Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 275: Laughter under the ancient tomb


Before Ye Shaoyang came back to his senses, another few big mice jumped up, touched a handful of Five Emperors' coins and hit them, knocked them off, and fell dead on the spot.

Ye Shaoyang knew that animals living in groups had a characteristic. Once the leader ordered them to do anything, they would not be afraid of death. Once the leader was killed, they would immediately be defeated and run away. He immediately shouted: "Anyone who has not drunk corpse oil can go out!"

Those who have never drank corpse oil are ordinary rats. They only participated because of the instinct of rats to obey the leader. Once they drank corpse oil and digested it, demonic energy will be produced in their bodies. Even if there is only a trace, they will consciously start If you practice, you may have a chance to become a monster in the future, so you must not stay.

At that moment, the group of rats rushed up and fled in all directions. The small ones got out from under the red line and hid in the grass, but the big ones were beaten back by the power of the formation, and fell unconscious on the ground. Throw the money of the five emperors one by one, and after a while, all of them will be killed.

At this time, there was a rustling sound in the grass on the opposite side, Xie Yuqing came over, stood outside the red line of the five-element flag array, and said timidly: "Are you all right?"

Ye Shaoyang wiped the minced meat off his face, and asked angrily, "Just now, there was a sudden noise, and the mouse was broken. Did you shoot it?"

"Yeah, that mouse was about to bite your neck at that time, I solved it for you, is there a problem?" Xie Yuqing answered as a matter of course.

"Help me?" Ye Shaoyang pointed at his face, "You sprayed my face with flesh and blood, and now it's fishy and smelly, besides, don't you want to think about what to do if you hit me?"

Xie Yuqing shrugged, "I believe in my marksmanship."

"Then why don't you believe me? It's just a big mouse with a bit of a monster, I can't deal with it?"

"This...wasn't it behind you at that time, I was afraid you wouldn't take care of it." Xie Yuqing rolled her eyes and complained, "He is kind enough to help you, so forget it if you don't thank me, but talk about me instead!"

"Yes, thank you, my face smells so bad now that I want to die, and there is no water around here..." I suddenly remembered that there was a small stream on the other side of the ancient tomb, so I ran over quickly. I put my face into the water and scrubbed it vigorously. After I finished, I smelled the smell, took off my shirt and shook it, it was full of minced meat and blood stains, so I had to wash my clothes too, soaked some water, and wiped my body .

Xie Yuqing suddenly ran over in a panic, her face turning pale.

"Over there... under the cave of the ancient tomb, there is a zombie!"

Ye Shaoyang was startled, the scene of two corpses, wouldn't it be like this? Quickly put on the shirt, walked back and asked, "Where is the zombie?"

"Under the tomb, I just heard him cough."

At this time, the two had already returned to the side of the cave. Ye Shaoyang lay down beside the cave, and listened carefully. There was indeed a faint sound, a bit like a snoring sound. He was hesitating, and suddenly a burst of "giggle" laughter came from below. , is a male laugh!

Xie Yuqing grabbed Ye Shaoyang's arm, and in the middle of the night, beside an ancient tomb where zombies had just emerged, she heard someone laughing below. There was an expression of shock and even fear on his face.

"Little Ye Zi, you... what's wrong with you?"

Ye Shaoyang murmured: "I would rather listen to ghosts crying than to listen to corpses laughing. The zombie's muscles and vocal cords are stiff, and it is impossible to laugh. Unless the cultivation reaches the extreme and reshape the body, even the corpse king can't do it. This tomb There is not such a strong corpse aura, how could it be..."

Turning to look at Xie Yuqing, "I have to go down and have a look, you go farther away, lest something rush out later and hurt you."

"Are you in danger?"

"It's okay, I can handle it, you go there first, you have a concealed qi talisman on your body, at least one hour's effect is left, it will be fine."

After finishing speaking, Ye Shaoyang wanted to go directly into the cave, but when he looked down, the cave entrance was covered with blood and minced meat, and he couldn't tell whether it was a mouse or a zombie, so he didn't want to touch it anyway.

After touching the backpack, there were no tools for digging, so I had to pick up some rocks and clods from nearby, put them on the dirty things, then bid farewell to Xie Yuqing, and carefully burrowed into the cave.

The hole was dug out by mice, and the width can only allow a person to kneel on the ground. Ye Shaoyang was afraid that the zombie would attack suddenly, and he would not be able to run in time, so he had to stretch his hands to the front and grab the Maoshan Mieling Nail, just in case something happened Resist it.

Climbing down the slope for less than ten meters, Ye Shaoyang couldn't see it, but he could feel the passage getting wider and higher. He tried to stand up, but he didn't touch the top of his head, so he quickly took out an ever-burning lamp from his bag and lit it. It suddenly lit up.

Only then did Ye Shaoyang see clearly that he was walking in a corridor with a height of two or three meters, surrounded by blue bricks, and he immediately understood: this is a tomb passage.

The mouse made a hole into this tomb passage, passed through the tomb passage, entered the tomb chamber, and then found the zombie.

This tomb passage is exactly perpendicular to the hole made by the mouse, and both sides extend, and the everlasting candle can't reach the end. Ye Shaoyang stood in the middle and listened for a long time. Zhu walked up the tomb passage on the left.

After walking less than 20 meters, the tomb passage ended at the end, and there were tombs in three directions: left, front and right. The tombs on the left and right were blocked by stone gates. Pushed, the two doors are still motionless.

Ye Shaoyang knew that such a stone door must have a mechanism to open it, most of which are on the pull ring and the door buckle, but he has never been interested in tomb robbery, and he does not want to trigger quicksand, poisonous smoke and other mechanisms out of curiosity and kill himself Here, the stone door just opposite was open, so I walked in.

Standing at the door, Ye Shaoyang took a look around. The tomb was about 20 to 30 square meters in size, square and square. In the center of the room stood a huge metal coffin. from the coffin.

Ye Shaoyang did not go there rashly, but first used the yin and yang plate to find the wind eye of the tomb—at the northeast corner of the tomb, walked over, pressed the ever-burning lamp on the wind eye, and felt relieved when he saw that the fire light was normal.

The wind eye in the tomb controls the breath of the entire tomb. If the wind eye is closed, it means that there is a lack of air in the tomb, and the light will go out as soon as it is put down, and people have to evacuate as soon as possible. Ye Shaoyang put down the long burning candle and wanted to walk towards the coffin, but he couldn't lift his foot. He changed his foot and still couldn't lift it up. The moment he lowered his head to look, he felt a ghostly aura, his heart moved, and he looked back and forth. I read it again, but there is no ghost.

How is this going