Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 4: Miaojiang Gu Master


The surrounding villagers were stunned. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that such a strange thing would happen in broad daylight!

"Evil!" Qingyunzi stood up suddenly, and angrily scolded the female corpse: "I kindly rescued your mother and son, but I didn't know how to repent, and the gnats shook the tree, resisting the power of the immortal family, and I will let you all die!"

At that moment, he bit his finger, quickly drew a few strokes on a piece of magic talisman, waved his hand, and the talisman paper flew into the flames, but did not burn, and stuck it directly on the forehead of the female corpse.

The body of the female corpse no longer released a white aura, and the flames came closer. First, the clothes burned, and then the skin was burnt with oil, making crackling noises. The skin was burned quickly, and the blue and white body was exposed to the fire. The veins were criss-crossed and shriveled, like earthworms twisting and struggling in the fire, it looked disgusting.

The female corpse trembled all over, as if struggling, her expression also changed, she gritted her teeth, her two eyes with burnt eyelids bulged up, she looked extremely hideous and terrifying, far better than the female ghosts in horror movies.

"Oh my god..." The timid villager was so frightened that he slumped on the ground, almost incontinent. Everyone retreated at the same time, many people crowded together, still shivering.

Seeing that the female corpse was about to be incinerated, at this moment, an accident happened——

A black cloud floated from the sky, covering the sun, and the whole sky quickly darkened. The mountain wind howled, and a heavy rain was about to come.

Qing Yunzi said inwardly, looking up at the sky, in mid-September summer, sudden rainstorms are common, of course it cannot be caused by female corpses, it does not have such great demonic power. But the wind and rain did not come at the right time, without sunlight to frighten them, the flames alone would not be able to suppress the corpse.

Sure enough, the female corpse suddenly let out a shrill cry, stood up suddenly, and jumped out of the fire pit. At this moment, the five-element flag that Qing Yunzi had planted around the tomb before suddenly shook, shooting out golden rays of light that intertwined with each other. A net was formed and hung over the tomb.

The female corpse collided with the net and fell, but quickly jumped up again and continued to charge, making a terrifying roar that resembled a wild beast, and every sound stimulated the nerves of everyone present.

This time, no one backed away, and everyone was stunned. They just stood on the spot in a daze, watching the female corpse's frantic performance.

Qing Yunzi remained motionless, his hands were sealed, and he kept chanting spells to strengthen the divine power of the Five Elements Flag. He could see that although the female corpse was crazy, it was already at the end of its strength. In a while, she would definitely be burned to ashes by the flames. It's just that the baby spirit in her stomach hasn't moved yet...

"Aw—" There was another strange cry, the female corpse no longer collided with the big golden net, but grabbed the gap in the net and tore it vigorously. The corpse is so powerful that it quickly tore a gap in the net and poked its head out.

"Monsters dare!" Qingyunzi shouted loudly, and drew out the jujube sword, the peachwood sword catches ghosts, the jujube sword subdues demons, and the jujube sword is also used to deal with corpses, Qingyunzi's jujube sword is The material is drawn from the hundred-year-old jujube tree that has been struck by lightning, and it has infinite spiritual power.

Qing Yunzi bit his middle finger, quickly drew a spell on the jujube wood sword with blood, flew up, pierced the left eye of the female corpse with a sword, the eyeball burst, a green liquid splashed out, and landed on the grass and trees, Like a strong acid, it turns black and shrinks directly.

The blade of the Zaomu sword stabbed out from the back of the female corpse, only to hear the sound of a pipa like oil bursting, and black liquid continued to bubble out of the sword wound, the female corpse trembled all over, and let out an even more mournful cry , holding the blade of the sword tightly with both hands, preventing it from being drawn out.

At this moment, her bloated abdomen suddenly squirmed, and with a "poof", a small pale hand stretched out from inside, and then another, grabbed the flesh, and tore it open with a sound of tearing, one with red eyes and a long mouth. The big-headed baby with a pair of fangs came out of the mother's womb, and quickly crawled out along the gap in the golden net.

Baby Sha finally appeared! The previous fire, because of the isolation of the mother body, did not cause any damage to it, but it was very afraid of Qingyunzi, so it just gave him a vicious look, and quickly crawled towards the mountain with hands and feet.

He couldn't pull out the Zaomu sword, and Qingyunzi didn't dare to let go, lest the female corpse would not die, and he couldn't take care of it, and the villagers present would be in danger, so he withdrew his right hand, took out a handful of copper beans from his sleeve, and threw it hard at Yingsha Go, most of them hit Yingsha, black air came out with a chirping sound, Yingsha let out a strange cry, kept on stepping, and got into the vegetation.

Qingyunzi squeezed a formula with his right hand, slapped the female corpse with his palm, knocked it flying, drew out the Zaomu sword, and stabbed the sword into the throat of the female corpse, chanting incantations incessantly.

The female corpse whimpered miserably, and after ten seconds, her body finally froze, the jujube sword couldn't hang on, she fell straight backwards, and landed in the pile of unburned firewood.

Qingyunzi hurriedly chased in the direction where Yingsha was escaping, pushed aside a piece of weeds, the opposite was downhill, seeing that Yingsha had already descended to the bottom of the mountain, knowing that he could not catch up, he bit his left thumb and pressed it on the Zaomu sword , read aloud in the mouth: "The sun sets and the sand shines, the heaven and the earth are turned upside down, the universe is boundless, and the Taoism is boundless!"

Throwing the jujube sword forcefully.

Like a flying arrow, the jujube sword pierced Yingsha's back accurately. Yingsha trembled, but pulled out the sword with his backhand, wounded and fled, and got into a forest at the foot of the mountain.

Qing Yunzi chased down the mountain non-stop, relying on the evil spirit left by Yingsha on the vegetation, he chased all the way down. At this moment, the heavy rain came as expected, and after a while, the evil spirit on the vegetation was washed away.

"Heaven won't help me!" Qing Yunzi fell to his feet and sighed, and stopped in his tracks—seeing that it was getting dark, and even though Shi Sha was wounded, he could still absorb the Yin Qi nearby, and he had enough strength to support his escape, so it was pointless to chase him any longer.

Qing Yunzi went back to the mountain in frustration, and when he came to the grave, he saw that the woman's body had been burned into a pile of ashes. He felt relieved and ordered people to bury the body on the spot to prevent the poison from spreading and causing a plague.

"Master Dao, that ghost boy..." Dagong Ye asked timidly.

Qing Yunzi sighed, and sighed: "I was careless too, the female corpse had the will to die from the very beginning, and transferred most of the evil energy in her body to the infant evil spirit, so the Zaomu sword couldn't kill it, let it die. escaped."

"Ah!" Everyone looked at each other in shock.

"Then... will it come back to harm people?" Grand Duke Ye trembled.

"It hit me with a sword, and it was also seriously injured. It will definitely find a place to hide to rest and practice, and it won't come out to harm anyone within three to five years."

"It actually takes three to five years to heal an injury?"

Qing Yunzi rolled his eyelids, "It's not a human being, and it can't be treated like a human being. A corpse has no lifespan, and three to five years is nothing more than a snap of its fingers."

"What about after three or five years?"

"If it appears at that time, you can contact me again." Qing Yunzi sighed, and there was no better way. Now walk towards the villagers.

Although the torrential rain was pouring, none of these people dared to go down the mountain, they were all waiting for Qing Yunzi's order.

Qing Yunzi walked past a person, and finally stopped in front of a man in his thirties. His eyes were like lightning, and he looked him up and down. Suddenly, he grabbed his right hand, spread his palm, and saw the thumb and index finger. On the belly, there is a faint red.