Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 25: ghost reporter


Ye Shaoyang took a look, Xiaoma was more addicted this time, and it was difficult to summon the soul with ordinary methods, so he immediately cut his middle finger, put a drop of blood on the other person's acupuncture point, and then patted on the left and right shoulders to help him light the sky lantern , Recited the soul-attracting mantra once, protruded the middle finger, and pressed hard on his dantian.

Xiao Ma suddenly opened his eyes, grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand, and shouted loudly: "Little Ye Zi, help!"

"Stop shouting, you're already awake."

Xiao Ma looked around, let out a sigh of relief, wiped off his sweat, and murmured: "I was so scared to death, I almost fell off the cliff."

Ye Shaoyang looked back at the painting on the wall, it had been restored to its original state, with cliffs and remnants of rocks, and lonely pavilions towering, very artistic.

After Xiao Ma recovered, he talked about his experience of falling into a dream. It was almost the same as last time. He somehow appeared on that mountain. This time without Ye Shaoyang's reminder, he didn't know that he was in a dream, and he climbed up to the top of the mountain in a daze. Walking into the small pavilion, surrounded by gentle breeze and misty clouds, I felt pretty good at first, but suddenly, the ground tilted towards the direction of the cliff.

"Although I was in a dream, I still had the instinct to escape. However, the surroundings of that pitiful pavilion seemed to be sealed by an air wall, and I couldn't get out. Then the top of the mountain collapsed. Fortunately, you woke me up at a critical moment! Little Yezi , Don’t say thank you for your kindness, in your next life, you can become a beautiful woman and let me serve you.”

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him sideways, "You are enough, you just came back from the gate of hell, and you are still in the mood to joke."

Xiao Ma chuckled, "With you here, I have nothing to be afraid of. Anyway, you will definitely save me."

Ye Shaoyang was very sad in his heart, the first friend he made after going down the mountain, why was this kind of rascal

Through their narration, Lao Guo also heard some eyebrows, frowned and said: "Little brother, this matter is very troublesome."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "It's very troublesome. This guy can draw people's souls into the painting, and can also change the scene in the painting, and use it to kill people. , I was right next to it, and I didn't notice it coming at all... This guy is really not an ordinary ghost."

Turning his eyes to Xiao Ma's face, he said: "The first time it was an accident, but now the same thing happened again, they must be targeting you, please recall carefully, what unusual things have you done recently, huh? "

Xiao Ma frowned and thought for a while, then murmured: "Using a telescope to peek at the girls' dormitory, is it considered... unusual?"

"You should be serious, people are not afraid of me at all now, as long as you sleep, they can kill you at any time, if you are not afraid of death, of course I don't care about you."

Xiao Ma panicked when he heard this, and after thinking for a long time, he raised his head with an aggrieved face: "I really haven't done anything, maybe... I have done something, but I can't remember it, please give me some hints."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, "If I knew the reason, why would I still ask you a ghost?" But after thinking about it carefully, many people get into trouble with ghosts because of unintentional or accidental actions. If there is no hint, it is really difficult to find a clue.

After thinking about it, Ye Shaoyang turned around and asked Lao Guo: "Is there a ghost in Shicheng?"

"Of course, if you want, I'll find you a reliable one."

After paying the bill, the three of them went back to Ye Shaoyang's room together. Xiao Ma asked ambiguously in the elevator: "What is a ghost prostitute?"

"The underworld arranges ghost messengers in the human world to wander in a fixed area and be responsible for picking up new souls. Since they stay in one place for a long time, they know a lot about local supernatural information. Just like entertainment reporters in the world, we in the magic world We jokingly call them Ghost Notes."

Xiao Ma wiped off his sweat, "It turned out to be a ghost reporter, I was taken aback, I thought you were looking for a female ghost to do your service..."

Ye Shaoyang kicked his ass.

Back in the room, Ye Shaoyang cleared the things on the bedside table, took out the gossip mirror from his backpack, placed it on it, wrote three vertical lines on the mirror with a cinnabar pen, lit two yellow candles, and placed them on both sides of the copper mirror , took out a piece of blank talisman paper, asked Lao Guo to write the name of the ghost with a cinnabar pen, burned it on the candle, all the smoke floated into the bronze mirror, and a black figure appeared from the mirror, it was actually a A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes!

