Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 260: Suspension view


Xiao Ma rubbed his nose and said, "It's boy urine and corpse oil, no wonder it smells so bad, but what kind of chicken is a black chicken?"

"The roosters of the Nuqing chicken are all black, especially the comb blood, which can best suppress ghosts and demons." Lao Guo explained to him for the sake of his hard work.

Xiao Ma counted with his fingers: "There is also black donkey hoof blood, black dog eye blood and so on. Is it because the blood in specific parts has spirituality? I don't understand what is so special about the black pig's nose? Pigs are so stupid."

"One thing can control one thing. Pigs are very sensitive to evil spirits. Pigs raised in rural areas can often dig snakes out of the ground to eat." After Lao Guo finished speaking, he took out a wall-painting roller from his mountaineering bag and put it on the wall. The two disassembled handles were joined, dipped in the jar, and brushed from the ends to the burlap spread on the floor.

Ye Shaoyang opened another jar that Lao Guo had brought over, took out a red string that had been soaked overnight in red nitrate, hung it on the ink fountain, then took out a dust mask and put it on his face.

Xiao Ma was stunned when he saw it: "This thing can also catch ghosts?"

"I'm afraid of stink!" Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, pulled out the red line with the ink fountain, and flicked it down along the part where Lao Guo had painted the blood of the four black beasts...

After working for a while, Ye Shaoyang handed the ink fountain to Xiao Ma, and asked him to continue to work. He carried a backpack full of copper coins and copper beans, and sprinkled them all the way on the cotton cloth that had been printed with red nipples. Lao Guo also changed hands to let him Teng Yongqing brushed his blood, took out hundreds of talismans that Ye Shaoyang had drawn before, and pasted them on the red silk cloth where the nine astrolabes were located. The four of them were busy with their own tasks. It took almost two hours to finish their work one after another, and then they returned to the open space to rest.

Ye Shaoyang took out the small bottle containing gold powder and mithril powder that Lao Guo had given him before, opened it, drew three talismans, and then drew a gossip seal with cinnabar on the position of the last astrolabe on the opposite side, and pasted the talisman on it, Only then did he let out a sigh of relief, "Okay, it's done."

The burlap was stained red because of the blood, and it looked like a carpet, winding and extending to the depths of the woods. Teng Yongqing looked up and said with emotion: "Ye Tianshi is amazing, the four black beasts Blood, red nitrate seals, copper coins and beans, hundreds of talismans... a total of four insurances, even if ten ghost heads come, they have to be accounted for here. But such a big formation, only Ye Tianshi's mana can sustain it. Get up."

Xiao Ma immediately said: "And you and Xiao Yezi are doing tricks, by the way, Xiaohui is also a powerful monster, and with her help, I guess it will be all right?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly. With his own arrangement, even if the blood gu corpse king was reborn, he would definitely not be able to break through to the ninth astrolabe, but the problem is... that Seventh Aunt has been suppressed by the Five Elements Formation, and has never really made a move , everyone only knows that she is a demon spirit, and no one knows how strong her cultivation is, so everything is still unknown.

Lao Guo looked at everything he had arranged with his own hands, and said with distress: "Little brother, I spent at least 70,000 to 80,000 to prepare these materials. I have a bill..."

"After it's done, you can ask Xiaoru to pay the bill."

As soon as Xiao Ma heard the money, he hurriedly told Lao Guo: "There is also my labor fee, the more the better, although it is Xiao Yezi's money, hehe."

Teng Yongqing frowned and asked Ye Shaoyang, "Why is it your money?"

"Listen to his nonsense!" Ye Shaoyang gave Xiao Ma a blank look, stood up and clapped his hands and said, "I'm done with the arrangement, go back and find Xiaohui, the most critical part needs to be completed by her."

A group of people left the cemetery and drove back to the urban area. On the way, Ye Shaoyang called Zhou Jingru and asked about Xiaohui's whereabouts. After learning that she had returned to the hotel, he was relieved. Come back, many magic medicines have a time limit, and I can't afford to wait. After thinking about it, I called Xie Yuqing again and asked her to prepare two of the brightest portable flashlights and bring them to the hotel.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang fell into deep thought. After a long time, he turned around and asked Lao Guo: "Brother, do you know where the Xuankong Temple is?"

Old Guo was taken aback, and looked at him, "You don't even know, how could I know."

"I have been in Maoshan for many years, and I went down the mountain with Master to consecrate, and they were all in the vicinity. I just heard about many things. Brother, you have traveled all over the world, and you must know more than me."

While driving, Lao Guo frowned and said, "When I was in Southern Fujian Province, I heard that Xuankong Guan was on a suspended mountain, but because of the suspension, people couldn't go up..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Impossible, there is no real suspended mountain, otherwise it would have caused a sensation in the world."

"Anyway, I haven't heard of anyone who has been to Xuankong Temple," Lao Guo shrugged, "By the way, why are you asking this?"

"I heard from Master that there is a Tower of Ten Thousand Demons in Xuankong Temple..."

Old Guo understood it as soon as he heard it, and shook his head and said: "You want to send Xiaohui to the demon body? Impossible, Xuankong Temple does not accept all creatures in the ghost domain. If you really want to help her, why don't you let her stay?" in the world."

Ye Shaoyang sighed, and said: "Brother, it's not like you don't know that ghosts born of yin are absolutely unacceptable in the world. They may suffer catastrophe at any time, and there is almost no way to get through it..."

Old Guo said: "You can use Taoism to help her."

"She can't be with me all the time, and she's not my wife."

"You can marry her..." Xiao Ma interjected timidly.

Ye Shaoyang kicked over, "She's a ghost, I'm a human, should I marry her?"

Xiao Ma rubbed the kicked part and said, "So what, don't engage in racial discrimination."

Ye Shaoyang kicked him again, and said to Lao Guo: "Even if they are husband and wife, it is impossible to be together all day long. This is not a routine, so I have to take her to Xuankong Watch for a try."

Lao Guo slowed down his speed, frowned and thought for a while, and said: "If you say so, you can really try it, but I heard that the master of Xuankong temple is from the lineage of Zhang Tianshi, and the masters of all generations can confer the tablet of the grand master. He is very arrogant, and ordinary Taoist priests don't care at all when they go."

Ye Shaoyang snorted and said: "If you can't do it, let's fight. He should have nothing to say when he is defeated."

Lao Guo twisted his mouth, "I know you are very good, little brother, but he is too high-ranking, how do you fight?"

Ye Shaoyang muttered: "You'll have to fight to find out."

Lao Guo's heart moved, thinking of all the past, maybe...he really wasn't talking nonsense.

Xiao Ma patted Ye Shaoyang on the shoulder excitedly, and said: "I thought you didn't let Xiaohui stay out of principle. It turned out that you were worried about her safety. Xiao Yezi, I blamed you."

Ye Shaoyang snorted.

When Ye Shaoyang and his group arrived at the hotel, Zhou Jingru and Xiaohui were both in the room. Xiaohui was holding a cup of tea and sitting quietly in a corner of the sofa. When she saw Ye Shaoyang coming in, she raised her head and smiled at him.