Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 223: Black dog blood


Ye Shaoyang was overjoyed, and said, "How much are you talking about? How are you packing it?"

"We bought a large number of blood bags for blood transfusion, the kind that weighs two catties a bag. We added some magic medicine to the black dog's blood, and then they were sealed and shipped here."

Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded, "So much black dog blood, where did you find it?"

Wang Ting smiled slightly, "Slaughterhouse."

Under the leadership of Wang Ting, everyone went down the mountain and came to a pile of rocks at the foot of the mountain. Teng Yongqing moved a rock, and there was a big pit under it, which was filled with bags of black dog blood, and there were many others tied with red cloth. What came up, Ye Shaoyang guessed that it was something needed by witchcraft, so he didn't ask carefully.

"How did these things get transported to the mountains?" Ye Shaoyang asked wonderingly.

Wang Ting replied that it is only twenty or thirty miles from here to the nearest small town. Although there is no road, the trend in the middle of the mountain is relatively flat. Cars cannot be driven, but carts can be used. As long as you are not afraid of hard work, you can come here. These things were transported by carts during the previous night.

Ye Shaoyang remembered that just now, Jin Shuai also used a cart to pull the boy into the ditch of the dead, probably using the same method as Wang Ting and the others. I thought to myself that it was really not easy for these people to pull the cart to this mountain.

Everyone worked together, and used a glue bag to move out all the black dog blood bags, and found a hidden place. Ye Shaoyang asked for two backpacks to be filled, and the extra blood bags were used A red string was strung around the pony's waist.

Then everyone sat down, made a plan, and decided to divide into two teams. One team would make trouble on it, disrupt the position of the blood wizards, sneak attack them, and cooperate with the other team to attack from the front of the dead man's ditch.

"I repeat," Ye Shaoyang said, "this is a society ruled by law. Our goal is to capture Jin Shuai and snatch the corpse king's coffin. We cannot take the initiative to kill people. But if those blood wizards hurt us, we don't have to show mercy. It doesn't matter if we kill one or two." These are Xie Yuqing's original words."

Everyone nods.

Then we discussed personnel allocation, because the team at the bottom of the mountain was the main attack point, so everyone suggested that Ye Shaoyang and Qin Xiaohui should cooperate with each other and attack by force.

"Monk and Xiaoting, sneak attack on the mountain." Ye Shaoyang said, "The monk stayed, on the one hand, to sneak attack, but more to pay attention to the fighting situation below, and help me at a critical moment."

"Xiao Yezi, what about me?" Xiao Ma saw that everyone had made arrangements, but he didn't mention himself, so he was not only a little anxious.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Of course you are with me."

"Together with you?" Xiao Ma pointed to a string of blood bags hanging around his waist, "Then why should I bring this black dog's blood?"

Ye Shaoyang raised his eyebrows: "Tell me, among the four beasts used for sacrifices, except for the last one, which is cattle and pigs, why are horses used instead of dogs, which are more commonly eaten?"

Xiao Ma was startled, and said, "Because the blood of the black dog can ward off evil spirits?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and smiled obscenely: "Think about it, when they use the blood of eight kinds of beasts to pay homage to the corpse king, and when the old guy enjoys drinking down there, let's pour the blood of this black dog into it..."

The pony's face immediately glowed with excitement, and he shouted: "Let that old clapper have a good drink, haha, this is sour, good, good, I will do it!"

Qin Xiaohui suggested that the people in the valley are scattered now, so don't do anything for now, and wait until night, when they start the sacrifice, concentrate the people and attack while the chaos is in order to have a better chance of winning.

Ye Shaoyang expressed his support, so the group first found a hidden place to hide, and then Ye Shaoyang went to a place with mobile phone signal, called Xie Yuqing, and told her the plan, so that she can bring people over now.

Teng Yongqing volunteered to go to the top of the mountain to monitor the actions below, while the others hid in the jungle until dark. In order to avoid being discovered, they did not light a fire to cook, and everyone ate some dry food brought by Wang Ting and the other.

Originally, Ye Shaoyang wanted to wait for Xie Yuqing to arrive, let her and her people be responsible for the response, and then start to act on his side, but after eight o'clock, Xie Yuqing hadn't arrived yet, at this time Teng Yongqing quickly ran down from the mountain, nervous Said: "They have already started offering sacrifices, slaughtering those poultry and livestock!"

Ye Shaoyang looked around the crowd and said: "Then we can't wait, let's get started, let's try to get in from the ditch of the dead, as far as we can go, once you are surrounded by people, you will throw blood bags on it!" Ye Shaoyang explained the strategy discussed before.

Then the five people were divided into two groups, Teng Yongqing and Wang Ting went up the mountain with two big blood bags on their backs, and Ye Shaoyang and the three rushed to Dead Man's Valley.

Ye Shaoyang bit the tip of his tongue, and used his blood to draw a palm thunder on the pony's right hand. This palm thunder can only last for about fifteen minutes, so it must be painted now.

"Is this thing good against wizards?" Pony said, looking at the palm of his hand.

"Of course not, this one can only deal with ghosts and monsters. If a blood wizard troubles you, you can deal with him as you would deal with ordinary people!"

"Beating people, I'm good at this." Pony grinned, "Liang Chen has at least a hundred ways to deal with him."

When they came to the Dead Man’s Ditch, everyone realized that there was no hope of a surprise attack: in the Dead Man’s Ditch, every ten or twenty meters, there was a torch inserted on the ground, which was not brightly lit, but basically there were no blind spots to hide. And every two or three torches, there is a man in black guarding there.

Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Hooking Rope. After using it a few times, Ye Shaoyang felt that this thing was very handy. Especially in the current situation, the soul hook can not only kill ghosts, but it can also be used to deal with people. It is also a very powerful weapon, much more powerful than the mahogany sword.

Looking back, Tan Xiaohui took out two money darts and held them between her fingers. The pony was carrying a wooden stick picked up from the woods and was holding it in his hand, looking like a bum.

"There's nothing to say now, I'll go first, play by ear, the target rushes to the altar in one go!"

"Wait a minute, while there is a signal, I'll send a text message to Wang Ping." After Xiao Ma finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and typed quickly.

Ye Shaoyang said angrily: "Why are you so anxious to send a text message, after you come out, you will have plenty of opportunities!"

"I'm just afraid that I won't have a chance to come out." Xiao Ma smiled, "It's so dangerous, if I die, at least I have to explain to others."

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and he said, "Don't worry, you will be fine."

After the pony finished his short breath, Ye Shaoyang unleashed Maoshan volley, clinging to the rocks on one side of the ravine, and ran forward at a high speed, with only one thought in his mind: catch Jin Shuai, and prevent the resurrection of the blood gu corpse king!

He ran extremely fast, and ran under the second torch in one breath, only to be spotted by the man in black robe not far in front. Before showing his tricks, Ye Shaoyang rushed to the front, flicked the hook, whipped the whip on his face, flew out, hit the rock with his head, and passed out.