"It's so fashionable." Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself.

"Ghosts have to keep pace with the times." Ghost Ji smiled, and looked Ye Shaoyang up and down, "Which faction is the new mage?"

Lao Guo came up and said respectfully: "This is my junior brother, an inner disciple of Maoshan, the celestial master tablet, just came down from the mountain, ask Mr. Zhang for something."

Mr. Zhang looked surprised, cupped his hands and said: "You are so young, it is the tablet of the celestial master, I am disrespectful and disrespectful. You are several years younger than when Daofeng came down the mountain."

"You know my elder brother?"

Mr. Zhang took out a small book from his pocket, turned to a certain page, and said: "On the second day of October 1996, he asked me about the whereabouts of a green-haired zombie in Nancheng, and owed me twenty incense candles." , Ten knives of paper money, never gave it to me. If you see him, remember to remind him to pay the bill. "

Ye Shaoyang smiled, "I'll pay for it together after I ask the questions later."

Mr. Zhang said with a smile: "One yard is one yard, this is the rule, but you are his younger brother, I can accept it for him to pay the bill. What do you want to ask?"

Ye Shaoyang organized his language and said: "There is a guy, I don't know what it is, I suspect it is an evil spirit, who can bring people's souls into paintings, change the scenes in the paintings, and destroy people's souls. May I ask Mr. Zhang, Do you know where this guy came from?"

Mr. Zhang took out an abacus from behind, clicked it, raised his head, and said, "Thirty incense candles, fifteen paper money."

"It's easy to say." Ye Shaoyang snapped his fingers, in a good mood, originally with the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect this ghost to really know.

Mr. Zhang smiled in satisfaction, and said: "This is an evil spirit. I don't know the date of birth, the origin, and the purpose of coming to Shicheng... I don't know either."

Ye Shaoyang almost vomited blood, "What is this, cheating money?"

Mr. Zhang was not angry, and said with a smile: "I was a ghost messenger in the third year of Tongzhi. At that time, it was already in Shicheng. Knowing how long it's been around, it's never harmed anyone, and I can't do anything about it."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, "Is it harmless?"

"No harm, your senior brother Daofeng dealt with it back then and didn't destroy it. The only thing I can tell you is that it is a person in the painting."

"The person in the painting..." Ye Shaoyang was stunned, no wonder it can shuttle into every painting, it turned out to be a natural attribute. The people in the paintings are psychic, and there have been many such things. Due to some chances, or the advice of an expert, the people in the paintings are gradually psychic and can walk out of the painting. For example, Yan Ruyu in Liaozhai is the person in the painting.

The people in the painting are essentially evil spirits, but they have no grievances and generally rarely cause trouble. The purpose of their existence is to cultivate and strive towards the immortal position. Therefore, Ye Shaoyang couldn't understand why an evil spirit that never harmed anyone came to harass Xiao Ma twice and three times, and almost killed him? Or... is it targeting itself

Ye Shaoyang pondered for a moment, then asked: "How can I find it?"

Mr. Zhang said: "It has a cave in Donghua Mountain, but it never goes back. As far as I know, it wanders around every day. When it sees a painting with a good view, it will go in and live there for a while."

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, this evil spirit lived a more carefree life than himself as a sorcerer.

"There is another clue, which is provided to you for free. Three years ago, it was very close to a female student in the university town. Later, the female student died, and it disappeared for a long time. It only appeared recently."

Ye Shaoyang was startled, "University town? Which university?"

"Stone City University of Technology."

Xiao Ma was stunned, and said in shock: "Is the girl who died called Chen Lin?"

Mr. Zhang made up his mind: "This is irrelevant. If you want to know, add another ten knives."

Ye Shaoyang smiled wryly, "No problem."

Mr. Zhang smiled with satisfaction: "It's Chen Lin."

Xiao Ma slowly opened his mouth wide, reached into his pocket, took out his wallet, pulled out a photo, faced Ye Shaoyang, and murmured: "It's her..."