Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 245: Corpse


Naturally, no one could answer this question, so he had to put it aside for now. Ye Shaoyang faced the female ghost and asked sharply, "Who is your name? Why did you attack me? If you don't tell the truth, I'll kill you right away!"

The female ghost didn't say a word, her long hair covered her face, her hands were hanging in front of her body, motionless.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt puzzled, his soul flew away, and for a ghost, it was the worst result. Although he could gather his soul after hundreds of years, his cultivation would be in vain, so once a ghost is restrained, it is said that In a word, even if you don't beg for mercy, you will definitely show fear, but the ghost in front of you doesn't respond. Is it really not afraid of death to this extent

Even Xiao Ma was surprised, and said, "Why doesn't this ghost respond, can't it be deaf?"

Ye Shaoyang gave him a blank look, how can a ghost be deaf, unless the soul is incomplete, and he was blocked from listening to heaven, but he can feel that this ghost has a complete soul, and tried to talk to her a few times, but there was still no response, and he frowned and thought, Suddenly thought of a possibility, took out a magic talisman, dipped his hand in cinnabar, quickly drew a few lines, stuck it on the female ghost's forehead, read the mantra once, and shouted: "Break!"

A ghostly aura erupted from the female ghost. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly came to her side, looked back, and immediately took a deep breath. Sure enough, behind the female ghost, there were seven red ropes, which went into the seven ghost holes in her body, and stretched straight. Extending into the depths of the woods, blocked by trees, the source cannot be seen.

"Seven ropes fix the soul!" Ye Shaoyang screamed, and immediately pulled out the soul-killing nail, and slashed at the seven red ropes, but the female ghost suddenly flew backwards, avoiding the soul-killing nail and waving both hands at the same time. Immediately, the nearby cherry blossom tree shook violently, and the cherry blossoms flew all over the sky, blocking Ye Shaoyang's sight.

Ye Shaoyang slashed down with his sword, shattering the ghost energy condensed on the cherry blossoms, and the cherry blossoms rustled down. Ye Shaoyang raised his eyes and looked, but there was no sign of the female ghost.

"Where's the female ghost?" Xiao Ma asked.

"Been pulled back."

"Who pulled it, and where did it go?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't answer. Although he has some speculations about this matter, it's better not to make wild guesses until he knows the truth.

Ye Shaoyang held the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword and continued to walk around the cherry blossom garden. Xiao Ma and the two followed behind. Xiao Ma suddenly slapped his forehead and said, "I see that girl - bah, that female ghost is dressed like a student." , could it be Xiaohui's cousin?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved. When the female ghost was just taken away, he thought of this possibility.

Xiao Ma then said regretfully: "It's a pity that I didn't see her face. Otherwise, go back and describe it to Xiao Hui, and you will know if it is true."

Ye Shaoyang didn't feel any regrets, anyway, this is the last ghost formation, everything is here, maybe soon, he will be able to find out the truth of all the mysteries.

Thinking of this, I felt a little excited in my heart, and walked faster.

A few minutes later, the three of them walked out of the cherry blossom garden. Looking up, there was a cliff on the opposite side. There was a small open space between the cliff and the cherry blossom garden. In the middle was a tall mausoleum surrounded by a cement stone platform. On the stele, the name of the owner of the tomb is written on it, which is a man named Ma Duyuan.

"The one buried here must be an elder of the Ma family, but I don't know which one it is." Old Guo said, walking around to the back of the tombstone, he suddenly said "Hey" in surprise, "Little brother, come and have a look!"

Ye Shaoyang walked over immediately. Behind the tomb, there was a well with an octagonal mouth.

"The water is so clear," Xiao Ma squatted down, curiously wanting to take a handful of water to have a look.

Ye Shaoyang immediately grabbed him, stared and said: "Are you courting death, Grandma Seven is right below!"

"What!" Xiao Ma and Lao Guo were startled, they took several steps back and stared at Ye Shaoyang in a daze.

Ye Shaoyang ignored them. They lay down by the well and looked into the water. They saw that the wall of the well was only two or three meters deep, and there was a huge underwater space below, which was so dense that it was impossible to see through it. Under the water... there seemed to be a tree

I sensed it with my mind, and found that the space around the well had only a faint yin qi, without a trace of ghost or monster aura, which further proved my inference, but...why is there a corpse qi

Ye Shaoyang turned around, looked at the tomb for a while, and said, "There is something wrong with the corpse below."

Xiao Ma immediately asked, "What's the problem?"

Ye Shaoyang only thought about the corpse, and said casually: "I don't know, I have to dig it out to find out."

As soon as I looked up, I saw Xiaoma coming with an engineering shovel in his hand, stuck on the grave mound, and was about to shovel the soil, so he immediately pulled him together with Lao Guo.

"Damn it, you're crazy!" Ye Shaoyang scolded.

Xiao Ma blinked, "What's the matter, don't you want me to dig a grave?"

"That's what I said, what the hell, if you dare to dig the Ma family's ancestral grave, you will die!"

"I..." Xiaoma came back to his senses at this time, and said in a whisper: "Didn't you say that there is something wrong with the corpse, if it is a zombie or something, let's help kill it, and it will be good for his family, right?"

Ye Shaoyang scolded: "What good! Do you make sense with others? I met Ma Cheng and told him that when I dug his family's grave, I found that his ancestors had turned into zombies. I kindly wiped them out. You said he would Won't you hack me to death?"

Lao Guo also stepped forward to reprimand the pony for acting recklessly.

Xiao Ma scratched the back of his head and said, "We can't dig the grave, so how can we verify what's wrong with the corpse?"

"Of course there is a way."

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he took out a blank talisman, drew a few strokes with cinnabar, and made it into a trial talisman, then pulled the longest grass from the grave, wrapped it in the trial talisman, held it with both hands, and brought it to his mouth , recited the mantra silently, and then blew on the trial talisman, opened it, and saw that the grass had shrunk into a pile of burnt ashes.

Ye Shaoyang dipped a little bit with his finger, put it into his mouth and tasted it, Xiao Ma watched eagerly from the side, and said, "What does it taste like?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Lao Guo and said, "Flesh corpse."

"Shredded pork?" Pony was stunned, "Can this thing still taste like shredded pork?"

Ye Shaoyang gave him a hard look, "Don't interrupt me! I'm talking business!"

Pony curled his lips and fell silent.

When Lao Guo heard the word "meat corpse", he immediately frowned, and said, "Sure enough, it is the number of nine lines, nine lines arch the moon, and this well is the 'moon'?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded, walked to the rock, and observed it carefully. Although it was a cliff, it was not completely flat. Ye Shaoyang kept looking, speculated and memorized every possible place to stay, and then rolled up his sleeves. Quickly climb up.