Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 56: Ghost doll reappears


"Oh my god, it's that ghost baby!" Xie Yuqing yelled, without even thinking about it, she fired a gun and hit the ghost baby's forehead. The ghost baby turned over and fell to the ground, but immediately stood up again. Xie Yuqing smiled evilly, jumped up suddenly, passed over the heads of the three, and ran towards the coffin.

"No, little brother can't do anything, don't let him pass!" Lao Guo drew out his Zaomu sword, ran over, and stabbed the ghost baby with his sword.

The ghost baby turned around and roared at him, and slapped Lao Guo's chest with a fat little hand, knocking him flying a few meters away, and spurted out a mouthful of blood. The ghost baby continued to run towards the coffin.

"Senior Brother Guo, are you okay!" Xiao Ma tried to help Lao Guo up, but he pushed him away.

"I'm fine, hurry up and save Junior Brother!"

Xiao Ma turned his head and saw that the ghost baby had already run to the side of the coffin, seeing that he couldn't catch up, he shot it in despair.

With a "bang", the ghost baby was completely blown away, rolled a few times on the ground, got up, and looked at the pony with blood-red eyes resentfully.

"Damn, what a god, my marksmanship is so accurate?" Xiao Ma felt incredible. Suddenly, a hand patted his shoulder from behind, and a woman's ethereal voice said, "Get out of the way."

Looking back, Xiao Ma turned out to be a beautiful girl with a ponytail, tight leather jacket and leather pants, and high-top leather boots, outlining an exquisite figure. The whole person looked very capable, with a thunderbolt The violent beauty of a girl.

Xiao Ma was stunned on the spot, who is this girl and where did she come from? Suddenly seeing a silver pistol in her hand, she quickly understood and asked, "Did you shoot that shot just now?"

"What do you think?" The beauty pushed him aside, "Go ahead and kill your zombies." Stretching his right hand to his waist, he untied something that looked like a flashlight, and pressed it on the handle, and the "flashlight" suddenly grew longer. A large portion of it protruded, as long as an adult's arm, and its whole body was pitch-black, with a faint gleam of light.

The beauty ran towards the ghost baby with a black stick in her hand, the ghost baby lay on the ground like a toad, jumped up suddenly, the beauty raised the stick and hit it on the arm, with a bang sound, the ghost baby was knocked into the air, the beauty He also took a few steps back, his face flushed.

After the ghost baby fell down, it lay on the ground again, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, its body began to undergo terrifying changes:

The skin on his face was cracked, and there were several cracks sealed by needles and threads. Inside was something like white fluff. His black hair turned brownish red with a few sparse strands, like a wig. His forehead protruded outwards, and his eye sockets sunk to the deep place.

One of the two eyes is all white, protruding out of the eye socket, the other is green, with a blood-red pupil in the middle, coupled with the corners of the mouth hanging to both sides, full of fangs, it looks terrifying and ferocious, not inferior to Any ghosts or zombies Xiao Ma and the others have seen before are a little more weird.

"Is this your real body? It turns out to be a rag doll." The beauty said lightly, "You have no good or evil, but Yin Qi enters your body and becomes an evil spirit. I will save you today." Attacked, the ghost baby did not flinch, and went forward, and the two became a ball.

"Don't look, the zombies are coming!" Xie Yuqing pointed a pistol at the zombie's headshot, and turned her head to shout at the pony. After the release, Zaomujian could no longer kill the zombies with a single strike, and Lao Guo was also injured. Xie Yuqing alone couldn't stand it anymore.

The three of them were forced back step by step, many zombies were walking deeper and deeper in the yin and yang path, and they were about to approach the Five Elements Formation, Xiao Ma shouted in desperation: "Beauty, come and help me, I'm about to be 'chrysanthemum burst' by zombies Already!"

The beauty in black was fighting with the ghost doll. She turned her head and saw that the three idiots really couldn't hold on anymore. She knew the consequences of letting the zombies walk into the five-element flag. She gritted her teeth, swung the ghost doll away with her cane, and turned around to kill the zombies. In the middle, wherever the cane went, the zombies were beaten one by one and their brains burst.

Xiao Ma was shocked and said: "Fuck, this is a three-line shooter, no, it's a corn cannon!" Suddenly remembered something, and when he turned around, the ghost baby had already touched the side of the coffin, and grabbed Ye Shaoyang with a pair of red palms, Ye Shaoyang turned sideways Avoiding it, one hand was still on Feng Xinyu's neck, and he pulled out the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword with his right hand, and swung it behind him. At this moment, Feng Xinyu's blood-red eyes suddenly opened, and his arms suddenly strangled Ye Shaoyang's neck.

your sister! Ye Shaoyang cursed in his heart, how could he have imagined that there was still a trace of remnant soul hidden in this woman's body, which had been lurking all the time, and only when she saw someone rescued did she suddenly attack. If he let go of both hands at this moment, all previous efforts would be in vain, Ye Shaoyang bit the tip of his tongue in desperation, lowered his head and kissed Feng Xinyu's lips, pried open her teeth, and sent the blood from the tip of his tongue into her mouth.

