Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 224: Peeling Bee


When running past him, Ye Shaoyang saw a black triangle-shaped snake coming out of his sleeve, and thought that this was probably a trick he hadn't had time to use.

With a flick of his hand, he took out three five emperor coins, cut off the snake's head, and a stream of foul-smelling black blood flowed out into the grass, and the plants withered immediately.

Ye Shaoyang galloped forward again, pounced on the second person...

Above the cliff, Wang Ting and Teng Yongqing ran to the top of the corresponding altar in one breath. Looking down, a group of blood wizards were lined up neatly, kneeling in front of the altar. Jin Shuai commanded several people to slaughter the four animals and throw them into different places. In the sacrificial pool, eight blood lines gradually flowed along the blood groove to the middle of the coffin, and merged together near the three jade rings.

Teng Yongqing looked at this scene and wondered: "Like those poultry, there is not much blood, especially the pigeons, is it useful?"

Based on her guess, Wang Ting explained: "The blood of poultry and livestock is only a part of the sacrifice, and it is the least important component, followed by the soul of pets and the eyes of servants..."

Before she could finish speaking, she saw Jin Shuai himself holding a square tripod, placing it on the altar, opening the lid, reaching in, bringing out a lively thing, holding it in the palm of his hand, and then putting a torch on it. It was just like lighting up for Wang Ting and the other two. When I looked closely, it turned out to be a green toad with countless red bumps on its body. Under the firelight, there was a gloomy and cold light. It looked disgusting. .

"This is... a blood toad!" Wang Ting said with her eyes wide open, "Five Poison Gu Spirits!"

"What?" Teng Yongqing was also very curious about these Gu arts.

"Snakes, scorpions, centipedes, toads, poisonous lizards, choose five three-year-old males, lock them in the medicine cauldron, let them eat each other, the last one left, no matter what it is, is the five poisonous Gu spirit, and then use human Blood feeding..." Wang Ting slapped her forehead and said, "I understand, this is the so-called pet soul!"

Sure enough, Jin Shuai asked someone to bring a banana leaf, which was covered with sawdust. After it was lit, it baked the blood toad's body. The blood toad couldn't stand the heat and couldn't help struggling. Holding an ox horn in his hand, he put it on the head of the blood toad. While roasting it with fire, he chanted incomprehensible spells. After a while, the blood toad stared at his legs and died. Wisps of black air left his body , got into the horns...

"The soul was taken away." Wang Ting murmured, "For the sacrifice, they even offered the precious five poisonous Gu spirits."

I saw Jin Shuai holding the bull's horns in his hand and placing them respectfully among the three jade rings. Then, Jin Shuai came to the group of men in black robes and ordered one at random. The man came to the altar without hesitation, and used a Put the dagger in your own eye...

"My God, the servant's eye!"

"These people volunteered their lives voluntarily. It's terrible..." Teng Yongqing proclaimed the Buddha's name, and looking over, the group of men in black were carrying the boy who had been pulled by a cart to the altar, and tied him up with ropes...

Wang Ting immediately yelled: "They want to take the heart of the enemy, we have to save this boy, we can't let him die!"

When the two of them took out the blood of the black dog and were about to smash it down, the group of men in black suddenly retreated to the original place and knelt down again. Jin Shuai also knelt down facing the altar and chanted something together in a low voice. I can't see the meaning of ending. It seems that there are still some cumbersome procedures before the real living sacrifice.

At this moment, a man in black robes stumbled in from the direction of Taniguchi, approached Jin Shuai, and said something in a panic. Jin Shuai immediately ordered two people to stand by the altar, and the rest rushed to Taniguchi together.

"Brother Shaoyang must have gone in, let's rush over to help!" After Wang Ting finished speaking, she ran towards Taniguchi,

Teng Yongqing asked in puzzlement: "Why didn't they hurry up and complete the sacrifice, and release the blood gu corpse king, who can beat it?"

Wang Ting turned her head and glanced at the coffin. The three jade rings moistened with blood were slowly spinning. The imprint on it lit up little by little, oozing blood upwards.

"They must be in a hurry, but I guess the locker hasn't been opened yet, so they have no choice but to wait."

In the valley, Ye Shaoyang knocked a black-robed man flying with his palm, and after he fell to the ground, he remembered that he was hit on the back of the head with a sap, and passed out.

"Hmph, what kind of blood wizard, I let you do it!" Xiao Ma proudly shook his stick. Others were desperately trying to make up the knife behind him. come over,

"Be careful!" Tan Xiaohui reminded loudly, but she stopped moving forward, sat on the ground, put the Fang Ding used before in front of her, poured some strange powder into it, and then cut her thumb, With a pinch of the fingers, a string of blood flowed into Fang Ding, then covered the net cover, and began to chant the mantra.

Over there, when Jin Shuai saw Ye Shaoyang, he was taken aback, "You, you, you, how did you find this place!" Seeing Tan Xiaohui not far behind, his expression was even more panicked.

How did he know that Tan Xiaohui and the others knew his actions well, and thought they had kept everyone from it. But he immediately understood one thing. Now that Tan Xiaohui and Ye Shaoyang are stuck in this valley of the dead, he will either die or the net will be broken.

"I'm here to give you the Book of Heaven." Ye Shaoyang smiled harmlessly, his eyes fell on his sunken eye, "Fortunately you still have one eye, otherwise I'll give you the Book of Heaven, you There is no way to see it."

Xiao Ma also joined in the fun and shouted loudly: "One-eyed pockmark, are there no blood wizards left, and I choose you, an ugly ghost, as the boss."

Jin Shuai was so stimulated that his whole body trembled and his chest heaved violently, but he was still not overwhelmed by anger. He knew that in close combat, these people together might not be Ye Shaoyang's opponent, so he ordered the three of them to do it immediately. The rest stepped back temporarily.

The three of them immediately clasped their hands together, like a magic seal in Taoism, muttering words, a black air flew out from the hem of the clothes of the three of them, circled to the ground, gathered in one place, and formed a black monster: There are three snake heads on the upper body, but on both sides of the head, there are a pair of huge pliers, the tail is raised high, and a finger-length spike sticks out from the tip, and green liquid flows down.

"This is snake and scorpion Gu!" Tan Xiaohui's voice came from behind, "Be careful!"

After speaking, he picked up Fang Ding and blew hard on the net cover. A lot of sparks flew out from the net cover, and immediately turned into countless bees in the air, flying towards Jin Shuai and others.

"Picking bee, go back!" Jin Shuai yelled loudly.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned when he heard that, "Picking skin bee, what do you mean?" How do bees peel their skins