Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 38: female student


Ye Shaoyang guessed its details, immediately pulled out the jujube wood sword, pulled a sword flower, and chopped it at the top of the little boy's head, the little boy didn't hide, let the jujube wood sword cut into the crack of the skull, a stream of blood sprayed Out, trembling all over, but a series of strange laughter came out of his mouth: "Hee hee, you're not bad at it."

Ye Shaoyang was going to swing his sword to cut again, but found that the Zaomu sword was sucked and he couldn't pull it out, his heart sank suddenly, what the hell, this time he really encountered a hard stubble. Could this be the rightful owner of the Yin Nest

Being teased by a ghost child like this, Ye Shaoyang was also furious, and instead of retreating, he went forward, grabbed the ghost child's neck with his left hand, and reached into his belt with his right hand, took out something that looked like a dagger, and scratched it on the tip of his tongue. Suddenly, a bloody light flashed from the "dagger", illuminating the two seal characters on the blade: Mie Ling.

"Spirit Extinguishing Nail!" The ghost child screamed in trembling, and struggled vigorously. How could Ye Shaoyang let it go, his left hand tightly grabbed its throat, and with his feet, he pushed it all the way to the wall, pressing it firmly against the wall .

"There is no way to make good fortune, Maoshan has magic, once the magic nail comes out, all spirits will be wiped out! Break!" Ye Shaoyang swung the spirit-killing nail and stabbed at the ghost child's ghost gate. , spraying out a stream of green slurry.

The Mieling Nail instantly turned red like carbon, roasting the blood surging in the eye sockets until it smoldered, and the ghost child twitched all over, screaming in pain. The policewoman was so frightened that she hid in a corner, squatted on the ground, and covered her ears with her hands.

"You weren't very capable just now, huh?" In Ye Shaoyang's heart, he finally figured out the nausea that was teased by the ghost child, and he kept chanting incantations, which accelerated Mieling Nail's resolution of resentment.

In a minute or so, this ghost child will lose all his soul, and the resentment in his body will turn into spiritual power that can be absorbed by the Mie Ling Nail. The Mie Ling Nail has been passed down for hundreds of years, and it has become one of the most famous magic tools of the Maoshan Sect by killing ghosts and continuously improving its spiritual power.

The resentment in the ghost child's body became weaker and weaker, and his struggling movements became weak. At this moment, a woman's cold voice suddenly came from behind: "Let it go!"

Ye Shaoyang turned his head suddenly, and there was a girl in her twenties standing outside the dormitory door, with long hair shawl, wearing a blue double-breasted shirt on the upper body, and a blue pleated skirt on the lower body. I can't feel a trace of ghost aura all over my body, but the intuition of the celestial master told Ye Shaoyang that this female ghost is by no means simple!

"Here's another one. Don't worry. I'll serve you after I kill it. If you're in a hurry, come in." There is a seal of the gossip mirror in the room. It may not have much effect on the ghost doll in front of you, but it has a deterrent effect on ghosts and evil spirits. But it is extremely strong, unless the female ghost has more than a thousand years of cultivation.

Relying on this point, Ye Shaoyang completely ignored the female ghost's warning. However, what happened next slapped him in the face again:

The female ghost walked directly into the dormitory, a golden light from the gossip mirror fell on her body, without any reaction, the female ghost took another step, and with a "click", the gossip mirror shattered!

Ye Shaoyang was stunned, and his heart was extremely astonished. What kind of cultivation is this female ghost, and she can actually shatter the gossip mirror? But seeing that she is wearing a school uniform, although the style is a bit old, it is only from the period of the Republic of China. Could it be that the yin energy in the No. 4 dormitory building is already strong enough to allow a ghost to become a ghost leader within a few decades

This is absolutely impossible!

Thoughts in Ye Shaoyang's mind were spinning, but he kept chanting incantations, trying to get rid of this ghost child first, and then deal with that female ghost, otherwise these two guys are so powerful, they are under attack from both sides, and they have to take care of the safety of that big-breasted policewoman , can't do it at all.

