter him. No one dares to touch his bad luck. Offend him.

So Ye Shaoyang was just expressing a fact, he felt nothing, but when it stopped in Xiao Xie's ears, he was very surprised, felt that he had finally met a peerless expert, and immediately begged: "Please save me, Great Master!" !"

"I'll take the money and take care of it," Ye Shaoyang looked at her, "but I'm also curious, how could you, an ordinary person, offend such a vicious creature?"