Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 291: Raise kid 1


Ye Shaoyang spread his hands, looked at Zhuang Yuning, and waited for her to tell the truth.

Zhuang Yuning looked at the pony and the horse with some embarrassment, and begged, "Mr. Ye, can you..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Don't worry, this is my good friend and my helper, you just talk about it."

Xie Yuqing rolled her eyes and said, "Let's talk about you, I'm not your fan either, so I don't have time to gossip about you."

Zhuang Yuning took a deep breath, lowered her head, and softly uttered a sentence. This sentence alone shocked the three of them to the extreme: "That ghost boy is my little ghost..."

Afterwards, she shook her head and smiled wryly, "I should have known this would happen. I would rather not be famous than raise this thing. Mr. Ye, you should have heard of raising a kid, right?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Gumantong?"

Zhuang Yuning said: "I don't know, I really don't understand this, I was also invited by a friend, and I made offerings for more than two years, the purpose is to seek fame... I really don't know much about the little ghost, I don't know what to do. Where to start." After speaking, he looked up at Ye Shaoyang.

Xiao Ma and Xie Yuqing also cast curious glances at him.

Ye Shaoyang frowned slightly. He hadn't had much experience with raising ghosts, but he had a certain understanding: it was a kind of folk magic, prevalent in Thailand. It was said that some eminent monks would take in the ghosts of children who died young, and seal them in wooden dolls. Then read scriptures for a period of time to remove the evil spirit of the baby spirit, and give it to the believers for adoption. It is called Gumantong, also known as the lucky boy. Fulfill some wishes.

Because it is more effective, more and more people seek Gumantong, forming an industry, and some people will customize special Gumantong according to their own needs, but if it is a real Gumantong, the evil spirit will be eliminated, no matter what No matter what, you can't become a ghost.

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang asked: "Miss Zhuang, I want to know, who did you hire your little ghost from, Chinese or Thai?"

"It's... a Chinese person."

"What do you feed on?"

"Raw pork, and... pig blood, what's the problem?"

Ye Shaoyang sighed, "Of course it's different. There are two types: live nourishment and blood nourishment. Live nourishment means treating it as a living person, and the offerings are all things that living people eat, such as milk cakes, one serving in the morning and evening."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Ma couldn't help interjecting: "Can little ghosts eat milk cakes?"

"I don't eat, but I can absorb the essence of food and use it for cultivation." Facing three people who didn't understand at all, Ye Shaoyang felt that he had to explain systematically:

"This kind of little ghost is actually a good cultivator. His cultivation base grows slowly, and what he can do is limited. It is nothing more than helping the donor change a little luck. Those who use raw meat and blood to make offerings like Miss Zhou are evil cultivators. , the cultivation of the little ghost is growing very fast. In order to enjoy offerings, he can indeed do a lot of things for the donors, but... once this kind of support relationship is established, the donors will not be able to shake it off, so, Miss Zhuang, are you Didn't you throw your kid away so it came back for you?"

Zhuang Yuning looked at him with a pale face, nodded, her eyes became moist, and she choked up and said: "I really didn't know it would be like this, Xiaoying didn't tell me so much at all, she just said that she raised a little ghost and worshiped it sooner or later If so, once the spirit appears, it can help me achieve my wish. My wish is to become a popular singer. I think I can sing very well and have many talents, but I have been a bit unlucky and haven't been able to become popular.

Xiaoying—Zhu Zhongying is my roommate, and her family is also very rich. She secretly told me that she has a friend who made a fortune by raising little ghosts, and she has a good relationship with a master who raises ghosts. She advised me to raise one too. I heard she said no. Dangerous, I just invited one back to raise it, and worship it with milk every morning and evening. Since then, my career has indeed improved a lot. I won the quarterly championship of the draft contest last year, which is a bit of a name. "

Speaking of this, Zhuang Yuning shook her head, shook off the tears from the corners of her eyes, was silent for a moment, and continued:

"After I raised it for a year and a half, the little ghost began to appear. At the beginning, I could hear the laughter of children in the house and the sound of walking. I was very scared and wanted to stop raising it, but it It didn't hurt me, and it didn't disturb my life. Later, it became more and more spiritual. When I looked in the mirror, I could see it occasionally, standing behind me like a real child, sucking my finger , looking up at me, very cute... "

Xiao Ma remembered the scary appearance of the kid, shook his head and said, "I really don't see how cute it is."

Zhuang Yuning said: "At that time, its eyes were sky blue, very clear, it also had a mouth, and its skin was tender and supple, not as white as it is now..." She raised her head slightly, her eyes were full of nostalgia.

"Those days were very beautiful. Every night when I was sleeping, it would come to cover me with a quilt. If the window was not closed properly, it would close the window for me. I am a casual person, and small things are thrown everywhere at home. But since it appeared, every morning when I wake up, all the little things are packed into a small basket, which is really... so sweet. At that time, I had a nanny at home, and I fired the nanny to prevent the nanny from finding out the secret it's..."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he remembered that when he asked her why she didn't hire a nanny, her expression was a little unnatural, and it turned out to be the reason.

Zhuang Yuning went on to say: "It would have been pretty good if it went on like this, but unfortunately I participated in a very influential singing competition at that time, in order to get a good ranking, I remembered what Xiaoying told me, if you want To quickly realize your wish, you can choose to use raw blood and raw meat as offerings. Xiaoying did tell me that if you raise ghosts like this, you will never be able to live without it for the rest of your life.

At that time, I thought that my little ghost would be like this forever, even if we were together for the rest of our lives, it wouldn't matter, and I really didn't know what it meant to offer raw blood and raw meat, so I did it...

As a result, two months later, I won the ranking in that competition, that is, since then, the little ghost has become different, its skin color has become whiter, its eyes have become redder, and it has become very scary. It will never help me with housework anymore. Although my career is thriving, I have nightmares every night, dreaming that it is drinking my blood.

I tried to stop feeding it raw meat and blood, but within two days, it threatened me in a dream. Later, I heard from Xiaoying that with this method of feeding, once it starts, it will not end, and it It will become more and more vicious, and will eventually come to drink my blood... "