The blood of the celestial master was spat out at such a close distance, and it was no problem to deal with a wisp of remnant soul. Feng Xinyu's body softened suddenly, the blood in his eyes faded, and he put down his hands.

It was the second time, in order to practice, I gave my kiss, it was still wet, but this time it was not a monster like a water corpse, but a beautiful woman.

Ye Shaoyang was feeling emotional when suddenly his back went numb and he felt that he had been slapped by the ghost baby. He threw himself forward and pushed Feng Xinyu to the ground. Still maintaining the kissing posture, he swung his sword backward with his right hand and shook the ghost baby away. .

At this time, the situation in Yin Yang Dao stabilized, and the beauty in black rushed up again, caught the ghost baby, and continued to fight.

"It's over, I'm dead." The pony rushed over and looked into the coffin. Ye Shaoyang was pressing on Feng Xinyu's body, mouth to mouth, and still hugging his neck. He was stunned, "Damn, little leaf, I thought You died, didn't expect you to do this..."

Ye Shaoyang had no time to make jokes, grabbed the neck of the female corpse, sat up again, took a deep breath, and continued to transform, Xiao Ma also rushed back to help Xie Yuqing, a few minutes later, Ye Shaoyang completed the transformation, put down Feng Xinyu, wiped his mouth , turned around and rushed into the Yin-Yang Road, pulled out a stack of talismans, shuttled vigorously among the group of corpses, pasted purple talismans on the foreheads of the zombies, and the zombies immediately stopped moving.

Within a few minutes, all the zombies were affixed with talismans and stood still. Xiao Ma and Xie Yuqing were stunned. Xiao Ma suddenly thought of something, frowned and said, "Little Ye Zi, why didn't you seal them up first before you rescued that female student, causing us to work hard here for a long time and almost be bitten to death by zombies."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyelids: "These zombies are connected with the corpse of the female corpse, and only one of the two ends can be pinched. If I seal them, the female corpse will have to wake up."

Xiao Ma was surprised: "What do you mean, that female corpse is more difficult to deal with than these hundred green-haired zombies?"

"Nonsense, what's the use of having a large number, the strength is not at the same level at all." Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked, the beauty in black was still fighting with the ghost baby. Immediately frowned and said: "Who is this woman with such strong magic power?"

"She is the psychic I mentioned, Rui Lengyu," Lao Guo said weakly while sitting on the ground.

"Brother, you won't be able to die for a while, right?"

Lao Guo was speechless, and said angrily: "I haven't earned your money, I can't die."

"That's fine, I'll help first." Ye Shaoyang walked quickly towards the beauty in black, and with a groan, he drew out the Seven Star Longquan Sword, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

The ghost baby was startled, and quickly made a judgment, knowing that he was definitely not the opponent of the two together, not to mention that he had a powerful magical weapon such as the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword in his hand, and immediately flicked his limbs, jumped up, and could not get off the ground. At five meters, the five-element flag trembled suddenly, and countless purple lights shot out together, interweaving into a large net above.

The ghost baby bumped into the net and fell down. The beauty in black with quick eyesight and quick hands drew a stick horizontally and hit the ghost baby. With a scream, the ghost baby flew out and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang.

"You came at the right time. You are finished!" Ye Shaoyang chanted the mantra, swung the Seven Star Longquan Sword, and chopped off with one sword, split the ghost baby in two from the waist, and fell to the ground. A thick black air flowed from it It evaporates from the body and gradually dissipates in the air.

Xiao Ma and Xie Yuqing quickly surrounded her and took a closer look. There were no internal organs in the incised abdominal cavity of the ghost baby, only stuffed cotton.

"It's really a rag doll!" Xie Yuqing recalled what the beauty in black had said before, and said incredulously, "Can a rag doll also become a spirit?"

"Things with a human form can easily become evil spirits. It may have been buried with Feng Xinyu. It was nourished by the corpse's energy and became an evil spirit, and its cultivation is not weak."

Countless souls floated out from the ghost baby's seven orifices and abdomen, and scattered around. A translucent shadow slowly emerged beside the ghost baby. It was Liao Qingqing, who bowed deeply to Ye Shaoyang, "Thank you, Great Master help me."

Ye Shaoyang let out a sigh of relief, no matter what, he finally rescued Liao Qingqing and had an explanation with Hu Shuai. The spirits that flew away just now were all people killed by the ghost baby, and they were transformed into spirits through confinement practice. Fortunately, Liao Qingqing was detained not long ago, otherwise sooner or later he would also end up scattered.

"You attach it to the talisman first, follow me back, and help you gather your soul." Ye Shaoyang took out a piece of talisman paper, asked Liao Qingqing to attach it, and put it in his pocket. Then he turned his head and looked up and down at the beautiful woman in black. ... It's too punctual, not losing to Xie Yuqing at all, but the two are not of the same type, Xie Yuqing is a bit of a womanizer, bluffing, but this beauty is very cold, a bit of an iceberg beauty.