Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 301: Weird in legend


Ye Shaoyang poured the wine over the beetle's body again, and within half a minute, the beetle's body melted, leaving only a puddle of wine on the ground without even changing its color. The beetle just disappeared out of thin air.

Xiao Ma and Zhuang Yuning looked shocked.

"Little Yezi, what kind of bug is this? Why does it melt when it encounters wine?" Xiao Ma asked in surprise.

Ye Shaoyang said: "When we were in school, we learned a text saying that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had seen a bug with a human face and asked Dongfang Shuo what it was. Dongfang Shuo said it was 'weird'. It just melts..."

"Yes, yes, I remember this text!" Xiao Ma interrupted him, and said excitedly, "So this is the legendary eccentricity, is there any more, I want to take a closer look, take pictures and upload them on the Internet. Fire."

Ye Shaoyang snorted, "Evil spirits can't enter the eyes of the law, so you can't shoot them."

"Brother Shaoyang, this bug...why is it in the jar?" Zhuang Yuning was most concerned about this.

"Of course they were raised in the jar, and it was also for joining the battle. I won't talk about the reason, anyway, you don't understand." After speaking, he jumped into the mud pit again, this time he didn't smash the jar again, but directly used the fire Ling Nail cut the seal of the jar, poured some rum in, and after a scream, there was no more movement.

Ye Shaoyang killed the "weird" worms in the seven jars in one go, then called Xiaoma to move the jars out together, smashed them on the ground, and buried the mud pit. A pot of good golden chrysanthemum plum is for two people to rest and drink.

The three of them were drinking tea while discussing the yin-arrow twin-fish formation. The discovery of this formation confirmed Ye Shaoyang's previous inference that it was a conspiracy against Zhuang Yuning.

"There are only two possibilities now," Ye Shaoyang pondered while holding a tea bowl, "First, when the garden was decorated, the Yinjian Pisces Array was arranged. Did you do the garden decoration yourself, or did you entrust it to others? ?”

Zhuang Yuning shook her head, "No, my dad bought this house from someone else. At that time... the garden seemed to be like this. I like this simple style, so I didn't make any changes."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "Of course it is impossible for your father to harm you, so there is only the second possibility. Someone set up this formation in your garden when you were not at home. It will take at least one night to bury the jar, have you ever been away from home all night?"

Zhuang Yuning said: "If I was in Shicheng, I would go home and sleep every night no matter how late, but sometimes I go to other places for competitions or activities, and I don't come back for two or three days."

"That's it," Ye Shaoyang sighed, "It's hard to investigate this matter."

Xiao Ma said: "Is there no surveillance in Yuyu's yard?"

"There is monitoring, but I set the save file to be cleared every two months, and now I can only check the last two months."

"Forget it," Ye Shaoyang said, "This formation has existed for at least a year. You can ask your father about the process of buying the house at that time. The formation may have been set up before then, although it may not be Big, but better check."

Zhuang Yuning nodded, "Then, we should mainly investigate this Mr. Hu?"

"Of course, go to the playground at night."

Zhuang Yuning sighed, and murmured, "Who the hell is this, and why did you treat me like this?"

Ye Shaoyang also wanted to know the answer to this question, but no one could answer, so he had to investigate slowly by himself.

Ye Shaoyang sighed secretly. He thought it was just a simple consecration to catch ghosts, but before he knew it, he was involved in a troublesome supernatural incident...

At noon, Zhuang Yuning wanted to treat Ye Shaoyang and the two to eat something good, but Xie Yuqing called and said that the family members of the old security guard had arrived from other places and were dealing with the funeral.

Zhuang Yuning rushed over immediately to fulfill her promise.

Xiao Ma made an appointment with Wang Ping for dinner, and left in a hurry. Ye Shaoyang wandered to the snack street outside the community by himself, ate a bowl of fried noodles with eggs and two biscuits at the roadside stall, and returned to the villa happily , went to bed and took a nap.

In the evening, Zhuang Yuning and Xiao Ma rushed back one after another. Zhuang Yuning looked a little tired, but her expression was relaxed, as if she had let go of something on her mind.

"I helped their family contact the funeral home and the funeral, and gave them another 200,000 yuan. The money doesn't represent it, but it's my heart." Zhuang Yuning took the initiative to mention this matter.

"Two hundred thousand..." Xiao Ma almost gritted his teeth.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him, "A lot of two hundred thousand?"

"No, the point is that legally speaking, Yuyu is not responsible, and the security guard did it voluntarily..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "So what, even if you go to the Yin Division, Yuyu doesn't have to be responsible, but after all, she died to save Yuyu. For her, it is a kind of debt. It is a debt to use 200,000 yuan. It’s already a good deal, otherwise, if you save it in the next life and pay it back, the price may be much higher.”

Zhuang Yuning was also very curious when she heard this, and asked, "How can I pay back in the next life?"

"Maybe let you marry him."

"this… "

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "Maybe he will be reincarnated as a tall, rich and handsome man in his next life."

Zhuang Yuning shrugged, "Well, the risk is still too great."

"So, don't be in debt easily. I'm not just talking about money. Once you owe a debt, don't delay the next life if you can pay it back in this life."

After hearing this, Zhuang Yuning secretly rejoiced that she made the right choice.

In the evening, the three of them ate together, chatted together, and stayed until after nine o'clock. Ye Shaoyang saw that the time was almost up, so he called the two of them to set off. Zhuang Yuning drove and drove them to the location that Ye Shaoyang had determined during the day—the children's playground.

Holding the map in his hand, Xiao Ma was very puzzled, "Why didn't the little devil go to the underworld to report after she threw him away, and why did he still stay in the human world?"

"If you are caught by a ghost messenger, you will definitely take it away, but it is different from ordinary ghosts. It has a spiritual body, which is the Gumantong. This thing is its refuge. As long as you hide in it, the ghost will be isolated. It is difficult to be found by ghost messengers, and it has been practiced to get rid of evil spirits, and it does not do evil, so it generally does not attract the attention of ghost messengers and mages."

After a pause, Ye Shaoyang continued: "The spirit body cannot move, so as long as this little ghost is still in the human world, he will definitely move around the area abandoned by Gumantong and will not run far, so let's try our luck around here."

In the middle of the night, there was no one in the playground, and even the lights were off. Fortunately, the moonlight was good tonight, so I could barely see everything around me.

The three of Ye Shaoyang walked through the ferris wheel, windmill, merry-go-round and other game equipment, and came to a small pavilion in the middle of the playground. The location is quite good, and you can see almost the entire playground.