Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 27: scrape bone


Lao Guo went on to tell: "Since then, the ghost building has been completely blocked, and nothing has happened again. In the 1990s, the School of Foreign Languages was established there. The principal is a foreigner. He doesn't believe in evil. He thinks that the structure of the hospital ward is similar to that of a dormitory building. , I simply bought it and used it as a dormitory, the fourth one, that’s how the name of the No. 4 dormitory building came about.”

"Every year after that, two or three students committed suicide by jumping from the window of dormitory 404. Under pressure, the school abandoned the building and sealed it off. No one died after that."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said, "This shows that the power of the seal is still there, and those ghosts can't leave the dormitory."

Xiao Ma interjected: "Chen Lin is an exception. After she died, the school was tense for a while, but nothing happened in the dormitory building after that. Everyone said that Chen Lin was killed by a ghost, but who knows the truth?" do not know either."

What he said made Ye Shaoyang think of the person in the painting again. Since it is closely related to Chen Lin, does Chen Lin's death have anything to do with it? What is the relationship between it and the No. 4 dormitory building

Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, when did hunting ghosts become so hard, like investigating a case.

"By the way, Senior Brother Guo, since there is a Jiazi history of the haunting incident in the dormitory building, it is impossible for my Senior Brother Daofeng to know about it when he came to Shicheng. Could it be that even he can't handle it?"

"Don't tell me, he really can't figure it out alone, at least not sure. He originally wanted to wait for a helper to deal with this matter together, but then he went to Xichuan suddenly and never came back." Lao Guo smiled, " As you know, mages of our strength walk around the No. 4 dormitory building, and no one dares to go in."

Ye Shaoyang untied his belt, put it on the seat, and checked it. His belt was specially made and very big. It looked a bit like a boxing champion's gold belt. It had a certain curvature and was convenient to fit. magic weapon.

These days I always practiced it, and many things were almost used up. Ye Shaoyang opened his and Lao Guo's backpacks, and added some commonly used magic weapons to his belt.

"This belt looks so tall." Xiao Ma praised.

Ye Shaoyang proudly said: "I have worn this belt for more than ten years, and the position of each magic weapon is fixed. I take what I need, and I never make a mistake."

Xiao Ma suddenly realized, "No wonder I saw something come out when you stretched out your hand when hunting ghosts. It's like magic."

At 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, the gate of the School of Foreign Languages was closed. Xiao Ma knew a shortcut to enter the campus, and it was very close to the No. 4 dormitory building. He directed Lao Guo to drive the car and parked by a gap in the wall.

Enter through the gap, walk across a lawn, and come to a downstairs with a white exterior wall. Xiaoma said: "This is the No. 4 dormitory building. This is the old campus of the School of Foreign Languages. It has been abandoned. No one usually comes. The dormitories and classrooms are in the new campus.”

Ye Shaoyang looked up, and saw that this was a five-storey building with a somewhat imitative European style. The porch on each floor had a downward arch, and the corridor was curved and protruding, with a large terrace. The building is very long, at least 30 meters long, and the gray-white exterior wall is a little peeling off. It looks very old, but it doesn't look like some dilapidated buildings that are about to collapse at any time.

Above and around the dormitory building, there is a thick layer of black mist, Yin Qi!

Only mages who have opened the eyes of heaven can see it.

"Sure enough, it's the lair of ghosts..." Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself, looking towards the first floor, the two opposite doors were locked tightly with a string of iron chains, and there was a yellow talisman on the door. The next one, the yellow talisman, is of no use to this level of Yin Nest.

"Little Yezi, there's a ladder over there, they probably got in from there!"

Following Xiao Ma's direction, Ye Shaoyang saw a wooden ladder, which was placed in front of an open window in the corridor on the second floor. At this moment, distant screams came from the building.

Urgent situation!

Ye Shaoyang ran over, stepped on the wooden ladder, and said, "It's too dangerous inside, don't go in there!"

Xiao Ma and Lao Guo have no objections at all. They have heard about the No. 4 dormitory building, and they know that this is not the place they should go to at all. Pony put his hands around his mouth and shouted loudly: "Little Yezi, be careful, don't hang up!"

Ye Shaoyang raised his middle finger at him without hesitation.

Jumping down from the window, it was pitch black, Ye Shaoyang was alone, and it was inconvenient to carry the long light, so he found two fluorescent bracelets, screwed them on and put them on his wrists, although the luminosity was not strong, it was diffuse lighting, without blind spots .

This is an empty dormitory with a few old-fashioned bunk beds against the wall. The bed boards are covered with a thick layer of dust. It seems that no one has lived in it for at least a few years.

Hearing a scream in front of his ear, Ye Shaoyang didn't dare to neglect, drew out his mahogany sword, and rushed out of the room. Opposite was a corridor, except for a little bit of yin, there was nothing. Following the screams, Ye Shaoyang climbed to the fourth floor in one breath, and a black figure ran up from the opposite side. Seeing Ye Shaoyang in green light, he almost screamed in fright.

"Li Duo, it's me!" Ye Shaoyang recognized him first.

"Ye Goat, you're here!" Li Duo excitedly grabbed his hand, like grabbing a life-saving straw.

Ye Shaoyang wiped off his sweat, and before correcting his mistake, Li Duo said nervously: "It's good that you come, they are locked in the 404 dormitory, you go and save them!"

The two rushed to the door of bedroom 404, the door was locked tightly, and there was a sound of screaming and crying inside, and there was an extremely weird laughter: cluck, cluck.

There was already a pool of blood under the crack of the door.

Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand and pushed the door, and it didn't move at all. Li Duo said: "I tried it, but I can't even stomp it open. Think of another way."

Ye Shaoyang sensed a ghostly aura, and attached himself to the door, forming an enchantment in the space inside. Immediately, he took out the cinnabar pen, quickly drew a picture of Tai Chi Pisces on the palm of his right hand, and slapped the wooden door with his palm.

With a creak, the wooden door opened, and a terrifying scene appeared under the sight of Ye Shaoyang and Li Duo:

Three girls huddled in the inner corner of the room, one was crying, one was screaming, and the other had passed out.

Opposite them, a girl with long hair and shawl was sitting on the floor, holding a bunch of keys in her hand, and was shaving her face one by one. The keys were very blunt, and she couldn't shave her face at all. She just kept shaving like that. , the whole face was bloody and bloody, the bones could be seen, the blood dripped down her chin continuously on the ground, gathering into a big pool.

The flesh on the face was scraped off, and the key rubbed against the bone, making a scalp-numbing "creak" sound. The pain of bone scraping is simply unbearable, but this girl doesn't seem to feel any pain at all, and while scraping, she let out a strange laugh: giggling, giggling...