The female ghost raised her right hand, pointed at Ye Shaoyang, a black air rose from the ground at Ye Shaoyang's feet, turned into a figure, opened her hands, and stabbed at the back of Ye Shaoyang's head.

evil spirits!

Faced with the sudden attack, Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to let go of the spirit-killing nail, and slapped the evil spirit with his backhand. The Mieling Nail, as if grabbing a pair of tongs, his hands were roasted and smoking,

Enduring the pain, the ghost baby forcefully pulled out the Mie Ling Nail from her eyes, bringing out even the eyeballs, and hurriedly threw it on the ground, crying loudly and fleeing behind the female ghost.

"I told you, this is not an ordinary mage," the female ghost blamed, "Go back quickly."

The ghost baby gave Ye Shaoyang a vicious look, and ran out of the dormitory unwillingly.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the female ghost up and down. Her appearance was no different from that of an ordinary student, with long hair and shawls, wearing a blue school uniform: a short-sleeved T-shirt and a knee-length pleated skirt, white socks and flat leather shoes , with a pure appearance, and a figure...very nice, but Ye Shaoyang didn't have the heart to appreciate it at all.

Based on the two hands that the female ghost showed before, Ye Shaoyang seriously suspected that she was the strongest female ghost he had ever met, no, all ghosts!

The female ghost stood still, as if she had no intention of making a move. Ye Shaoyang didn't dare to do it first, and said coldly: "The yin energy on your body is already so strong that you can easily transform into evil spirits. Are you the head of a thousand-year-old ghost?"

The female ghost didn't answer, but said lightly: "Where is Daofeng?"

Daofeng? She knows my elder brother

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and said, "What's the relationship between you and my elder brother, you can't be an old acquaintance, you should have said it earlier, why bother to call back and forth like this, tsk tsk, this kid is so cute, your brother?"

Although it's almost too embarrassing to have a trick with a ghost, a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses. If he wants to leave alone, the other party probably won't be able to keep him, but he still has a burden on his side. If he wants to protect her, he has to sacrifice his appearance, no, image.

The female ghost ignored his marriage proposal at all, her voice was still so quiet and elegant, but what she said made Ye Shaoyang's heart chill: "Let Daofeng come to the Yin Nest to find me, if he doesn't come within a month, I will wash the university city with blood. "

Bloodbath University Town, are you kidding me

But Ye Shaoyang believed that she was not joking.

The female ghost raised her head, finally took a look at Ye Shaoyang, grinned, a big mouthful of thick blood flowed out from her mouth, and then all the seven orifices also bleed out, continuously falling to the ground, soaking into the ground, and then , a horrible scene happened:

Blood started gushing out from the cracks in the floor throughout the room, rising rapidly, and soon covered the ankles.

Xie Yuqing screamed and wanted to run away, but something pulled her foot and she fell into a pool of blood.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly rushed over, reached into the bloody water, grabbed an arm, and quickly pulled it up, but the other party grabbed Ye Shaoyang's neck, opened his mouth, and bit his neck.

Ye Shaoyang dodged to dodge, and looked carefully, where was Xie Yuqing, a monster with a pointed head and long horns, his mouth stretched all the way to the ears, revealing two rows of fangs, his appearance was extremely ferocious.

"You frightened me!" Ye Shaoyang squeezed a formula, slapped it on the face, beat it back into the bloody water, and fished it out again in the water, and finally fished out the half-dead Xie Yuqing, and quickly put it in the water. She pushed her to the upper bunk of the bunk bed to ensure her temporary safety. At this moment, his own legs were also grabbed by a pair of hands, and he lifted them up forcefully, bringing a pair of bloody hands out of the water.

It was that evil spirit just now!

(The first boss is on stage, everyone, please count more votes, leave a message, and give her a thumbs up)